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Honesty Employers Work To The Future Life With Gods

But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your faithful and earnest servant.

By their fruits ye shall know them,
Can you cut the figs into pieces? We serve God by serving others.

The world defines growth based on power ,wealth,respect and authority and if you can be served by others, you have reached growth.

In our culture, which teaches us to put ourselves first and serve ourselves, working for others is not an acceptable idea.

But Jesus measured greatness by service, not by authority, God measures your greatness by how many people you serve,
This is the opposite of the world’s definition of greatness, and we often fail to understand it.

and few of us show it in action,
The disciples were arguing about who deserved the greatest authority.

Even today, 2,000 years later, within the church, within religious institutions, and within various spiritual ministries, Christian leaders fight for greater authority and respect.

Thousands of books have been written on leadership, but few focus on service.

Everyone leading
Wants, Serves who wants not ,
We want to be soldiers of the authorities rather than soldiers of the universe.

even Christians are minister-leaders
They want to be, But they want to be like Jesus and be a minister, But to be like Jesus is to be a minister, He called Himself by that.

While it is important to know who you are to serve God,it is even more important to have a heart of service.

Remember, God made you for service, not for selfishness. If you do not have a heart of service, your KGNM will be used to gain personal wealth.

You use it wrong,
You also use it as an excuse not to do certain tasks that are expected of you.

It tests our hearts to ask us to serve someone outside of who we are to Serve God, but if you see someone falling into a pit, God wants you to help him.

I don’t want you to say that you don’t have the gift of compassion or service.

Your first service is your KGNS While the second is to work when you are needed.

Your identity reveals your minister, but your minister’s heart reveals your maturity it is empty.

It is a lifetime of service in the church rather than self-service
It is possible ,to have a heart of service
How do you know if you need to have a minister?

Jesus said, By their fruits.they shall know them: for they can gather grapes of thorns ,and figs of thistles.

When ministers are distressed by things that diminish their service
They want to be ready to serve at all times Like a soldier, a minister must always stand ready for work.

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

If you only serve when it is convenient for you, you are not a true minister
they work.

You will always be there for God and you will not be angry when he thwarts your plans As a minister,you cannot choose when and where you minister.

Being a minister means, the right to your own program
By not leading, it means allowing God to intervene whenever he wants.

If you tell yourself that you are a servant of God at the beginning of every day,
Mediation will not upset you because your issue will be what God brings into your life.

When their schedule is interrupted, ministers take it as a heavenly appointment and rejoice in the opportunity to practice in the ministry.

Ministers are always looking for ways to help others
When something happens that requires their service,they serve instead of doing anything else.

It means that as the Bible commands, So as I
Fucha we got, let’s be for everyone and especially for those
Let us work what is good toward those who are of the faith.

When God brings someone in need to your service,
It gives you the opportunity to grow in ministry,not the needs of your church family at the end of your list of things to do,
Notice that God wants it to happen in the first place.

We often pass up many opportunities for service because of lack of compassion and motivation.

They pass by in a hurry,and maybe they won’t come back You may only get one chance to serve the man so use the time While you have it in your hands, I’ll give it to you tomorrow and come back
Don’t tell anyone to come.

John Wesley was a very wonderful servant of God,His instructions were as follows.

By all means possible to you
All you can ,places
Do all the good things you can for all the people you can do for them whenever you can.

That is greatness Works people
Bron didn’t want to work.

You can start by looking small,
Do the Small things as if they were big things because God is watching.

Ministers do not pick up excuses, they do not drag on the ground, or wait for the right circumstances, ministers do not say, One day or When the circumstances are right for me, They do what needs to be done.

The Bible says this
Man is always good air
He who waits cannot sow seeds
Even if a man always looks to the clouds, he cannot harvest his crops.

God expects you to do what you can with what you have, wherever you can, a little service with action is better than a wonderful idea without action.

One of the reasons many people do not serve is that they think they are not good enough to serve, they have accepted the lie that only the strongest people serve God.

Some denominations have idolized perfection, causing people of average ability to shy away from ministry.

You may have heard it said that if you can’t do it perfectly, don’t do it.

When we start doing it we don’t do it perfectly this is how we learn, Saddleback church
Inside they are called good guidelines
We have one.

It doesn’t have to be perfect for God to use and bless it.

It is better for our church to involve thousands of people in the ministry than to be led by a few intelligent people.

No matter what they did, the ministers worked with all their hearts
The intensity of the work is not so important, The main issue is ,
It is whether the work must be done.

You can reach a stage in life that makes you a very important person, but that doesn’t stop you from doing the little things
Limit the limit.

God will not make you free from small deeds, this will help you a lot to correct your behavior.

The Bible says,
A person who cares about something
For if any man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he shall be deceived

It is small works like this that we grow in Christlikeness
It’s inside.

Jesus paid close attention to the little things people did not do, washing feet, helping children.

Because he came to serve,there is no such thing as a small job for him, and that was done by his greatness
Not because he left, but because he is great.
He wants us to follow his example.

Doing small things often shows the growth of one’s heart. Your heart of service is revealed in small things that others do not even think of doing.

by your work their ship was wrecked When they were out of the sea Paul gathered sticks to keep the people warm and warmed the fire with them.

He was very tired like the rest of them, but what all people needed. Worked Gara
When you have a servant, there are no small tasks to despise.

Great opportunities are often hidden in even the Small works, the little things of life
Inside jian decide big things,don’t look for big jobs to work for God.

Do the little things, and he wanted a job
It will set you up, But before you try to do big things, do small things.

There are always more people who want to do great things for God than those who want to do small things for Him
There are many, the way of leadership
It is urgent with people.

But there is a wide field for those who want to be ministers Sometimes
Up here you serve the authorities, al
Some of them are down here
You serve those who need your help.

Either way, you are allowed to do whatever is necessary when you are heart
You magnify your servant.

The ministers assigned to their duties shall
They finish, and they accomplish their goals They don’t give up halfway through the start, even if they give up and stop the job
They don’t cut, they’re reliable.

Faithfulness is a good thing that is not available to many people, many people do not know what it means to serve with self-sacrifice.

As easily as confessions, their confessions of doubt and regret
They are broken without one.

Every week, the parishes
And different companies change (adjust) their programs.

Because people willingly
Services are not prepared,not available
Or they didn’t call to tell him not to come
tells us.

You can be the one other people trust the promises you have to keep, the vows to fulfill
you hold.

There are things you have sworn to keep that this is a test God test your faithfulness
Yes, If you pass the test, you will be among the faithful.

Abraham, muse, Samuel, David, .
Daniel, Timothy, and Paul were called faithful servants of God.

And the most beautiful thing, God will make your faithfulness His kingdom
He has promised to reward you in eternity.

Imagine how you would feel if God said to you one day, Well done, work.

Honest, you are a little thing
You have trusted in it, and I will set you up for great things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.

As we speak, true ministers
They do not retire As long as they live
They serve faithfully.

You can retire from Your work, but you will not retire from serving God.

Ministers do not introduce themselves, nor do they call attention to themselves.

Instead of trying to attract people and be successful, they live by accepting the righteousness that says, All of you clothe yourselves with humility as a garment, and live together in common.

They humbly accept recognition for their ministry, but they do not allow it to interfere with their work.

Paul had exposed a ministry that seemed spiritual but was done only to show off and to get people’s attention.

With that, the service of self-revelation
It means serving to capture people’s minds by showing that we are spiritual.

This was the sin of the Pharisees, They helped people, they gave gifts,
And pray for the actions of the parents
They turned it into a way to show off to others.

Jesus hated such an attitude and warned,
People are nice for the sake of appearances
Be careful not to do it in front of the person inside but if you do this
You have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Self-promotion and service should not be confused. True ministers do not serve to gain approval or acceptance from others, they look to their ministry
They live for the One, Paul says of this.

I am now trying to please men or God
For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

You don’t see many true ministers in the spotlight, indeed,
They avoid that as much as they can, they’re happy to serve in the shelter.

Joseph is a great example of this,
He didn’t draw people’s attention to himself, but he was Potiphar
Later the prison guard, it
And he set the chief cupbearer before Pharaoh,
And God will that attitude
He blessed it.

When Pharaoh for his position of authority
Even if he gave ,even to his brothers who rejected him, he had a servant heart.

Sadly,many leaders today start as ministers and end up being willing to be praised,Great Light
Standing inside their eyes like
Forgetting to blind, they are addicted to getting people’s attention
You may be serving in a lowly place where you are not recognized and admired.

Listen Where you are that God put you for a purpose He numbers the hairs of your head
They know, and where your seat is.he knows, for you to stay where you are until he chooses to lift you from there
Better, When they need you somewhere else
He’ll tell you.

Your ministry is for the kingdom of God
When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

There are over 750 halls of fame and over 450 Who Was Who publications in the United States, but you don’t see many true ministers here, Fame is nothing to true ministers anyway.

Because they are famous and
They know the difference between importance well,There are visible parts of your body but if there are none you will not be hurt by The most important parts of your body are the hidden ones.

So it is in the body of Christ,
The most important service is often those who are not available.

In His kingdom God
I am going to reward many people for their unseen and unseen earthly ministry they are people who are parents of children with mental illness
Teachers have been caring for the elderly ,helping HIV/AIDSl patients and serving thousands of invisible ways.

Understanding this, do not give up when your ministry is not visible or recognized, but continue to serve God
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord
Knowing that it will not happen in vain
Always do more in the Lord’s work.

Small service is known and rewarded by God, Remember the words of Jesus Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall give one of these little ones, he shall be my disciple
Even if I give a cold willee of water, it will not lose its value.


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