Most importantly, human life is a matter of love.
But if I don’t have love, it doesn’t matter to me. Love means according to God’s command.
This is the first commandment which ye shall hear from the beginning. Life is a matter of love.
God is love and the highest lesson you learn in this world is that you love.
It is in love that we can be most like Him. Therefore love is the root of all commandments.
The whole commandment of the one word, love your neighbor as yourself, is incomplete. Loving with unselfish love is not an easy task.
It’s the opposite of focusing on your own empty self. Our age is given to us to learn it.
In fact, God wants us to love all people, but especially His family members.
As we discussed earlier, this is your second purpose in life. Peter tells us to fear God and honor the king.
Paul explains this idea as follows: As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Why does God require us to give special love and care to other believers? Why did they dominate to be liked?
Because God wants His family to be known by love above all else, Jesus said that our love for one another is the greatest testimony in the world, not by doctrinal beliefs.
He said, By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
We enjoy being God’s family forever in the kingdom of God, but there is something difficult that we must do while we are still on earth to prepare ourselves for eternal love.
God trains us by giving us family responsibilities. This is so that we can learn to love each other.
God wants you to be close to other believers and have a deep relationship with them, so you can grow in your love for people.
You can’t learn love just by isolating yourself from people. You have to be surrounded by difficult, deficient and hurtful people. We learn three truths in relationships.
Love is the greatest achievement of life.
Love should be your highest priority and the first goal of your greatest desire. Love is not the best part of your life, it is the best part.
The Bible says, so strive to reach love.
It’s like one of the ten most important things you want to get.
One of the things I want to achieve in my life is to love people. It’s not enough to say.
Relationships should be the most important thing in your life. Why is it?
Paul says, And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing.
We always see relationships as something that should be included in our program. We want to talk about finding time for our children or giving time to people in our lives.
That makes us think of the relationship as one of the many functions we do. But God says that true life is entirely the end of relationships.
Four of the Ten Commandments focus on our relationship with God, while six speak of our relationship with people. But all ten are about relationships.
Later on Jesus briefly explained what God wants above all else. Love God and love people.
He said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment. The second commandment is the same as the first. You should love someone as yourself.
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Once you learn to love God, loving others is your second purpose in life.
Not discoveries or understanding things, the most important thing in your life is relationships.
So why do we see our relationships as too short? The more schedules we have, the more we start to strain our relationships.
We shorten the time of energy and attention that a friendly relationship requires.
We replace what is most important to God with what is urgent.
Lack of time is the enemy of relationships. We get caught up in them as if they are the dots of life and we work hard for our lives, do our jobs, pay various bills, and try to achieve our goals.
They are not life points. The point of life is to learn to love God and people. If we subtract love from life, we become empty.
The second reason God wants us to value love is that love lasts forever. So faith, hope, and love these three remain.
But love is the greatest of them. Love leaves you a memory of history, not your wealth or your achievements, but the way you treat people or the great change you leave behind on this earth.
As Mazer Teresa said, it is not what you do, what matters most is how much love you add to what you do.

Secret love is an eternal inheritance. I have seen when many people are lying down to die, when they reach the brink of eternal life.
I couldn’t help but ask them to bring me my prizes, as well as the gold I was awarded. As their life on earth comes to an end, people are no longer surrounded by things.
They want to be surrounded by people they love and have relationships with. At the end of life we all realize that life is a matter of relationships.
It is wise to recognize the truth quickly.
Don’t wait until you’re in bed to die to realize that there’s nothing better than a relationship.
The third purpose of your life is to learn love because we will ultimately be measured by them in eternal life and one of the ways God measures your spiritual maturity is the purity of your relationship.
God in heaven is not asking you to tell me about your job, your bank account, and the things you enjoy.
Look at this section on how you treat people, especially those who are in need. Jesus said that the way to love Him is to love His family and meet their needs.
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
When you enter eternal life, you leave everything behind. What you take away is your empty character.
That is why the Bible says that for Jesus Christ it is the faith that works through love that counts, not circumcision or uncircumcision.
Knowing this, I advise you to pray this in the morning when you get up and kneel or sit in bed.
God wants me to love you and others no matter what I say today because life is a matter of love.
I don’t want this day to pass me by. If you just pass me by, why would God give you another day?
Time is the greatest expression of love.
The importance of things is measured by how much time we spend on them. The more you value something, the more you show how much you need and value it.
If you want to know which one a person values most, look at how he or she uses his or her time.
His time is the most precious of all your possessions, because you will have a certain amount of empty space.
You can make more money, but you can’t make more time. When you give your time to people, it is a part of your life that you can never get back.
So the greatest gift you can give people in your life is your time.
It is not enough to just say that relationships are very important, we need to prove this by spending our time on them.
Words alone are useless.Come, my children, let us love in deed and truth, not in word.
Relationships that take time and energy are the best way to write love is time.
The most important thing in love is not what we think or give to others, but how much of ourselves we give them.
Men often don’t understand this. Many people could not understand my wife and children.
I will give them everything they need. What else do they want from me? They have asked me. They want you.
Your eyes, your ears, your time, your heart, your presence, your attention, your time. No one can replace them.
The most important gift of love is not a diamond or a beautiful apple, or something to eat. It is a faced heart.
Love makes you pay so much attention to others that you forget about yourself for the time being.
I say with all my heart, I value you more than anything else, the more I give you my time. When you give your time, you are paying, and paying is an expression of love.
For them, Jesus became life for us. as Christ also loved us, and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour.
You can give without love, but you cannot love without gifts. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Love means giving up my choices, interests, goals, protection, money, energy, and time for the sake of others. Now is the best time to love.
Sometimes it may be necessary to pull unimportant things off the floor. but love is the greatest of all things.
The Bible repeatedly warns against this, do not deprive your parents of good things before they are done.
Why is now the best time to express love? Because you don’t know how long you will have this opportunity. Circumstances change.
People will die. Children will grow up. You have no guarantee of arriving tomorrow. If he wants to show love, you have to start right now.
Knowing that you are going to stand before God one day, you need to ponder the following questions. How do you describe when you see projects or things that are important to you more than others?
Who do you want to start spending more time with? What is the price you have to pay? The greatest benefit of life is love, and the greatest expression of love is time. Now is the best time to love