God want whole of the humanity pleasure worship.
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength, this is the first commandment.
God wants your wholeness. God doesn’t want just a certain part of your life.He will require your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole mind, and your whole strength.
God is not pleased with heartfelt surrender, one sided obedience and the rest of your time and energy.
He wants a complete relationship with Him, not a piece of your life.
The Samaritan woman tried to argue with Jesus about the best place and way to worship.
Jesus told her that these physical things were not important. Why you worship and how much of your identity you give to God when you worship is more effective than where you worship.
There are right and wrong ways to worship. The Bible says then let us be thankful because we receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken.
Wherefore let us not worship God with reverence and awe, as we once did.
Worship that pleases God has four characteristics.
Many times people say they want to think of God as something, and then they comment on the kind of god they want to worship.
But we cannot create and worship an image of God in our own way and in a politically correct manner. That would be idolatry.
worship should be based on biblical truth, not on our ideas of god.
Jesus told the Samaritan woman, the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
True worship is the true worship of God as He is revealed in the Bible.
When Jesus says you must worship in the Spirit, He is not talking about the Holy Spirit, but about your spirit.
Because you are created in the image of God, you are a spirit that lives in the body.
God created you so that your spirit would agree with Him. Worship is your spirit’s response to the Spirit of God.
When Jesus said to love God with all your heart and soul, He meant that worship must be good and sincere.
He is not choosing the right words, you have to say what he says.
Unheartfelt gratitude is not complete gratitude it is cursing God, it is worthless.
When we worship Him, God looks more at the attitude of our heart than at our words.
The Bible says, man looks at the outward appearance, but I, the Lord, look at the heart. Worship is about enjoying God and it involves your emotions.
God gave you feelings so that you can worship Him with deep feelings, but those feelings must be real, not pretend.
I hate lying to God. He doesn’t want you to do things in worship to be seen by people or to be proud.
He wants your faithful and true love. We can worship God in an imperfect way but we cannot worship Him in a way that is not from the heart.
It is not enough to really worship with a dead whole heart, you can make mistakes while worshiping with a whole heart. That is why both truth and spirit are necessary.
Worship must be right and true worship to please God has deep feelings and deep doctrines.
We use both our hearts and our minds. Today people pretend to move with the emotions of music, to move spiritually, but these are not the same.
True worship takes place when your spirit responds to God, not to the sound of music.
Yet emotionally charged and human-focused songs are a hindrance to worship because they cause our focus to be on our emotions rather than on worship.
The biggest thing that destroys your worship is you desires and worries about what other people think of you disrupt your worship.
Christians often have different ideas about the true and proper way to praise God, but these debates always reflect differences in identities and backgrounds.
There are many ways to be grateful mentioned in the Bible. These include speaking, singing, shouting, standing in reverence, kneeling, singing, cheering, testifying, playing musical instruments, and raising hands.
The best form of worship is the one that can truly represent your love for God based on your background and God-given identity.
My friend Gerry Thomas said that instead of developing a strong relationship with God, many Christians live in a thirsty and boring worship style because they use their own ways or worship styles that are not in line with the way God created them . . . .
Such a group wonders, since God intentionally created us all differently, why does everyone want to love God in the same way?
Reading relevant books and asking mature Christians, Gerry discovered that for 2000 years Christians have used many different ways to enjoy their great relationship with God going outside, studying, singing, reading, singing, creating art, parenting serving the rise, going out alone, enjoying relationships and participating in many other activities.
List nine ways in which people can draw close to God. Nature admirers are inspired to love God by going outside and observing the harmony of nature.
It is not their ears to love God with their senses, and to enjoy the beautiful worship services that involve their senses of sight, taste, breath, and touch.
People in the religious camsa culture approach God with unchanging symbols and structures. People who just go out for the sake of faith simply go out and choose to love God.
People who want change love God by opposing evil, fighting wrong judgment, and working to make the world a better place.
Warm parents love God by loving others and fulfilling their desires.
People who are emotionally happy love God by celebrating. People who like to be silent worship to worship and give glory to God.
The wise love God by examining their minds.
There is no one way for everyone to worship God and strengthen their friendship with him.
You cannot bring glory to God by not being what God created you to be. God wants you to be you.
But the time will come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. He has already arrived.
For the Father seeketh such to worship him. In the New Testament, Jesus’ command to love God with all your mind is repeated four times.
God is not pleased with thoughtless hymns, disjointed and boring prayers, whatever you say thank you to the Lord worship without understanding is meaningless.
You have to engage your mind.Jesus said that worship without thinking is just as hard.
If we use it too much, even biblical words can weaken us, and then we stop thinking about their meaning.
It is easier to use boring things in worship than to create new words and techniques to please God.
So I encourage you to study the various bible translations and phrases. This will explain how to explain worship.
Try to thank God without using customary words such as praise, hallelujah, thanksgiving, or amen.
Instead of saying we want to thank you, use synonymous words like admire, honor, exalt, bless, glorify, and enjoy.
And be very limited. If someone approaches you and says thank you ten times, for which one?
You might be thinking.
you’d rather take two limited ideas than twenty general ideas. God is the same. The idea is to focus on the names of God you have listed forever.
God’s names are not given to Him arbitrarily, they tell us about His various attributes.
In the Old Testament, God gradually revealed Himself to Israel by telling them His new names, and commanded us to praise His name.
Watch the tape on the names of God to see how God will fulfill your deepest desires.

God wants our worship with each other to be intentional. Paul explains this throughout the chapter and concludes at the end.
But everything must be done well and with patience. Similarly, God wants our worship services to be understandable to unbelievers if they are among us.
Paul explains, then if you give thanks to God in the Spirit, how can he say goodbye to your giving of thanks without knowing what you are saying?
Can I say amen to the thanks you offered? No matter how good the thanks you offered, it didn’t help to strengthen the man who got up.
It is also a biblical command to care for unbelievers who come to visit you in worship. To refuse to accept this command is to abandon the command as well as to lack love.
For a full explanation of this issue, see the pride that worship can be a testimony to in the church book The Purpose of Leadership.
The Bible says, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Why does God want your body? Why didn’t He say offer sacrifices in your spirit?
Because you can do nothing on this earth outside your body. In the kingdom of God you will receive a new, improved and beautiful body, but when you are on earth, God will tell you to give me what He has found.
He wants worship to be manifested in action.You may have heard people say I can’t be at the meeting tonight, but I’m with you in spirit.
Do you know what that means? It is of no use as long as you live on earth, your spirit can live empty where your body is.
If your body is not there, you are not there. When we worship, we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice.
Now, we we often associate the idea of sacrifice with dead things, but God wants you to be a living sacrifice.
He wants it to live for him. However, the problem with the living sacrifice is that it can fall off the altar and so do we often.
On Saturday we sing, O Christian soldier, go forward, and on Sunday we are expelled soldiers.
In the Old Testament, God was pleased with the worship offerings of many people, because they already said that Jesus would be sacrificed for us on the cross.
God is pleased with many sacrifices of worship such as praise, thanksgiving, humility, repentance, financial gifts, prayer, serving others and sharing with those in need.
True worship comes at a price. David knew about this, so he said, but King David replied to Araunah, “No, I will buy it from you for a price, but I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God without cost.
David did not buy the threshing floor or the sheep for six shekels of silver.
One of the costs of worship is our selfishness.
You cannot grow God and yourself at the same time. You do not worship to be seen by men or to please yourself.
You think about it and stop focusing on yourself and when Jesus said love God with all your might he showed that worship is exhausting and demands human strength.
It is not always organized or convenient, sometimes worship is voluntary work and voluntary sacrifice.
Worship should not be invisible in action. When you thank God even when you are not willing to give thanks, when you get out of bed to worship when you are tired, or when you help others when you are very tired, you are offering a sacrifice of worship to God.
That pleases God. Matt Redman, who leads the worship in England, tells how the pastor of his church taught him the meaning of worship.
To show that worship went beyond singing alone, he suspended singing services in the church for a while so that they could learn another way to worship.
At the end of that time, the family who wrote the beloved hymn Heart of Worship has brought you something more than a hymn.
Because I learned that singing alone is not what you asked for. It requires someone deeper inside than in the way things appear. You are looking at my stomach inside.