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Don’t be enslaved for every one on the earth.



Addiction is the only disease that convinces you that you are not sick…!
Recovery Centers of America aims to bring people affected by various addictions out of the world of addiction and heal them. he has previously rescued many people from dangerous situations and brought them back to life. He is known for posting stories of people whose lives have changed there on his website.

One of the people whose life testimonies are posted on the organization’s website is Gina who became dangerously addicted to heroin at the age of 13. She says she was in the practice for 20 years until she was 33. Gina paid a heavy price for her addiction she speaks out She has suffered major health problems She has fallen and her back and neck have been badly injured She has lost a lot of weight.
“My family had to arrange my funeral.

I also told my mother that that was my goal that the disease would kill me”she describes the situation at the time but with the help of the organization
Among Ginan’s remarks that I believe deserve a mention here is the way she described addiction.

Addiction is the only disease that will convince you that you are not sick! That’s right Addiction is a disease that convinces patients that it is not a disease. While many people are in a dangerous addiction, they do not want to admit that their situation is a serious threat to them,their family or their country,While they are hurt. they live in greed because they do not want to accept this truth.

How Widespread Is Addiction?
It is difficult to find research on this issue in our country,I don’t think the research done in the past or the current one is enough exposed.and suggestions for solutions like yours.
For now, let’s look at some of the research in the western world and try to guess ours from that

Partnership staff wrote:
↪️ 40 million US citizens aged 12 and older have drug problems.Addiction and drug abuse are more common than diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
↪️ Another 80 million people are vulnerable to addiction and take addictive substances that affect public health but do not meet the criteria for addiction.
↪️ 75 percent of high school students have taken addictive substances including tobacco alcohol marijuana or cocaine Still 46 percent are using addiction

↪️90 percent of people who take herbs Age.before they turn 18 they get into additional addictions like smoking, drinking and using other drugs. And 96 percent get into that before they’re 21 years old.
↪️ 46 percent of children under the age of 18 live in families where someone 18 or older is addicted to smoking, drinking, getting drunk or using illegal drugs.

↪️Addiction and drug use account for 20 percent of all deaths in the USA.
↪️Addiction and drug abuse can lead to more than 70 additional illnesses that require treatment”
The above information is terrible. This problem is not only a problem of developed countries but also of developing countries

Don’t Be Slave !
As we have seen above, the theme of this chapter.
“Don’t Slave,” he says What is slavery itself? What does it mean to be a slave? Slavery is the subjugation of a body beyond one’s own power,The lack of control over one’s own life means the control of another body. One form of addiction is that the thing you are addicted to has controlled you.

Humanity was not created to fall under any pressure. No one in this world was created to be anyone’s slave. However,it is sickening to see so many people on this planet living as slaves to things by making things rule over them in one way or another.

It is sad that mankind, who was created to dominate and conquer the creation of this world, has fallen back into the slavery of nature. Do you know what the main truth I want to share with you in this section is? It is that you should never let your life fall under the thrall of things. you must always make sure that your life is free from any slavery.

It is this kind of slavery that has prevented many people from living a meaningful life. They fail to reach their goals despite having great goals and visions. Many people caught in this trap are falling into the wrong place and living lives that do not measure up to them.

Greed has a wide entrance;.but a very narrow exit. Many people get into it easily but it is so hard to get out of it”Let’s see “and jokingly many people who get into it are trapped in the addiction of slavery and stay there. The great guideline for addiction. Don’t try!”Yes,if there is anything in your life that shouldn’t be tried, it’s taking addictive substances.

Types of Addiction That Are Threatening to Our Country
There are many addictive things all over the world that control people’s lives and I don’t think it is necessary to list all of them in this section so let’s just focus on the ones that are worrying and threatening for our country.

1, Alcohol
When he was a university student, a friend shared his experience with me. It was as follows
My father drinks a lot of alcohol especially he loves traditional alcohol One of the days he got very sick Family took him to the hospital After an examination they told us that his kidneys were severely damaged due to alcohol consumption We were very shocked .

The doctor used looked at the laboratory tests and warned my father “Dad your kidneys are very damaged.because you are drinking too much alcohol.If you want to survive, don’t drink alcohol anymore!I ordered some medicines and we went home,
When we got home, my father called me and gave me money.

“Go buy me vodka and swallow their medicine!” he told me, When my friend told us about this experience I laughed,It sounds like a joke,But it was a real incident While it makes us laugh it also teaches us one truth:That it is hard to get out of alcohol addiction.

“Many chemicals are useful in small amounts,but toxic in large quantities” Dr Lewis Nelson.It is important to have a certain amount of alcohol in the bloodstream.But drinking to the point of addiction is life threatening.
Alcohol is one of the most common addictions in our country and it is known to cause multi-faceted damage.It can cause serious health, economic, family and social relationships.

Because of alcohol consumption many people’s precious time is wasted in the wrong places .People who could have done great things cannot bring out their hidden talents due to alcohol addiction As a country analyze the issues we are looking at and one of the things we need to fix is ​​alcoholic beverages how many breweries and other alcoholic beverages there are in this country and how much alcoholic beverages they produce per day

The lives of our youth should be looked at properly in this regard Many young people with great knowledge and strength and hope for the future of this country are ruined by alcohol addiction To prove this just look at the bars around you. e evenings where our young people fill up and drink.

I believe a lot of work needs to be done to get out of this danger Alcohol seems to calm people’s minds for a while,Many people drink a lot of alcohol to forget about the difficult situation they are in. That doesn’t bring a lasting solution, however. Due to the feeling of intoxication, the person may forget the situation for a few hours it is useless but to put it on Beware of the strong.

Approximately 28.3 million adults in the USA smoke;1.7 million middle-aged and high school students use tobacco products Every day children of all ages annually the USA spends $225 billion to treat diseases caused by smoking? This is a report by the Centers for Disease control and prevention of (CDC).

Back in the country, the number of smokers is estimated at 2,530,200 (two million five hundred and thirty-two thousand) .of which 1,792,500(one million seven hundred and ninety-two thousand and five hundred) are males and 383,500 (three hundred and eighty-three thousand and five hundred) are females.
Smoking is one of the most addictive and harmful substances. The chemical in tobacco called nicotine becomes addictive if taken repeatedly.Once_addicted it is difficult to stop.

Smoking may seem to provide temporary pleasure, just like alcohol, but the health problems associated with it are not to be taken lightly.
Health studies have revealed that it can lead to diseases like cancer .heart disease stroke.pneumonia.diabetes and others.
I want my readers who are in the practice of smoking to stop and think about it and get out of this dangerous habit.

Many people who are addicted to tobacco do not have enough money to meet their daily needs and try to find the wrong way .as a result they are vulnerable to theft.in general the damage caused by tobacco addiction.is multifaceted.

“It’s the enemy of health!”
Tobacco companies are obliged to write on the harms it causes For example.a tobacco company in our country writes on it,”Enemy of health”This label is irresponsible for one’s life Using your own pennies of your own free will when you know it will hurt you can be nothing but a sense of irresponsibility Buying your own religion with your own money and killing yourself with it is not acceptable in any way.

3, Psychotropic Drugs
There are many drugs.that give drugs that endanger human health Many of these drugs .are internationally banned and their use and trafficking is punishable by law.

Some of these drugs are cocaine,marijuana,heroin methamphetamine etc
“Are these drugs a threat to our country? The question may arise. Perhaps many of us do not think these drugs are a concern to our country because we do not have enough information about the serious dangers they are causing to our youth.

The truth is but these drugs are causing great damage in our country.Many drug smoking devices are seized in our cities from time to time Although smoking hashish and drug is illegal in this country, these items are used in many places It is a great concern that there are so many such houses in secret especially in the area of ​​high schools and many of our self are falling into this trap due to lack of peer pressure have to follow their children closely.

There are many children who leave home and stay in places they don’t deserve on the pretext of “going to school”.Families should compress monitoring.
In short, one of the things you should expect.from your life is drugs (herbs ) You should know that they have no benefits but harm.

It is often peer pressure that gets you into this kind of addiction.Your friends.who have already gotten into this dangerous practice can easily get you started.People seem to be everywhere, right?What’s the matter?” it will not be easy for you so one of the expectations you have to avoid these drugs is to avoid bad associates The place you live and the people you hang out with have a big impact on you,so you have to choose very carefully.

4,Social Media Addiction
The most dangerous of the major addictions that the generation of our time is suffering from is the addiction to social media.
To understand how much this addiction has taken over people, it is enough to look at the relationship people have with their phones. Many of us have nothing closer to us than spending a lot of time on social media.

Some of the symptoms of addiction are as follows:
↪️ Spend hours on social media every day
↪️Open and check their phone repeatedly (again and again).
↪️When their phone they are not hands tight and disturbed.
↪️Only interested in social media
↪️Endangering social relationships and so on.

Social media addiction can cause us many harms One of them is that it prevents us from doing the work we should be doing It makes us tired of doing the important things that should have been done and when our work goes down our lives are vulnerable secondary it wastes our time When we spend many hours a day on social media our lives are wasted.

Thirdly it weakens our ability to concentrate on the important things.only makes us not work and not succeed.
It causes us to disperse our hearts and energies Fourthly it jeopardizes our social relationships Although many of us have many friends on the air from our social media social media.We are sitting next to each other and fighting fingers.We are not giving enough time and attention to each other, family and relatives, friends around us this is not an easy disaster.

In general.addictions that human beings can get caught in are not the only ones There are many I focused on the addictions listed above because they are widespread in our country and Many people are caught in the trap of the above addictions to help people get out of them I wrote this chapter to encourage those of us who are not yet in greed to continue accordingly. Stop it!

To sum up this chapter ,if you haven’t started any addiction yet congratulations, The biggest truth I can assure you is that there is no addiction that will benefit you but harm you,And if you are still involved in addictions my message to you is stop the slightest.

Stopping a long-term addiction may be difficult, but it is possible. The most important thing is that you have determination and decide from your heart to get out of it. Then make every effort on your part. Avoid any place where you are comfortable using the addiction ,any place where you are tempted Stay away from friends who encourage you to the addiction.

Find and read articles to help you get off the addiction If it is beyond your control contact psychologists around you who can help you with the issue an contact them and get their support and you can follow the directions they give you and get out of it.
Don’t be a slave to any greed in your life Slavery is not good and freedom is not bad Be free from any greed Live freely this is one of the characteristics of successful people Hey ,I wish you all the best.

Who do you call yourself?
We all have our own understanding of ourselves. The image we have of ourselves determines our lives. What is your image of yourself? If he stands in front of you, who do you think the man you see in the face is? What does it mean? As I mentioned above, you are not your name.

That doesn’t make you your name that your father or mother gave you. Why is it? You are so much more than your name. It is not the color of your skin, the height of your work, your thickness or thinness, nor the environment you are in. It is not your father or mother that makes you. Nor is it your wife or husband. It is not your educational level or your job covenant that makes you.

Who are you, anyway? What is your true identity that makes you who you are? This is the most important question in your life that needs the right answer. Perhaps you have never focused on this question until now. Perhaps she ignored him because she took him lightly.

Now it’s time to take it deeper. I ask you to take the time to think deeply about it. Yes, who are you? I mentioned earlier that one of the greatest yoga teachers, science man attaches great importance to this question. This person goes on to say, “Who is watching when you are watching? When you hear, who hears. Who sees the dreams you dream?

Who saw that picture in the cover? Who hosted all these events? Your answer to all these questions will be me. That will be the only answer you have. If your answer to the above question is me, who is that you said I am? Perhaps you are your thoughts? No, you can think as well as you can not think. So the thoughts you think do not represent who you are.

Let’s come to the answer.
You are a Human Being.
That is the short answer to this question. You are human, your identity is just your humanity. There is something we often hear over and over again. What sets man apart from animals is his ability to think. This raises a question: What is our evidence that other animals do not think? The one that says. Don’t you remember if a herd of deer bury a dead deer? Doesn’t the eagle think when he climbs the mountain and builds a house?

Don’t you think about the squirrel gathering food in the summer and eating it in the rainy season? Why do we think that the ability to think is only given to humans? What about the reality? What makes us human? It is not our thoughts but our faith that makes us human. That is, what we believe about who we are.

Do the things your mind believes and get the things your mind believes. The life you live now is the life you believe in yourself. Dr Joe science man tells a story. As shown below, Wright was diagnosed with lymphoma, a type of blood cancer. The cancer has produced several tumors in various parts of his body.

Each one was as big as an orange and could not be cured despite any attempts. He was bedridden for weeks in a difficult situation. Due to its lack of improvement, its interpretation was treatment. Dr Filip is desperate. Fortunately, a drug made from horse blood is used to treat cancer. Wright Hospital was one of 10 hospitals selected for treatment.

If he has less than three months to live properly, he will not be given new medication. So Wright can’t take the new drug. He, however, did not want to pass up the opportunity.he left the request and obtained permission to accept their will. He was given the new medicine from Friday.

On Sunday he started moving, cheering and giggling with the nurses. Like a new person. Dr west wrote him a report, saying that all the swelling had disappeared as if from a metal needle. In just three days, the tumors were more than halved.
After 10 days he was allowed to go home. Two months after the recovery, it was published in the newspaper that the science man given to 10 of the patients taking was science man a fake. As soon as Wright returned this information, he began to really doubt the medication he had taken.

He fell unconscious when he thought the medicine might not work and his body swelled again. Dr west is very sorry for Wright’s illness but suspects that he was cured by false medicine. He thought about what he should do now. Wright has also improved a lot from the present science man His healing ability is great. He said we gave him to you. I gave him an injection every few days.

The truth is he was injected. The truth is that the injection contained nothing but pure glucose. As soon as he took the injection, the swellings from his genitals disappeared again. They disappeared back to his house. He went home and lived happily ever after. There was no swelling from his circumcision.

One of the days, however, was not a good day for Wright. What’s the matter? The American Medical Association issued a statement. Wasn’t the cancer drug science man the real one. It contains few mineral oils and no amino acids. The drug manufacturers have also been arrested on charges of collusion.
Wright fell for the last time. Then she returned to the hospital as desperate for life as she could not believe she could be cured.

Then days to die it only took two. What do we learn from this story? Wright conquered leukemia twice through faith. Although the medicine he took was fake, he twice came back from the brink of death simply because he believed that he would be healed. But when he doubted his faith, he paid a bitter price. As soon as he believed and was saved, he died in unbelief.

The truth is, your faith will kill you as much as it will save you. As a human being, the greatest gift you have is the gift of faith. So you need to focus on what your mind believes. It is your faith that makes you human. The right faith leads to success and the wrong faith leads to failure. Who do you believe I am? Many of the people we share this world with have misconceptions about themselves.

Their mental image of their heads. It’s a mistake. As a result, they try to succeed all their lives but fail. What does this mean? I ask you to take this opportunity to examine what your mind believes. Take the time. Sit down with paper and pencil. Write down the wrong beliefs you have about yourself, your family, and your environment.
Write down the right beliefs that can replace the wrong beliefs you wrote down. Work tirelessly on these right beliefs to convince your mind in the next few days.

The best way to replace false beliefs with right beliefs is to tell yourself over and over again. After a while your life will start to change. If your beliefs are correct, your life will be correct. Your outer life is a reflection of your inner life.
No matter how much you learn, you cannot live outside your faith.

If you believe that you are born to fall, you can never live a life of victory. In short, he lives by what he believes. And you can’t live without believing. This consideration leads us to a conclusion. You become what you believe, you do what you believe, and you get what you believe, we are who we believe we are.

Leave It For Yourself
It is not only the person you forgive who needs your forgiveness. It is you yourself who needs it most. Why is it? Because the feelings of hatred and resentment that are stored inside you are the ones that hurt you. Notice that the jealousy and hatred of your personal treasures stored in your heart will always be with you.

It is you, not the man who hurt you, who hurts you. Hating is poisoning yourself and waiting for someone else to die with it. That being said, it is foolish to expect your enemy to die with the negative poison in your heart. It is a cement to be fingered by someone who is like a cement who may have forgotten.
It also exposes you to social. When you forgive people who hurt you, you get yourself out of prison. It means you divorce yourself. That will give you great peace of mind. Now I want you to decide something as you read this book. Not to live with hatred and resentment.

This is a matter of choice. Can you choose to give way to hatred and resentment in your heart and be hurt. On the other hand, you can choose to cultivate only love in your heart and free your life. You are fully responsible for any choices you make. The reality is that the choices you decide to make will have a huge impact on your life. If he chooses light, he lives in light and if he chooses darkness, he lives in darkness. I don’t have time to tell you which one is wise. Because you know that light is much better than darkness.

Stay Away From Love
I am not encouraging you to hate anyone in your life. Why is it? Because it’s a dark hatred. But can you do something. What is it? Lovingly avoid people who hurt you. One of the most important Righteousness in the social life of human beings is called loving avoidance.

You can live your own life away from love without hating, without resentment, without wishing bad luck. What do you think is the importance of this guideline? It prevents people from hurting you a second time with a cement once. That is probably why it is said to forgive your enemy but not to forget his name.
You should not give people a chance to hurt you again. You must forgive him wholeheartedly for past wrongs but be careful not to give him a chance to turn from them.

One of the best opportunities life has given you is that you have the full right to choose the people you are close to. You may not have the opportunity to choose your family, but you can choose to spend time with friends. Knowing which people to attract and which people to keep away from and putting what you know into practice is very crucial to your survival and success.

The main point to understand here is that alienating does not mean hating. You can love and think positively away from yourself. The closer someone in your life is to you, the more they will influence you. This is a fact of life. The person closest to you can have the greatest influence on you. So,you have to be very careful about the people you introduce to yourself. Peer pressure is a powerful force that can change your life, so don’t take it lightly.

Don’t be afraid to apologize
Apologizing to someone you offended is not defeat. It’s winning. Many people don’t apologize to people even though they know they’re wrong because they often see doing that as a defeat. One of the hardest words for many people to say is, I’m sorry.
Don’t find it hard to apologize to people when you’re sure you’ve done something wrong See? That’s a sign of your maturity.

It also shows your emotional maturity. It’s not just about blaming people and apologizing. And don’t hesitate to forgive those who offend you. Realize that there is no better time to forgive or accept. No appointment is required for forgiveness. Why? If you are scheduled for tomorrow, you do not know whether he will come tomorrow or not.

Who knows what’s going to happen in a second? Apologize right now. I wonder if you’ve ever heard of people who regret the death of someone who died without apologizing. There is nothing more regrettable than losing someone’s life without apologizing when you have done something wrong. Because it is impossible to apologize to someone who is not alive.

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