Human being called to be given a place to live.
They are of the house of God, not a foreigner or a refugee. This house is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. You were called to have a place of dwelling, not just to believe. Even in Eden, where there was no defect and no sin, God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.
We are created for society,made for relationship and made for family,no one can accomplish God’s purpose alone, the Bible is about Saints who live alone or people who are separated from other believers for the sake of faith.
We are gathered, connected together, built together, members together,to inherit together, to be efficient together, to go out together and to be taken up together.speaks
You are no longer alone,Although your relationship with Christ is personal, God did not want you to be alone, In God’s family you are attached to other believers, we are all given to Each other for eternal life.
The Bible said about this: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Following Christ involves belonging to Him, not just believing, We are members of His body of the Christian church C,S Lewis that the word membership is Christian but the world has made the original meaning of the word empty he explained.
Their fees for members are lowered,advertisers list their members’ names and convey their message, in the Christian church, membership is often viewed as a silent registration without any requirements or expectations.
For Paul, being a “member” of the Christian Church is the fruit of the living body, one of the fruits of the stone of Christ that are being attached together. We need to renew and practice the Biblical definition of membership, the Christian church is a body, not a building, a living thing, not an institution.
To accomplish their purpose, the fruits of your body must be attached to your body. As the body of Christ you must do the same. You were created to do a specific work, but if you are not attached to a living Christian church.
You will distinguish your assignment in your life by having relationships with people. The Bible tells us, “We have many members in one body, and all members have different functions.

Christian we are the fruit of the stone together ” If the member of the body, is cut off from the body, it withers and dies, It cannot live alone, and you are likewise cut off from the living church and separated from it out your spiritual life will slowly wither away to his death so the first sign of spiritual failure is a lack of frequent attendance at worship services and other congregations of believers.
When we come to lose space for relationships, everything begins to fall apart. Membership in God’s family should not be taken for granted or taken for granted. The Christian church is God’s affair for the world ‘e you are a rock
On this unshakable rock I will build my church ,and the lordship of death shall never have power over the church, nor shall it prevail against it likewise, A man who says, “I don’t need the church” either doesn’t accept his truth or doesn’t know it.
the church is necessary because jesus died on the cross,” just as Christ loved the church,and gave himself for the church, so let husbands love their wives. The Bible calls the church “the bride of Christ’ and the stone of Christ
I can’t imagine what it means to say to Jesus ‘I hate You,but I hate Your bride or I accept You, but I don’t accept Your body this is how God commanded us to love the church as Christ loved it. The Bible tells us, Fear God ,and give honor to the king, Sadly, many Christians use the church but don’t like it
Except to the few people in history who are outside this issue Except in the Bible the word church jan refers to the visible unity of believers the New Testament says that believers should be members of a church Christians who are not members of the Christian church , only those who have been punished for open sin and have been excommunicated.
The Bible tells us that a Christian without a church is the product of a stoneless body,a sheep from her fold, or children without a family That is not what should happen naturally, In terms of unity the Bible says, parents and not a stranger, nor a foreigner, but the house of God.
Today’s culture of individualism has left many spiritual children without families, and has led to a proliferation of believers who are not for Unity’who quietly wander from one Church to another without any identity,responsibility and sacrifice.
Many people think that a person can be a Christian without having a church (even attending church programs)” but God strongly opposes this idea It gives us many convincing reasons.
If I have no relationship with certain disciples,I cannot proclaim that I am a disciple of Christ if you have this everyone will know that you are my disciples, as a church family place (Background ,) are different,from different races and also from different social levels when we gather this is a great testimony to the world.
and look you cannot be the rock of Christ alone, you need other People who explain that, together ,we are His rock,separately but not that. The Christian church is a classroom where we learn How to live in the family of God, it is a testing ground where we practice living a selfless life and having warm love.
As an involved member you learn to care for others and share experiences from others”These Body Consequences If one member suffers, all suffer with him, if one suffers, all rejoice with him We can learn the truth in the New Testament about cooperation by Having a constant relationship With believers who are divine and live meaningful lives.
According to the Bible, having a relationship is being able to give ourselves to each other as we gave ourselves to Jesus. God wants us to give our lives to each other. Many Christians who know don’t know “we know what love is because Christ gave His life for us.
So we ought to lay down Our lives for our brothers and sisters” this is the precious love that God requires of you to Show other believers that is to be willing to love them as Jesus loves them you cannot grow spiritually.
Only full participation in the living church will build your spiritual muscles,The Bible says, When the members of the body work in harmony, the body grows,and strengthens itself in love. In the New Testament ‘ each of you or each other is written more than fifty times.

We loved each other, prayed for each other, read to each other, served each other, taught each other, welcomed each other, respected each other, carried each other’s burdens, forgave each other, obeyed each other, helped each other and many other things we did together we are commanded to work this is the biblical style of membership! These are the family responsibilities God wants you to fulfill.
Who do you do these things with? It seems easy to have Innocence where there is no one to restrict your choices, but that is a lie, it is untested Innocence, Loneliness leads us to be deceived, where there is no one to bother us it makes us think stupidly that we are mature,True maturity is seen in relationships.
There is something the bible says we need to grow, we need other believers to learn from each other and take responsibility for each other and we grow faster and stronger,When people tell me what God is teaching them, I learn from them and grow.
God has a special role for you in His family, which is called “ministry ” God has given you gifts for this work “through which the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal,”the church gave. it is a place God has given you to.know and develop yourself. have an extensive ministry, but that is just something you do in addition to the ministry you have in your church. Jesus did not promise to build your ministries. He promised to build His Church. When Jesus was on earth God used the visible body of Christ to do His work and today He uses His spiritual body,
The church is God’s instrument from the world We must not only show God’s love by loving each other, but we must reach the world with that love This is a great opportunity given to us together As the body of Christ we are His hands His feet, His eyes and His heart He works for us in this world,We all have a role to play Paul tells us.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. No one is immune from temptation. At different times you and I can sin. God knows this, so He gave us the responsibility to keep each other in the right line.
The Bible says, “But exhort one another daily, while it is called To-day, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
we are commanded to enter into each other’s lives and help each other,If you know a brother who is weak spiritually, you have a responsibility to encourage him and bring him to unity, James tells us, My brethren, if any of you err from the truth,and there will be someone else who will bring him back.
Another similar benefit of the church is that it provides spiritual protection for righteous leaders, God has given leaders the responsibility to shepherd, protect, protect and care for His sheep.
We are told, “Your shepherds are watching over your souls as those who will render an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief; but if they do this for you with grief not good, Hebrews for the devil loves the scattered believers,
He jsllatas them because they have been removed from the Rock, separated from the Family of God, and have not obeyed the spiritual leaders, because his father knows that they cannot and have no power to stop his strategy.
In my book Purpose-Driven Church, I explained the importance of being part of a healthy church to live a healthy life. I hope you read that book too, Because it is God that the Christian church will accomplish God’s five purposes for your life. helps you understand how He made it to help you.
He created you to have in yourself which are the purposes you live by , the work you live By and the power you live on, There is no other place in this world where you can find these five things you need in one place.
God’s purpose for His church is similar to the five purposes of your life, worship helps you focus on God, brotherly unity helps you get through difficulties, discipleship helps you strengthen your faith, ministry helps you know your potential. Preaching the gospel will help you fulfill your mission There is nothing like a Christian church in this world.
When a child is born,he immediately becomes a member of the general human family in this world But the child must have a certain Family to get the things he needs and to grow up Healthy and strong.
This situation also applies in spiritual life, When you are Born Again,You are immediately added to the universal family of God, but you must also be a member of a specific church of God that represents His family.
The difference between a church walker and a church member is sacrifice, the walkers (participants) stand on the edge, the members work in. The participants eat, the members give, the participants without taking responsibility for the results they want a church,They are like husband and wife who want to live together without paying for Marriage.
Why is it important for families to join a local church? Because you are not just talking, but actually proving your Care to your spiritual brothers and sisters that God doesn’t love thinking people, you can spend your whole Life looking for the perfect Church.but you can’t find it, Just like you loved God.
You are called to love imperfect sinners In Acts the Christians in Jerusalem were very serious about caring for each other they were Devoted to unity The Bible says, The believers continued steadfastly in the teaching of the apostles to strengthen their unity by breaking bread and praying.
God requires you to give yourself to this situation today too.The Christian life includes not only giving yourself to Christ, but also caring for other Christians, the Macedonian Christians understood this. Paul says, And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God.
Being a member of the church is the next event to become a child of God,your commitment to Christ becomes a child of God,and your commitment to a certain group of believers makes you a member of the church the first decision brings salvation, the second brings relationship,