Everything in the humankind life happens at own time.
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
There is no crossroads to maturity.
It takes years to grow to maturity, and the fruit of a tree takes a whole season to ripen, Eye The same is true of the Spirit. Growth in Christlike character is not hurried. Spiritual growth, like physical growth, takes time.
You try to cook the fruit in a hurry and it loses its flavor, In America, tomatoes are cut before they are ripe and do not disappear when they are taken to the store, then, before they are sold, the green tomatoes are sprayed with carbon dioxide it is edible, but it does not taste like the one that grows slowly on its tree.
When we worry about how fast we grow, how brave God is.
It focuses on becoming and growing, god watches our lives from eternity, and is not in a hurry for this for eternity.
Len Addams once progressed
The spirit of Ailyans tactics in the second World war.
I gave lands surrounded by the sea to liberate the south pacific
We used it and compared it.
First they weakened the sea-covered country, by striking the country with strong walls from the coast Exhausting, Next, small groups get involved in small spaces.
Once the occupation is securely protected, it is easy to liberate the rest of the country in a long process will gradually take control of the whole country, but only after costly wars.
Adams compares this to Christ changing our lives before sometimes bringing us problems we cannot control
It should weaken us, Some people open the door to Jesus when he first knocks, much like our pre-conversion experience,
Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
When you open your life to Christ, God will take a place in your life
He gets to win it, all your life
You dsndde think you gave it to him but the truth is there are many things in your life that you don’t even know.
You only give to God as much as you realize that moment and that is fine, if Christ finds a place in your life to win, He will slowly begin to control the entire rest of your life There may be struggles and battles, but the outcome is uncertain.
God promises us this
He who began a good work in you has entered, until the day
I believe that Yessus will perfect it at His second coming.
Discipleship is the process of committing yourself to Christ, and the Bible says this is until, We all believe in unity
We will become mature people in the knowledge of the Son of God, and we will grow to the measure of the fullness of Christ.
Christ likeness is a goal you slowly reach,but your journey is a lifelong one.
In the past we have seen that this walk involves believing (through worship), commitment (through relationship) and becoming (through discipleship), Day
Everything God is more like him
he wants you to look like. You have put on the new personality.
We look at speed today, but God looks at our strength and stability rather than our speed, we need urgent repairs and crossroads, we need conferences, seminars,Or
We want an experience that will immediately solve our problems,remove all our trials,and free us from all our greatest illnesses,
But no matter how powerful and strong you are, maturity is not the result of practice. Growth is gradual The Bible says, And we shall be changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord
Although God can change us immediately, He can change us slowly
Choosing to raise Yessus wisely strengthened His disciples in this way,
God swore to the Israelites for their land that they would not suffer
little by little.
As He said they would take it,He also grows us from Small steps to the greater in our lives. Why it takes so long to change and grow There are many reasons.
The way to learn a lesson is that we have to repeat it forty or fifty times, problems come up again and again, and we may think that.
I won’t come back before
I’ve learned! But God is on us
I know how quickly the story of Israel teaches us the lessons God teaches us and how quickly we forget and go back to our old ways
We need to learn the explanation again and again.
Many people go to a professional for personal problems or
They took a relationship that had been strong for them for many years and went and said I want you to fix me in an hour foolishly seeking immediate solutions to long-standing and deep-rooted problems.
Many of our problems are our habits during an evening
Because it didn’t happen to us.
There is no work, instruction or prayer to wait for them to leave us immediately,
with great effort to cast off and replace the old personality
Taking it out and putting on the new personality .
When you change, even the new identity you are given is still a character,
You will have old habits and experiences to destroy.
I have seen that the truth sets us free but first hurts us, if we accept our difficult character honestly
Fear of what might happen keeps us in the shackles of priority.

If God shines His light on our mistakes, failures and imperfections
Only, we can work on them,with a humble attitude and
Having to be open to learning
That’s why you can’t grow if you don’t.
There is no growth without change, fear
Or no change but loss of something
There is, there is a loss of something in any change, you have to leave your old ways to practice the new, even though our old ways are destructive, we are afraid of losing that because we like it like an old shoe.
People always build their identity around their flaws We say, That’s what I want to be
And I am as I am.
Remember that your character is the sum of your habits. If you don’t have good habits, you can’t be called good
you are not called.
Husbands often to their wives
His honesty is not complete Your habits define your character.There is only one way to develop Christlike character, you have to practice and that takes time.
There are no immediate teachings. Paul tells Timothy, Be diligent in these things, that your progress may be manifest to all.
If you practice something over and over again for a long time, you will stick to it. Repetition gives you character and skills.
This kind of teaching building is known as spiritual discipleship, and there are many books that teach you how to do this.
As you grow in spiritual maturity, there are many things you do with God in the process. Even when you don’t feel it, realize that God is working in your life. Spiritual growth is sometimes boring and you take small steps at a time.
Gradually you will improve, the Bible says, there is a time for everything. There are times in your spiritual life where sometimes your progress will accelerate,and other times it will be slower,this involves decline and testing.
What about the teaching problems and injuries you need to get rid of quickly? It is good to pray that something wonderful will happen.
But you should not be angry if His answer is given slowly, a small slowly flowing spring slowly lifts a hard rock after a long time.
This is not a diary of events,it is a record of what you have learned, God is talking about Himself about you,
Write down what he taught you about life, relationships and other things.
Write these things down so you can remember them and pass them on to future generations. The reason we have to learn over and over again is that we forget that reading your spiritual lesson notes over and over again will save you from many sufferings and illnesses, the Bible says about this.
Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.
Our hidden distress is a characteristic,
It is who I will be if I give up my hurts and mistakes. This fear can slow down your growth. Sad Things in Life
One of them is that God’s time table is different from ours.
We are always in a hurry,but God is not like that,
For the progress of your slow spirit
You may be sad, remember God is not in a hurry to do it but He will use the time of your life to prepare you for your Contribution to Eternal Life.
The Bible contains examples of God developing human character especially of leaders, when
It is full of stories about how long it takes.
eighty years in the preparation of moses, including the forty years he spent in the wilderness
He accepted, Moses waited for God for 14,600 days and wondered if the time had not yet come, but God said, No, it had not come
He was saying.
In contrast to the titles of many well-known books,
There are no such things as Simple Steps to Maturity or the Secret of Righteousness Speed.
When God wants to create days, He creates overnight but it takes many years to create big trees Great people grow up in difficult struggles and hardships.
Be patient in the process,
James says, But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
When Habakkuk became angry, thinking that God was not acting quickly.
And God said unto him, This sign shall be fulfilled in his season
He waits, he speaks of the latter days, but he does not lie, if on earth
wait for him though he is delayed He will surely come,and will not tarry.
Pulling on the ground is God the thing
It does not reveal his denial. Remember how far you have come, not how far you have left.
You’re not somewhere you want to get to and you’re not where you’ve been before, years ago people had clothes on them that said this.
This market is directly from English in when it doesn’t even work for me
We are finished, God is not finished about you, so keep going forward, God will look down from heaven on mankind.
Do you make pleasing God your goal in life? For someone who has fully embraced this goal. There is nothing good that God does not want to do.