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Christian authority human being on the earths.



What is Authority?
The beginning of power is to bring to light what they thought was invisible power The word is Latin and its root is gauges.

That is to initiate and reveal expansion
👉The beginning is the power of God God is the beginning and the end of all things.
👉The word authority is called authority in English
👉The word authority and author have the same root while author,means to bring something that does not exist to light
✍️ It is impossible to look at power and what generates something separately.

However, power means bringing something of a level of thought to the heart of revelation ,expanding it ,or enhancing it

✍️Therefore their relationship is to bring a generated idea to the surface and from that manifestation they rule ,lead,if they fall they lose it back and have power over it as they wish. For example, God brought the world into revelation through His Son.

God had the world in His mind. The world was not falling, but He knew it would fall.
Even if you fall, he will bring you back to lose,and prepare the way to build.

He created the world as through His Son Jesus to raise it up and rebuild it when it fell, even only His Son has authority over it but no angels, saints, or saints have authority over it because this world was in God’s mind in the beginning holds so the level of thought they bring something that was generated to the light and then hold on to power.

✍️The participation of God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Creation process.

✍️God prepared the fathers who thought of the world or the world they thought of ,
✍️Their Son brought the world into revelation and created all creation
#and the Holy Spirit fashioned it and made it a symbol and beautified it ,and made it into a form

👉God is immortal,omnipresent.
1, God Almighty Rock and mighty.
2, God is the Creator of all Creation and is omniscient.
3, Among the 3 major theories about nature.

1, Atheistic evolution theory is =their view is that God created the world they are the opponents. They say there is no God,they say there is no nature They have two views that tell us how the world came to be

A), Naturalistic evolution theory =their view is that nature started the creation and there is no creator, that this creation came into existence from the first particles and atoms that existed.
B)Darwinian theory explains that this man’s view of evolution is that he evolved from gorillas and wolves in time.

2, Theistic evaluation theory=they believe in the existence of God.
👉and they say that he created man from small creatures.
👉They are those who believe in the existence of God and believe in evolution.
👉They say that man was created as a tirade and created man from sub human beings.
👉They believe that death is not the result of sin , they believe that death is what happens to all Creation
👉They say that God did not create the world in six days , one day can be 1000 years.
3, Special theory:- These are the same as the biblical theory that God created man from the dust of the earth and gave him the breath of life and put it through the lips and man became a living being

👉Nature and beginning= We can know with what kind of authority God created us if we understand God’s proper way of creation and creation. There are three main views regarding the creation of the universe or the origin of our universe.

1) Atheistic Evolution Theory (The view of those who deny that God started the World)
Followers of this view believe that “there is no such thing as God and no such thing as creation.

They accommodate two main views of how the world began. Some of the people who believe in this idea are:-
a) Naturalistic Evolution (Unguided theory(Nature started creation but they don’t know what is called a Creator))
These are not Atheists either.

Nor are they those who say there is a God. They say nothing about the existence of God. But “these beings came into existence from particles and atoms that existed in the beginning!” they say. Their main idea is that nature manifested itself and filled the world.

b) Darwinian theory ( The evolution of Darwin’s theory)
This man lived from 1809 to He is said to have had a Christian background and studied Angelic theology. Now that he was 40 years old, he believed that God created man.

He then turned his movement to the Science of evolution, saying that “the God of Christianity did not create man as the Bible says,” although he did not completely deny the existence of God.

He posited that man evolved or that he evolved from the species of gorillas and wolves in time. Satan darkened the man’s true vision of God’s creation.

He immediately preached to the World the movement Man was created but not created!” and now today many people in the World agree with this man’s ideas. Such ideas can harm the authority of Believers.

2) Theistic Evolution Theory (those who believe that God exists and that He created man from a tiny creature)
These guys are guys who believe in both science (evolution) and God. They say, “God created man from an apelike creature!” They believe that.

These things tell us that man was created in a tired and that God created man from a tiny human like substance (subhuman). They believe that death is not the result of sin. They believe that death is a norm for all creation. They do not believe that death came because of sin.

On the days of creation, they also state that God did not create the world in six days. They also think that one day could be one 1000 years. They also believe that many years passed between Genesis.

1, Verses one and two. Their ideas are half convincing and many of them disrupt our authority and faith in Christ and God’s creation.

These people believe that God created the sun and moon the day before. They believe the age of the Earth is over 4.2 billion years. Like Science, they believe in fossil records. They believe in the existence of God.

However, their view of the nature of our universe and how it comes to light is not correct. God did not breathe life into a little lizard but took Dust and made man.

3) Those who hold the Special Creation theory (The view that God created this universe and man)!
Praise be to God who through His Son created this world and man. The Bible tells us exactly that God created a man called man.

God made man from the dust of the earth without any evolution and gave him the breath of life through the lips. Thus Man became a living creature.
The word Adam is a Hebrew word. It means a Man.

Adam means Earth in Hebrew. Adam dust (Hebrew) So Adam is Adam. This means that man is dust.
Adam Adam Man of the Earth
God then thus made man of the Dust.

Does the fact that man was created in the image of God mean that God is also dust? No. It is the Spirit that He breathed into us through the lips that made us like God. Do you know why?
1) This spirit is the other one.
2) Because this Spirit also conveys to us the identity and authority or power of God.

👉The power created with Adam Various theories have been put forward about the creation of man. Among them we believe in the creation of man by God. The first and strongest man God created with the powers God gave Adam:-

1) Free Will (Free Will)
God did not create man as His slave, but gave him free will. God not only became a kind and good father to us after sending His Son to earth but even at the very beginning of creation He created human with His own will.

He created Adam and his descendants by telling them instructions to keep them alive and not to keep them alive. However, man has his own authority in this. Everyone should understand that everyone has the right to decide for themselves about their lives.

Today there are still bars, brothels as well as libraries, various places of worship. When you walk in the city, you will see both. You can enter anyone you want. God does not give life to someone who does not want it!

Satan did not like this situation when he rebelled against God in heaven. There is nothing in this high place and this holy place if they eat plants and leave them to kill people.

But on a mental level, rebelling against God and obeying him are the opposite! Satan used this left-handed mind and fell irrevocably. Satan thus lost his God-given authority as the archangel, second only to God.

Note: God has given all angels free will. If they want to stay, if they hate to leave! God does not have angels to send. Satan is a son created by God! However, you have seen that Satan does not respect his Creator either!

Who did God give free will to?
1) For Satan and the Angels
God created Satan and any angels with free will. This means with obedience if they want to, and with rebellion if they want to. God does not necessarily send angels to worship Him.

Because those who said they didn’t want it have disappeared. It was not only the devil or Lucifer who fell, but one third of the angels! This is a nutty indication that there is free fen in the sky as well.

The angels who used the waves in this free will lost their heavenly authority and the right to be called saints because of their use of the waves. They have a lot to lose this time. They include:-
The devil:-He lost his position as the chief of the holy angels! He was the eldest of the saints.

From then on, however, he became the elder of the fallen and the elder of the journeymen. We have time to see Satan covet God’s throne even in the New Testament! Jesus considered the creator of the fallen angels to be the holy angels.

Satan was cast out of the presence of Jesus before the creation of the world. Then they will talk to Jesus. I rebelled in the sky and fell to the ground. The glory of the third heaven is very different when we look at this earth.

While heaven is the dwelling place of God and the holy angels, this earth is the dwelling place of the fallen angels for the rule of the fallen! Again, when Satan met Jesus on earth, he said, “I will sit in your place and you will worship me!” said.

“No, you bow to me!” and Jesus said to him! Satan, who had been cast out of Heaven and declared victory over the earth, was again cast out of power by Jesus.
The second casting of Satan!
👉 First cast out of heaven
👉And now his power is thrown down from the earth.

But both times he did not give up his desire for worship. Satan is still in his original desire when Jesus comes. Satan has removed the idea of ​​obedience and living with God. He wanted to establish his own Kingdom! He violently opposed God’s Kingdom and still does so.

There are many debts to Satan. He shed so much blood, he destroyed so many people, he went against so many of God’s plans. He destroyed many of God’s intentions for his children by interfering with them!

Giants: These giants are one third of God’s former angels who rebelled against God with Satan and fell. They remain journeymen and screamers wherever they see them, but they have not the slightest dignity.

Not only have they lost their glory, but they are alone for eternal judgment and are still fighting against the kingdom of God on a mission from the devil. They are judged!
If these angels had no free will, if God had sent them in fear, if God had shut them up and forced them to worship, they would not have disappeared from heaven.

And God is a God of love, not a God of oppression. Thus these angels abused their will and lost their power and glory and fell to this earth.

2) For Adam and Eve!
God did not create the tree of life and the tree of destruction that He placed in the Garden of Eden because He wanted to overthrow Adam and Eve. God did not create life alone.

He also created death. God not only created light, He also created darkness. When God created Adam and Eve, He created them with free will. To see if these guys willingly live for me or not! Like Satan, he created them to choose the evil or to be those who listen to me.

Not only that, but He created them as the first and the rulers of all creation. According to Scripture, man is the second creation of God and the Gods. This means that only man was created with greater authority than God. Who gave them authority over whom and created them?

1) Against Satan!
When God told Adam and Eve, “Keep the earth!” He commanded them and gave them the authority to buy and protect that and protect the creation for this earth from that evil and rebellious Satan.

Satan will then fall, and he will have no power over man or any creature! Not against each other but against all creation and fallen spirits but it was man who was created with this too. Satan coveted God’s place and fell from Heaven, and God created man from His power and authority.

Satan again went to man with this desire. If he had not deceived them, they would have had authority over him. It was a good time when man was acting in his own power.

And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (Gen 2:15)
To protect means that He will use His authority and power to protect this world and all the race of creation from Satan, who covets power.

2) On all creation!
God created Adam as the firstborn and shepherd of all creation, and the tot. I will tell you how we can understand the greatness of Adam’s power.

God had involved Adam in all of His creation.
👉 God designed the World in thought. (Hebrew 11:3)
👉And by His Son He created or brought the World into revelation. ((Col 1:16)
👉He shaped and beautified it by the Holy Spirit. (Job 26:13)
👉And he gave Adam a name. (Gen 2:19)
This shows that God delegated authority to Adam.

He could have named himself! However, he made me name him to understand the power with which this man was created. God made Adam a part of this creation by naming it. This reminds us of Adam’s ownership or headship over creation.

And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and whatsoever the man called every living creature, that was the name thereof. (Gen 2:19)
Adam even had the power to name the creation.

You wouldn’t let someone name your child? The enemy will not name your child except the father or mother or family member. This signifies ownership and family. This is how God made Adam the head of this creation. This naming helped God to feel His creation and to understand that He should know and protect all creation. This is the power by which Adam and others were created

How did they do this power?

How did Adam and Eve lose their authority?
Adam etc. They surrendered their Power!
Adam and his home could not hold on to these co-created powers! They died in the first place when they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

And in this death there is a loss of self-power. This means that God is an immortal God. When they were separated from God, they lost the character of God and the identity He had given them.

God doesn’t die. If they had been with God, they would not have died. But now they resisted because of God and being in His image and took on the character of the dead!

Bad tree and good tree!
👉 And the LORD God commanded the man, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that though eater thereof thou shalt surely die. (Gen 2:16-17)

What are the trees they ate and gave up their power, the bad tree and the good tree? What does it involve? When we say that they ate the bad tree and the good tree and died, we do not mean that the tree is poisonous.

This tree was told by God not to be eaten, so the person who refused to walk showed that he had disobeyed His voice. When Satan began to change the name of the tree so that they would eat it.

“This tree is not what it is called,” he said!
Naming, naming belonged to Adam. However, now Satan has gone into creation and started changing names. Adam forgot two things here. The first is God’s authority, and the second is His own authority.

When we say that he forgot God, we mean that he forgot His commandment not to eat from it. When he was said to have forgotten his authority, he was appointed to make a name for himself. God didn’t say this was good, and I saw it when I named it, so I didn’t see the goodness of it, so I had to say, O Satan, this is not so!

The goodness of this tree.
This tree is not only called a bad tree but also a good tree. But why is that said? This tree contains not only evil but also good. The good thing is not to eat.

This tree is also called a good tree because not eating it involves obedience to God, having life, and staying in one’s own power. It is called a good tree on the one hand because not eating it is choosing God, not eating it is saving the world, not eating it is shaming Satan.

The evil of this tree is.
This tree is when its wickedness and guilt are eaten away from it. To eat from this tree is to break God’s command, to eat from this tree is to die and be separated from God forever.

To eat from this tree is to surrender one’s authority, to eat from this tree is to lose continuous life and dignity. To eat from this tree is to destroy the future of the world. There is something dangerous about eating this tree.

Eating this tree is giving Satan another throne and kingdom, and it involves harassing all creation. Satan has no dominion over anyone except over his ciphers and fallen places in the beginning.
Note:- Satan lost the Kingdom in Heaven and gained it on earth.

As I told you, Satan covets power. He has a thirst for corrupt rule. He was the Governor of all the Holy Angels. He then convinced one third of these angels and overthrew them and became king over them.

Now he began to desire the good land and the good man God had created. Just as he fell by consulting one third of these angels, he came again and began to consult these people who were created with authority! As soon as he consulted, he wanted to break the Commandments, covet God’s place, and stand as an adversary to God among them. Between man and God.

This Satan first accused God in heaven. God stood between the angels and began to accuse God. For the angels it was the work of leadership and righteousness between God. Then he began to accuse God of serving him. and the angels who received his accusation fell down with him.

👉 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. (Rev 12:4)
👉 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. and his angels were cast out with him. (Rev 12:9)

After Satan stood between the angels and God and was cast out, he came down to earth again with this accusation. He began to stand between God and man with strong bitterness.

Just as in heaven he convinced one third, now he convinced two hands or two persons called as one who are called the rulers and guardians of this earth. Now he convinced them to hand over the whole earth to those who rebelled against God.

But he did not say that, but he told them to become like God. When did it become official? Not because they were, but because they gave him their power and made him king and turned away from God. Thus he became the bitterness of the brothers for generations. That is why the Bible calls Satan the adversary of the brethren.

👉 And I heard a great voice in heaven; saying, “Now is come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accused them before our God day and night. (Rev. 12:10)
Here is how the Bible tells us that Satan is the accuser of brothers who stands between God and man! He first accused man to God, and then to the brethren. Bitterness is Satan’s normal work!

By this bitterness… By this bitterness he succeeded here.
👉He caused them to transgress the commandments
👉He brought people together for God
👉 He made them die.
👉He made them lose their power.
👉 He expelled them from the Garden of Eden just as He Himself was expelled from the 3rd heaven.
👉 He began to name and rule himself for the world
👉He started killing brothers to harass human beings.
👉 God made them quarrelsome, despising each other and speaking different languages.
👉 He developed a vicious racism and infected the world with it.
👉 Mankind lost no rights, no freedom and became tortured and wandering.
👉 Adam, who gave names to all creation, was not afraid of the predator, the stinger, or the mocker of the time. They would not do this. Such a great controller of nature could not even show his children the way to obey.
👉In general, controlling nature is not at all tolerable for this person.
👉 Satan and his angels attacked and invaded this world.
👉They said that worship is not only for God and started to multiply idols.

There is only one wise man who created man, who knows man and his problems, who knows nature and its problems. Who created the earth? As we saw in the letter to the Colossians, the earth and any Angels were created by God through His Son and only this Son can completely solve this problem.

It is this Creator that Satan is completely afraid of. He took the victory from man, and man gave his Authority to Satan, thinking that he had found a friend. But man’s true friend and good counselor was God. However, Satan took over the power in the guise of a brother. After that:-

👉 He made them slaves in the land over which they were kings.
👉 They confused each other by naming the creatures
👉 They gave birth to their own children and became stone carriers
👉 They were evicted from their villages themselves and forced to live in the bushes.

Example:- Some rich people take land from farmers in the name of investment and send them there as slaves on their land. He uses him not only as a guard. Satan did the same with Adam’s descendants.

Satan has become bitter in two places.
1) On the sky
He became accuser by standing between God and the angels in heaven. He became a strong accuser of God and the angels and killed many angels with himself.
2) On the ground!
Just as he stood between God and the angels in heaven, so he stood between man and God on earth. Being the bitterness of the brethren, he stood between God and man and revealed an unprecedented failure on this planet.

As we have seen earlier, God created a son on this earth. Only Jesus, who created this earth, can repair and heal it. That is why God sent His Son to earth! Someone who doesn’t know about cars won’t fix a car for you! That’s the way it is!

Jesus is the Cool and the Reconciler!
Many times have passed on this earth under Satan’s domination and leadership. Thousands of years had passed. In the last days, God wanted to restore captivity and power to the generation through His Son. This is already God’s plan.

In the heavens before creation that day or the day of redemption on earth was reserved. Thus Jesus came to earth and stood between God and man as the mediator and appeaser of God’s wrath. Jesus appeared in both places.

1) God between man and man
He turned Jesus, whom Satan had turned from God into man into God and God into man. He is the mediator between man and God;
👉 God’s goodness to the generation ( preaching the Gospel)
👉And the goodness of the generation is to God (He offered it to God as righteousness by the blood of cleansing)
He left this satanic bitterness and began to tell them that God is Good to mankind.

He awakened the generation of their minds by telling them that God is more merciful than judgmental, that God’s mercy is greater than His judgment, that man regains his power when he approaches God, and so on. He also made it clear that the time for Satan had come and that the time had come for the kingdom of God to be revealed in man.

2) Between God and the Angels!
Even when Jesus was on earth, God’s angels came and sent him. He is the one who praises God, not the one who blasphemes God, even between God and the angels.
a) Among the fallen angels!
When Jesus stood in the midst of God for the Fallen angels, He praised God, not blasphemed God.

He glorified God, and believed God, but did not tempt him. All three times when Satan asked him to tempt him with words, he did not say anything that dishonored God’s name but exalted God’s name.

👉Except by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God
👉Do not wait too long for the Lord your God (Do not tempt Him)
👉Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and serve him only (Get rid of my sight!)
By thus exalting his Father’s name, Jesus refrained from blaming God between Satan and the fallen angels.

This is a headache for Satan. This is a failure upon failure for him, he had a place to move, and he had to give up the power of the generation.

b) Among the Holy Angels!
Jesus was not only found between the fallen angels and God, but also between the Holy angels and God.
Then the devil leave him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him. (Matt 4:11)

Jesus is the one who praised God among the angels of God and God, and he is the one who praised God among the twenty-four elders and among the thousands of angels.

Jesus thus became the vessel of atonement and cleansing, washed away the sins of the world with His blood, clothed us naked, and restored us to righteousness before God, glory and love before the holy angels, and authority among the unclean angels.

Thus Jesus brought those who believed in Him back to God’s morning purpose. Jesus thus took the Power from the angels of darkness and gave it back to the believers! Among the powers he has in trust are:-

1) He has authority over fallen angels!
Fallen angels have no authority over believers. What kind of believers are they are believers who know their authority firmly and live under the victory Christ has given them.

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. and nothing shall harm you. (Luke 10:19)

It is Jesus, not man, who has given us the power and authority to stand over such angels of darkness. Let mankind be rich, wise, and strong; however, he cannot have dominion over the angels of darkness without believing in Jesus. Satan’s angels are carriers such as:-
👉 Disease
👉 Poverty
👉 Fornication
👉 Lack of peace
👉Lack of success
👉Suffering from the curse
👉Being sad
👉 Cursing one’s own identity
👉Ignorance of God’s plan and so on.

2) He has authority over the world!
A true Christian who trusts God can release him to bind him in this world. God has given us the authority to rule this world. This does not mean that we should use our power as we please!

For example:- We should not distort the laws of nature just because we have Christian authority. If we have to steam tea, we should steam it over fire, not mix sugar, water and tea leaves and say steam it now.

This is not the authority of believers either. Such work is the work of the craftsmen. We cannot use the authority that God has given us through His Son for our personal affairs, for simple things.

When used where necessary, the power God has given us in this world helps us to bind and loose.
👉And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

And whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt 16:19)
A Christian submits to Jesus and whatever he binds on earth is bound in heaven. A Christian has a role not only on earth but also in Heaven.

He is to remind us that he has a share in his country of tomorrow. Our country of tomorrow is not a country where we live as foreigners but a country that belongs to us and no one can take it away from us. While on earth, a Christian has supreme authority. Even now Christ has appeared to us and many of us are as if we had no authority.
👉 Be oppressed by Satan
👉Despised by foreigners
👉 Be threatened by the makers
👉We are suffering from the curse.

I believe that by learning this lesson you will become strong who will not be shaken, who will not be troubled by the winds of the age and the speeches of the wicked.

Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse; therefore, this course will show you your power for your place so that you will not be threatened by the curse, counting the roots of the race that will prevent you from succeeding.

Through His Son, God has revealed in us a good idea that the world has not seen, that no one else has thought of. Our power has been restored to us so that we can think or generate (Author) good things and see that heavenly realm, that new identity. I would like to tell you to use your authority in Christ!

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