Holy spirit’s of the marriage education for human being.
Chapter One
Spiritual education.
Marriage is the institution God gave to mankind to continue to live forever as long as one is on earth so that one person is bound to one person and not separated and live together don’t be, said our Lord Jesus Christ.
Marriage has a purpose given to human beings in secondly Marriage is found together in the bible but today the wedding day is so standing and cannot be broken, happiness and sorrow and health , sickness and gain and loss are inseparable and permanent.
Marriage has a purpose given to human beings in secondly Marriage is found together in the bible but today the wedding day is so standing and cannot be broken, happiness and sorrow and health , sickness and gain and loss are inseparable and permanent.
When the Word of God speaks of Marriage as the things for which He stood, we have Marriage on earth with five main things that are the beginning of one flesh and the bond of Marriage to do His kingdom work of God.
Hence the establishment of this Marriage God made man male and female and created them and said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. He commanded them to have authority over all things and if man lives together strongly to do the work of God, we see that God created him.
The other is Marriage, whom God has given us as the center of the joy of life. The prophet of the word of God says Rejoice with the wife of thy youth, she is beloved and beautiful as a dove, and let her breasts cheer thee at all times, and let her love break thy heart! says the Word of God (Proverb 5:18,19) Its to be enjoyed and life, it is the spring of helping each other cooperating standing by each other standing together in life and that is why the Word of God says so. Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work.
If one falls,his arm will lift him from the ground. Safe him self who has no one to lift him up when he falls! If two lie down together, they will stay warm, but how can one be warm alone? If one overpowers another walking alone and knocks him down, two cannot withstand him and a threefold cord cannot quickly be torn apart.
This is the definition of love that God says. No one will ever stand on such a strong thing. Love is not a lonely folded bed that the some body wants to jump on and slap yourself on the floor. Even if such love is caught, it is not acceptable to God. But Satan does not want many people to become involved in such love; for such love is not from God and is not a love to accomplish God’s plan. So Satan has caused this generation to burn with desire for something else.
✍️ Many are standing together
✍️Many are in the shape of each other’s bodies
✍️Many with mutual funds
✍️Many of his recognition.
Satan has caused generations to covet and burn with such things. Just as Alcohol and water are the same color, they are far the same in lustful love. Many people don’t want love and a boyfriend but they don’t see it the way they want it. Like Jacob meets Leah in bed while waiting for Rachel in bed. This means that if we go to people with lust, nothing can save us from doing so.
It is the marriage in which God raises the seed. His marriage is not one man and one woman living together in the same house if they are or the Christian marriage will be as fruitless as the husband. Marriage is not just about living together in the same household but keeping God’s commandments and continuing the household of God’s seed so when the word of God speaks They,”why is this ?”
You will ask; The LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.
Did not God make them one in flesh and spirit, that he might raise up one seed for himself? And do not be unfaithful to the wife of your youth! Not only that, marriage should abstain from the uncleanness of adultery.
His God-given permanent marriage is made up of one flesh and is happily lived in when the Word of God speaks of it.
As for men and women living together,it is better if a man stops going to a woman. But, because of fornications, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.
Let the husband reach out to his wife in love, and the wife to her husband in love. To the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband.
But if she departs, let her remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband, and let not the husband put away his wife(1Corontes -7-1-2-3) So married who stood on earth for these great purposes So a person should live in holiness in the married God gave him from the day he conducted his wedding for the rest of his life . . . .
Getting a spouse by nature before.
Everyone needs to meet their Creator before finding their mate. A person who has not met God in his youth and lived a peaceful life should not think that he will be at peace with God when he marries! God created Adam and Eve at the same time! However, He did not bring them together at the very moment He created them.
✍️Adam had to see the Lord before he saw Eve.
✍️ Eve must have seen the Lord before she saw Adam.
✍️ Who did God create first?
In the view of many people, they think that God created Adam first, and then later Eve. However, we can find out from our own bible that this is not true. In fact, they were created at the same time, but the first to be created was Adam.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over all the earth. and he blessed them (Genesis 1:27-28)
The man gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for the man there was not found a help meet for him. (Genesis 2:20)
The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and while the man slept, he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof: And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
The man said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. said. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh. The man and his wife were naked, but they were not ashamed of each other. (Genesis 2:21-25)
He was the most unique of all creation.
Gorillas and Crows that move around humans are not humans. Other beautiful animals are not humans. Those whom man lives with today, who were good to Adam and who seemed to be his wives, could not be found.
He didn’t say please fix that for me, God, when he grabbed her and brought her to a sly one. Adam/Don’t say that! (“I’m the one who still haven’t found the right one for me!) that he said.
Note: Satan will bring you worms, Jesus will bring you your Eve.
If Adam had run impatiently, he would have been left in the hands of the camel; because he waited patiently for God, he brought him his Eve! It means that Abraham’s impatience brought Ishmael.
Many people leave the church and run around the world in search of a lover. God called Adam to name the animals, not to marry them. God, too, set Christians up to call this world to Christ, not to seek a wife out of it.
Don’t look at a worldly person and try to connect it with God’s love and say I love you, I feel sorry for you! To say that God is love; and love does not mean that it is God. She is said to be nice.
Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. What do righteousness and wickedness have in common? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what portion hath a believer with an unbeliever? (2 Corinthian 6:14-15)
Do not sow different kinds of seeds in your vineyard! And the fruit of thy seed, and of thy vineyard, shall be wholly set apart for the house. Don’t plow with a cow and a donkey together! “Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woolen and linen together.
Note:- Love is Patience; but adultery is impatient! (The story of David’s sons, he had to tell his father. He would have been king and married a princess.) It is important to beware of bad friendly advice. I think you know that it was a friend who sold Jesus to the cross. Bad friends don’t want us to find God before friends.
It is very important to have a good relationship with God before we meet our spouse. Our relationship with God is the foundation of everything. Our relationship with God must be strong.
✍️ Just as there are no fish in the water
✍️Just as a plant cannot live without soil
Man should not live without God and be separated from Him. Just as Jesus is the trunk, we are the branches. And the branch cannot be separated from the trunk at any time; our relationship should be like this.

People who have such a deep relationship with God will never have trouble getting along with people and finding a mate!What do many people base their marriage on?
Jesus said, “Therefore whosoever these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; But every one these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and its collapse became a waste. (Matthew 7:24-27)
According to the Scriptures here, the rock is Jesus. He that buildeth his house upon it shall not be moved: and part of this people base their homes and marriages on various things.
1,The roots of their marriage is beauty.
We often see people with physical beauty causing great trouble to the world and adding to the fog of their lives. Many people put their self-esteem on their beauty.
Thus they make themselves idols and die without finding themselves. for example, King Saul is said to have been handsome and to have suffered with jealousy all his life, and to have been possessed by Satan without obeying God and even to have mental problems. Many people judge by what they see in themselves.
It is not enough for the person who has just looked up at himself, it is not enough for the person who is now behind you to be what the Word of God says. Those who are attached to Christ are the beautiful people and the people the world wants to face.
2,Their marriage is based on power.
There are people who are always looking for a superior; there are many who thus damage their marriage relationship. Many women in particular throw themselves into loving a man who wants to show his superiority.
If you love a man because he is dictatorial and opens up to any father, you have set your relationship on fire. Jesus lived great and small; he did not use his power and dictatorship to intimidate the generation.
3, Their marriage is based on money.
Both men and women this year want to lay the foundation of their marriage on money. Money can hide a person’s true identity. The world we live in now is a money-minded world.
Everyone wants to be close to someone who has money. Everyone wants to follow many people who use small things. But there is nothing more precious than Christ! Many are living their marriages on property while crying.
✍️ Beautiful house
✍️ An expensive car
✍️ Expensive smart phones
✍️ On beautiful islands
✍️ Great hotels and resorts
For these, it is the greatest folly to think that living in and by such things will make a marriage beautiful. A relationship that is not in Christ is deceptive and not joyful. Crying in an expensive car is not life.
Those who stand on Christ will not cry even in the fire. People who are proud of their wealth are like a whistle that is being blown too much; and for such a blow a single sufficient. however, it breaks on the Rock rather than in ura. Those who stand on Christ are like rocks. Those who stand on their property are like this blow.
4, Their marriage is rooted in failure.
Failure is an event, not one’s true identity. Jesus Christ always calls us to our new identity. But Satan and this world want to call us by our fallen identity; for example, to the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years, Jesus called her “a faithful daughter.”
But the world calls her “a woman whose blood has been shed for many years.” When failure comes in your life, don’t forget your morning dream and throw yourself into the wrong place! Both virgins and men have different dreams in the morning and after they fall.
I’m not saying that failure is good; after a fall, a person must repent and return to the Lord and be reconciled to his dreams, but not to abandon himself to the wrong place.
Note: “What God has put in wonder; and the devil is in question.”
Satan wants to question our God-given identity. God said that Jesus was His Son when He was baptized. “If you are the Son of God?” Satan asked. He asked the question. Satan thus wants to make us doubt who we are.
What does it mean to be a source of happiness? There is a man who hates happiness Where is the source of happiness? No one hates happiness and there is no one who has never been happy in his life.
There are also people who have never been happy and some people say they have never been happy in their lives and there are people who have never been sad but happy and that is why there is no one who does not want to be happy I know you want me to be like a happy age for you but I have lost the source of happiness and I don’t want its Source for that’s what the bible says Wow Source of happiness if you are a happy person listen to what I am saying to you now.
What you need to do so that your life doesn’t end in sadness is that what I am telling you now is understand this exactly and welcome yourself to be happy some people don’t welcome themselves my hands don’t look like human hands my hair is not as long as that person’s hair not like that, my face is not like that person they say I am not created like that person, they say I have no knowledge, do I hurt you?
God created you as a special person and there is no one like you in this world my guest I tell you something, you are one of the people in this world that makes you different inside your heart, blood, body is unique.
There is something that God made you special about when man does something he does the same thing, there are great inventors in the world, and there are great inventors in the world but what they do is the same, me who is very me amazing, god created one man and from this man he created and shed countless others from this world today everyone will see you differently and tell you something, welcome yourself don’t hate yourself don’t insult yourself don’t fight yourself please look at your hands and be happy please look at your body be happy please look at your mind be happy first of all be happy with yourself man Without being happy with yourself neither god nor man can be happy listen to this message I bring you.
First accept yourself and say I am special and say God created me for the day God created me for the day and said I have a purpose for creation, rejoice in your creation rejoice in your birth rejoice in your humanity rejoice in your age rejoice very much he died by you and you enjoy yourself and welcome yourself.
Someone may call you ignorant or poet and others may call you flawed, you take it as knowledge people who don’t accept themselves are not happy with money, people who don’t accept themselves are not happy with gold accept yourself first accept your humanity which is human counting it as a shortcoming you don’t count it on yourself as a shortcoming first accept yourself the word of God says.
I will praise thee: for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and I know this well. When I was made in secret,woven in the depths of the earth, even my bones were not hid from thee, thank thee, Jesus.
Your eyes saw me before I was born, before I was born and the days of my life were written in your book (Psalm :139-14 -15-16) so welcome yourself Satan you are not a man ,she says you look like a man, you call yourself a man and you walk in man, you don’t know what the devil counts on you, there are so many of you I hummu you God created you as a special person.
Rejoice in God who created you and carries you. But thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, I have redeemed thee, fear not: I have called thee by thy name; and when thou passest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee [ lsaiah 43 -1-2
The word of God’s Word tells you to rejoice in it and know that you are not the one who made you, rejoice in God who created you and rejoice in yourself when he looks at you, your father will rejoice in your creation it is his god who created you, so you value yourself in him and then you love people as yourself.
One source of happiness is look to God and rejoice in God the word of God says so. Rejoice in the Lord always!Again I will say,rejoice(Philippians 4-4). Rejoice in God, the first source of joy is God. It is spiritual joy. Marriage is a source of happiness on earth what you should enjoy Marriage is a source of happiness.
The Word of God says, Let your fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of your youth. She is lovely as a bird and beautiful as a dove, may her breasts always delight you, and may her love pierce your heart (Proverb: 5-18-19) if the source of human happiness on earth finds a peaceful and healthy marriage. So enjoy the Marriage God has given you and live thanking Him for the rest of your life.

Marriage is one of the works God has done and one of the things God has said is good is marriage. It is not good for a person to be alone I will make him a helper like himself. God’s said it’s not good to be alone.
On the subject of Marriage so it is not good to be Alone God established Marriage with this one word. What can I say stay with someone go in with someone go out with someone some people are not to stay together, nor eat and drink together, being alone and not being alone. so while today’s generation has a very corrupt attitude towards Marriage.
Many researches on the subject of marriage have been done and studied by many people which have not been able to lead back to God’s idea of marriage. Now a days, God’s idea of Marriage has been found to have fallen apart among men or the lack of Marriage has been found to be the solution to heroism. When looking at the nature of Marriage, what does the Bible say about Marriage?
Marriage between one man and one woman is largely a lost party of God, or a valley built by God and God who built a home for mankind and gave them to each other as one flesh according to His will.
So the word of the Word of God says this. So God created man in his own image ,in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.
Marriage is not between a man for a man and a woman for a woman and if it is, it is against God’s will. Through the spring is the law of nature We see that those who cannot give permission are destroyed, those who oppose God, and those who bring curses. therefore we see that Gael is described in three directions.
Marriages stick together by giving up what we should give up. A marriage that sticks together in any way must be a marriage that sticks together in the flesh and in the spirit. so the Marriage God wants is a Marriage built by being one flesh. We see that marriage is literally one man and one woman. which stood for man marriage was not given to animals.
The word Marriage is based solely on human beings And that is why Marriage is created between a man and a woman and they should use it together. That is why the word become one flesh We cannot use marriage in different directions. So leaving being one flesh they say sticking together when you are one flesh sticking together is a whole Marriage.
Abandonment means the public Marriage of the husband and wife leaving their parents. When they get married in public and when they get married in the nation around them
It is called a legal marriage, and it can be one that pleases God and one that pleases man. Marriage is not the same day and evening, so in our world the word leave is public Marriage that the Bible does not say a man will leave his father and mother and stick to his wife, they stick together by leaving. Many people stick to Marriages because they can’t afford to give up. So they are relatives, brothers, putting their money in the middle of the marriage.
So they say to give up we have to give up a lot, When you get married you give up a lot. You may say I can’t give up anything. If I don’t give up much, I can’t be a successful marriage for you. Those of you who have lost your Marriage have to give up what you have to give up.
Those of you who are about to divorce, we have to give up what you have to give up. so who do you leave for your husband you leave everything for your relatives. You have to leave all the things you already have and take on a new form. So this is what giving up means, Many people give up what they have to give up in their marriage It was because of their weakness that they could not enter into marriage.