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Life on the earth are temporary assignment.

O God, know the end of my life and let me know how long my life is and teach me how quickly I am going to pass away. How can a young man keep his course in holiness? he can keep it by directing his course according to your word.

Life on earth is a short-term assignment.
The Bible is full of statements that teach that life on earth is short, temporary, and urgent. Life has been described as a swift runner, breathing and rushing. The Bible says that we were born yesterday, and know nothing, and the dawn of our life on earth comes and goes like a shadow.

If you want to do the best work in your life, you must remember two facts. The first is that life on earth is extremely short compared to eternal life. The second is the world in your temporary abode. He won’t live long on this earth so don’t get too attached to him.

Ask God to enable you to see life as He sees it. David prayed, “O God, make me know the end of my life and the years of my life, and teach me how quickly I am about to pass away.

The Bible repeatedly likens life on earth to living in a foreign land for a while. This is not your permanent residence or your ultimate destination.

You are a visitor who will soon leave the world. The Bible uses words like stranger, traveler, guest, visitor and character to describe the short time we spend on earth. David said, How can a wanderer keep his way in holiness? he can keep it by directing his course according to your word.

And Peter said unto him, If ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judge according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear:

Many people from other countries in the world have come to California, the state where I live, in search of work, but they make their citizenship immigrants.

They will be required to have a green card that will allow them to work even if they are not citizens. We Christians need to have a spiritual green card that reminds us that we are citizens of the heavenly country.

God says that His children need to think about life differently than unbelieving parents. whose end is destruction, whose heart is unto their god, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. But from heaven we also wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

True Christians realize that there is something far better than their temporary life on earth. Your identity is in eternal life, and your country is heaven.

When you understand this truth, you will stop thinking about having everything. God explains very clearly the dangers of accepting the consequences of the priorities and lifestyles of the world around us and living only for the present and the hereafter.

When we are caught up in the temptations of this world, God calls for spiritual warfare.about which the bible says, Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Imagine what would happen if your country asked you to become an ambassador in an enemy country.

To accomplish your mission in agreement with the people, you may have to learn a new language and accept the differences in lifestyle and culture. As an ambassador, you cannot separate yourself from the enemies.

To accomplish your mission, you must meet and approach them. But let’s say this foreign country likes you and loves your country more. Your loyalty and sacrifice will change. Your role as an ambassador was forgotten.

Instead of representing your country, you will be like those enemies. You become a rebel. The Bible then we have been found to be the mouthpiece of Christ. God will make you hear through us.

Be reconciled to God We pray for you as part of Christ. Sadly, many Christians have rejected their king and his kingdom. They foolishly thought that it belonged to them because they lived on earth.

The Bible is clear. I exhort you, brethren, as strangers and exiles, to keep from the lusts of the flesh, which war against the soul; God warns us not to cling too tightly to what is around us because it is temporary. And this is the commandment, That they which use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away.

The present world will be crushed. Compared to other generations, life in the West has never been as easy in history as it is today. Things that entertain and surprise us are constantly offered.

The wonderful attractions, the addictive media, and the many exciting exercises that fill it make it easy to forget that the present is not entirely the goal of a happy life.

Only when we realize that life is a test, a trust and a temporary assignment, will the impact of these things on our lives become easier. We are preparing to get much more from that.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

The fact that this world is not our main home explains why, as disciples of the Lord Jesus, we experience suffering, sorrow, and rejection in this world.

He also explains why some of God’s promises seem unfulfilled, why some prayers seem unanswered, and why some situations seem unfair.

To keep us from being too bound by this world, God makes us feel unhappy and dissatisfied with the feelings of life. So we thirst for things that we can only get in eternal life, not in our present life.

We cannot have perfect happiness on this earth because we were not created for that. This world is not our final place of residence we were created for something greater than it. A fish cannot be happy if it lives on dry land, because it was created to live in water. The eagle would not be happy if it could not fly.

You cannot have perfect happiness in this world, because you were created for something better. You may have exciting events here, but nothing can compare to what God has planned for you.

Understanding that life on earth is a short-term assignment will allow you to change your outcomes completely. The eternal consequences of parents are not temporary, they should be the reason for the decisions you make. As the wise say, everything that is not eternal is useless forever.

The Bible says, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. It has nothing to do with a serious mistake to think that God’s goal for your life is the wealth of things or the success of men.

Faithfulness to God is not a guarantee of success in work and ministry. Don’t focus on the temporary crowns that have passed. Paul was faithful, but he was put in prison.

John the Baptist was faithful, but his forehead was cut off. Millions of faithful people have been sacrificed, they have lost everything they have, they have passed away without anything.

But the end of his life here is not the end of life. In the eyes of God, great heroes of faith are not those who have great wealth, success, and strength in this present life, but those who serve faithfully, understanding that they will take this life for a short time and receive their reward from heaven.

When he understands about God’s standards, the Bible says. Although these men did not receive what was promised, they died without giving up their faith, but they were happy to welcome what was needed in the distance.

They knew that they were strangers and pilgrims on earth. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. Your time on earth is not the story of your entire life.

You must wait until you enter the kingdom of God to move on to the next chapters. Living as a guest on this earth requires faith. There is an old story about a retired missionary who was returning to his homeland in the United States. The man is on the ship on which the US president was returning home.

When the President arrived at his destination, many people gathered to applaud him, a band played in beautiful clothes, prepared flags and the media gathered to give him a warm welcome.

But the angel got out of the boat without anyone seeing him. then he began to murmur against God in sorrow. Then God gently reminded him, “My son, you have not yet reached your true country.

You enter the kingdom of God and two seconds later you scream, why am I so focused on those things that will pass away soon? What was I going to do? Why did I spend my time and energy growing so much for something that would pass?

When life is hard for you, when doubts are getting worse, or when living for Christ seems worthless, remember that you have not yet reached your homeland.

When you die, you go into your house, not out of it. The point to think about my purpose is that this world is not my home. The thing to remember is that we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal;

but the things which are not seen are eternal. The question to be addressed is how can the fact that life on earth is a short-term job change the life I am living now?

Because of everything God created all things and all things live by Him, and all things live by Him. Praise be to Him forever. God has a reason for creating everything. He set the wicked for the day of destruction.

Everything is for him The main goal of this desire is to reveal the glory of God. That is why all creation, including you, exists. God created all things for His glory. Without the glory of God, nothing can exist.

What is the glory of God? He is the one who is divine. It is the identity of His creation, the magnitude of His importance, the reflection of His image, the manifestation of His power, and the state of His presence. The glory of God is an expression of His goodness and the attributes of the eternal One.

Where is the glory of God? Look around you. Everything God created reveals the glory of God. From the tiny invisible creatures to the constellations to the waves of the sea and the changing seasons, we see the glory of God everywhere.

Nature reveals the glory of our nature. In creation we see that God is powerful, enjoys diversity, loves beauty, is orderly in His work, is wise and has the ability to create new things. The Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God.

Throughout history, God has revealed His glory to people in various ways. First in the Garden of Eden, then in Moses, then in the tabernacle and the temple, and then through Jesus. It is still manifested today through the Christian church. He has appeared as a burning fire, as a cloud, as a thunderbolt, and as a flash of light.

It is the glory of God that gives all the necessary light in heaven. The Bible says that it is not necessary for the sun or the moon to shine on the city. The glory of God is its light, and the Lamb is its lamp.

The glory of God is revealed through Jesus Christ. Jesus, the light of the world, revealed the identity of God. Because of Jesus, I have opened the darkness about what God is like.

The Bible says that the light of God’s glory reflects from him, God is revealed to them as he is, and his powerful word carries all that has been created. He did not ascend to the top of His glorious right hand after He had obtained cleansing from sin. When Jesus came to earth, we would fully understand the glory of God.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We saw his glory, such glory as of the one and only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. The glory of God is God’s and He has it.

Just as we cannot make the sun shine brighter, we cannot add anything to this divine glory. We are commanded to know His glory, to honor His glory, to proclaim His glory, to praise His glory, to reflect His glory, and to live for His glory.

Because that is worthy of God. We give Him all the glory we can. God deserves all the glory because He created all things. Concerning this one the bible says, then you are not worthy to receive the glory, the honor, and the power, for you created all things, and for your will they existed and were created. Only two creatures fail to give glory to God in this whole of desire. It is the fallen angels and us.

The root of sin is the failure to give glory to God. It is to love God more than anything else. Refusing to give glory to God is the greatest evil that has caused ours. We have all lived in various ways for our own glory rather than for the glory of God. All the Bible says that they have sinned and have lost the glory of God.

None of us have given Him the full glory that God requires of Him. This is the biggest mistake we make and the most disgusting mistake we can make. On the other hand, living for the glory of God is the greatest discovery we can have in our lives.

God says this. Let all those who are called by my name, whom I have created for my glory, whom I have formed and formed, come. So it should be the ultimate goal of our lives.

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