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Accept the assignment and fulfill your responsibilities in the life.


For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. I have glorified you on the earth. I have finished the work you gave me to do.

We are put on this earth to contribute

You were not created to eat, breathe, or occupy space for the mere use of existing resources. God made you so that you can make a difference in your life.

Many sought-after books tell you how to get the most out of your life, but this is not why God created you. You were created not only to take life from the world, but to add to it.

God wants you to give something back. This is the fourth purpose God has for you, called your ministry. The Bible speaks to us in depth.

The Bible says that we were created in Christ Jesus to walk in good works, which God prepared beforehand. this good work is your service. Whenever you serve others, you are serving God.

You are also achieving one of your life goals. In the next two chapters, you will see how God has carefully molded you for this purpose. What God said to Jeremiah is true for you. Before I formed you in your mother’s womb I chose you, before you were born I separated you, and I raised you up to be a prophet to the nations.

The Bible says about this, God saved us and called us to be holy, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus from the beginning.

God has saved you, so you do His holy work for Him. You are not saved by ministry, but you are saved for ministry. In the kingdom of God you have a place, a purpose, a role, and a work to do. This gives great importance and value to your life.

Jesus gave His own life to save you. The Bible reminds us that God bought you with a price, so use your whole body to glorify Him.

We do not serve Him out of guilt or fear, but out of deep joy and gratitude for what He has done for us. in salvation the past is forgiven, our time now has meaning. And our future became guarded.

Paul summarizes the matter as follows: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Thus you will worship God in spirit.

The apostle John taught that our loving service to others shows that we are truly saved. He says, we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love remains in death.

If I have no love for others, if I have no desire to serve them, if I am preoccupied with my own affairs, I must ask myself if Christ is really in my life. a healed heart loves to serve others.

Another misleading word about working for God is service. When many people hear of ministry, they think of shepherds, priests, and hired servants, but God says that all members of His family are servants. In the Bible, just as servant and ministry have the same meaning.

If you are a Christian, you are a minister, and when you do His work, you are serving. When Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law from her sickness, she immediately stood up and began to be sent to Jesus using her new gift of healing, and so should we. We are saved to help others.

We are blessed to be a blessing. We were not just sitting quietly waiting for something from Heaven, but we were ministered to serve others.

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t take us to Heaven as soon as we receive His grace? Why did He leave us in this fallen world? He left us here to accomplish His purpose.

Once you are saved, God wants to use you for His own goals. God has a mission for you in His church and in the ministry of the world.

When you were growing up, you may remember being called by God as an empty thing that evangelists, pastors, priests, and full-time ministers received. But the Bible says that all Christians are called to ministry.

Your call to salvation also includes your call to ministry. They are the same. whatever your occupation, you are called to full-time Christian ministry. The word Christian without service contradicts his idea.

The Bible says, God saved us and called us to be holy to Himself. who called us, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the world began.

Peter adds, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; God called you out of darkness into his marvelous light so that you might declare his praiseworthy works.

Whenever you use God-given talents to help others, you are fulfilling your calling. The Bible says, so then, my brothers, you have died to the law through the body of Christ.

How long have you been important in serving God?
Are you important?

In each of the Christian churches in China, they welcome new believers, Jesus now welcomes new eyes, Jesus now has new eyes to see, new ears to hear, new hands to help, new hearts to love.

One of the reasons you should be attached to the Christian church is so that you can serve other believers in a practical way.

The Bible says that you are now the body of Christ, and individually members of it.

Your ministry is vital in the body of Christ. Ask one of your local churches. We all have a role to play, and every role is necessary.

If it is courage, there is no small service to God. Similarly, there are no unnecessary services in the church.

Some are visible, others are not, but they are all important. Often small or invisible services make a difference.

In my house, the most important light is not the bright light in the dangerous room, but the little light in the hallway that keeps my fingers from being hit when I wake up at night.

There is no relationship between size and importance. All services are productive, because we depend on each other for work.

What happens if one of your body’s organs fails to work? You’ll get sick. The rest of your body will be torn.

Think about what would happen if your stay decided to live for itself, I am tired and cannot serve the body anymore.

I want to sit back and relax now. I was doing everything I could, let another physical contributor do it. What’s going to happen? Your body will die.

Today, thousands of churches are dying because of Christians who do not want to serve others. They sit on the edge as observers, but the body suffers.

Jesus was not mistaken when he said this. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Instead, I fear that he can destroy both soul and body in the snow.

For Christians, ministry is not something they do only when it is convenient for them. It is central to the Christian life. Jesus came to this earth to serve and to give and these two should also define your life.

Serving and giving summarizes the fifth purpose of God for your life. Mother Teresa once said that the life of the saints lies in serving God joyfully.

Jesus taught that spiritual maturity is infinite in itself. Maturity is for service. we grow to give. Just learning more is not enough.

We need to act on what we have learned and practice what we believe.If it is not explained, praising it leads to distress. Study outside the ministry causes spiritual dryness.

The old comparison between the river of galilee and the salt sea is still true today.The new Galilee is full of life, because it takes as well as it gives.

Conversely, there can be nothing in the salt sea, because nothing springs from it, which means that the sea has no life. Today the last thing many people want is bible study.They know more than they show in action.

What they need is service exercises to strengthen their breathing muscles.
Serving is the opposite of our natural desire.

We often want to be served rather than serve ourselves. We are not saying that there is a church that I want to bless to fulfill all my spiritual needs, but that there is a place where I want to serve and be a blessing.

We expect others to serve us, but we do not do so ourselves.
But when we mature in Christ, our focus is on living a life of service.

A mature disciple of Christ, who can fulfill my needs? Who can fulfill his wishes instead of asking? He asks the question. Have you ever asked yourself that question?

At the end of your life on earth you will stand before God, and He will measure how well you have served others in your life. The Bible says that each of us will give an account of himself to God.

Think about how that works. One day God will compare the time and energy we spend on our own affairs with the time and energy we spend serving others.

At that time, the selfishness we hold would be that I was too busy or I had my own goals or I was busy with work, recreation, or preparing for retirement.

For all these reasons God gives the answer, I am sorry, this answer is wrong.
I created you, saved you, and commanded you to live a life of service. What part do you not understand?

Those who are not jealous the bible warns, but to those who are selfish, who refuse to obey the truth, but obey the law of God, there is wrath and rebuke.
For Christians, however, it is the loss of eternal reward. We are fully alive when we help others.

Jesus says that if a man wants to make his life, his former life will be taken away from him. but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.

This truth is so important that it is repeated five times in the gospels.If you are not serving, you are said to live in vain, because life is given to service.

God wants you to love and serve others unselfishly.

Are you going to give your life to something. What about work, physical activity, entertainment, fame, wealth?

None of this has eternal importance.Service is the path of true importance.It is through service that we understand the rest of our lives.

The Bible says that just as we are many, one body in Christ, and when we serve together as part of the body of God’s family, our lives will have eternal significance.

Paul said that one circumcision has many circumcisions. God wants to use you to make a difference on this earth. He wants to work with you. What matters is not the length of your life, but His gift. Not how long he lived.

It is how he lived.If you have not studied in any ministry, what are you holding on to? Abraham was old, Jacob was afraid, and Leah was unattractive.

Joseph was a persecuted man, Moses was short, Gideon was poor, Samson was dependent, Rahab was a prostitute, David had all the problems of family affairs, Elijah was a desperate man, Jeremiah was thinking, Jonah was disobedient, Naomi was a poor mother, John the Baptist was him Peter was in a hurry, Martha was very worried, the Samaritan woman had a broken marriage, Aquila was unknown, Thomas was skeptical, Paul was sick, Timothy was blind.

These are all the problems these people have, but God has used them all for His service. If you stop picking up excuses, God will help you.


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