Known your self properly Search your life on the earths
What does it mean to know yourself?
Self-knowledge means understanding our own inner secrets, not our own motives or the characteristics of others. Self-knowledge can also be defined as the process of actually having accurate information about ourselves from the very beginning. this information about our personality traits, mental state traits, emotional traits, desires, goals, physical trait choices, motivations, and abilities and what we believe is always related to how we actually behave inconsistencies that we need to be aware of.
The meaning of self-knowledge may seem to us to be the color of our clothes or our favorite accessory or our favorite type of food and so on, but self-knowledge is more complex. The main reason for any human being to be happy as well as sad during his lifetime is his self-knowledge and self-knowledge. I believe it. Self-knowledge is self-examination in action, thought and behavior even with another person.
The importance of self-knowledge
Self-knowledge is essential for human beings to live a true and meaningful life. Developing self-awareness helps us to see clearly who we are and how we can live our best lives. That is when we find a dangerous and accurate representation of our true selves we can make decisions that serve our purposes and desires while avoiding experiences that diminish the potential for flourishing.
For example, knowing yourself will facilitate you to choose friends who live close to you, choose educational opportunities or careers that match your choices, goals, and abilities, and identify the best place to live.
The great benefit of self-knowledge.
1, Increases self-confidence.
2, It makes our work more in line with our values.
3, It makes you more reliable.
4, It makes you creative.
This means that self-knowledge, according to scholars and as we understand it, makes a self-knowing person more able to live a real life than those who do not know themselves. A TWIN scholar said the first step to self-knowledge is self-knowledge. So you if you know yourself can you be a boundary setter in your significant relationship and a more confident person.

If you know yourself, you will live if you know yourself. There are three kinds of people in this world. People who don’t know themselves, people who know themselves, people who forget themselves. It also reinforces the above idea by saying that when you use your inner thoughts and consciousness from social media networks, you mi the wisdom from 200 million years of evolution. Therefore, let us understand that knowing our innermost secrets is compared to living so long. The benefits of knowing ourselves are difficult to describe in any of these words.
Impact of lack of self-awareness.
Lack of self-awareness reveals a serious flaw in our humanity. Symptoms of lack of self-awareness are affected.
1, Chronic low self-esteem damages mental health.
2, It alienates you from society.
3, It paves the way for mental distress
4, Exposure to anxiety causes mental disorders.
5, Failure to identify your strengths will lower the quality of your life.
When this happens, instead of making choices on your own, you will give in to the external forces that influence your behavior and allow your emotions to prevail. To avoid all these pressures and shortcomings, it is the duty of each of us to know ourselves.
Finding yourself
Finding ourselves is accepting that being different to others is a blessing, not a curse. A person who knows who he is lives a simple life by eliminating from his orbit anything that does not align with his highest purpose and values. One must be a choice with one’s time and energy. Because the organs of life are limited by these two things. If we don’t find ourselves, the time we have may be at odds with the power we have.
But when we find ourselves, we have to strive from whatever opportunity we have when we are at our fullest and in the best of circumstances. It also makes us strive for the reason we find ourselves. When we take a break, it is not when we have strength and in a comfortable situation, but when we lose strength and use the resources we have in the years when we have strength. Did you know that finding yourself plays an even bigger role in giving you people’s love? If you don’t know, you really haven’t found yourself.
Miles had a beautiful message for us. When he receives your gifts and authority, those gifts attract people. When people come to you, they are not really coming to you, but to the gifts and visions with which you are serving the humanity of your generation. So today, in their living space and workplace, people who find themselves and know their gifts and are skilled in the work they do are very popular with many people.
We are mysterious creatures. Much of what we think we know about our minds is false knowledge. We all occasionally do things that are shocking. This is an example of having incorrect information about yourself or not knowing yourself. the importance of self-knowledge is good at raising what we think we value.
Self-knowledge means learning from yourself to behave in a proper and practical way. Self-knowledge comes from a variety of sources such as our own experiences, the experiences of others, and the results of our interactions with the world. Because we are not always aware of our behavior, we often have to contradict and ignore information about ourselves, so it is necessary to seek evidence from other parties.
How do we develop our self-awareness?
Increasing our self-awareness, although it is not easy, there are a few strategies we can use to know ourselves. They are
1, Self-observation and taking time to analyze the ideas of discussion and self-interest in our world is an important part of developing self-awareness. Tracking our behaviors, such as our behavior or moving towards our goals, can help us to look at our behavior in a realistic way. this is useful for determining whether our beliefs about our behavior are consistent with what we are.
2, Listening to thoughts and feelings
Listening to your thoughts and feelings and writing them down in an understandable way is a good way to improve your self-knowledge. It can help us to organize our thoughts daily, engage in meditation and gain greater insight into our motivations. listening to and recording our thoughts and feelings can help us identify recurring patterns of behavior that are consistent with our goals and values.
3, ask for feedback or suggestions
Sources of information from outside or from others and even in the form of questions about our actions that we get answers to and correct are very crucial for the development of our self-knowledge.
4, By asking trusted friends and counselors about our personal views and other personality traits, we can gain a greater understanding of what we are like when we are with others. If anyone knows themselves well and has great integrity.
A, Self-assessment
B, Managing his emotions
C, His character
D, Matching the value and
E, He can understand exactly how other people view him.
People with high self-esteem are able to interpret their actions, emotions and thoughts realistically.

Vision means being able to see in the blindness of one’s mind in advance what does not exist now and taking steps to see with one’s own eyes what they see in the blindness of their mind. For example, if you decide to build a building, it may be drawn on paper before the building is built. This is similar to vision. It is what happens in you before you put it into practice.
Vision is the source and hope of life. The greatest gift ever given to mankind is not the gift of sight but the gift of vision. Seeing is the work of the eye, vision is the work of the heart. Nothing noble or famous on earth has ever been done but seen. Miles Murroy. Vision is one of the non-existent things that wants to be on the surface as it is and is located inside a person.
Whose vision is it?
Some visions are personal. This means that only the self of the vision can see the vision and can bring it out and implement it. Knowing the vision, identifying it and working to realize it, is the role of the visionary. No foreigner or alien will have a share in it.
Occasionally, the help of other people’s ideas can create a vision in you. this means that there are people who have already seen the potential in you and have given birth to a vision in you or have connected you with your potential. Once they have made you aware of the potential in you that you have not understood or given space to, a vision can be born in you.
People who see this talent in you, for example, your best friend, your teacher, your family, should do this. So human helpsometimes plays a role in providing us with vision. When we succeed in that thing we can be happy as well as sad. We rejoice because we succeed because of the vision that man sees in us. Sadly, what was I doing without anyone seeing in me that I could do this? If I had seen it in myself before, where would I have gotten with it now?
I have been lying on my own, but oh I am in a state of sadness and regret. But we can never turn it back a day. As I have seen above, few people will help you develop your vision after you have found it and started working to realize it. Otherwise, human help will not help you with your vision. Because people only see what is actually visible. Only you can see to know what is inside you. So the responsibility for your vision is in your hands.
The development of human vision needs a lot of protection and care. It is even more important to have a strong and professional protection for your vision. If perhaps your vision speaks to people, your vision may be affected by people’s opinions and your own judgments. especially people who have a negative view of you will try to bring you down.
Some people can use some of your weaknesses to keep you from reaching your vision goal and discourage you from reaching your vision goal. they can discourage you and keep you from the goal of your vision. but this can only happen to you if you listen to their opinion and decide for yourself.
Vision, like humans, has four structures. They are;
A, It is born. C, It’s death. D, It is buried.
B, It will grow.
What does it mean that vision is born, grows, dies, and is buried? Where is he born? Where does it grow?, Where does it die? What Or who kills? Where and by whom is he buried?
i, The vision that is born may have been born yesterday or born today or may be born tomorrow. and for where it is in man. Just as a baby needs care to be born and grow, it is necessary to care for one’s vision to grow.
ii Vision grows when it goes through setbacks and reaches the stage of success. This means that when the vision is born, we turn it into action and reach the clever place
Our minds have imagined.
iii, Which for us is if the newborn is left there without being raised and perhaps without reaching the final stage. In short, the first body and the first cause of visionary death is the person who received the vision and immediately left it. Other factors are secondary factors.
What kind of parents are these secondary causes? If it is said, this is not new. To take an example, when I started writing my learning work, someone heard about it. I don’t think it’s necessary to name this man. He said something that could have encouraged me, and I started writing a book two years ago.
I asked why it bothered you. He replied that someone bought it from me and many people have stopped reading books. I thought to myself, ‘My brother, you weren’t supposed to write a book for money in the first place. If only you could. Even if you have finished writing your book and given it to people who are willing to read it and have no money, this is first of all, you are writing what you thought would teach human history.
Secondly, although it is considered inferior in our country, there is no greater gift for the intelligent than giving a book. They say.
So if the gift you give to that person is one that changes him, then that person’s conversion is your greatest joy. I replied to him.
Why did I mention this example? Here it is. Secondary entities can kill our vision in us. If I had taken this man’s word for it, I would have cut off my article just like him.
Iv, Revelation is buried by a person who remains silent without doing anything or without discovering what is hidden for the sake of birth and without making his mind work on the same thing. Understand that people’s opinions play a big role in a person’s life.
For example:
As a grounded person you are a strong, impossible, amazing talent. If you say that person really does it, the courage you instill in him can be a very strong person. it will be. Also, the opinion you give to someone has a big impact on that person’s growth. This is where human thought is a practice or a catalyst for growth. And if you tell someone who has a great and strong ability to do something, you are a weakling, a failure, you can’t get anywhere without self-destruction, that person will be very hurt by your thoughts.

So be careful when someone uses these words to turn you back and you never hear them, even if you think about it in yourself, without thinking about it, never use these discouraging words. Because leaving someone’s vision out of the way is not a sign of your humanity. Such words have a profound effect on his life. because many people are starting to think and express themselves as people say they are. What a person convinces himself of must naturally have the ability to work on him with great power over them.
This is the law of nature.
So people’s opinions have a heavy and negative impact on your vision. Your vision is crucial to your growth. Now that he understands that, he has no doubt whatsoever that it is imperative to protect your vision. In short, you are expected to maintain and nurture your vision properly.
Age of vision
If your vision is small, its work and timeliness will be just as close. It means it will be easier to reach. Accordingly, if your vision is great, the time will be even longer. To reach it, it is expected to go through a long journey, adversity, loss, hunger and thirst without hesitation. This great vision, however, requires a strong bond with the optimist. Therefore, one must unite with hope to reach the land of his vision. This means that;
A, Not his satisfaction today but his satisfaction tomorrow
B, His later, not his present, dress
C, Having fun or being proud of money and the like, he lives happily in his hopes until he reaches his vision.
A person must maintain his vision to reach the growth he wants. As the sages say, don’t tell people the secrets of your vision, if you are in a position where you need human help to realize your vision, tell the secrets of your vision only to people you believe are trustworthy. Know that the more people who know the secrets of your vision, the more trials and obstacles people will throw in your path. So keep your vision a secret.
Let’s relate it to the vision of the wise. Life offers you two choices, one is to make the necessary sacrifices and the other is to regret it. Vision is a pointer and a companion to your growth. But it does require you to make sacrifices. If you want growth, sacrifice for your vision. Your life is measured by your vision. Vision is a common measure or unit of measurement at your level of life. The failures and successes or achievements of your life are measured by the extent of your vision. There are many stones in a tree with fruit
I have summarized this so that there will be many trials, obstacles and hurdles for the visionary. Therefore, vision requires sacrifice. You must be willing and ready to make that sacrifice. You have to be permissive and prepared. You must be permitted and prepared. Otherwise, you take that second option. It is regret. When whites join, they say the nature of sacrifice is no pain, no gain. In other words, they are telling us that there is no achievement if you do not endure the pain to achieve progress.
You have to understand that many people are not willing to make the necessary sacrifices for their symptoms. If you have a vision, you may face challenges in many ways on your journey to realization. for the more trouble there is in the man who strives for a vision.
Therefore, you must be willing and determined to honor this vision and make the sacrifices it requires of you. Then your vision becomes a reality. In summary, the first decision to realize your vision and progress toward its goals is to respect the characteristics of the vision.
Keys to self-knowledge
Things that are crucial and key to our self-knowledge.
1, Self-awareness and awareness of our strengths and weaknesses.
2, Understand how much self-confidence we have
3, Thinking far.
4, It is our motivation.