Developments of the humanity with its lists of alignments.
Some people love today and hate tomorrow. They give today and take from tomorrow. Today they thank someone and tomorrow they curse. They help today and forget tomorrow and throw it away. Take it from someone today and regret it tomorrow.
Today they kiss and tomorrow they bite. Man is a difficult creature. But, you have a list of personalities to line up and not everyone may give you back all the amount you give them. Let him stop loving you as much as you love him.
Let him refuse to suffer for you as much as you suffer. Do all the good things if you can. It really hurts me that anyone is considered human just because they have a human shape. Why did you say that? if it is said that.
I mean, it is the person in the hidden things that proves his humanity, not the fact that he is in beautiful clothes and comfortable conditions. The sting of aligning the humanity list is that we focus on the outside instead of the inside.
The obstacles and problems of our inner secrets are laziness, negative attitudes, lack of relationships, lack of planning, greed, falling into differences, being jealous of others for the part we succeed in doing for ourselves and stigmatizing them.
Problems from outside are twenty percent of the obstacles to success and eighty percent of internal obstacles to success. If our inner secrets were revealed outside like the sense organs of the lips, eyes, ears, tongue, and hands, how many of us would be called human beings?
The human species
There are three types of people on this earth based on the inner mystery.
1, People with a positive outlook on their humanity. These guys are the ones who invent good ideas to do good as well as the definition of humanity.
Those who have a positive out look in humanity;
A, They shed tears with their citizens
B, Those who stand by the needy with what they have
C,Apologize for mistakes
D, They value human love
E, National enthusiasts and
F, They are martyrs for the truth.
2, People with a negative view of their humanity.
These are the ones who do evil and live by misinterpreting the life of yesterday, today as well as tomorrow. These are focused on evil ideas
A, Filled with jealousy
B, Father of the heart
C, They live only for themselves.
D, They took the mattress and made the poor cry.
E, They betrayed their mothers for money.
F, stealing and plundering those who brutally impoverish their citizens and joining with the selfish They are called people but the names of people do not have a good attitude towards the right people
3, People who don’t even know why they are human. These parents cannot define good and evil deeds.
They just become like the people around them. Indeed, such people are like a car without a driver. When someone says sit, go, stand, they are the ones who are thirsty until they are told. What if there were a wheel of identification on this earth, it is easy to imagine how many of us would be human.
Human development and growth
As long as we live in human shape and live from this world, living a meaningless and whatever life may be the way to take us off the list of humanity and give us another name. Yes, we may have planned it, we may not have planned it, we may have loved it, and we may have forced it, even if we were loved, even if we were kissed, even if we wished to see it with our own eyes.
Who knows, while the country and relatives hate us to see, we lose the friend who takes care of our secrets and the cure and solution to the disease, the day when all our organs stop working will run fast and undoubtedly n cruelty. This is the day when our spirit stops. What about so? What about until that?

So this article on inner secrets is a message to those who are crucial to our humanity list.
I, Teach understanding
II, Don’t forget the good people who have been good to you.
III, Do not hesitate to think good.
IV, Respect every human being for his humanity.
V, Don’t run after people just for the sake of profit.
VI, Teach understanding.
VII, Don’t try to make something yours that is not yours.
VIII, Do not make a promise to something you do not convince yourself of, but once you have made it, do not deny it by fire, keep your promise.
Ix, Don’t judge/evaluate human nature by fog.
When we try to understand others, it taxes our thinking for a while. Understanding others does not mean that you have to agree with their feelings or viewpoints. It means understanding their views and recognizing that they are different from yours. The main reason and consequence of the increase in conflict in this world is misunderstanding.
Only compassion and understanding for others can bring us the peace and happiness we all want. Then the right path will be opened for you. It is our understanding of each other for not translating the actions of anyone into goodness which is the strongest path between man and man today that nurtures love and peace and nurtures and develops hatred and war as well.
Misunderstandings are indeed very anti-life and have burned the lives of many people in various prisons today. Furthermore, there have been many incidents that lead to death, many of which are due to lack of understanding.
Don’t forget the good people who have been good to you
👉The fox has no heels
👉He doesn’t ride a deer tree
👉The wicked have no heart
He doesn’t remember the past. It is a proverb of the wise.
But really, if you are human, never forget the people who share your sorrows and joys and do anything good for you.
This behavior, however, is not common to you and me as well as to many people. Can you say why. Are you the one who repeatedly talks about people whose names you repeatedly instigate about the people who are benefiting you or about the people who are hurting and forgetting you? It’s easy to respond to this and skip it.
But if your answer is that I often talk about people who help me and not those who hurt me, then the chances of you saying this are very hard to believe. If you are saying that I am undermined by the kindness of the people who have benefited me and have been and have been the pillars of my life, your answer is right and very acceptable.
Do you know what the reason is? Many of us in the new generation are filled with evil and we count evil, but if we were good thinkers we would also preach and count the goodness of people. As the saying goes, the wicked does not remember the past, if we forget the kindness of anyone who has done for us, then we have affixed the name of wickedness rather than the name of humanity.
What surprises me most is that ninety-nine out of a hundred good behaviors or deeds that a good person has done for us are hidden from us and we are aware of the evil or wrong that one out of a hundred people has done for us.
Let us take this example from him so that we can understand this message there was a man who made a great effort to know everything and who was not inferior to doing good things and giving people the name of a great man.
This man completed his undergraduate degree and was elected as a manager in a small company. As mentioned earlier, the man is a man who is quick to grow, and after being elected as the leader, he made many plans to grow the company and make it stand out from other companies. He went on to tell his subordinates to be strong and courageous by holding meetings regularly just as a man cannot do anything alone.
But our man also does not take the good things that are supposed to be his blood quickly and despite this man repeatedly advising his servants they are still in the same place as yesterday.
So even though this man is trying to grow up thinking positively, he is also human and he gets angry and feels strongly about it and grumbles to himself how can he refuse to listen to me? How can they despise me? He called an emergency meeting on the last day of his anger.
After all the servants, except the cleaner and the guard, had come and sat down, the man said in a loud voice, I will not hesitate to think for growth or good until the death of my soul or until the end of my life. I said we will change and grow up but I don’t have a news village or I am not my race.
Thus I always called them to meet and always told them to share with me, but they despised me and sat quietly on his own, tears filling their eyes with sorrow. Crying is not the solution, but it is not a good thing, and it is obvious how annoying and sad it is when you think badly or badly and don’t succeed. So he showed his grief with tears.
A staff member ran off the stage and brought the police. Fortunately, the village police station and the company were next door. The police came and tied the man’s hand and told him to go forward. The man was crying and asked him what he had done if this was new to him and what he was doing and the policeman said go and listen right there.
After they left, they testified against him for one word and sentenced him to five years in prison. The word is that he said I won’t grow up because I won’t change, not because I’m greedy for news or because I’m not my five race, and here’s what burned his life.
The maid, despite her race, was mistaken for the man’s social norms and ignored what he said because he was in a state of anger. For a word, do you hold back this open-minded man who strives for progress?
Here we are waiting for that one percent or counting what he said. I have written stories so far because I have gained strong insights from them, but there are some people who get tired of reading long stories. Anyone who loves to read may gain insight from this story.
So in this story, all the plans this man had made were ruined because he said a word wrong and his growth plans were destroyed and his hopes and dreams were derailed. So it is a prophecy that people who follow only evil in this world today are counted with the people and treated as one person.
If there were a wheel of inner secrets to roll the bad and the good on this earth, would there be those with good intentions and counting evil? Is it the wicked and the household of evil deeds that cause the population to increase excessively, or the good deeds and thoughts that cause the population to increase? I leave the answer to you.
Ask yourself which one you are classified under. And for the rest of your life, despise people who have done you bad things. But never forget the good people who have been good to you.
Don’t hesitate to think positively
Two athletes from different countries and speaking different languages were in first and second place in the race. Once they reach the finish line, the one in first place has finished and is stopping the race.
The second one knew what he was thinking, so he told him to run to the line before he finished. Again, the broadcaster from the first level does not hear the language of the second level, so he is still standing.

The young man from the second place had no choice but to push the child forward and took first place and second place himself. The local journalists asked him why he did this to the young boy. Why didn’t you come first yourself? They asked him.
My dream is to push people forward and encourage them. I said I would be the first one someday and I was just listed as a special person in the history books.Have you ever heard this story before?
If you have ever heard it, didn’t you find it hard to believe? But it is a true story and we must believe it and learn from it. I don’t think there is anything more to teach us than this example.
Respect everyone for their humanity.
What is a person honored with? Is he/she respected for wealth, power, knowledge, physical weight or thinness, clothes/clothes and a beautiful car or house? If you answered no verbally, your answer is not true.
But if you say it from your heart, you are truly someone who knows about respect and be respected. I believe that having the dignity of his humanity created in the image of God for anyone is the right sign of humanity. Nowadays the custom in our country is to look at the clothes/fabrics and get up and sit down.
If this cloth is not expensive, it gives the person a low position and shows great contempt in his emotions and thoughts to the point of taking off his fur. Fear of power buries the truth and the one who values the truth remains silent because of the fear of the father of power.
He is afraid of physical growth and deviates from the right path. But let us distinguish between respect and fear and understand that speaking for the truth or speaking out of our innermost passion is not a deprivation of dignity. It is that we are cowards and that we live by selling our humanity.
Don’t run after someone just to use them.
I don’t think everyone is perfect in everything in their lives. Suppose a person has a lot of money. Of course, life cannot be led or lived by money alone. But, some people think that if they have money or money, they have everything.
I don’t support those who think like that at all. Because a wise man hired a wise man with his money, and he took money from someone who knew his business strategy, he had everything. We can never say. The owner of money or money depends on people with knowledge, tactics, skills and ideas for the sake of his money, but he can never be independent of the other four.
The knowledgeable person will obviously seek this person with money because he needs money to use his knowledge. This means mutual benefit. If you live without one of the following, learn from yourself why you are under great dependence. They are:
1, Money
2, Knowledge
3, Strategy
4, Wisdom and
5, Ideas.
To avoid this dependency, produce at least one of the above internally.
VI, Do not promise to something you do not convince yourself of, but once you have promised, do not back down or give up. Keep all the promises you make and only make promises you can keep. The winners make promises they always keep.
The winners make promises they often break. There are many people who deny commitment again due to lack of understanding of commitment and lack of emotional control. Promises can be made through brotherhood, friendship, society, and marriage, but wherever they are denied or broken, both nature and history require it.
A story I heard from an individual as an example encourages us on the nature of this commitment message. But, I don’t think I’m necessarily expected to name the person who told me this story. And that was the story. It is one very cold night.
A famous rich man meets a poor or needy old man sitting in the snow. How can the rich man sit in this cold without wearing any winter clothes? Shall we not be cold to you ? he asked the scientist.
The old man replied that he did not have it, but he knew it. Rich man, I will now go into my house and bring you a winter garment. He said wait for me. The poor man was so happy that he said, “Okay, my son, I will wait for you. He said bring it to me.
After the rich man entered his house, he complained and forgot about the poor man and sat down to work. In the morning he suddenly remembered the poor old man and went out to look for him.
But I saw this poor old man die of cold. I wrote a note on paper and died when my mind convinced me that I didn’t have any winter clothes and I didn’t test natty for what I was but when you promised to help me I relied on your promise and lost my resistance to the cold so I endure this cold couldn’t bear it.
He saw it beside him. The rich man regretted his actions and shed tears. I am taking this story as an example because I believe it can teach us as well as you and I. If we cannot fulfill the lesson of the story, we will never make a promise. When making a commitment, it may mean nothing to us.
But being a promising person and having great meaning for that is because it can leave us feeling sad and regretful like the rich man in the present story. So don’t make a promise and if you do, don’t forget your promise.
Don’t judge human nature from afar
They are not satisfied with seeing a woman, they are satisfied with what they see is a wise proverb. It means they don’t learn something face to face unless they get close to it. It is also not practical to estimate/evaluate halal unless they reach something.

By humanity
👉I am either wise or ignorant.
👉It is either evil or humble.
👉Be arrogant or lowly.
It is surprising to judge or evaluate human beings by saying that they are stupid or cowardly. In fact, because we define the opposite about a person in advance, there are many times when the person is approached by the nature of the person from where we think and imagine him to be when he is on horseback and on the ground with our balance.
Who we expected to be the worst, he became more humble than we were. What we thought he was ignorant was a scholar or a scholar. Which we assume is stupid but he is a coward. Even though we hate him for being arrogant, we see times when his humility appears to us as his beautiful characteristic of which he is proud.
Tell us then and we will ask him with a sense of wonder if you would have been that kind of person. But, what does he do in the past we guess his work and his character that is not right and we eat our fingers in a sense of regret because he was labeling him with things he didn’t deserve.
In contrast to these, one person on the same day:
1, His Word.
2, His act or work.
3, Seeing or hearing him walk by them and the like in a short time, what is this yeast mouth way how nice?
What does his family think of themselves? How happy will his children be as he loves work? What if my abalone is like that to me? How humble he goes that this is a very humble person and we are overly eager and attach a good name to him.
The next day, however; he is the honey of his mouth. We went in and saw him standing in the street insulting someone older than him with polite words. Ihim that day we humiliated him saying this is going to carry a bad face mouth.
And that one we say loves work while he is doing it;
👉He drank various alcohols
👉He smoked a cigarette
👉We saw Chat physically fall into many addictions and get drunk and pass us by Morality.
I was thinking of you as a simple guy right? We ignore it and go to the repentance registry to register on the agenda of repentance, grumbling or whispering to ourselves oh my some body is better off not doing it, he never fell in like this and humiliated me.
He is also the first of those whom we expect to live in a very low self-control while his family rents a house and sleeps and eats dry while he is told by someone else that our house is like our city. For food, he slaughters a lamb twice a week and we hear my father lying to his girlfriend that he has never even seen a conspiracy.
At this point we lose what we are and we think we are dreaming and we suck our eyes and we lose what to say is this him or my eyes please. All of the above were our share. I mean, if we didn’t anticipate anyone from afar or halal, all this wouldn’t have happened to us.
Therefore, he is like that without understanding his nature by human beings for any time under any circumstances. Our saying this paves the way for us to live to regret ourselves and eat our fingers. The message of this book is that we should avoid such habits to avoid this regret.
Don’t get revenge
Revenge is a building of hatred and anger that is built with strong determination.
Revengeful Ness
1, Love without hate
2, Rest without anger
3, Joy without sorrow
4, It never gives peace and quiet but pain.
Therefore, taking revenge on the reality of those who have humiliated and hurt us is adding a second injury. To many of us, however, revenge may seem like strength or heroism. Albert Einstein is a famous scientist whose words are now known to the world but he said this about hatred. Weak people hate and strong people forgive.