Secret of friendship in life of human on the earths.
“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to describe ;it’s not something you learn in school. “True friends are like stars;You don’t always see them; but you know they are always with you in the actions they take for you. False friends are like shadows that follow you in the sun but leave you in darkness. Reflect on the thoughts of these wise men. Friendship goals are used to enhance, improve and even build new goals that you have set for yourself.
“Friendship is the most difficult thing in the world to describe ;it is not something that is taught in school.But if you don’t know the meaning of friendship you really haven’t learned anything “Muhammad Ali these are friends who live side by side for a reason, friends during school and friends for life. Perhaps you know that this definition has many criteria for naming?
There is probably something different with the one you already know! so don’t distract me anymore and I’ll tell you where you need to rest.
A friend is one of the best things you can be and the greatest things you can have “Sarah Valdez In friendship, a person can have many friends regardless of age and maybe have a strong relationship with one or two people. But what are these structures?” If that has occurred to you, calm down! We are going to look at it below.
“True friends are like stars;You don’t always see them; but you always know they’re with you by the actions they take for you “Christy Evans.False friends are like shadows;They follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark”Izaya Orithara ( Durara) Re-analyze these scholars’ opinions!
Choosing a partner is the root of life and the backbone of some individuals of humanity Any human being has a partner with him even if it is physically or mentally Actions or performance Characteristics and desires Clothes and words he /she uses /group.
Hairdressing style and given this more than seventy-five percent (75/%) of the similarities; or close together They may be referred to as best friends or not best friends. therefore ,choosing a friend or roommates is the most important thing in the life we live. You know what made me say it was the oldest? Because a friend is a secret chamber. If you have ever entrusted your friend with someone whom you have not told your father, mother and brother or sister, the choice of a friend is the first and choosing a friend requires determination, determination and complete thought.
Choosing a partner goal
Friendship goals are used to enhance, improve and even build new goals that you have set for yourself.

Choosing a partner has two goals
1,l path to the goal of goal and vision for vision as a path (trail).
2, It is an obstacle to its appearance and nature that can cause failure.
These relationship goals are aligned in our lives and this work includes our personal goals. so choosing a friend is the goal of knowing the difference between these two and to know this “say they are my friends,keep in mind the people you count ;and understand their work The message of this book will no doubt be understood right then.
When it comes to choosing friends, parents are not the only ones who ignore this. We should add that “Life is partly what we do and partly what we choose to do with our friends. “Tennessee Williams Yes! If you need to add comments on the characteristics of a friend, they are as follows
1, A friend for life
2, We will define these two Pretend Friends
Life Partner
“A friend who understands your tears ,is more valuable than many friends who know your smile” “It’s really hard to find life partners and it’s hard not to find them and it’s impossible to forget “Yes! although it is very hard to find such a person but the presence is life and this is going to be less but there is nothing more precious than one’s own life, Is there?!Right;as you said there is never anything more precious than one’s own life so the price of a life partner is easy you have to keep realizing that it is not!
The person we call “life partner ” may not stop living in this world full of lies today and even if he does occasionally that person is not badly loved Because if it is said that you and I today in whatever we do that our friend tells us our shortcomings rather than let him strengthen us,our innermost feelings with such a person do not welcome Bad because,doing good may last longer but doing evil deeds is not new to be so difficult.
The person we now call a “life partner” is the right friend and will focus on correcting you.This means that he will only be angry with you if he distinguishes what you have done wrong from what you have done well advise or not allow you to leave you is the choice rather than betraying the truth in general ,this life partner or truth is our first stakeholder in making us a better person.
Characteristics of a true and Life Friend
1, He will not show superiority over you, He will not touch you with knowledge above you Beautiful appearance,clothes ,money wealth and all the things you do not have as much He will not hurt you by speaking proudly This friend of life we call,” my wealth is yours “, he said,hope breeding you will satisfy your heart.
2, I Don’t Want You To Be Embarrassed Anywhere:When you are knocked down by anger or lack of ability or refusal to suit you in the wrong place,he will stand as a pillar for you. If he is sick he will suffer with you and seek a solution He will try to hide it from you
3, He Enjoys What You Have As His Own: he shares what he has with you and jats what you have as his own
4, He Will Keep Your Secrets Like His :when you tell him all the things you have hurt or adorned with, he will keep them in his heart until his soul passes away.
5,Share your problems:
“Many people come in and out of your life but only true friends leave their footprints in you To fill your gaps ,directly or indirectly they try very hard so knowing by friends is an example for us ‘uu might be like this; they exhort ,they go together.
Abdi is poor because his father passed away and for his brothers he is the first (habgafa) born His mother makes bread in someone’s house and earns money to educate her children Lammi’s family is wealthy But because his family loves money One day Abdi’s mother became seriously ill and died. Abdi does something because he has no friend and no solution to be human but shabus watching his mother give birth is a dream for him,a friend in distress.

He told Lammi his grief in tears and Lammi was so tired of watching his friend’s crying for grief that he couldn’t rest and got up from where they were sitting together to find a solution I sold it to Abdi’s mother and treated it and told my family that my phone was stolen from me “he agreed to his idea and the phone was just sold out in a short time, Abdi’s mother saved her life from death and Abdi from a serious death it was living without a phone This example is an example of true friendship! It is easy to imagine that there are a few who care even more about their friends so,a true friend is life!
6, Deeply Advises You
A true friend takes the circumstances of human achievement For example : the harm of wasting one’s time in the wrong place and the benefits and harms of not leaving it,will prolong the roots of your life this was because his words were popular and accepted ,and it was posted on social media I got the information from there He said,”I didn’t know what I would do in my life when I didn’t have boyfriends before They took out my coat,made me a shower house to wash in. They dressed me!This man is known as Reese Witherspoon.
7,I don’t want your name to be called where it isn’t
True friends tell you the good things behind your back and you your flaws and shortcomings Because they focus on eliminating those bad and bad habits
1, His friend is evil
2, His friend is a prostitute
3, His friend is a thief; is a liar”
4, His friend is arrogant”
5, His friend despises him”
6, His friend has polite words coming out of his mouth”etc. He never wants to hear that a friend is called him, that this name is affixed to him.
8, Share his knowledge and experience with you
Yes, it is! This true friend would love anything he read from someone else or from a book, and anything he invented himself if his friend knew/knew/ as much as he,he makes a concerted effort to teach and understand what he knows. not only because,he does not support you in the lies you lie and what is not good works ,But we because he is our friend ; we want him to lie to us and commit crimes or evil things with us.lnni but,because he is the right person; a will never leave us but will do no harm to us. In general,although it is difficult to find such a person /friend/, the ear rooming if we find it is more than the chance of a million dollar lottery. A true friend and a good book teach the taste of life! it will also be a reason for you to grow and succeed!
So-called fake friends keep you from having the right relationships with good people Today more than half of what you and I say “We have a lot of friends” include fake or fake friends But because he plays with us and enjoys himself, “real friends If we ask ourselves, “How much am I to my friend?; how much is my friend to me?”, the answer is probably inside us.
Characteristics of a Pretending /fake Peer:
1, he will try hard to thwart you by bringing many nations to you when you talk about the plans you have planned that are “good for my future!”The reason is that he doesn’t want you to be better than him.
2, he will try hard to destroy your gifts or possessions that you have but do not have his own.
Some poisonous people come in the guise of friends and family and injure without scratching. Let us take the example of yaakana to give us a satisfactory message that this act may have happened to us if it is not the same situation from everyone whether it is through male or female friends or someone who has ever been close to it they are of the same generation. But,they didn’t know each other where they were born,Even though they are from the same village since
They arrived at a university and learned.
Hawkeye is a characterful child,her parents raised her with manners.But Caaltu is a child who doesn’t have anyone to be angry with her man like Hawkeye and lives life as she pleases.So they don’t see the inside of someone, right? Hawkeye and Catherine must become friends after they have had some conversations with each other in depth. What is the Best Wish I am old and my plans are tomorrow.Now I am sitting on the arms of my family and what will this kind of thing do to me? She answered question by question.better ihm! Are you telling me, “I know nothing, virgin,” Hawkeye?
Hawwii Yes Caaltu right I have kept my dignity till today and I will keep my dignity till I get married.I am a virgin and not a woman. wait for me then” she seems to say. Her inner suspicion of saying this is predicted by the following action After a month of stay, Caaltu met many men;She told a boy named Guluma all about her friend Hawwii! Guluma he is a man who has a girlfriend (girlfriend) and he told Catherine that he has.Catherine said “Yes, I know you have But do this for me”,she said “A man sent by a woman is not afraid of death “isn’t it?

Guluma said “Well I will do it to support you.”Their agreement is that Caaltu loves Guluma;lnni is a trap set to destroy her honor (virginity) so that he hates Caaltu but Hawwii loves Guluma. Well!,Evil works succeed quickly on this earth, don’t they?
Catherine’s goal and trap was achieved, while Hawkeye thought all this was true and kept herself in the world of true love, she fell into the world of fake love he picks her up from the phone but on end he even blocks her phone so she can’t call him.
Hawkeye then her luck took her to the point of insanity.
A girl who used to be known for her decency and did not follow the fashion of girls is here to strip naked and today it is a question not only for her family, but for everyone. It also embarrassed them and made them speechless for the name her family gave her. So wish was one of her proofs that the loss of a loved one is very painful and that crying and grief can also lead to illness by not eating. It is very difficult to judge Hawwii. Because:
1, she lost her creative honor, her time and her plans.
2, she couldn’t get his gullibility so much.
3, She is also angry that she has made a traitorous friend. When these three are combined, they are very harmful.
Hawkeye eats her fingers if she had eaten dust when she met Catherine. So waiting and regret goes beyond the background. I am writing this true story as an example so that you can learn from it and watch yourself from falling into such things and eating your fingers like a wish. It is happier to live alone than to have fifty traitorous friends. So before this happens to you as we just looked at the story above. Choose a true friend is the secret of my writing. New the most fiery of the true stories we have mentioned above.
It is safer to identify our friend’s character than to approach him based on his money, clothing, and power. To know this, we must study his actions, attitudes and thoughts in depth. Hurry up and name a friend he/she is my friend. Avoid labeling and examine the person’s character.False praises you
This will be a beautiful path to your failure by praising you as a hero for the evil you have done. But you are very happy that he praises you for something you do not understand. Me, you and anyone else, everything that makes us happy is someone who encourages us in everything we don’t do. But, this is a sign of our lack of understanding. The question is why? If it were walking inside us; we would understand a lot of things.
4, A fake friend will pretend to be yours in many people and humiliate you by pointing fingers at your shortcomings. There are many who will show you their teeth and smile today.
5, He airs the secrets you told him or shared. Such a friend will eat and drink with you as long as he is with you and when you have a little fight or fight, he will insult you and tell someone else about your secrets that you accused him of being my friend. So, who is your friend? When this little friend fights you, his/her first step is to spread your secrets. Your secret that was decaying from person to person was the only one inside you.
6, This person never wants to play with you about your life. When you talk about your life and your stress, they show a met of silence or a change of tone. Do you know why? He is not willing to share your pain and grief because he came to take your knowledge back, or because you have money and wealth, or because you have power and relationships with strong people. You may be surprised at the above. If this word has surprised you, you have really experienced someone like this.
A false friend will be a rock to your goals. If your plan is to learn and reach great heights, a fake friend will say come and read when you say he will come and have a drink and watch a movie or will I pass it on to you and we will go to a coffee shop and play together? Shall we go to the casino? and the like as an option for you. You run along with it. This is because you have already chosen a friend and you have already chosen a friend and understood his identity and nature. Where your friend lives, where does he/she live before you? Ask yourself and choose one of your key answers.
7, Cunning or bravery is the right thing to do and use you. He will use your resources and try harder to hide his. This person even tells you something stupid about your greatness and destroys your good manners. In general, don’t think we’re nutty because everyone who is close to us loves us, and those who are far away from us hate us. Just as there are a few who approach nutty and take our strengths or abilities and follow our weaknesses, there are also many who are physically lawful and wish us well even if they are away from us due to lack of circumstances and time.
We can distinguish between these two friends if we give ourselves space and learn to identify which ones are the good works as well as the bad ones and learn to lie down and think about them by reinforcing them. Sometimes removing the wrong friends or people from your life opens the door for the right friends or people to enter your life.