Human being must need understand before die on the earths.
During the ancient Roman Empire, the military was very strong. She had built a strong military force and was able to conquer and control many countries. After a war, soldiers are given a great welcome when they return victorious. The general who led the army in particular sits in a very beautiful horse-drawn carriage. The vehicle is used as a special. The general sat on it in a very elegant dress and walked around the city. The people gave him a warm welcome.
He commands the hero who has won the battle. The respect and admiration of the people for him on that day is so high that it seems to go beyond human dignity. It is easier to say that they worship. A slave is assigned to approach the general’s horse-drawn carriage. The slave has a job and goes with the general. What do you think his job is? He says a word to the general’s ear. Memento Morii says. It means you will die one day in Latin. When the general hears the words from the slave, he gets out of his sense of pride.

He remembers that he is a man who is going to die tomorrow. Why was such an act necessary? The question may arise. It’s good. Such an action was necessary for two reasons. First, it helps them not to feel unnecessarily selfish because of the great welcome and respect. Humanity is prone to selfishness when it is so happy. That leads to failure. So the victory on the battlefield makes him not see himself as superhuman.
Second, it reminds him to keep working while he has time because he does not know when he will die. He warns him not to worry that he is in danger, that he may die at any time from now on, and that he needs to do what he needs to do now. So the action they take is very important. So I will say Memento mori in Latin to remind you of this point at the end.
One day you will die. The things we know in our lives but don’t like to think about are about death. We know that one day we will all die. But while we are known, we willingly forget it as if we did not know it and live as if we lived forever. It is our turn to remember that we too will die one day when we go to the tears of others. Or it is the dark door of the coffin vendors we pass by. When we see the coffin they hang in front of the door, we say, ‘Oh, I will die one day.
Whether or not you think you will die someday does not change the fact. Whether you remember it or not, death is in front of you just because you are human. But you don’t know when your appointment is. You don’t know that, which means you don’t know how many days you have to live in this world. So you need to make the most of the time you have now. Imagine what would happen if every morning when you woke up you thought you only had today for life. If you only had one day, what would you do today? What is the most important thing in your life? Even if you have a short time, which one must be done? This is what you have to do today. It will remind you of seven points you need to understand before you die.
1, Life doesn’t give you two chances.
Life in this world only gives you one chance which means you will only be human and live from this world once. You have no chance of living again. One day you will be born and one day you will die. After death you become history. I am born again and live a second time. You can’t say it. Many people have regrets. If I lived again, I would have a lot of things to improve.
That’s right, you may have learned a lot from this life experience. You may have many mistakes to correct if you had the opportunity to live again. But that is impossible. So, you have to live your daily life as if you don’t have a second chance. The new day to advise you is Sunday. This new Sunday is just this day. I only have this day to live this new Sunday. This coming Sunday is another day. When you wake up every morning, tell yourself that today is the only day to live.
2, Your life will be lived by you.
It is the life our Creator gave us. Everyone is born with a mission to fulfill. That means no one can live for him the life that the Creator gave him to live. And so do you. They did not come from this earth for the entire world population. You have a message for the generation. She lives off this earth because she has a job. And the work assigned to you will not be done by anyone but you. If you don’t work, no one will. Only one person can fulfill the mission you were sent into this world to fulfill. Who is he? It’s just you.
This is one of the facts that will help you to understand how precious your life is so that you do not waste your time. No one can live your life for you. When you understand this truth, you value your life. Giving your life the value it deserves will make you profit from waste. As long as you live in this world, your life is your sole responsibility. In the end, there is no reason to give excuses for your failures. You can’t say that this or that made me not live my life properly. You alone are responsible for the life you have been given.

3, The more you sow, the more you reap.
One of the most important principles you need to understand to succeed in life while you are alive is that life will grow for you as much as you sow. What does this mean? The harder you work, the more you will succeed. If you sow little in the field of life, you will reap little. If you sow from the big, you will reap from the big. Few of the people we share the world with who are on the peak of success have the most common characteristic in that they work without pressure.
When they work tirelessly using the knowledge and people around them, they succeed. People who live in failure are known to name the successful. He didn’t work and got rich by intelligence. He has an animal hidden in the house to give him money. He brought it by stealing, not working. He got there because he had a relative and there were many things to say.
A person can have a variety of reasons for growing up. There is always getting rich by stealing. People in the truly great way have no other reason but to work hard. Sow great things from the agricultural fields of your life. Sow and pass on a handful of the seeds that the generation will eat from its fruit as nourishment for the generation. If after your death the generation does not eat the fruit of the seed you sowed, then your life is a loss.
4, Even if you die, your story will not die
Yes, people die, but history does not. It is passed down from generation to generation. The greatest opportunity you have before you die is to be able to write yourself on the pages of history. Imagine that after your death, maybe people will write your story. What they write to you, however, is what you yourself have already written by living life on the pages of history. No one will write to you without you.
People learn from the stories you have made in writing. You have the opportunity to make a written story in each of the days that come and go. It will be very helpful to ask yourself what I will do today that will be remembered after my death. How do you want history to remember your day today? The choice is yours. You can work out how to find him now so he can remember.
After you die, your story will continue to teach generations. He takes your strengths as an example and learns from them and uses your mistakes to keep himself from repeating them. I will follow you for your success. It will protect you from your failure. The generation therefore writes and passes on teaching the generation success rather than memory of failure in the mind of history.
5, You must be true to yourself.
The biggest mistake in the world is lying to yourself. This earth is full of imitation. Many people have two sides. They look like someone else to people. For themselves and for others. It is easy to pretend to live a life that is not yours. It is not difficult to surprise people and put their hands off their mouths by pretending that something that does not exist has happened. The hardest thing is to be true to yourself. In any situation, at any time, anywhere, there is someone you should not lie to and if you do, you will be in grave danger.
Who is he? You are, you may be able to lie to people and get some results that you enjoy. If you lie to yourself, the result is the loss of your life. You have become Him. And it didn’t happen to him. You have what you have and you don’t have what you don’t have. You have reached where you should have reached and you have not reached where you have not reached. Accept the facts. Not accepting the truth in your life and pretending and lying to yourself will do nothing but put you in danger.
The foundation of success is self-acceptance and self-confidence. If your foundation is not self-confidence, there is a fall ahead of you. So take risk time with yourself. Sakatai your life. Evaluate your progress so far. Identify the things you are not trusting yourself with. Decide to trust yourself on those points from now on.
Accept your hatred and weaknesses as they are. Lose the identity you were struggling with because of your inability to accept yourself and you are as wonderful as you are now. Once you have fully accepted yourself, work on improving your weaknesses. But don’t try to lie to yourself and be someone else as if your weaknesses are not part of your life. That will prevent you from working on improving yourself and you are perfect.

6, Know that it will cost you.
Know that living a symbolic life in the eyes of the generation, a life that can be counted, a life that generations will learn from, a life that will be a treasure for generations, will cost you a bitter price. When you decide to stand out from the crowd and go your own way, you have to be prepared to pay the price. This is one of the greatest lessons I have learned in life. Many people are not afraid of the middle ground but of the price it will cost them.
When you stand out in the crowd, the wrong thing will find you. You cannot hide from them and you will be vulnerable. If you are not ready to be worth it, my advice is to stay there. The most convenient place for people who don’t want to spend money is in the middle of the crowd. Being a middle man. That is why it is the place of choice for many people. But it costs you to be different. When it stands apart, it gains enemies from far and near.
Those who used to shake your hands when you were in the crowd when you stood out. Start a stone sitti guru. From the day you start the path of change, many people will change to you, their faces will darken to you. Throwing their backs on you. Many of those who were close to you will move away from you. If you are not ready to pay the price accordingly, stay where you are. It means that you live an average life, work an average job, have an average success, have an average family, die an average death and have an average funeral. If you don’t want to stand out and pay the price, you have no choice. Without neutrality. It is important to understand the truth about me.
7, Can you decide.
You can make the most important decision in your life now. You now have the opportunity to break out of the middle class and become one of the greatest history makers. Because you are alive. I believe in it. I believe your choice is not neutrality but to be someone who has made a great history and will be remembered from generation to generation. I believe you are willing to raise your voice to the hall of history after your death. Now is the time for you to do that. I have told you over and over again that your greatest assets are your mind, time and relationships with your people.
You are enough to change yourself and change the generation and write yourself in beautiful colors on the edge of history. If you believe I am not enough, I want to assure you that is a lie. That is a false belief created in your mind, not true. You have everything you need to grow. Not only in yourself, you have it around you. What can stop you is not stopping important things, but your unwillingness to do so. Or it may be your despair. If you decide that, you can get anywhere. No matter how old you are, there is nothing to limit you from reaching anywhere you want to go.
At the end of the day
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