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People was created in the image jesus on earths.

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Christ is the image of the invisible God. He was born before all creation.

You were created to be like Christ.
From the beginning, God’s plan is to make you like his Son Jesus. This is your goal and your third purpose in life.

God has described this in creation. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the beasts of the earth.

Of all creation, only humans were created in the image of God. This is a great opportunity and gives us the upper hand.

We don’t know all the things this statement describes, but we do know some things, like God we are spiritual people our spirit doesn’t die, it lives after our earthly body, we think we can analyze, reason and solve problems like God we also form relationships we can give and receive true love.

We also have a courageous mind and can distinguish between right and wrong, which makes us accountable to God.

The Bible says that not only believers but all people are in the image of God.That is why murder and abortion are wrong.

But the form is not perfect because of sin, it is destroyed. So God sends Jesus to restore the perfect form we have lost.

Is the whole image and form of God the same? He is like Jesus Christ, the bible says Jesus is the full image of God the image of the invisible God and God as He is.

People always say to describe family similarities, the father looks like him, the son looks like him. I am happy when people see my image in my children.

God wants His children to be in His image and likeness. The Bible says, put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Let me explain this clearly: you will never be a god, or even an idol. The lie of pride is an old temptation of Satan.

Satan promised Adam and Eve that they would become gods. Many religious institutions and new age philosophers still believe that we have divine powers or that we can be gods.

Our desire to be gods shows that we are trying to control our circumstances, our future, and the people around us, but as creatures we can never be creators.

God does not want you to be an idol, He wants you to become God’s people by valuing His own things, adopting His views and characteristics.

The Bible says, Put off the old man with his doings, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;

God’s highest goal for you on earth is not a comfortable life, but character development. He wants him to grow spiritually and become like Christ.

Being like Christ does not mean giving up your identity or being unreasonable. God created your uniqueness, so He doesn’t want you to have it.

Christlikeness is not about who you are, but about changing your character.

God wants His kind of characteristics mentioned in Jesus’ teachings to have the eye of spiritual work, Paul’s great chapter on love and Peter’s list of life characteristics of success and hatred.

Whenever that behavior forgets that it is one of God’s purposes for you, you will be hurt by your circumstances.

Why is this happening to me? Why am I having such a hard time? She is surprised. One answer is that life is meant to be difficult and this is what enables us to grow, remember, the earth is not a heavenly country.

Many Christians interpret Jesus’ promise to give you the rest of your life to mean perfect health, comfortable living conditions, lasting happiness, the fulfillment of your dreams, and immediate relief from your suffering through faith and prayer.

In words they think the Christian life is easy. They expect the country from heaven and the country from this earth.

This kind of selfish attitude makes God seem like something that is sitting there to do your personal selfish desires for you.

But God is not your slave. If you have the idea that life should be easy, you will either be too left behind or you will betray the truth.

Don’t forget that life is not about you. You live for God’s purpose, but the opposite is not true.

Why would God bring life from heaven to earth when He has planned something real for you in eternity?

God gave us our time on earth to live and strengthen our character for eternal life.

The work of the Spirit of God in you is the work of the Holy Spirit in developing Christlike character in you.

The Bible says that we are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory.

This process of transforming us to become more like Christ is called sanctification, which is the third purpose of your life on earth.

You cannot develop Christlike character in your own strength. Only the Holy Spirit can make us make the changes God wants us to make.

The Bible says that it is God who works in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

When it comes to the power of the Holy Spirit, many people expect amazing sights and special feelings.

But often the power of the Holy Spirit is released to you in silence, when you do not know or feel it.

He always comes to us in a whispered voice. Christ likeness comes not by pretending but by living it. We allow Christ to live in us.

This is the mystery of Christ living in you. How does this happen in real life? By the choices we make.

It is to choose to do the right thing in situations and then ask the Holy Spirit to give us the strength, love, faith, and wisdom to do it.

Because the Spirit of God dwells in us, these things will always be asked. Throughout the Bible we find a repeated truth.

The Holy Spirit will release His power to you as soon as you take action in faith.

When Joshua faced an insurmountable obstacle and the leaders obeyed and waited in faith, the great flood of the Jordan River stopped.

Obedience releases the power of God. God thirsts for you to work on it first. Don’t wait until you have the strength or the courage to feel.

Go forward with your weaknesses, do the right thing despite your fears and feelings.
This is how you support the Holy Spirit, and your character grows with it.

The Bible likens spiritual growth to a seed, a structure, and a growing child.

Any of these examples require a lot of involvement, seeds need to be planted and cared for, buildings need to be built are not silent and children need to eat and do physical activity to grow.

Your weakness has nothing to do with your salvation but it does play a big role in your spiritual growth.

In the New Testament we are told at least eight times that we must work hard to become like Christ for our spiritual growth.

You don’t have to sit quietly and wait for it to happen. In Paul he describes our three responsibilities to become like Christ.The first is to leave our old way of working.

Put off the old man with his doings, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; Second, we need to change the way we think.

Let the Spirit change the way you think. The Bible says that by the renewal of our minds, we are changed.

The Greek word for transformation is metamorphosis, which refers to the amazing transformation of a sword into a sword.

This is a picture of what happens when we allow God to control the direction of our lives, we are transformed from the inside out, we become more beautiful, and we are free to move on to new heights.

Third, we must put on the character of Christ by developing new and good habits. Your behavior is the sum of your habits and it is what you do over and over again.

The Bible says to put on the new man which is created in the image of God in true righteousness and holiness all three are inseparable for the building of our character.

The Word of God gives us the truth we need to grow in and the circumstances around us to practice in being like Christ.

I assure you that if you study and apply the Word of God and meet believers who rise up from time to time and learn to trust God in difficult situations, you will become more like Jesus.

To many people, the only things necessary for spiritual growth seem to be bible study and prayer.

But some things in life don’t change with just bible study and prayer. God uses people.

He wants to work through people rather than do miracles, so we rely on each other in unity. He wants us to grow together.

In many religious institutions, the so-called spiritually mature and holy people are the ones who isolate themselves from the parents and go into the mountains and do not mix with the other people. This, however, is a common mistake.

Spiritual maturity is not just personal. You cannot grow into Christlikeness on your own.

You have to keep in touch with the people who live around you. You have to be part of the church and community. Why is it?

Because true spiritual maturity is learning to love to count on Jesus, but if you don’t have relationships with people, you can’t practice being like Jesus.

Remember it is a matter of love to love God and love other people.

Spiritual maturity is not something that happens immediately, it is a big slow process that requires the rest of your life.

Describing this process, Paul says that this will be until we all reach the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

You are an increasing work. Your spiritual transformation to become like Jesus will take the rest of your life, yet it will not end in this world.

It will end when you enter the kingdom of God or when Jesus comes again. At that point, all unfinished business about your character will be removed from you.

The Bible says that when we can see Jesus fully, we can be fully like Him, my friends we are now children of God and it is not a vision of what will happen after Him.

However, we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

Many of the left-handed things in the Christian life come from not knowing the simple truths God is using to build your character.

What should I choose about personal matters such as employment? We think about when God is silent about what they say.

The truth is, there can be many works in God’s love for you.

What God focuses on most is that whatever He does, He does it in a Christlike way. God is more pleased with who you are than with what you do.

He cares more about your character than your works, because it is not your works, but your character that will take you into eternal life.

The Bible warns not to follow the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God it is also to understand the fulfillment of his intentions.

You need to focus on being like Christ and decide the opposite of your unique situation.

Otherwise, other forces such as friends, family of people you work with, and your culture will try to raise you to their image.

Sadly, the great Christian books explain that many believers seek their own personal fulfillment and emotional security instead of living for God’s great purposes.

That is dependence, not discipleship.Jesus did not die on the cross so that we could live a comfortable and beautiful life. His purpose is deeper than that.

He wants us to be like Him before He takes us to heaven. This is our greatest opportunity, our most urgent responsibility, our highest fig alma.


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