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Human life on the earth is truly transformed


But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God Except it is written,” he said.

And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

Spiritual growth is the process of replacing lies with truth, Jesus prayed, Your Word is truth sanctify them by the truth.

Holiness requires vision, the Spirit of God to become like us, the Son of God, our lives We must be filled with His Word.

The Bible says, That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

The Word of God is unique, it is alive.
Jesus said, It is the Spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

When God speaks, things happen
They change,the things around you are the living beings of all creation
Because God has spoken, God will make it all happen Living outside the Word of God is not You can do it.

James explains, That we should be the firstfruits of his creatures,
Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth.

The Bible goes far beyond doctrinal guidance, the word of God generates life, creates faith, brings about change, frightens the devil, does wonders, heals from harm builds character, changes circumstances.

It gives joy, it conquers enemies, it destroys temptations, it provides hope, it gives strength, it references our minds don’t think you can do the word we can’t live without God.

Just as you need bread, take it as important to your life. Job said,
I have not departed from the commandment of his mouth, neither have I treasured up his words.

The Word of God is the spiritual food of
To fulfill your life purpose you, It is helpful The Bible calls milk, bread, solid food, and sweet food, these four foods for strength and essential to spiritual growth.

Peter admonishes us, That newborn babes should use milk and constantly feed on the milk of the word, which is not of error, that ye may grow thereby unto salvation
thirst for.


More Bibles are being printed than ever before But the Bible is on the table
It doesn’t matter if it’s put.

Millions of believers are suffering from spiritual starvation, dying of improper spiritual nourishment, the first thing you need to do to be a healthy disciple of Christ is to eat from the Word of God.

Jesus is in this one it means to live. He said, If you abide in my word, then you are truly my disciples.

In everyday life, living in the Word of God It involves many things.

The Bible should be the supreme authority for my life that shows me the direction, the counsel I listen to to make wise decisions, and it is the standard by which I measure everything.

Many of our problems are caused by our choice of powers
Because we base it on the unbelievable, they include traditional ones (everyone is doing it)
Or they came to me with what seemed to be the right feeling,
What we need is a holistic position that does not lead us in the wrong direction.

Only the Word of God can do that, Solomon reminds us: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

Early in his ministry, Billy Graham doubted the authenticity and authority of the Bible. One evening he knelt on his knees and cried for his readings
Even if they don’t understand, they live and serve from that point on
For him as a high official absolutely.

The Bible told God he believed Day
Since then, Billy’s life has been full of energy and blessed with great perfection.

The most effective decision is you
Today you can have the upper hand in your life It is which one has, Culture,
Tradition, reason and feeling ittatti while Decide not to be based.

When you start with the decisions, What Does the Bible Say? Ask, and if God thinks you are doing Something when you feel it, accept it in your Faith but I will tell you one thing plainly.

I have come down from the Way of faith which they say is the way of the separatists,the God of our fathers
I worship ours though, what in the book of the law I believe all the books of the Prophets.

Just believing the Bible, It is not enough that I have to fill my mind with them, so the Holy Spirit can change me with the truth, ways to do this There are five, receiving, reading, testing You will be able to remember and reflect.

First, when you listen with an open and ready attitude, you are receiving the Word of God The Word of God takes root in us He explains that he decides to deepen and bear fruit.

Jesus distinguished three unacceptable views the closed mind (hard soil), the inner mind (the soil above) and the destructive mind (thorny soil).

Later he said, Therefore take heed how ye hear for whosoever hath, to him shall be given and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he seemeth to have.

You feel like you haven’t learned anything,you have to look at your attitude,especially your pride Look, because when you humbly accept god advises a very difficult teacher, and resist the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

Second, in the history of the Christian church over the past 2,000 years, only priests have read the Bible He used to read it.but now billions of us can read it, yet, many believers read their daily publications more faithfully than the Bible.

Our lack of growth, No wonder, we watched television for three hours and three minutes We cannot expect to grow just by reading the bible.

The original Bible is up to Many people who say they believe in the end are the beginning of the worst Finally, he did not read the Bible.

But if you read the bible for only fifteen minutes a day you can read the whole of it once a year, when you read the bible only thirty minutes a day minus television is the whole bible a year when you read two.

Every day the Bible Reading the Word of God as It will make you a catch, kings of Israel He was commanding his God to keep a copy of His Word with them so, this is the Lord God And he shall teach him to fear him, that he may keep all the words of this law and these statutes; to sit down.

But don’t just keep it to yourself, read it yore yore,the key to this is to have a bible reading plan, It will allow you to read all the passages without jumping off the bible readings.

If you would like a copy of my own daily bible reading plan to send you like this, see the last two statements.

Third, researching or studying is another way of living in the Word of God Difference Reading and studying the BibleThe middle contains two additional functions.

Reading questions Ask yourself questions and write down your thoughts If you don’t write your thoughts down on paper or on a computer, you haven’t studied the bible.

I don’t have enough space to describe the various bible study techniques,including the one I wrote twenty years ago, there are many books on bible study Rick Warren Twelve personal Bible study methods this book is available in monthly languages
It has been translated.

The mystery of bible study. Successful is asking the right questions, Different strategies for asking questions Use different, Reading You can find out a lot if you take the time to ask yourself the following simple questions.

Who what When Where why How The Bible says, But he who peers into the perfect law of liberty, and continues in it, he who has heard the word,
He who applies but does not forget to deny will rejoice in his actions.

The fourth way to live in God’s Word is to remember. Your ability to remember is a gift from God.

You may think you have a poor memory but the truth is, you remember millions of ideas, facts, objects and images It’s your possession.

What you remember is what is useful to you, is the point
If God is effective for you, you take time to remember Him.

Remembering bible verses has many benefits, to avoid temptations, to make wise decisions, to reduce stress,your self-confidence to share with others
it will help you.

Your memory is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes
Come on, bible verses, It will become easier for you to remember.

You can start by identifying a few Bible verses that touch you on a card that you can take with you, and then read them aloud over and over again throughout the day

You can remember scriptures everywhere when you work or do physical activities. Or you can remember driving or waiting for someone or going to sleep.

Scripture, it is repeated and repeated the bible says the word of Christ as it riches.let it dwell in you, the word of christ as it riches in you.

The fifth way to live in the Word of God is to work on it (Reflection) which the Bible calls meditation, It’s a smile.

For many people, meditation is thought to be silence without thinking. This is the opposite of meditation mentioned in the Bible.

Analyzing one’s own thoughts
Collection is thinking It takes a lot of effort, You choose a verse and think about it again and again in your mind.

As I explained in my previous thoughts
If you know how to worry about it, how to You meditate (deeply) and think
You know, Anxiety is thinking deeply about something negative.

Meditation is doing something similar, focusing on God’s Word, not on your problems. More than daily bible meditation that will change your life
And to be like Christ that you There is no help in thinking deeply about the truth of God, When we reflect the Example of Christ.

Again, we turned our faces. Unveiled we cause the glory of the Lord to Reflect from us: they are transformed as from the Lord of the Spirit

If you look at all the times God talks about meditation in the Bible, you will be amazed at the great promises He has made to people who take the time to meditate on His Word every day.

One of the reasons God called David a man after my heart is that David loved to think deeply about God’s Word.

lnni said, How I love thy law, and all the day long do I –
I think about it again and again.


If we don’t apply it, we take it, read it and research it,
Remembering, and meditating on the Word of God are useless, We must be the heroes of the word, this is the most difficult step of all, because Satan fights it so hard.

He doesn’t care if you go to a Bible study if you don’t apply what you learn.

If we say that we have received the truth into ourselves by merely hearing or reading or studying it
We deceive ourselves, in fact, by rushing to move on to the next one and you may lose time to apply the word of God you have learned.

Without action,our bible studies are useless, Jesus said.

Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Jesus also said that God’s blessing comes not only from hearing, but from obeying the truth. He said, If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.

Another reason we don’t apply it personally ,It’s hard or difficult the truth will set you free,but it will make you difficult at first.

The Word of God exposes our feelings,reveals our mistakes,
It destroys our sins,and makes us change, it is human nature to resist change.

Therefore, putting God’s word into practice is a difficult task,
That’s why it’s important to apply things personally and consult with others.

Being a member of a small bible study group is very beneficial as we always learn truths from others that we cannot learn ourselves.

Others will help you see things you have never seen before,and apply God’s Word in a visionary way.

The best way to become a Hero of the Word is to write down action steps as a result of reading, or studying,or meditating on the bible, writing down the things you need to do Get used to it.

This action step is
Your personal (involving only you) Work should be visible (what you can do) and verifiable (with the right time for implementation).

Applying or your relationship with God,
Either your relationships with other people,or your personality traits.

Before you read the next chapter, take time to answer this question and think about what God told you in His Word to do, and what have you not done yet?

Then write a few action sentences to help you work on what you know, and you can tell your friend who is in charge.

As the man D , L Moody said, the Bible was given to change our lives, not to increase our knowledge.


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