Think Everything happens in the people life is for good.
Events and problems in life, are for something good only when we often compare them with future events etc. It becomes clear to us that they are for good.
A story: A man was an advisor to an African king. The advisor was a scholar and often looked at everything that happened “for good reason” and told the king clearly.
One day while cutting the king’s meat, he suddenly cut off the king’s finger.
And the king was wroth, and said unto him, Why dost thou thus? his advisor says, as he learned, ‘This is for the best.
You’re missing what you judged me to be, and you’re telling me it’s for the best, and the king is extremely angry and puts him in prison, where he imprisons him.
Then one day while the king was going abroad, on the way, he fell into the hands of the Canibalis Bulguu (the strangers who eat people).
After they had caught him, they boiled wood to eat, steamed water, and began to prepare to pass the king on to him.
According to the Cannibal tradition, only a full-bodied person can be eaten. If he is disabled, they do not eat him, they let him go.
When they looked at the king’s body after they had finished everything, it was not complete. One of his fingers has been amputated.
The king survived that day and returned to his country. As soon as he returned, he released his advisor from prison and apologized.
He told his old mentor what had happened to him, saying that he saw that what you said to me when my finger was cut off was good.
He told her that it was a big mistake to arrest you, and I said sorry again.
The prison counselor said, as usual, that you had arrested me for a good reason. How can it be good for me to arrest you?” the king asked in surprise.
If you hadn’t arrested me, I would have gone with you. When I go with you, those Kanibalis will catch me too.
I am invited because my body is full. I wouldn’t be alive today, said the counselor. The broken finger saved two lives.
As we can learn from this story, perhaps today’s injuries will save our lives tomorrow.
Today’s problems may help us work harder for tomorrow. If some situations are difficult for you, it is not wrong to consider that it may be for the better!
Please people who have read about this bastard, please leave a comment below I would have lost my heart to read without something like this. Also observe the people who comment here without reading anything.

In general, Events and difficulties in life, are for something good only when we often compare them with future events etc.
It becomes clear to us that they are for good and when we reach our desired destination it appears to us. It plays an important role in our daily performance to improve our lives and helps us to enrich our life experiences.
So when something happens, it is good for the future to think that it is for the good.
App Armaan Gadii Bufachuun Dubbisi.