Move with a plan to live a successful life.
A planned life is a life of victory! Many people have a habit on the first day of the year.There is one thing they do every year when they celebrate the New Year in a warm ceremony.
What is it ? Humble down and make plans for their lives for the year Yes,many people buy new notes and write their plans on them That is very good.
There is nothing wrong with putting your own plans on paper. Still, that should be encouraged. The biggest problem is if the plan on paper is not demonstrated in action.
Planning is one thing and turning the plan into action is another thing the truth about this is that there are many planners who follow their plans and few people plan if you don’t execute your plans yours doesn’t make sense.A person who plans,and doesn’t put his plans into action,is the same as a person who doesn’t have a plan.
Planned Life
One of the main issues that is not missing from the articles I write often is planning. Why do I write over and over again? There is nothing more precious in this world than human life because human life cannot be lived without planning.
And the saddest of all is that this most precious of all is wasted. In fact.there is nothing more sad in this world than a wasted life The bitter truth is that the lives of many mammoths in this world are not lived, but wasted.
The most important thing that will help you not to waste your most precious life is planning so If you don’t plan, you don’t know what to do and if you know you are not living but wandering.
In this world human beings have only two choices either to live or The question I have for you. Are You Living or Journeying?
Our world is not full of living people,but of wandering people but few of the living have made this huge impact and changed our world.
To live is to know why you came to this world and fulfill your mission, not to count the days and claim age This life lived is not only for the individual,but for the generation It leaves something for the generation.
Now I ask you to stop and look at your past life.Was your life so far planned or arbitrary? When you go to bed in the evening, do you know what you have to do and what you will do tomorrow morning?
Or do you do whatever you feel like doing? If you are not managing your life with a plan, there is life in this area. Let us see below what the importance of planning.
Why Does Planning Matter?
1,To Control your Life
Human life has a wide range of parts.It cannot be easily. controlled And if it is not controlled as I mentioned above it will waste the daily plan you make so your Life is multifaceted and easily controlled.
It makes the impossible under your control. you will need to divide your life into parts before you can plan. Otherwise you will grow on one side and not grow on the other. Your life will be unbalanced.
Therefore, you need to know the divisions of your life and plan for some of those divisions. In fact unplanned life leads to loss Like the blindfold of the eye and its main cannot be controlled Life without meaning is not life,it is suffering.
May be you have not lived with a plan in the past years. You may have fallen asleep just because it was late and woke up just because it was morning. But now you have to stop this process and start a new chapter. You have to practice living with a plan. So planning is not an option but a must.
2, It Helps You Make The Most Of Your Time. A luggage plan is a way to control the horse of your time! One of the greatest resources given to you by nature that you have no control over is your time.
It is true that everyone has 24 hours a day.
The way we use it, however, is different and that kindness makes a difference in our lives. One of the things that determines human success is the apparent use of time.
Your attitude toward your time plays a big role in the success of your life If you treasure your time, you will never make fun of it.
Each minute in the clock and each hour in the day means a lot On the other hand, if you view your time as a scarce resource and you don’t value it, you won’t be able to meet successfully if you have this kind of attitude.
Let’s agree that time is a very precious resource and if so, it matters a lot.Wasting time is wasting life.Giving space for time is giving space to your life.
The only way to make the most of your time is to plan so plan your days one by one Give importance to planning until there are no seconds minutes and hours lived out of plan in your life and you will be successful.
3, Help You Prioritize Him.
As a human being there are many issues that worry you is.surrounding have to think about your job,family friends.your economy your religion etc. You have many things to think about but the time you have is limited.As a human being you only have 24 hours a day.
Planning your life is one of the things that helps you in this regard so prioritize the things that already need All the issues around you and need your attention are equally important Some issues need your attention more than any other if you focus on the unnecessary, you will be ruined.
The best way to avoid such fears is to prepare your daily plans in advance and write them down on paper and carry them with you at all times.If you are guided by your plans, you will undoubtedly succeed in life. The bitter truth is that if you don’t reign over your plans.
You will acquire many kings who will lead your life.If the leader you have appointed over yourself is not your plan.
4,It Helps You Get Motivated.
When your plan is put on paper it motivates you to work If you go to bed this evening planning your day tomorrow you will be motivated to wake up tomorrow morning why? You have something to do and you know it.
It is very difficult for someone who does not know what to do tomorrow morning or for someone who does a job that they do not like to wake up. Such people prefer death to getting out of bed because after waking up they either don’t know what to do or they are going to do a job they don’t like doing.
As a person.if you have a plan that guides you in a clear way. That plan is the source of your motivation to wake up to get to work ,to work tirelessly and tirelessly your plan will be the reason for you beyond giving you direction and guiding you it means it encourages you to work.
At this stage of the discussion the importance of planning is not a matter for discussion it is necessary to plan and having a planned plan is even more important.
5, It will make you reach your goals
Your plan is the bridge to your goal. When you plan the most important things in your life that leads to goal setting In short, a planned life has its own goal and the plan leads to a concrete goal.
If there is no goal, there is no point in any form of walking. No matter how much energy you have, no matter how fast you go, no matter how fast you go, if you don’t have a realistic goal to reach, the journey is meaningless and you will eventually find yourself where you don’t want to go.
That would be a waste of your life from as I have repeatedly said,and there is nothing sadder in this world than a wasted life.
Many people have no problems walking. They walk forward with great strength and speed.
They don’t know what their goal is but this is a big loss Dear reader! Where are you going? Where is your goal? Three months today, six months today, year today, three years broom.
Three months today six months today,a year today three years today. ten years today. Thirty years today your goal is clear where you need to get today? Or are you one of those people who go. but don’t know where their goal is but that they are going? I will not let you take this question lightly and curse it.
I want you to stop and think about it when you grow up. Because answering this question satisfactorily. Self-examination and taking necessary corrective action is very crucial for your life.
What Should be your Goal?
“The biggest problem with not having a goal is running up and down your life but not being able to score!” Bill Cope Land
Psychologists and other disciplines.
The goal of human marketing in English is that it should be ‘SMART’ that is necessary What is this marketing itself. Let me explain it briefly as below.
Specific(Definite): Your goals should be simple and specific.They should be clearly known and focused on but not something complicated and otherwise unattainable For example, your one goal is a year If you are building a house in one. that should be clear and concrete. It should be clearly stated how many rooms the house has and so on.
Measurable Your goal should be measurable from time to time
It means you need to be able to know how well you are working to reach your goal. For example, if you set a goal of building a house within a year, you need to know how much you are working on each day.
Attainable(Achievable )If you set the goal you set beyond your reach which you cannot accomplish in the end your result will be only stress so when you set goals your Strength and abilities as well as lectures For example.
If you set a goal to build a twelve-story building in a year,when that is beyond your reach and if you cannot succeed, your morale.will be broken.
Set a goal that you know is beyond your reach beware of the
Relevant(it should be related to what you want to accomplish the easiest way to set such a goal is to tie it to the outcome you want to achieve.In short, the goal you set should be your long-term input.
It should be supportive of the things you are giving solutions to in your life
Tune-bound(time-bound) Any goal you set should have a deadline and the time you set to accomplish the goal should be free from arbitrary desires and based on your evil and lechery.
Generally any goal you set should have a precise time frame for completion For example,if you set that you will build in two weeks that doesn’t seem possible
Living or Journeying?
Life gives you two choices to live or wander you choose it is your right If you choose to live life you will plan and we have seen above that planning alone is not enough you must live your plan and if you choose to wander the plan will teach you to live as you want.

Whether you live or wander in the life you have lived so far it doesn’t matter you have enough power to change your current situation.from the second you are reading this book you can start living a meaningful and countable life. Then life you will be satisfied with yourself. You will be willing to continue living.
One truth you need to understand is that 10 years of meaningful life lived is better than 80 years of wandering in this world! A life wandered for many years is nothing but a burden to the generation, but a life lived for a few years is a blessing to the generation.
Today I ask you to answer this great call:Are you alive or wandering? Do you feel like your life in this world so far has been lived or wandered? If you say it has been lived, congratulations! Only a few people have this happiness.
Because many people feel meaningless inside and many people don’t feel like their lives are lived and the feeling of journey is one of the most dangerous emotions that human beings experience.
“My life has no meaning ,and not lived in the situation” is filled with bitter feelings inside and will not be at peace with himself or with people.
I invite you to move from journey to life. Maybe you have the necessities of life. Maybe you have enough income or salary and you have no financial problems.
Maybe you are married and have children. Maybe you are surrounded by friends who love you maybe all this but it cannot guarantee that you are living a meaningful life.
You can be a wanderer living in a seemingly comfortable situation it is when you work to achieve that,It is better to live a meaningful life in an uncomfortable situation than to be a wanderer in a comfortable situation.In other words.
It is better to be a poor man who lives for his true purpose than a rich man who lives outside his life purpose there is no doubt that the poor man who lives for a purpose has more happiness in life than the rich wanderer.
Look !To control your life, you must control your time. To control your time you must act with a plan life. when the interconnected do you love your Life? If you value your Time Do you want to make the most of your Time?Then have a clear plan. Here in lies the greatest secret of a successful life.
It requires you to be disciplined
What you need to do to be led by a plan is to practice Just as practice is crucial to develop any skill, living by a plan requires practice.It takes discipline to obey the plan you wrote on paper may be you don’t like that suppose you have planned.
The sad thing is that you have an appointment at that time in the morning.when you wake up with your phone(alarm) filled up the weather is difficult Maybe it is raining.
It can be very difficult to decide for yourself at times like this and jump out of the heat of your takes a lot of discipline to be able to get up and go out in your sportswear No matter how hard it is, believe that you must obey your plan you have to.
I believe you should obey your plan in every situation, not just when the situation is right, when you like it, when you feel good, and I wish you success in having a plan driven life after reading this content.
You can always convince your mind. The human mind has no limits unless its father limits itself. It is a matter of having a winning attitude. Do you know what to delete if you have the chance to delete a word from your dictionary? In a word. The word is the enemy of mankind.
One word that destroyed many great causes. You should delete the word impossible. You cannot delete from the dictionary. Because the word is not your personal but the public. But can you erase it from your mind. If you erase it from your mind, you have succeeded.
Remember, The place where success starts is always in the human mind. Before you can be successful in action, you have to succeed in attitude. Believe that there is no reason for failure.
Two big ideas lead your mind success and failure. Like it or not, you are guided by one of these two ideas. Or both take turns leading you. Fortunately for you, however, you choose to think these ideas yourself. What you repeat to your mind will occupy you.
What has psychology taught us? We learned that our brain case has two invisible chambers. One is the outer one and the other is the inner one.
That outward part needs a reason for everything. I don’t believe it easily. Collect reasons for all things happening. If you say I will write, he will tell you that you cannot, citing your lack of a coat.
He will prove it to you and convince you. When you plan to do a great job, he lists the reasons why you can’t. It reminds you of your background and makes you lose hope and makes you lose your plans.
That inner part of the brain contains an amazing force that science has yet to explain. Not as conscious as the room above. It is a hidden part that contains hidden power.
So the inside of your mind that accepts everything you tell it as true will act on you as if it heard everything it heard. In other words, the mind of the garden is to grow what you plant.
After a while you will reap what you have sown. That will determine your chances of life. He will give you back what you have given him.
Choosing what you give is your role. In this regard, the words you say about yourself should always be positive. If you say I’m not human, that part of the brain inside holds that and makes you not human.
If you say too much that it won’t pass for me, it won’t pass for you. Why is it? Because your mind does what it believes.
I know that it is difficult to say good things when circumstances are difficult, when everything is going wrong, when the world is watching you.
There are times when grumbling, saying bad things about yourself, cursing and declaring words of despair against yourself is the last resort.
However, based on the facts I mentioned above, always say only good things about yourself. Circumstances change.
What appears today will disappear tomorrow.
Time has nothing to change but God. If you don’t succeed today, you will succeed tomorrow. It’s almost dawn, bar. Don’t let circumstances come and go judge the words of your tongue.
Always be a hopeful person with a bright future. Know that hope is the fuel of the engine that drives one’s life. A person without hope is disappointing. If he gets left himself, he gets left.
No one on the left will say hello. Once he gets discouraged, just talk about disappointment. Losing is a killer of hope. So run away from the desperate person. A desperate person is someone who decides to kill himself and carries poison to kill others.
Don’t spend too much time together. And you have hope. If you are not rejoicing in the reality, rejoice in the hope ahead. Happiness is what you create for yourself. If he wants to be happy, he will never run out of reasons.
If he wants to be sad, he will find countless reasons. It is said that a person who does not give up on winning does not win.
Have hope and enjoy it. If you are hungry, eat hope. If you are thirsty, drink hope. If you don’t have anything to wear, wear hope. Yes, you have hope.
So if you convince your mind that you can, nothing will be impossible for you. Get everything you planned to the best of one person’s ability.
If you succeed, the main reason for your success is that you convince your mind. If you fall, that is the main reason. Obstacles and challenges in life don’t make you think about the waves you face.
Everyone’s life is a challenge. Life is a challenge. Perhaps you think that your mind would be relieved if you got out of your current situation and into a slightly better situation.
But it is not like this. Whether you grow up or succeed, every stage of life will have its own challenges and difficulties. What did the man say? It was my lifelong dream to become an adult and reach the mountain of fame and be known in the world.
I have worked hard and reached my goal. I am standing on top of the mountain. But there is one truth I can assure you. He said there was nothing from the mountain. The ups and downs of life have not been free of trouble.
Remember that recent statement. Life is a challenge that only a few people pass with good grades. Because you know we all have our own test papers separately. They think their test paper is the same as other people’s.
They turn away from other people’s responses because they think this way. Falling because of the mistakes they made.
We all have different challenging questions. Your brother will not do your request. You don’t do his request either. The sad thing is that many people go through their lives trying to imitate other people’s.
We are all born permanent. Many of us die as copies. do you hear me? Run from your own racetrack, not someone else’s. Don’t pretend to be anyone. You’re the same. You were created to be selfish, not to be anyone.
The Creator does not want to see two more people like you in the world. He wants you and the person you pretend to have your own identity.
God never created two people alike. He has broken and thrown away the tools with which He created you, so break the tools with which you pretend to be human. That person is not needed. It won’t do anything for you.
Let me tell you the key to success. Convince yourself that you can.
Psychologists have explained that it only takes twenty-one days for the human brain to absorb something properly.
If you repeat to your mind every morning and every evening for twenty-one days that you can and have enough strength, you will convince it. It’s good for you to speak out loud. Then the inside of your mind will believe your words as they are and turn them into action for you.
Don’t dream of failure first. Some students fall before they start school and some farmers declare that they will not see the crop before they sow the seeds. The crop will be as they say.
You can do what your creator has put in you if you identify your potential and work on it. History is proof that many people with disabilities have turned their obstacles into bridges to success, regardless of whether they are perfectly healthy like you.
Don’t bother God You are free from any kind of disability. Once he is in perfect health, nothing will stop you from achieving your goals. The obstacle that can stand in your way and limit you is yourself.

You will leave you on the road. If you believe you can’t, no one will. If you say you can, no one will stop you. If you think of winning ideas, you will take them to the place where you are.
The world is full of both kinds of people. Winners and Losers. Explaining what the differences are will help you know you are in the group and adjust your position if you are in the wrong place.
Winners are always part of the solution, and losers are always part of the problem.
Winners work on a schedule, and losers find reasons to hold on. The winner says I will work for you and the loser sees trouble for every answer.
The winner says it may be difficult but it is possible and the loser says it may be possible, but it is difficult. When the winner makes a mistake, he says I made a mistake and the loser says if he makes a mistake it’s not my fault.
The winner makes sacrifices and works, and the loser makes promises in vain.
Winners have dreams and losers have drafts. The winners say I have to do something, and the losers say something has to be done.
Winners work with the team, and losers run away from the team. The winners see what they are going to get, and the losers see the victims they will face. The winners see the possibilities and the losers see the hardships.
The winners see the power and the losers think only of the past. Winners choose what they say, and losers say what they choose. Winners know what they are saying, and losers say what they know.
Winners convey a big debate in simple words, and losers convey a small film in heavy words.
Winners focus on what benefits them and avoid what benefits them and losers focus on what doesn’t benefit them and run away from what benefits them.
Winners do it, and losers make it happen.
Winners plan to win, and prepare themselves. The most important word is prepare yourself.