Dental Hygiene Precautions And How To Treat Tonsillitis At Home.
How do we treat Tonsillitis/Tonsil infection at home?
A) Drink plenty of warm water.
B) Add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water and heat it slightly. 30-45 secondsf3.
C, Pour one tablespoonful of honey and half a tablespoonful of salt into a little warm water and swirl from time to time.
D) When we are infected, we should not eat solid foods such as chips, apples or carrots until we recover because they hurt our throat when we eat grass.
E, Avoid talking loudly during tonsil pain as it can make the pain worse.
F, Get enough rest.
G, Lozenges.
There are those sold at the pharmacy, There are those that are absorbed like candy and it is good to use them.
When should we go to the clinic?
If the pain lasts more than two days, A severe sore throat That makes us weak to eat and swallow.
If we experience shortness of breath, if we have a high fever for more than three days, if we are very tired.
If the tonsils are too much, they can get worse and accumulate Mala, and expose us to heart disease and other organs.
How do we prevent it?
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after meals as the germs that cause tonsillitis are mostly transmitted from person to person.
Avoid sharing a water bottle and toothbrush, and cover your nose or rag when you cough or sneeze to prevent transmission.
There are many types of headaches that affect the community in large numbers, so our community needs to identify the symptoms, sources, conditions and patterns.
Also, our society should take the advice of experts and intellectuals on what to do first to avoid contracting the disease and how to prevent it.
Perhaps if we are infected, we should listen carefully to the advice of experts on how to prevent it.
☑️ Never use your teeth as tools at any time, To operate something, open a bottle, cut a fingernail.
☑️ Do not use a hard toothbrush. It is wrong to use a strong toothbrush thinking that it will clean your teeth properly. So use a soft toothbrush.
☑️ Brush your teeth properly and remove any debris such as meat and other debris immediately.
☑️Eat lots of candy, Lemons, sugary coffee, alcohol and avoid eating/drinking lots of sugary things.
Brushing Tooth is Good for Heart Health. A recent study suggests that brushing your teeth is good for heart health.
According to this study, those who brush and clean their teeth 3 times a day have better heart health.
According to the researchers who studied this, the types of bacteria in the mouth can lead to many health problems.
Previous studies on the subject have confirmed that the types of bacteria found in the human mouth predispose to various ‘Cancer’ diseases.
They point out that the respiratory health problems are particularly serious.
The current study strengthens previous studies and further investigates the relationship between dental hygiene and the human heart, he said.
What they announced in this study is that maintaining proper dental hygiene reduces the risk of heart disease.
According to the results of this study, people who brush their teeth three times a day are 12 times less likely to develop heart disease than those who do not.
☑️ Irritation/Gingivitis
☑️ The gums are one of the delicate tissues that support teeth.
☑️ The factors that cause inflammation of the gums are listed below.
The plague.
Some medications taken for various reasons can occasionally cause it. For example, medicines; Some of the medicines for Blood Pressure, Family Savings, Chronic Illness, and various Cancers can cause this irritation or irritation of the right.
☑️ Devices attached to straighten missing teeth.
☑️ More common during Pregnancy.
☑️ Diseases that lower the body’s immune system such as HIV, Cancer.
The symptoms of it.
☑️ Extreme redness or redness of the eyes.
☑️ Bleeding gums.
☑️ Our gums are gradually shrinking or rising from the teeth (recession).
☑️ Nausea or pain when chewing food.
☑️ Irritation of the eyes.
☑️Miraw for cold and heat.
☑️Having a bad mouth.
The solution to it.
Irgi will be cured if treated in time. Therefore, it is even more important to see a dentist for treatment.
Which patients need the most attention?
☑️ They have Diabetes.
☑️ They have Heart Disease.
☑️ They have various Lung Diseases.
Patients with low immune systems for example Cancer, HIV/AIDS etc. These should be treated with special attention and received in a timely manner.
Possible complications of Anger (Complaint) from Irga:-
☑️ The tooth may be completely dislodged.
☑️It may also cause premature birth in pregnant women.
☑️ It may also cause low birth weight.
☑️It can destroy self-confidence and damage our close relationships.

There are many types of headaches that affect the community in large numbers, so our community needs to identify the symptoms, sources, conditions and patterns.
Also, our society should take the advice of experts and intellectuals on what to do first to avoid contracting the disease and how to prevent it.
Perhaps if we are infected, we should listen carefully to the advice of experts on how to get rid of it.
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