We create friendship to the God to survive life.
A cruel man is an abomination to the LORD: but he that is upright in heart is confident. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. The closer you choose to be, the closer you will be to God, Like his other friendships, you need to work on strengthening your friendship with God. That’s not a coincidence. It takes time and energy.
If you want to have a deep and strong relationship with God, you must honestly share your feelings with Him, trust Him when He does not ask you to do something, learn to care for what He cares for, and above all seek His friendship.
I must choose to be faithful to God. The first requirement for a deep friendship with God is complete loyalty. Trust Him about your shortcomings and feelings. God does not expect you to be perfect, but your faithfulness must be perfect. None of God’s friends in the Bible are perfect.
If being perfect is a necessary requirement for friendship with God, we cannot be His friends anyway. Because of God’s grace, Jesus is the bond between those who learn and those who do not live according to the law.
In the Bible, God’s friends turned from their honest, complaining expressions of feelings to God and arguing with their Creator. However, God in His goodness didn’t really care about this, He encouraged that.
God allowed Abraham to speak to Him about the destruction of Sodom. By pleading with God not to destroy Sodom, he was able to bring from fifty to ten saints.
God also heard David’s many complaints about injustice, rejection, and abandonment. When Jeremiah said that God had deceived him, God did not strike him.
Job expressed his distress in his suffering. Finally, God testified to Job for his faithfulness, and rebuked his friends for their untruthfulness and error.
And God said unto them, Let not my wrath be kindled against thee, and against thy two brethren: because thou hast not spoken of me the thing that is right, as my servant Job hath. In one example of God’s friendship in a clear situation, God expressed His feelings of anger over the disobedience of the nation of Israel.
He told Moses that He had promised to give you His land, but that He would not go with them one step further in the wilderness. God was sorry, and told Moses how He felt, God was sorry, and showed Moses how He felt.
Moses, who was speaking to God as his friend, replied in the same way, Moses then said to God, Behold, you say to me, Bring up this people, but you have not told me whom you will see with me , that I may know thee, and that I may find grace in thy sight, that I may live: and consider that this people is thy people.
And God said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. And Moses said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence: for how shall it be known that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight, except thou go with us?
Isn’t it known that I and your people are different from other parents’ people by the way you go with us? Said. And the LORD said unto Moses, I know thee by name: I know thee by name, because thou hast found grace in my sight. Will God take away so much truth and faithfulness from you?
Without a doubt, a good friendship is built on sharing secrets. Courage takes what God says as truth. God listens to the kind words of his friends, but the words repeated from the practice tire him out.
To be God’s friend, you must trust God, think or speak to Him, not just what you feel. If you feel like you have been cheated in your life or if you feel like there is something you are sorry about and you are secretly angry with God, you need to repent.
Until we mature and understand that God does everything for good, we will take revenge on God for our physical posture, our background, our unanswered prayers, our past injuries and changing if we were God.
People often blame God for the injuries others have done to them. This creates what William Bucks calls a deep gap between God and you. Bitterness is the biggest obstacle to your relationship with God. Why do I want to be God’s friend since He has allowed this to happen in my life?
The solution to this is to understand that God is always working for your good, even if the injury is severe and incomprehensible. But getting rid of the hatred in you and expressing your feelings is the first step to healing. Like many people in the bible, tell God exactly how you feel. Look at Job, look at Jeremiah, and Naomi.

To teach us kindness and faithfulness, God gave us a book of psalms that contains guidelines for worship, doubts, fears, hatreds, and deep sorrows, as well as praise and words of praise. All the emotions that can be expressed in people are in the book of songs.
When you read David and others expressing their feelings, realize that God wants you to worship Him as well, without leaving out any of your feelings. You can pray like David and I will pour out my first sickness.
I will confess my troubles to the former. When my spirit is weak in me you don’t know where to go. It is comforting to know that all of God’s closest friends, Moses, Abraham, Job, and others, struggled with doubt. But they spoke their complaints honestly to the nation without ignoring them.
Expressing doubts is sometimes the first step to moving your relationship with God to the next level. Every time you trust God’s wisdom and do what He tells you, you deepen your friendship with God, even if you don’t know it.
We don’t think of obedience as a friendly behavior it is useful for a family relationship or with someone above us or in charge, not for a friend. However, Jesus also made it clear that obedience is one condition for having a close relationship with God.
He said, If you do what I command you, you are my friends. In the previous chapter I explained that when Jesus used the word relatives it referred to the king’s relatives in the court.
Although these people who are close relatives of the king have special privileges, they still have to submit to the king and obey his commands. We are friends of God, but not equal to you. He leads us in love, and we follow Him.
We obey God not out of fear or duty, but because we love Him and trust Him to know what is best for us. We want to follow Jesus for all that He has done for us and for the salvation He has done for us, and the closer we follow Him, the greater our relationship with Him will be.
Unbelievers often think that Christians obey out of compulsion or guilt or fear of punishment, but the opposite is true. Because our sins are forgiven and we are set free, we love and obey Him and our obedience brings us great joy.
Jesus said, As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.
These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. Notice that Jesus wants us to do only what He Himself did for His Father. His relationship with his father is an example of the relationship we should have with him. Out of love, Jesus did everything his father asked him to do.
True friendship is not invisible, it is visible in action. When Jesus asks us to love others, to help the poor, to share your possessions, to keep our lives holy, to forgive, and to bring others to Him, love moves us to obey Him immediately.
We always think that we are expected to do great things for God. He truly rejoices even more in the little things we do for Him out of loving obedience. They may not be known to other people, but God knows them, and count them as acts of worship.
Big opportunities may come once in a lifetime, but small opportunities are always around us. Even if we do small things like telling the truth, being kind, and encouraging others, we can brighten God’s face with joy.
God values the little acts of obedience we do more than the prayers of thanksgiving and gifts we give to Him. The Bible tells us that Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD?
Behold, obedience is better than sacrifice. Listening is better than offering a sheepfold. Jesus was baptized by John at the age of 30 and began His public ministry.
Then God spoke from heaven and said, “This is my beloved Son. My joy is not fulfilled in him. He did not speak from heaven. What was Jesus doing in 30 years that made God happy?
The Bible says nothing about those hidden years, it says there. And he went up to Nareth, and was subject unto his father and mother. For 30 years he pleased God and lived obediently summarized in two words.
This is what friends do. What they take care of to heal someone else. As you become God’s friend, you will care for what He cares for, grieve for what He grieves for, and rejoice in what He rejoices for. Paul is a good example of this.
God’s cause is his cause, and my jealousy for God thus burned me with jealousy for the light of your house, and the reproach with which they reproached you fell from me.
David was in a similar situation. Jealousy has burned our house, and the insults with which they have insulted you have fallen from me. Which one does God care about most?
For the salvation of his people. He wants his lost children to be found. That is the whole reason Jesus came to earth. The most precious thing in God’s mind is the death of His Son. The second precious thing is when people share this good news with others.
To be a friend of God, you must care about the people around you who care about God.Friends of God tell their friends about God. the hymnbooks fill such needs. David wanted to know more than anything else, he uses words like thirst and hunger.
He wants to see God. One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.
In another of his psalms he said, Finding your loving kindness is better than the life I now live, therefore my tongue will praise you. Jacob was so eager for God to bless him that he said all night, I will not let you go unless you bless me.
He struggled with God. The most amazing thing about that story is that Almighty God allowed Jacob to defeat him. God does not grieve when we do not have His struggle, because struggle requires a personal relationship and brings us closer to Him. Furthermore, it is an act of love, and God loves what we do in love.
Paul is another man who loves friendship with God. There is nothing better for him, he gives it his first priority and full attention and it is the goal of his whole life. That is why God used Paul in such a great way.
Paul’s greatest desire is expressed in this way, that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.
The truth is that the closer you choose to be to Him, the closer you are to God. Developing a deep friendship with God is a choice, not a coincidence. You have to think about it and look for it.
Do I really want him above all else? Am I allowed to give up other things for him? Do you want to develop experiences and practices that strengthen your friendship?
Perhaps you have longed to be God’s friend in the past, but now you have come. that was also a problem for the Christians in Ephesus. They left their first love.
They did all the things they had to do, not love. If your spiritual life is just a learned experience, don’t be surprised if God sees suffering in you.
Suffering increases our will and gives us the strength to change our thirst that we have never had before. Suffering is the loudspeaker of God. It is the means by which God raises us from spiritual death. Your problems are not punishment.
They are phone calls given to you by God who loves you to wake you up. God gave it to you not because He was angry with you, but because He loved you. He will do everything he can to keep your relationship with him. But there is an easy way to regain your desire for God.
Start praying to God to give it back to you and keep praying until you get it. Pray this prayer every day dear Lord Jesus above all else, I want to get closer to you and know you deeply God said to the people who were under the goodness of Babylon you will not seek me if you seek me with all your heart you will find me.
Your relationship that means everything to you
There is nothing better for you than developing a friendship with God. He is an eternal relationship. Paul told Timothy that people do not claim to have this knowledge.
Have you lost this most important relationship in your life? You can do something about it starting now. Remember that is your choice. You choose to draw close to him now and draw close to God.