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Give Values Your Time to Make Growth your life.



You cannot value your time until you value yourself. You can’t do anything with it until it values ​​your time. Not valuing your time is not valuing your life.

I have told you that the three basic resources that God has given you are your mind, your time and your people. Your time is a treasure that has been freely given to you.

It is your time that you treat equally with everyone else in the world.
You have 24 hours in a day. This is a great wealth that you can use as you wish. You have an average of eighty years from this world around 29200 days.

That means you have around 700800 hours of these days. There is nothing to stop you from using it right now. The government does not tax you for your use. It is given to you freely and you use it freely.

It requires control What sets your time and your resources apart from these is that you have fallen and cannot get up. You can put money in a bank account, lend it to people and do whatever you want with it.

Your time is different. If he likes to be bad, you can’t cut your time and give or lend it to someone. You only use it as much as you can. Every amount you don’t use will not benefit you.

So, you have to use it very wisely. Even though all human beings are given time equally, the way we use it makes us different. People value the success of their time.

They know that their time is worth it and they don’t make fun of their time under any circumstances. You can judge how likely a person is to succeed in the future by looking at how they use their time.

How you use your time now will determine who you are tomorrow. You are using your time wisely, which means you are managing your life wisely.

On the other hand, if you are wasting your time, sadly, you are wasting your life. The biggest crime you can commit in your life is wasting your time.

I often say at every opportunity that time is given to man only to accomplish his purpose. Live the worst life on earth and it should not be a waste of time.

A person who has lived 120 years in this world is not wasting these years as a leftover from what he is given but only to fulfill his mission from the world.

So there is not a second of time given to you to waste unless you waste your will.
Don’t waste time A friend of mine calls me every day and tells me that one day this week we should go somewhere and waste our time.

That’s his line for him, and I learned a great lesson from that line. We meet for coffee or eat. We play, we laugh, we tell stories. Sometimes we read books and share what we learn from them.

It was a waste of our time. No, don’t destroy it. Wasn’t that time we had together a time spent in vain. One of the biggest skills you need in your life is how you use your time.

The biggest guidelines I give you are don’t go to places where you waste your time and don’t get into situations where you waste your time.

Don’t spend your time with people who waste your time. If you want to succeed in life, you must keep this guideline in mind. Don’t go to a place where you waste your time.

I was with a high school teacher for four years. In that school, I skip the first hour of the day from the second and third hours of teaching and go to another classroom in the fourth hour.

Spend the time in between talking around with several teachers. They either watch tv or sit in a cafe. But for me, the little time I spent without work was worth it. I sit in a different place and read with a book in my hand.

There is nothing more painful than wasting my time. I use it to study when I have a few minutes of rest. That’s why I never took this book out of my hands.

Wherever you go, make sure that the place is a place where you make the most of your time, not a place where you waste it. Before you leave, ask yourself a crucial question Can I make the most of my time there?

If that place is a place where you waste your time, it will only waste your life. Why, lost time means lost life. Make sure your environment is one where you can make the most of your time.

The area you can’t use in your time is the wrong area. It has to be changed.
Don’t get in a situation where you waste your time. As a guide to life, you often find yourself in different situations.

That’s how life is. There are happy situations as well as sad situations. There are situations that you like and there are situations that you don’t like.

There are two things you face every day. It’s situations you can control and you can’t. Going to a coffee shop and drinking coffee is your choice.

You can stop going. But you can’t keep your relative from dying when he’s sick and in the hospital. That is not in your hands but in God’s hands. So you are forced to accept the situation as it is and bury your relative.

You have control over the circumstances under your control. I’m talking about them here. It is your duty to keep the daily circumstances under your control from wasting your time.

Any circumstances that have a negative impact on your time need to be corrected or changed. Don’t spend time with people who waste your time.

Having successful relationships with people is very important. However, you need to know who you are spending time with. She is always surrounded by many people.

That doesn’t mean that everyone around you is equally approachable. You need to think carefully about who you should spend time with and who you should not.

The people you spend a lot of time with have a big impact on you. We will look at this in the chapter on caring for your relationships with people.

The truth is that you will grow into the people you spend a lot of time with and become like them. So only with people who can make your life better
Spend your time.

Stay away from lazy people who don’t value life.I’m not saying don’t meet these guys but don’t spend your time with danger. Here are a few guidelines to help you make the most of your time.

1, Understand the value of time.
Time is more precious than money. You can make more money, you can’t make more time, you can spend money today for any purpose and replace it.

When he gives 10 rupees to a beggar while walking, he makes the money. But you cannot get back 10 minutes of your time. Time is the most precious of all resources and is irreplaceable.

Your irreplaceable property needs care wherever you see it and you are not expected to pay for every issue you see with someone you see.

Before you waste your time, ask yourself the question, why is this issue taking up your time? I believe we have a great deal of openness as a nation when it comes to valuing our time.

One of the biggest problems we have is that we can’t save our time just because it deserves it. Our time is our life. Since we have said that we should have compassion for our time as much as we have compassion for our lives.

I don’t think many of us realize that every second we spend means a lot to our lives. We cannot succeed in life until we realize that our time is a precious resource that cannot come back once it is gone.

Our young people need to understand the value of time. Above all, you have to value your precious time and work on it. If you don’t appreciate the value of time in your youth, you are going to regret it when you get older for the time you are wasting now. Understand that your time is your life.

2, Don’t be in a hurry
You cannot marry 9 wives and have a child in one month. I have to wait nine months to have a baby. What many people mistake about time management is urgency. They are in a hurry for this and that.

They don’t realize that there is no shortcut to growth and that time must be spent on it to get good results. One of the things success requires of you is waiting.

A farmer does not sow seeds today and harvest them tomorrow morning. It must be heard for a certain period of time. What does the nation say when they proverb?

Drink goat’s milk patiently, there may be things that need to be done quickly as needed. That doesn’t mean you have to rush everything you do.

There is no need to rush to get any results. The obstacle to success for many is urgency. Impatience. Give me six hours to cut the tree. I spend the first four hours sharpening my axe.

It means that you don’t have to exhaust your energy to cut the tree but you need to take the dangerous time to sharpen the tool you use to cut the tree. Otherwise, it will just be weakness.

3, Have realistic goals
I don’t know where life without a goal will lead. Having a specific goal will tell you what you need to spend time on.

If you didn’t set a clear goal last night about what you need to do today and what you need to spend your time on, you haven’t decided why you should use the 24 hours you have today.

If so, many things that should not take your time can rob you of your time. it means that your precious resources are being wasted unnecessarily. Such a life is not called life.

What are your goals in terms of your body? What did you have to do today to keep your body healthy? Have you done physical activity? Did you get enough sleep?

Are you eating enough food and drinking enough water? Have you kept your body clean? What have you done to develop your mind? Have you read the book?

Have you watched the video to learn from it? Have you gotten people’s advice? Have you had a formal education? What did you do today about your emotional maturity?

Emotional maturity should be one of your goals in life. Have you practiced withholding negative emotions and positive emotions such as love, forgiveness, kindness?

Have you helped and shown love to those in need? You need to set realistic goals for these points that you practice on a daily basis. Understand that life without a goal never gets anywhere.

4, Do not pull from the ground
The problem with many people is that they pass on what they have to do today to tomorrow as if they have no jobs of their own. One of the points I made above was not to forget.

And I will explain to you at this point that I am not saying don’t forget to pull things off the ground for no reason. Without good reason, postponing the work you have to do now is called laziness.

Laziness is a crossroads that leads to failure. Other days he has many tasks of his own. Moving the work that needs to be done today to others will be a squeeze on the day.

The pain is not the day’s but yours. Why is it? Because it is you who will do what you need to do in your life today and tomorrow.

What needs to be done now? If you are told that you will die three hours later, what is the only thing you must do? Which is the most important and urgent task? Now is the right time to do the work, so stop making excuses.

There is no need for a reason. Whether the situation is right or not, take time to do the work now. Understand that there is no more appropriate time for change than now.

What do you think is the biggest danger of pulling off the ground? If you walk away from it, it will become a habit for you to learn.

Once you develop such a habit, you will manage tasks that should not be obeyed for no reason. That puts your life in danger. So if you can do any important work you believe in today, never put it off tomorrow.
Do what you can do now. Because tomorrow will have its own tasks for you to do.

5, Take time management training.
One of the most important lessons in time management. Since how you use your time is directly related to your success, developing your time management skills is not an option but a must.

There is absolutely no way you can succeed without knowing how to manage your time. In short, your time management skills will determine your success.

The good news is that the age we are in is an age where we can easily educate ourselves. You do not have to go to school to receive the necessary training.

You can sit and learn and train wherever you are. We live in an age where technology has made many things easier for us. With the help of various media, you can take critical trainings without spending a lot of money.

Learn how to make the most of your time at every opportunity. Choose the most experienced experts in the field and learn from them.take the trainings they give. Share their ideas. Don’t waste time learning the issue of time.

Not only learn and train but apply what you learn. Any knowledge will only benefit you when you put it into practice.

If action is not supported, no knowledge can help you, perhaps to advise people but to summarize your time is your most precious resource, so give it the value it deserves.

Don’t waste the wrong place with the wrong people. There is not a single second given to you to waste but to use it. Researchers divide the human brain into two parts. These parts are not visible, but only known by their function, and it is useful to understand both.

1, Conscious brain:- This part of the brain is the conscious part and through which we think about our thoughts that are under our control.

We think of all the things we think of as intelligent in this section. Organizing the information we receive through our sensory organs can create new ideas. Our conscious mind is determined.

It focuses on only one thing at a time. For the driver of a book that we can’t afford. All his power is limited. This part of the brain believes in reason. Why? He asks the question.

He can argue that he is not right because he is not right. Being able to choose the thoughts that your conscious mind thinks is one of the greatest opportunities you have in this world. The more you choose the right ideas and think about them, the better you can change your life.

2, Hidden Brain:- It is the part of the brain that contains the most power. It believes in the thoughts we repeatedly take from our conscious minds alone.

Our conscious mind is moved by reason, while our subconscious mind is moved by faith. He does not identify and reason with the ideas that come to him.

He believes everything he is told. It means that it is driven by emotion rather than reason. That’s why you have to be careful about rethinking things in your life.

The things you think back from your conscious mind enter your subconscious mind and become part of your beliefs and identity. That has a huge impact on your life. Your subconscious mind turns what you believe into action.

Because its powers are not as limited as the conscious mind, the researchers prove that it can implement anything you believe. This part of the brain is not like the conscious mind that focuses on just one thing at a time but can control thousands of issues at once.

For example, your heartbeat is not a deliberate bleeding. Your blood is not flowing in his veins at your intentional command. You don’t have to think about each of the thousands of chemical interactions that take place in your body.

He doesn’t intentionally sleep your eyes. All these things happen outside the command of your conscious mind. Even when you sleep, these things are all done perfectly except for mistakes.

This means that all these issues are controlled by your subconscious mind. The things we have heard and thought since childhood are recorded in this hidden part of our brain.

All the information we receive through our sense organs means that the things we have seen with our eyes, heard with our ears, tasted with our tongues, touched with our skin, breathed with our lips are all recorded in this section.

The combination of these things builds our identity. We are the sum of things that have been accumulated in our hidden minds to this day.

Perhaps if you are not happy with the life you are living today and if you believe that you need to change your whole life if you are not enjoying the benefits of our lives, then what you need to do is change this subtle program of your mind. Perhaps the things your subconscious mind still believes are what hurt you.

There may be many things you are told that can affect your life without your knowledge. The family you raised, the friends you grew up with, the community you grew up in, the churches you were and are in. The things they tell you that are stored in your hidden mind can hurt your life.

If we grew up in a righteous family, by the time we were 18, we were told 148,000 times that it wouldn’t happen or that we couldn’t do things. This is if we grow up in a positive family.

If so, we have been told something we cannot do beyond the said time. Our subconscious mind cannot argue with these things we are told.

It means that he copies and uploads everything he believes in as it is because he accepts it as true. This is a serious threat to our lives.

What is the solution? We need to reprogram the wrong things that our subconscious minds believe in and replace them with the right information.

How’s it going? By telling them again and again. First your subconscious mind identifies and lists things that are wrong to believe and that can harm your life and then you repeat the opposite to yourself.

Gradually, your mind will replace what you already believed with your new words. In that way, your beliefs will change, and that will change your attitude. Eventually, your actions will change.

Your actions have changed, and your mind has changed. The head you were born with is yours until you are buried. No one can use it with you.You are the only one responsible.

So make the most of it. Learn how to take care of it. Take care of your most precious possessions. Make it a blessing to the generation by doing everything you can with it.

Make an unforgettable story by being one of those one percent of thinkers. You were not created to be creative. He was born to think big and do big things and live a big life. Start working on making your life a life that counts now.


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