Creation of man kinds to live forever on the earths
“God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also put in the hearts of men the desire for things that will happen after a long time. Yet. Man cannot find out the work that God has made from the beginning to the end. God did not create humans for empty life. No one was created to live forever but to die soon.
This life is not the last.
This life on earth is similar to the exercises that a garment factory does before it starts its production in a serious will live more often in death there than you will here it is difficult this is pre-game exercise before the race starts by warming up first, this life prepares us for the one to come.
At most you will live a hundred years on this earth, but in eternity you will live forever. But the time you have on earth is, as the late Thomas brown said, “a small part of eternal time.” You were created to live forever.
The Bible says of this one.He has also set the world in their hearts, yet so that man cannot find out the work that God has done from the beginning to the end You have a natural thirst for eternal life, because God created you in his image to live forever.
Even if we know that all people are going to die, death doesn’t always seem natural and right to us.We want to live forever.forever. God is all going to Die.even if we know that death is always natural and right we don’t think so.
We want to live forever,because God has already tied our minds to That! One day your heart will stop beating that’s for your earthly stone it will be the last of your time in this world, but your end is only a temporary one. Your earthly stone is called a “tent” or a “house” in the Bible.
“They know that if our tabernacle,(that is, our stone) falls down from this earth, we have a house not made with hands ,which dwells in heaven forever the situation.
Your relationship with God on earth.
Your relationship with Him in eternity will Determine your love and trust in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. If you learn ,you will be invited to spend the rest of your eternity with Him On the other hand if you do not accept the love, forgiveness and healing He has given you ,you will spend your eternity where there is no God.

A man named C, S Lewisa said,”There are two kinds of people :those who are for God. They are told to “do it our Head’s way ‘The sad thing is, Many people spend their eternity in suffering because they are on earth without God for the existing.
When you realize that there is something better than the life here now, and that it is a place to prepare for the life here to come, you begin to live differently, you begin to live in eternal light.
That will create a comfortable environment for you to handle work relationships and situations. Suddenly many jobs, Goals and unpleasant situations come. The closer you live to God, the less things become.
When you live in the light of eternity,your results will change and you will use your time and money more Wisely, not on fame or wealth or discoveries. Your main focus on Relationships and character you will make it.
Your priorities will have a systematic line, running for habitual things for new discoveries and for known results will no longer seem like anything to you, Paul says, But now I have counted all things as loss for Christ’s sake.
If life is empty for you that you live on this earth.I advise you to start living it immediately.You may forget what it means to be a good and moral person,and think about what the price of your work is going to be’ you shouldn’t be.
You can live with your head alone in the center.
Because the deeds you do don’t have long punishments But_there is to what makes all the difference that death is not your end Death is not the end of your life, but the means by which you move on to eternity.
Therefore there is an eternal reward for all that you have done on earth All the works of our lives hit the thread of eternal time.
The greatest danger of life on earth is that our thoughts are empty things if you want to do great work in your life,you have a vision of eternal time in your mind,there is much better than life here and now!
Today is only the culmination of a great life that is visible to the naked eye, the continuation of life without an end that we cannot see now.
What will eternity be like with God? In fact,our current minds are not enough to marvel at the greatness of the Kingdom of Heaven, that is internet technology. It is similar to trying to describe it would be a struggle for Him to find words that can describe the things in eternal life.
On this subject, the Bible says, ‘Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
However, God has given us a little hint about eternal time in His Word and we know that God is preparing an eternal home for us in heaven right now we meet with the.
We will be rewarded for our faithfulness on earth.we will be given work to do that makes us happy. We do not waste our time deceiving ourselves with useless works We enjoy an unbroken relationship with God.
He enjoys us for eternity indefinitely. One day Jesus is going to say.” Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
On the last page of his seven ancient books, The Story of Narnia, C ,S Lewis said about eternal life, “For us this is the end of all stories, but for them it is the beginning of the true story.
Their earthly life is all empty on the first page and the one on which the title is written. Now they have finally begun the first chapter of the great story, which no one on earth has ever read.

God has a purpose for your life on earth, but that doesn’t end there ,His plan is much more than the short time you spend on earth.He is more than “lifetime opportunities”
God has given you a chance that is better than life ,the bible says,”but the counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of him from generation to generation.
People often think about eternity at funerals, and the thought is often shallow and based on ignorance. It is foolish to think about death.
It may seem like it, but denying that death exists and not accepting what you are going for. It is not a healthy attitude.He who does not prepare himself for what is in the future is a fool.You should think more about eternal time and not less.
The six months you were in your mother’s womb are the time you prepare for life.but just as it is not your end, your present life is also the time you prepare yourself for the next.
If you have a relationship with God through the Lord don’t need to fear death, He is the back through which you enter eternal life.
It will be the last time of your earthly life but it will not be the end of your life but the day you are born to eternal life compared to eternity, our earthly life is but the blink of an eye, but the reward we receive is eternal.
The works we do on earth are the goal for the next life. this is what we ought to do,”Therefore we are always confident knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord’s house.
Years ago, the word that encouraged people to live their daily lives was,”Live every day as if it were the beginning of Your life. Truly every day is Living As if it were the end of life.
This is a very important end,a direct relationship between how I Use my money and the quality of my spiritual life
God says there is, How I handle my money(earthly possessions) determines how much God trusts me for my spiritual blessings(true riches”)
Let me ask you a question:Is the way you handle your money preventing you from doing great things for God in your life? Is God faithful to your spiritual wealth?
Jesus said to the one to whom much is given much is sought and the one to whom much is benevolent will ask for more than the appointed time and it is faithful,no matter how much God has raised you.
He expects great responsibility from you. Point to think about Life is a test and a trust. Memorable verse, Jesus went on to say that he who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much.
Focus Question what has happened in my life recently that I now realize is a test from God? What are the greatest things God has entrusted to me?
The point to think about is the life of trial and trust. Memorable verse Jesus went on to say ‘he who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much.
Focus Question What has happened in my life recently that I now realize is a test from God? what are the great things god has entrusted to me.