How We Avoiding Mental Harmful Behaviors That Affect The People.
A) Working with our minds instead of resting while we are sick.
B) Not getting enough sleep.
According to research, if you cut 90 minutes of sleep a night, your alertness can drop by up to 32%.
If we get too little sleep for a long time (years in a row), it can cause problems with remembering and even thinking.
C) Drinking too much alcohol.
This is because it damages neurotransmitters, reduces vitamin B1 in the body and even reduces our brain weight.
D) Eat foods that contain salt, sugar, carbonated beverages, often.
This is because salt reduces blood pressure, which carries blood to the brain, causing problems with memory, thinking, and the brain.
F) Not exercising.
Because exercise stimulates the release of proteins and hormones in our brain in addition to the health it provides to other parts of our body.
G) Things that disturb our minds.
Many are because they increase the risk of developing mental illness after a long period of time.
H) Frequent skipping of breakfast.
According to many researches, a student who leaves home after breakfast in the morning has a much better ability to grasp and memorize things than those who do not eat breakfast.
I) Smoking.
This is because over time our brain shrinks and can even lead to diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
1) Types of Headaches and their treatment.
There are many types of headaches, and the following are the three most common ones that our community should be aware of.
This headache, no additional symptoms, just a headache! This is what the community usually takes for headaches such as paracetamol (ordinary pain killers).
Although its origin is not fully understood, it is associated with anxiety, thirst and hunger.
2) Migraine Headaches.
This one is very painful and disabling.
A headache that often occurs on one side of the head is a throbbing, worsening headache that can last for a few hours to three days once it starts, from activity it is a starting point.
In addition to headaches, migraines are accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, anorexia, and blurred vision.
Sometimes the pain is preceded by symptoms such as blurred vision, zigzag lines, and inability to speak.
At this time, people with this type of headache know that they are about to have a headache.
The pain can be triggered by excessive anxiety or stress, alcohol, hunger and thirst, too much sleep or insomnia, menstruation (for women), loud noises, looking at bright light, it is something with a bad face.
We need to know what triggers us, and avoid them as we personally do.
If it causes more harm than that in our daily lives and it doesn’t stop with the small amount of medicine we take for headache, we should go to the hospital and get prescription medicine.
3) Cluster Headaches.
This is found in the broad types of trigeminal autonomic cephalgia and affects only one side of the head (left or right), around the eyes.
The painful side shows symptoms in the eyes like watery eyes, red eyes and stuffy lips.
The intensity of the pain is extremely severe, worse than other headaches.
When the pain begins, it starts around the eyes, not slowly like other types of headaches, but suddenly and eventually like fire.
It occurs at the same time of day and sometimes wakes you up.
The origin of the disease is never known, but some books suggest that it is transmitted by seed.
Although the disease cannot be cured, medications are given to reduce the pain and prevent it from coming on quickly.
There are many types of headaches that affect the community in large numbers, so our community needs to identify the symptoms, sources, conditions and patterns.
Also, our society should take the advice of experts and intellectuals on what to do first to avoid contracting the disease and how to prevent it.
Perhaps if we are infected, we should listen carefully to the advice of experts on how to get rid of it.

App Armaan Gadii Buufachuun Walaloo Dubbisii.