God created everything at begining life on the earths.
Things in heaven and things on earth were created by him, and for him all things were created. If you do not believe in God, the question of the purpose of life will be meaningless. Bertrand Russell did not believe in the existence of God because of you.
The purpose of your life is your own will that needs to be fulfilled, far more than your peace of mind, even your happiness. He is far more than your family your career, And your unrealistic aspirations and dreams. If you want to know why you were put on this earth, you have to start with God. You were born for His purpose by His purpose.
The search for purpose in life has plagued humans for thousands of years. because we start from the wrong point which is about ourselves We start from these self-centered questions, which are given like this:
What do I want to be? What should I do with my life? What are my goals, aspirations and dreams for the future? But focusing on ourselves does not reveal the purpose of our life. the bible says.
“In His hand is the life of every man and the spirit of every man (Job 12:10),” contrary to what many popular books, medicines and seminars tell you, there is no finding meaning in your life by looking inside! New discoveries.
If I gave you something you had never seen before, you would not know what its purpose was. The item itself cannot tell you that.Only the manufacturer or the owner’s manual can reveal the purpose of the discovery.
Once I got lost in the mountains When I stopped to ask the directions,They said, “You can’t get there from here. You have to start from the other side of the mountain!”Similarly.
Starting from focusing on yourself is the purpose of life you can’t reach yours.You have to start with God,who created you. You are living empty because God wants you to live. You were created by God for God.
Until you understand this, life will not give you feelings, our origin our identity our meaning,purpose, our need and our achievement We can only find in God all other ways end in death.
Many people have wanted to use God for their own growth.but that is the opposite of nature which leads to failure You are created for God,but the opposite is not true so life is allowing.
God to use you for His purpose and not you using Him for your own purpose. The Bible says that the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:6),”
I have read many books that tell me how I can find my purpose in life. They are all classified as “self-help “books because although they are self-centered, they offer similar predictable steps to finding purpose in life: Understand your dreams and make your results clear.
Set goals and do things appropriately Identify what you can plan big,Go for it Have discipline Believe that you can reach your goals. Involve others. Do it and Don’t give up.These ideas really lead to great success.
If you focus on them, you can succeed in reaching your goal.But succeeding and fulfilling your life goals are not entirely the same goals! You will be able to reach all your personal goals.
It means you will be perfect by the world’s standards,even though you are such a person but you may not find the purpose for which God created you You need more than self-help advice and he that giveth his life shall lose it*
(Matthew 16:25),”
This idea is not a self-help idea.It is not about fulfilling your dreams of finding the right job,or planning your life,nor is it about showing you how you can do more work if you have too many different programs. Indeed,how in life.
It will teach you that you can do a few very important things. It is about becoming what God intended you to be. So how can you know the purpose for which you were created? You have only two options.Your first choice is to guess or speculate
This is the Choice of many people they trick,guess,theorize When people say “I always think life “they mean “this is the biggest guess I can make.
For thousands of years, great philosophers have discussed and worked out the meaning of life. Choice is an important lesson with its own consequences, but when it comes to determining the purpose of life, even famous philosophers speculate.

Dr,Hugh Moore Head,a professor of philosophy at Northeastern Illinois University asked 250 of the world’s most famous philosophers, scientists, and writers the most thoughtful people in the world. What is the meaning of life?
He then published their answers in the book and half of them gave the highest estimate. others said they created their own purpose in life while others honestly expressed no idea about it.
Many Celebrities have asked Dr. Hughes to tell them if he knew the meaning of life! In the Great Writers and Thinkers of Our Century (chicago chicago publishing house,1988)
What I like is that there is an alternative to figuring out the purpose and meaning of life. It is vision.We can go back to what God has revealed about life in His Word.The purpose of a new discovery The easiest way to understand it is to ask Him who made it.You are expected to do something similar to know the purpose of your life; asking God for it.
God has not left us in the dark just to guess, lnni has clearly revealed the five purposes of our lives in the Bible which is Our guide.of why we live how life works what we should not do,
And what to avoid doing in the future. It is telling us things that self-help books or philosophy cannot know. The Bible says, We speak the mystery of God’s wisdom, which was predestined before the foundation of the world, that we should be partakers of his glory (2 Corinthians 2:7), “
God is not only the beginning of your life ;he is also its source. Not the wisdom of the world to find the purpose of your life.You must turn to the Word of God and build your life on eternal truths, not on psychological studies,success motivation or awakening stories, the Bible says about this ,”God causes all things to happen according to his purpose and will;
It gives you three insights into your purpose
1,You will find your identity and purpose in life in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
2, God was thinking about you long before you started thinking about Him His purpose for your life was before you were born before you.
Started living where you weren’t He planned for you! You have your job, your spouse, your hobbies, and your necessities. You can choose many of the others but you cannot choose your goal.
3, the purpose of your life is in harmony with the eternal purpose that God has for you. That is whats this book teaches. Andrei Bitov, a Russian writer, grew up in the atheistic communist era. But one unhappy day God turned his thoughts to himself. He recalls the incident as follows: “When I was 27 years old,
While we were taking the subway in Leningrad (now known as St. Petersburg), I was so depressed that I thought my life was over right there Knowing the meaning of life but even my hope for the future preceded me she hid it.
Suddenly a painful thought came to me:Life without God makes no sense Repeating this phrase, I got out of the subway and began to walk in the light of God ,”(David Friend,ed Meaning of Life (Boston :Little, Brown 1991),194) You may have been in the dark about your purpose in life Congratulations, you are now about to start walking in the light.
Point to think about: He’s not about me.
Verse to remember “all things were created by Him and for Him” Colossians 1:16 Focus Question :With so many advertisements around me, how do I remind myself that my life is not for myself but for God?
You Are Not Accidental
I am God who created you ,who formed you in your mother’s womb,who helped you (Isaiah 44:2) God does not play the wrong game You are not a coincidence. Your birth is not wrong, your life is not something you were given by chance your family may not have planned for you but God has. He wasn’t surprised at your birth, For he was already expecting it.
Your family was conceived in God’s mind long before you were conceived He thought of you first,you are living and breathing right now ,you are living because God loved to create you! The Bible says, ” God will accomplish His purpose for me (Psalm 138:8),”
Each part of your life is brought together by God who intentionally chose your race, your skin color, your hair and all the other things that belong to you He made your body as He wanted it to be, the natural abilities you have He has determined the things that make you unique. The Bible says, “You have been around me in every way.
You have taken hold of your hand (Psalm 139:15)”,God has determined when you will be born and how many years you should live after you are born because He created you for His own reasons right and chosen The Bible says, “To know such wonderful things is too wonderful for me; I cannot attain to it” (Psalm 139:16).
And God has determined where you will be born and where you will live for His purposes, the tribe you are from. Your birth and citizenship are not accidental God does not value luck He guides everything for His purpose,The Bible says,”From one man he made all nations of men…to teach them. and made the habitation of heaven ( Acts 17:26)”, Nothing in your life.happened by chance.,everything.happened for a purpose
Even more amazing is that God decided how you would be born. The circumstances in which you are born and your family are where God planned to create you family. Your good not bad God knows that these Two people contain the seed that will come together to become “You” when You were in His mind they contain the DNA (seed) that God wanted to create you from.
There may be illegitimate families but there are no illegitimate children. Many children may not be planned by their families but God does not plan them. God uses people’s mistakes.sometimes even sin for His purposes. God does nothing by chance He does not make mistakes He has a good reason for everything He creates No plant or animal is planned by God, everyone is made in His mind for a purpose.
The thing that motivated God to create you was His love the Bible says.”lnni loved us in Christ before the foundation of the world so that we would be holy and blameless before Him (Ephesians 1:4) The world does not before creation, god was thinking about you.
In fact,that is why he created him! God made this earth so that we can live on it. We are the focus of His love. And we are the most precious of all of his creations. The Bible says on this subject,”Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures” (James 1:18).
God does not work with difficulty; He planned everything very Accurately,When physicists in Biology and other sciences study this universe in depth.how uniquely it is created for our lives and that it contains some of the things that are for our lives we understand.
Dr Michael Dan ten, a senior researcher in genetics at the University of Otago in Zealand, sums up,”All the biological evidence gathered is …the universe.(cosmos) This is the purpose and goal of human life .and all things that create find meaning and expression in This central sugar” (Michael Danton.The Goal of Nature; How the Laws of Biology Reveal the Purposes of the Universe (New York: Free edition 1998) ,389)

Thousands of years ago the Bible said this
He explained “God who created the heavens formed the earth.formed it firmly and established it, not to be inhabited but to be inhabited (Isaiah 45;18) Why did God do all this? Why did He so much to create this universe for us did he tire of that because he is the god of love and it is hard to understand such love.but it really exists.
You love God as an instrument.this is the truth you build your life on. When the Bible says “God is love (1 John 4:8) It does not say that God has conditions. He is love! Love is the basis of His identity. He did not need His triune relationship. He was not alone.
But God wanted to create you to show His love and says ,”God, listen to me, you fathers of Jacob, you remnant of the house of Israel! I kept you in the womb, I carried you from the womb; -4),”
Without God we would all be “accidental” ,the result of astronomical chance in space If this is the case you should stop reading this book, Because life has no purpose or meaning or importance.
It doesn’t mean that things are right or wrong,there is no hope except for a few years in this world But there is a God who created you for a reason ,and your life has a great wonderful meaning!
We can only find that meaning and purpose if we make God on the starting point for our lives The message in Romans 12:3 summarizes ,”the only way to truly understand ourselves is to understand who God is and what He has done for us”
This poem by Russell Kelfer sums it up:
You became what you are because of this
You are part of a larger plan
You are a special precious and perfect work and your name is a special man of God
Your name is a special man of God
✍️You look like this for a reason
✍️Our God does not make mistakes
✍️He made you in the womb
✍️You became what he wanted to do
✍️He was the one who chose your family for you.
✍️No matter what you feel, they are God’s plan in mind.
They are not sealed with the seal of the Lord. the suffering you have endured is not easy. God is sorry for what you have been hurt but that was sent to you to correct your mind and you are wanted to grow in His likeness you are the Lord’s vessel shaped dear man You are Him. Because God exists (Used by Russell kelfer with permission)
Point to think about: I am not a coincidence Memorable verse : I am God who created you. I formed you in the womb which one?
What is the Leader of your life?
I saw that everything that a man labors for with his hands is a source of envy; Ecclesiastes 4:4 A man without purpose is like a ship without a compass _he is a wanderer and not a man,
Every human life has something to govern it.
Leading means.”leading controlling or directing” means if you drive a car,hit a nail in a way, throw a ball,then you are leading,controlling or directing that thing what force is leading your life? At this point you may be being driven by difficulty pressure or appointments Maybe you are being led by frightening memories.
You may be being led by a great fear or by something you unknowingly believe in. There are countless influences.consequences and emotions that can lead your life the five biggest are below.
They are under regret and shame for the rest of their lives they run to hide Crime-driven people are memory-damaged They allow their past to control their future They often punish themselves by destroying their success without attacking it.
When Cain sinned his sin separated him from God’s presence,God said to him “When you till the ground, it will not yield any more for you and you will be a wanderer and a fugitive on the earth(Genesis 4:12)
Today many people explanation,it means living a purposeless life We are the result of our past lives,but we should not be bound by it God’s purpose is not limited by your past He has turned the soul.killer who was Moses into a great leader.