How Told About The Life Lessons please Read More.
It was 1939 according to the world calendar. He was a student of George Dalzig. One day he fell asleep and went to class.
By the time he entered the classroom, the statistics teacher had left. Two questions that the teacher wrote on the blackboard but remained as they were written.
Dalzig wrote those two questions in his notebook and went back to his dorm. He thought it was a homework given by the teacher.
Even though he found it difficult to do those questions, he used his skills to do both. and as soon as he did, she took him to the teacher’s office.
His teacher was so busy that he motioned for him to put it on a board in the room. He put it on and went out. As soon as the statistics teacher finished his work, he picked up the paper Dalzig had put on the board and began to look at it. He read it. He read it but couldn’t believe what he saw. It was a wonderful thing.
The next morning the teacher went and knocked on the door of the dormitory. he got up and opened his dorm door to see his Statistics teacher standing there. I’m rifate.
His teacher understood that he had come to the dorm. The teacher greeted him and said, “Congratulations. You have completed your graduation research paper. You need to do some more research.
Now even more confused Dalzig. What happened, teacher? he asked the scientist. what did you say? the teacher began to answer, the two questions I wrote on the blackboard yesterday have not yet been answered in the history of statistics.
I wrote the unanswered questions on the board for the students to learn, not for them to do. Surprisingly, you brought it as easily as you did your homework. and yet in a short time. Yes, congratulations! he said to her.
Let me add someone else’s story. A famous athlete named Rojin Banister who I wrote a little about earlier in my book about winners. When the name of Rojin Banister is mentioned, no other athletic is left out. why? because he has a unique history with athletics.
Until this man changed this story, everyone’s mind believed that humans could not run a mile in less than 4 minutes. he believed this and did not try to finish this distance in less than 4 minutes.
Roger Banister, however, believed the opposite of the lie that mankind had long feared. He believed that goal could be accomplished. After believing, he went into preparation. He started practicing. After some practice, he succeeded.
He became the first athlete in world athletics history to run a mile in less than four minutes. That’s not all that’s surprising. The same year he succeeded, many ran the same distance in less than four minutes.
What can we learn from the amazing stories above?
One truth we learn is that our brains are more capable than we think. As I have written extensively in my books such as Milton, The Table and The Path of Winners, the human mind is inherently unique.
Our biggest problem is not making the most of this mental capacity. That’s a common problem we have as human beings.
Despite our amazing brains, what we learn after birth is that we cannot. As children, the environment in which we grew up convinced us that we could not do things.
Yes, it wasn’t the many things we tried and made sure we couldn’t do, but people told us we couldn’t. We heard it was impossible and believed it was impossible.
And we lived as we believed. All the students, including the Statistics teacher, believed that the two questions could not be solved.
May be they won’t sit there trying. They heard that the questions could not be solved. they believed what they heard. So, they agreed that it was impossible.
This is true for many of our lives. While we could have done so many things, we stopped believing we couldn’t just because people told us we couldn’t. here is the question I have for you.
Who told you that you couldn’t do what you believed you couldn’t? who told you that you couldn’t solve the problems of birth by working your head between your ears?
Who told you that you can’t do questions that other people can’t do because you’re human? Who told you that you cannot change your current situation and overcome yourself and not solve the riddle of birth? Who told you that you couldn’t reach the peak of success if you were created to become a human being?
Many of the things you believe_ and believe and accept to be true about yourself are lies. She failed to make a difference just because she believed a lie that seemed to be true.
But the great intelligence your creator has endowed you with has abilities that even science cannot fully investigate. Your biggest problem is not that you lack the ability and ability to change yourself, your family, the world, but that you believe you have it and work on it.
Think about it! What if Dalzig had entered class on time like the other students? If he, like the other students, had heard from the teacher that the questions could not be done, would he really try to do the questions? I don’t think so.
Like the others, he believed that the questions could not be done and convinced his mind. What helped Dalzig most was not hearing that it was impossible to do the questions.
It is hard to hear from your teacher that you cannot do those questions. What could be harder than being told that you can’t do it by someone you learn from, someone you value, someone you believe in?
Many can tell you that you still cannot fulfill your life’s purpose, be the person you were born to be, and successfully fulfill your life’s mission.
Especially the most important people in your life, including your family. You can hear many voices telling you that you can’t.
But here is the truth: You can do it by turning a deaf ear to the voices telling you that you cannot. Just because people haven’t been able to do it before doesn’t mean you can’t.
I want to tell you that just because the generation cannot accomplish the goal you are pursuing does not mean that you cannot as well as others.
The fact that your father is not reaching the goal you are setting is not an indication that you cannot succeed.
Why? you are not them! you are not your father, you are not your father-in-law, you are not the community in which you live.
You have your own identity, and your identity is different from other people’s. The main thing is to train him to stop believing the lies about you and start believing the truth.
It is to make him free from the misinformation that people imposed yesterday and to develop a positive attitude. In short, it is changing your attitude.
If you have a winning mindset and make the most of your time and the energy of the people around you, nothing will stop you from solving the questions of the generation beyond your own.
He believes that if life has a secret, one of the most important secrets of life is the ability to think for yourself. The trick is to think our own way instead of thinking our own way, to have our own views, to spend whatever it takes to accomplish our personal goals. Then we succeed.
Roger Banister was no special creature. Like other athletes, he is human. He has no special powers to use.
If there’s one thing that sets him apart from the athletes of his time, it’s just one thing.
His not thinking the way they do. They humans cannot run a mile in less than four minutes! they believe that. So, then?
None of them tried to accomplish the goal because they believed this seemingly true lie. They heard that it was impossible. They believed what they heard. They lived what they believed.
But Banister said no. sometimes life asks us to say no. no, I don’t think like Dabon! No, I don’t believe as many things are true just because many people do. No, I don’t go with them just because many people walk on it. No!
Which other athletes believed was impossible, and Banister believed, no, it was possible. What about after he believes?
He worked on the truth he believed in. What about in the end? He believed it was possible and worked on what he believed and achieved the goal he set.
He taught us in practice that if we have a winning mindset, we can think and work on what the country does not think and succeed. What about you?
There may be many things in your life today that you need to say no to. Getting out of the thinking trap and thinking your own way and strengthening your personal perspective is the foundation of success.
Agreeing with everything Accepting everything people think will make your life unchanging. If you don’t think about new things, your life will not change from yesterday.
If you don’t like the results you are getting now, you will have to change what you are doing. What does this mean? You cannot expect new results again today what you were doing yesterday and yesterday.
You have to get out of your accustomed lifestyle and try new things. To change what works, you must first change your mind. Why? Since your thoughts become actions, you must change your thoughts before you can change any of your actions.
A changed mindset changes your attitude, a changed attitude changes your actions, a changed action changes your behavior, and a changed behavior changes who you are.
Now I call upon you to wake up. I want you to think deeply about what you have believed to be true about you so far.
I want you to re-examine the facts you believed and accepted that they were impossible. When you start reading this article, I encourage you to start thinking your own way and, like Banister, say no to false thoughts and attitudes.
I tell you to say no, I can, and to convince your mind to believe. What do you think is one good thing about our ideas? Our thoughts are under our control. Yes, it is a creative gift We can control and choose the thoughts we think.
We can choose and think as we choose to eat, I wrote in my book on the table. reject negative thoughts, practice thinking positive thoughts.
Say you train your mind to think and analyze positive thoughts instead of focusing on negative thoughts all the time. Develop a positive attitude. You can. And whether or not you know you can makes a big difference.
There are many people who can but don’t know they can. They cannot change their own lives or the lives of others because they are ignorant of that even if they can work and succeed.
This is very sad. Here is the summary of my article: You have the skills and abilities to achieve any goal you set. And you have to know that you have that.
Once you know, you convince your mind to believe in your abilities and abilities. You erase all the lies your mind believes and start believing only the truth. You keep the truth you believe in mind and work on it determinedly.