Keeping your life balanced is very important.
Those who have a balanced life are Blessed, they are going to live the best.
So watch carefully how you walk! Walk not as unwise, but as wise;
Take heed therefore that ye be not led away with the error of the wicked, and fall from your own stedfastness.
One of the events during the Winter Olympics is the pentathlon.
It is made up of five events, spear throwing, overcoming obstacles, horseback riding, running and swimming. The goal of a contestant is to succeed in these five events, not to fail in just one or two.
Your life is a pentathlon consisting of five objectives, which you must balance.
These goals were practiced by the early Christians, expressed by Paul, and demonstrated by Jesus.
But they are summarized in the Great Commandment and.the great Mission of Jesus, These two statements summarize everything in this book.
1, Love God with all your heart You were planned for the joy of God, so your goal is to love God through worship.
2,Love your neighbor as yourself You were formed for service, so your goal as a minister is to show love for others.
3, Go and make my disciples, you were created for the mission of the gospel,
So your goal is to share God’s message with others through evangelism.
4, By baptizing them You are planned to become God’s family, so your goal is to become part of His church through relationships.
5, Teach them to do all things.
You are created to be like Christ so it is to grow to maturity through discipleship.
The commandment to Grow and doing great work for the Great Commission makes you a great Christian.
Maintaining the balance of these five goals is not easy, We all feel like doing things
We focus on it and release the others.
Christian churches do the same, but you can maintain balance in your life by doing the following.
Joining a small group for responsibility is constantly evaluating the health of your spiritual life, writing down improvements in your personal notes, and passing on what you have learned to others. These are the four activities necessary to have a purpose-driven life.
If you want to stand in the right place,
You need to develop these qualities,
The way to incorporate the guidelines in this book is to talk about them with people in a small group.
The Bible says,
Iron sharpens iron and man is sharpened by man In groups we learn more, through conversation our minds are sharpened, and our beliefs deepen.
I encourage you to form a few groups of friends and set up a Purpose-Led Life reading group to discuss the guidelines in this book each week.
Discuss the various applications and explanations in each chapter. Ask what happened next.
And “Now what does this mean for me, my family, and my church and what should I do about it Paul says, put into practice what you have learned.
In the conclusion, discussion questions in your group or
I have prepared a lesson that you can use in Saturday’s lesson
The reading group of a large few even the book itself
You can give or accept comments about the availability of what you are learning.
You can discuss real-life examples and pray for, encourage, and help each other as you begin to live for these goals.
Remember, we were created to grow together, not alone, the Bible says, so encourage and strengthen one another as you are doing now.
When you have finished studying this book as a group, you can continue studying other purpose-driven living studies for classes and groups.
I encourage you to have a personal bible study as well, I have listed thousands of verses used in this book for you to compare and study.
The way to balance your five life goals is best of all from time to time life
He values evaluating yours.
In the Bible if
At least five times recovery
we are commanded to examine our spirits.
The Bible says, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.
Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? If so
Otherwise you have fallen into that investigation.
To keep your body healthy, health professionals will check your vital signs such as blood pressure, temperature, Weight and the like.
Possession you must be permanently considered by Him, and for your spiritual health you must be considered from time to time for the five signs of devotion, unity, character development, service, and mission.

Jeremiah counsels, Come now, and let us examine our ways, and turn again to God.
In our church we have developed a simple scale for people to evaluate themselves individually and thousands of people have used it to live in God’s purpose.
Copy of research life purpose
You can contact me by email if you would like to receive this lead.
You will be amazed at how much this simple balance can help you to balance your life for your health and spiritual growth, Paul says.
So as you are ready to do something of your own free will, work with what you have Complete his salvation.
The way you have improved in accomplishing God’s purposes
The main strength is to have a spiritual record and write on it.
This is not a journal where you write down everyday events, but it is a copy that you keep on the things you have learned from life that you don’t want to forget.
The Bible says, therefore, that we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.
We remember what we wrote, Writing tells you what God is doing in your life.
A man named Dawson Trotman said, When thoughts are at the tip of our fingers They make it a force to be remembered.
The Bible is God
He has many examples of wanting his people to keep a spiritual record.
He says,Moses, as God commanded him, set up their camp
Adeeman wrote as follows.
Wouldn’t you be happy that Moses obeyed God and wrote the history of the Israelites’ journey? If he had been weak, we would have lost the wonderful life lessons joran in the Book of Exodus.
The story of your spiritual journey is not as detailed as that of Moses, but yours is also very rewarding.
The New International Version says, Moses wrote down your steps all their journeys your life is a journey.
And the travelogue may sit logged, and I hope you will write down the stages of your purpose-driven life.
Don’t just write down the things that make you happy Like David, write down your doubts, fears, and struggles with God.
Our greatest lessons come from our suffering, and the Bible says that God records our tears.
When you face hardships, remember that God uses them to accomplish your five purposes in life.
Suffering on God as
Make you focus, the character of Christ
They make you look like they make you stronger, they make you have a service.
And they will give you a testimony Any suffering is purposeful
It is led.
Sitting in bitter trouble, the Psalmist wrote: Let it be written for the generation to come, that a people may yet be born that may praise the Lord.
By writing your testimony you will pass on the five purposes of your life to God on earth and your testimony will continue to speak even after you enter eternal life.
If you want to continue to grow, the best way to learn more is to share what you have learned with others.
The Book of Proverbs tells us, the generous will flourish and the thirsty will be quenched.
People who pass on to others will receive more from God.
Now that you understand the purpose of life, it is your responsibility to pass on the message to others. God wants you to pass on His message, Paul says.
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
In this book I have passed on to you what others have taught me about the purpose of life,
Now it is your turn to pass this message on to others.
Perhaps you know hundreds of people who do not know the purpose of life. Share these truths with your children, friends, neighbors and so on
Share it with your co-workers.
If you give this book to someone else,
Write your personal notes on the notes page.
The more you learn,God wants you to share your knowledge with others. James says, If a man knows how to do good, let him do it
If he does not work, it will be a sin for him.
Knowledge fosters responsibility, but communicating life’s purpose to others is more than duty, it is one of life’s greatest opportunities.
Imagine how different the world would be if everyone knew the purpose of their lives.
If you let the brothers know this,
You have become a good servant of Christ Jesus.
All things for the glory of God
The reason we pass on what we have learned is for the glory of God and the expansion of His kingdom.
On the evening before His crucifixion, Jesus reported to His Father, I have glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do.
When Jesus prayed in these words, He did not yet die for our sins, so what work did He accomplish? Here He is describing something different from being a sacrifice.
The answer is found in the next twenty verses in the words He said.
Jesus told His Father what He had been doing for the past three years to prepare His disciples to live for God’s purpose.
He helped them to know and love God (unity), and He gave them His Word so they could grow to maturity.
He showed them how to serve (ministry) And sent them to tell others Jesus taught others how to live by living His own purpose-driven life, which is a work that glorifies God.
Today God has given us all the work of each other
He calls us to appearance, He does not simply require us to live His purposes in life.
He wants us to help others do the same, God wants us to bring people to Christ, to come into union with Him.
That they grew to maturity and their place of service is
That we help them get it right, and that we help others
he wants us to send them to the reach.
This is the nature of a purpose-driven life No matter how old you are, the rest of your life can be the most beautiful life ever. You can start living with Purpose today