Everything changes in human life don’t forgotten your background.
The king called his secretary and gave him an order.
He took off his spelling.
“I want you to write something on this tablet. Write me a short note that will humble me when I am proud.and give me hope when I am disappointed!” He took time to think about it. Finally he wrote it down and gave it back. The king was very surprised.
“This will pass!”
The short story above contains a great lesson The short text the author wrote on the alphabet is made up of a few letters But the meaning is not easy Yes,this will pass! Human life is like a journey that starts with the warm welcome of certain people eating grass when you are born and ends with the mourning of your relatives eating and a warm funeral when you die.

As is well known, a long journeyman has many experiences He climbs multiple mountains, crosses rivers, crosses half a forest, passes through a hot deserted valley, the journey involves many things You must go through many things in the world you live in. Just as a hiker climbs a mountain and falls down a fold, you will go through many things in your life.
The Truth is that No matter what situation you are in, there is no situation that will not change! When you get everything right for you and where you have been wishing to reach you are tested by pride and if you are filled with feelings of pride you give yourself the estimates you deserve and where does that lead you? It leads you to despise other people Despising human beings has done the wrong thing May it be easy for you.succeed in your work,great_uplift..there is no one in this world you deserve to despise because Yes, humanity does not have to be a very educated person to.respect him.nor does it have to be a very wealthy person or have high political power to be a person to respect him ‘ee nature alone is enough.
The feeling of self_pride when it tempts you and when it is written on despising others.this will pass!.He who.is high will not remain as high He who is low will not remain there This and that situation will change. When things get worse in life, when you work, you lose success, when loneliness gets worse, when you work, you lose success. when you feel lonely when you try and fall for it all, when things don’t go well for you and they get discouraged Feelings of humility tempt you Then the guideline you have to remember is “This too will pass!” That is, Tomorrow will bring another day and another opportunity. Therefore, you should be encouraged and continue your journey towards the solution.
Three Things!
To have a successful life, human inheritance must always remember three wantots These three very important things must never be forgotten.
As human beings we all have these three things There is no human being who is alive and breathing who does not have all three so,as human beings it is the duty of all of us to give importance to these things. Speaking of which, what are these three essentials? Follow the explanation carefully as below.
1,Remember your yesterday
There is one truth We all started life from something small None of us human beings on this face of the earth were born dressed We all came into this world naked None of us were born with ten cents in our right hand All of us What does this mean that we came empty handed?We all started life from empty Yes from empty!
Personally, everyone’s life has its own origin Humanity should not forget that origin It is very dangerous to forget where they came from. Remembering your origin does not mean living In your past life “Yesterday went down and tomorrow is not born The only day you have to work is today!” This does not mean, however, that remembering your yesterday is useless. Each of the experiences you have gained is the galaxy of your life today so it is important to think about it.

Why can’t people who forget their origins make the most of their today? If you don’t remember where you came from, you will have no respect for the place you are today. Many of us came from little We were born in a comfortable environment that was not raised When we remember our little origins it gives us a sense of our lives today Compared to that little origin we thank our Creator for where we are now Big and small grumbling we leave and are happy for where we are now.
Remembering that we came from small things makes us have the right attitude and respect for the people who put them. When we realize that there is no great start without a great goal,we respect everyone equally by realizing that people who are at a seemingly small level today can reach great places tomorrow that we don’t expect them to reach people who treat everyone equally_love and respect everyone are people who remember their origins. I urge you not to forget where you came from yesterday
2, Understand Your Today
Understanding not only your yesterday but also where you are now.is a must What is life like now? What level are you at? What do you have on your hands? How much strength and ability do you have now? These are crucial questions that need your answers.
Let me ask you an important question. What were you thinking about your today in your yesterday? Where were you dreaming of going yesterday at your current age? Have you become the person you dreamed yesterday to be today? Have you reached your goal today?
I want you to take the time to think about it and answer these questions.If you have reached the place you dreamed of yesterday today.that is a great success My message to you is.’There is still something left for you” Today you are where you dreamed of yesterday then you have to stand on it today and have another dream tomorrow One of the most dangerous mistakes we can make in life is to be satisfied with the success of the crown. Success never ends Have you learned a lot?
Did you succeed in business? And it’s very good!
You still have business left Have you got power? Misha!.You still have power left Have you succeeded in your faith? It’s nice! But still there is something left for you Have you succeeded in your profession and been awarded a great prize? There is still something left for you. You stop growing when you believe that your current growth is enough for you What do I mean? Human life stops growing when I’m Grown enough for me!”
He believed so,don’t sit back and wait for the small successes you have achieved so far you are expected to do today rather than what you did yesterday learn today rather than learn yesterday and try today rather than try yesterday Your growth will reach somewhere should not stop but continue until you pass away.
On the other hand, if you haven’t reached today where you dreamed of reaching yesterday, it will help you to understand your today. If they don’t, their lives will be filled with anger and regret and if such feelings are not controlled, they expose one to two major dangers It makes us bury our true identity and we are forced to live with a false identity.This kind of life is not life and it is a pretense Eventually one day that wrong identity will be taken away from us ,it makes us jealous of people who have reached the places we couldn’t dream of This is not an easy risk.
If you dream of becoming a successful businessman and when you grow up you can’t succeed in it, you hate people who are successful in business for no reason. This is the source of jealousy of many people. They choose to die rather than see someone where they cannot reach themselves.
When someone else climbs the mountain they fall to climb themselves.the fire of jealousy Jealousy is a dangerous emotion that eats away like cancer.There is nothing to harm the one who is jealous; but for the jealous it is a dangerous disease.If it is not awakened in time and solution is sought, it can disrupt one’s life.
If you stand on it today and you haven’t reached your dream destination yesterday, the solution you have is to find solutions for the people who will get you there. Everyone alive has ample opportunity to change their situation. Instead of listing nations in a book and admitting your failure, you need to think about how you can reach your dreams and take all the necessary steps to do that it depends on you to understand Yes, understand your today!

3, Look at your tomorrow
“If you don’t have a mountain eye to see anything over there,take it out of yourself and throw it away!”It’s a folk proverb. The visionary eye has the ability to see the mountain in the heart. Mankind should be able to see their tomorrow I am talking about Vision. What do you see for your future? What kind of person would you like to see yourself in years to come? Where are you going to be five years from today If you are 60 years old, do you have a clear picture of what your life will be like? When you become an 80-year-old man,do you turn your grandchildren around. When you sit at the door and tell them your story and experiences, when you share your philosophy of life, when you tell them your mistakes so they don’t make the same mistakes you made, when you tell them what you saw on the long journey?
Are you seeing your tomorrow? Or have you never thought about your future? Is your job just to count day after day and add a year’s life once a year? Is life for you just sleeping when it’s bedtime and getting up in the morning? Don’t you know that’s the kind of person you’re going to be? You let it be as God made me That’s good! but keen you need to have a vision of the future.
Life is a great gift from your Creator that needs to be cared for and protected. Life is not something easy that you should take for granted but it gives you the strength to see a bright tomorrow ahead of you so that you can process it with wisdom and vision . . . . It gives you hope and Hope is the fuel of a life engine without hope for the future,it is like a car without fuel to run on it Both can stop and go forward but they can’t work on it the only time you have is now but to hope it will be there for you tomorrow. Don’t despair of two things in your life: your Creator and your future! Of course tomorrow may or may not come That is nothing to know.Whether it comes or not but there is nothing to stop you from saying “My tomorrow is bright too!”
Focus on the Inevitable
We have seen above that nothing from this world remains stationary. If you look at it from that perspective, ,”Focus on the one that doesn’t pass!” The title may not make sense to you Say, “There is nothing that does not pass!”, It seems contradictory to say that it does not pass,However,there is something that does not pass! What is it? History!
The rise you are on today will pass tomorrow Leave your situation and you yourself will pass one day. this is a harsh truth you must refuse to swallow There is no other solution but to swallow. There is one good news though, you can make an unforgettable history with your passing life!
Tomorrow’s generation may not know you physically But they have made great stories and are still living from the grave today among us who are alive ,that is why my Friend Do you want to not Die? Do you want to live with generation after generation?Do you want your body to rest on a rock and continue to live in a nameless grave? What do you think is the good thing? You can do that. Because many heroes have done that and shown us.How ?Good question Even one day General!
You may not have had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Taddasa Birru and you have never seen him with your own eyes The strange thing is,you feel like you know General Taddasa in person, even if you don’t have the opportunity to sit down and have coffee with Barro Tumsa. You will feel like you know him better than your grandfather, even if you have time with Onesimus Nasib and share his life experiences. You may not see Aster Ganno and take advice from her eye to eye but you know her well from the story she has made.
This truth also applies to your life. You now have the opportunity to ensure that your precious life continues with the next generation. You can make history from generation to generation and continue to be a teacher to the next generation. You have the opportunity to have a life that is counted a lifetime that only the family knows.
This is one reason why you should enjoy every morning when you wake up and open your eyes.
Each day that comes and goes gives you the opportunity to make history ,So pass your life to make history that will never pass
Do your best on your part.Good luck. awe!