Growth in doctrine faith that bible teaches us.
Jesus grew in faith, and God was with him, and he did not let everything he said fail. And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the LORD.
God continued to reveal Himself at Shiloh, where He revealed His word to 1Samuel (3:19-21). Samuel’s father was Elka Nah, and His mother was Hannah. Samuel,is a man who grew up in the house of God.
Hannah had been missing for many years,she prayed to God , she found Samuel, she swore that she would give God back if God ever gave her a child. As she had sworn to God, on the day God remembered her, Samuel was born ,and she gave him to God.
God was with Samuel. And so not everything he says falls to the ground. Samuel was a growing man. growth and development There is a big difference. Growth is not a continuous growth but a stagnant one. Progressive growth, however, is continuous and endless growth.
Growth is periodic, or daily ,weekly, monthly,and year to year. We do not grow in living the Life Example of Christ but we grow. We do not grow in living righteousness, but we grow in it. We grow in living holiness and not grow.
A Christian must not only grow but also grow in it. There are two types of growth or we grow in two places.
1, we grow before God.
2, We grow up in front of people.
To grow before God is to always grow with Christ in self-righteousness, to Christ as His head. Before God, we grow in holiness, righteousness, spiritual life ,love, patience, holding the fear of God, prayer, singing, teaching.
We grow in life in front of people socially,economically,Knowledgeably, showing righteousness, showing love.Jesus was growing in three things when he was on earth.
👉The community.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
The wisdom of Jesus grew in the wisdom of God ,and he was doing God ,for his Father,our glory, and the love of his Father, but he lost wisdom, he did not leave the view of God his Father.
When I say humanity, I mean that Jesus became a human being and grew in physical size or flesh since he was born. Growing socially means ,developing relationships with people who are united. Work with this gift so that everyone can see your progress! And let yourself go to it.
1Tim. 4:1
Many people want to appear, not grow. Appearing before it grows leads to failure.
We need to grow before we can appear.
👉To teach
👉To advise
👉To serve
To lead, the first step is to grow.
And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him. The ministry of Samuel Dan was now accepted as a faithful prophet of God in Beersheba. To succeed in everything they do,it is necessary to grow.
Jesus lived on earth for 33 years and 6 months, For 30 years though ,it was a time of growth in the face of God and the face of man ,learning,professionally, socially, growing.
Jesus worked more years than he served. For Jesus to serve for 3 years and 6 months, the Word means he worked or prepared for 30 years in advance.
Jesus grew before he went out and revealed himself, and he grew. So he went out on his mission to be,he overcame all the trials that came to him and the immature and immature people stumbled for himself and stumbled those who followed him.
Growth begins with self-knowledge. A person who does not know himself cannot think about spiritual or physical growth.
Self-knowledge Means achieving the goal of knowing oneself tomorrow.
Growth is the identity of sticking with God.
The reason for Samuel’s growth
1,because God is with him.
2, Progressive growth.
3,everything he does is equal for him.
Growth is a change in vision from time to time. Everyone wants to grow But they don’t want a way to grow.
There is a big difference between wanting to grow and wanting a way to grow. A person grows not only because they have a desire to grow but also because they want a way to grow. Someone left Bishops Town, left home to go to Finland, and it was his turn to travel. growing is self-development from time to time.
A gardener takes care of it so that it bears fruit,Sweeping garbage, watering it, building a hedge until it stands on its own. And for a believer to grow,he must harness himself,take care of himself,control himself,look after himself
A believer To grow
He must eat the Word of God, the nourishment of life.
How do we eat the Word of God?
Reading the Word of God,
Studying God’s Word
Living by the Word of God
Why does a believer need to feed on God’s Word?
Because God is in His Word Man can see God in the Word of His Word.
So that your soul does not grow weary in you,you must always feed on the Word of God.
This is a reminder of our lesson (Christology) According to many accounts, Jesus was born between 7 and 2 BC.
Although he was born in the middle of this age, he is the one who was and the Word is alive. He is the Logos.
It was this voice that became flesh among the people. Jesus is God who revealed Himself to mankind. He is the image of God the Father.
There are many names for Jesus.
Some of them are:-
Immanuel, Christ, Jesus, the Lamb of God, the Son of Man, is the Dawn. Immanuel Means ‘God with us. Jesus is not only God but also Lord but also God who is with us and who loves to be with us.
Jesus is a Hebrew word that comes from the word Joshua. It means the one who saves the people from their sins or ‘The salvation of Jehovah. This means that Jesus is a perfect man and that he is the root of Israel through his mother Mary.
When He is called the Son of God, He is referring to His Divine nature. Jesus is fully Man and fully God.His_Lamb_of_God signifies that He stood between man and God through His blood for reconciliation.
Christ is a Greek word meaning ‘Who anointed’ It means that Jesus Christ is the anointed one. He is the one who was anointed by God the Father to come to this earth for us. Before we look at this about the anointed Jesus.
We must look a little at paint. Anointing is well known in the history of Israel, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. These men apply ointment to welcome guests to their homes.
👉Renewing the Mind
I also believe that God will help us, that He will renew our welcome and make us new people! God did not like the oldness of mankind, so He sent His new Son to this earth, who can renew all mankind.

This world has two chapters. One chapter is the old chapter, and the other chapter is the new chapter. And two races of men lived in these two chapters. It means the old Seed and His new Seed.
In this case, Christians are those living in the second chapter and those of the new seed. They are those who move from the old to the new. When I say that life on earth has two chapters.
It was the time of the children of Adam or the time when mankind was under the oppression of the Devil and sin. That is a time when mankind has no new life. It was a time when old age was attached to human identity and man lived apart from God.
Although Satan is the chief for the beginning of this chapter, the permissive is human. This chapter is a time when God and man live apart and man and Satan live in harmony. It was the time when the world was besieged and mankind lost the dignity of Humanity.
The time when Christ restored lost children to God. It is a time when the old has passed and the new has come. The Bible says so. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; the old things have passed away; behold, the new has come. (2 Cor 5:17)
When a person belongs to Christ, he is a new creation. Only Jesus can take away the old nature of curse and sin. The human mind begins to be renewed from the old life and practices the day a person believes in Jesus, the Son of God. It means that everyone who believes has started a new life and a new way.
Even if we believe today, and our minds are not renewed today, the journey of mind renewal begins in us as soon as we believe today. Without a renewed mind, we cannot live in understanding of God’s love and purpose.
When the mind of Our heart is renewed, we will have the mind of Christ, and please God. Don’t follow the example of this past age. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God is to understand the cost. (Room 12:2)
Authority is said to be a Latin word and the root of the word is Augean which means to increase, expand, initiate and reveal his first is to bring to light something that_doesn’t_exist and to have authority over that thing.
The word power is related to this.what we have power over is power over each other.not over each other but only over our work and creativity. For example, a potter has the authority to make the clay shorter or longer. This is the power man has over his creativity.
God brought the invisible World that was in His plan into the world of vision. It was God who brought this world of thought into the visible world. That world existed only in his thoughts.
The world was a complete and perfect world. God has no regrets about bringing her to light because God saw her with what makes her perfect even when she was lacking.
It is He who planned and brought to light this world and its system, the way it is conducted and the time in which it lives. Therefore, God is the Author of this heaven and earth. He is the authority over creation. no one has such authority over creation as he does.
The Latin word Augeos means to increase or expand. It means expanding or enlarging what is at the level of thought, not taking something small and enlarging it or building it inside.
God made the visible World from the World in His mind.When man brings out what is in his mind and shows it, he becomes the source (author) of that thing. God planned and prepared the world for creation and He put it into action through His Son. This means that God created the world through their son.
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; All things were created through him and for him (Col 1:16)
God created this world of revelation when through His Son.
He created the World he saw in his mind. Even though I know they will fail, God’s plans and intentions do not fail, God does not have a program of deficiencies in His mind.
By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. We cannot.separate God for power.
It’s authoritative. It is always the one who distributes power, the sovereign. Power is shared between them. He is the Almighty! He’s the one. It means that it can be found everywhere.
Above all, it means authoritative, supreme, strong. It means all-knowing,wise.
In summary, God has a supreme father.
How can we know what kind of authority God created us with? It is if we understand the true nature and creation of God. There are three main views about the creation of the universe or the origin of our universe.
1) Atheistic_Evolution_Therory (the view of those who do not deny that God started the World).
Followers of this view believe that”there is no such thing as God and no such thing as creation.
How the world started is under two main views Accommodation Some of the people who believe in this idea are:-
A, Naturalistic Evolution(unguided their (They don’t know what is called a Creator).
These are not atheists.
They are not atheists and they don’t talk about the issue of whether or not God exists. but “these creations came into existence from particles and atoms that existed in the beginning!” Their main idea is that nature has revealed itself and the whole world.
B, Darwinian theory Evolution is the theory of Darwin) This man lived from1809-1 His background was Christian and he is said to have studied Angelic Theology. Now at the age of 40 he believed that God created man.
After that he turned his movement to the science of evolution, saying that although he did not completely deny the existence of God, “the god of Christianity did not create man as the Bible says he tired or from the races of gorillas and wolves that he laid down in time.
Satan darkened the man’s true vision of creation for God he had immediately by preaching to the World that ” Man is tired but not created now many people in the World agree with this man’s opinion.
Such ideas can undermine the authority of believers.

2) Theistic Evolution Theory (those who believe that God exists and that He created me from a tiny creature )
These guys are guys who believe in both science (evolution) and God. They believe that” God created man from an apelike creature.
These things tell us that man was created and that man of God created man from a little human-like thing (subhuman ). They believe that death is not the result of sin. They believe that death is a norm for all creation They do not believe that death.came because of son.
And on the days of creation as god in six days. They lay down that He did not create the world.They also think that one day could be one 1000 years.
They believe that many years have passed between Genesis chapter one and verse two and their ideas are half convincing while many of them disrupt the authority and faith we have in God’s creation for Christ.
They believe that God created the sun and moon the day before.They believe that the age of the earth is over 4.2 Billion years. Like science, they believe in fossil records. However, their view of the creation of our universe is not correct for the way in which revelation comes to man.
3 ) those who have the special Creation theory (god created this universe and man)! Praise be to God who through His Son created this World and man.
The Bible tells us exactly that God created a man called man.God made man from the dust of the ground without any evolution and gave him the breath of life through the lips.
The word Adam is a Israel word meaning Man.
👉Adam is a Man(in Israel language)
👉Adam ah means Earth in Israel language.
👉Adam means Adam is Adam ah.that means man is dust
Adam Adam ah Man made man from thus Dust made man. Man was created in the image of God means that God is also dust no it is the Spirit that He breathed out of us through the lips that made us like know why
1, This spirit is another
2, Because this Spirit has also conveyed to us the identity and authority or power of God.
When we live in the world, any workplace, any institution, and various churches have ethics and lifestyles as well as guidelines to follow. For example, a student must respect the discipline of his school.
If he is on time and in his uniform, the student is disciplined and obedient to his school. Health professionals should be in uniform. They have a white coat to identify them in the community.
Lawyers also have work clothes. Likewise, a Christian must have something to identify him with since he is elected by the Lord in this world.There must be a Christian dress, a Christian walk.
Since God has separated us from the world and made us those who have eternal life, we must be able to be defined by the world in order to be known.
There is an identity that the Bible gives to believers. But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; God called you out of darkness into his marvelous light so that you might declare the praises of his works (1 Peter 2:9)
1)It’s a foam tribe!
God has chosen and separated us from all nations .We are God’s family and eternal children but not the nations of this world that are cursed to be destroyed intended to reveal Now at this time of the new covenant.and made a chosen race of the seed of his Son out of all nations that dwell on the earth.
2) the priests of the royal house
We have received the priesthood.In the past only the sons of Levi received the priesthood.Everyone had to be born of the Tribe of Levi to receive the priesthood.
In the last days God was born of those who brought His Son who brought the new seed priests are those who stand in the midst of this world for God. A Christian is one who can the presence of God not only for himself but for the World.
3) It is a_Holy Nation!
Christians are not only a chosen race but a sanctified nation .There are many things in this world that defile.However, there is nothing that sanctifies but God who washed away our sins and the curse of the fathers with soap and android e He loved to wash away the precious blood of His Son from us.
My brothers and sisters, there is no sin that the blood of Christ has not cleansed in unity. In the days when many Lambs died on the altar, mankind was not cleansed.
The blood of the righteous of Abel now flows to Zechariah, but it cannot cleanse and perfect anyone and stand before God. But the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ alone has been able to lift up any nation to cleanse the world.