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Out comes of living is the purposes of driven life.

Living a purpose-driven life has five major benefits We were created to have meaning. We humans are created to have meaning, People find difficult ways to find that meaning such as astrology (star counting)

That is why they try psychics. Your life makes sense
When it has, you will be able to cope with everything, if it translates
Losing it but there is nothing You can bear.

A young man in his twenties wrote,”I feel like a failure ,because I’m trying to be something but I don’t know what it is, Now all I can do is keep quiet and move on with life I feel that if one day I understand the purpose of My life, I will start living a new life.

Without God, life has no purpose and without purpose, life has no meaning. If it is meaningless then life has no meaning or hope many people in the bible have expressed this hopelessness and Isaiah complained.

“I also said, I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing: but my God will recompense me, and he shall reward me” (Isaiah 49:4)

And Job says ,My days are better than a chaff -swifter,they end without hope (Job 7:6)” And “I hate my life, I will not dwell here forever:my days are like a whirlwind’, come to me let alone (Job 7:16) the most tragic thing is not death,but a life without purpose. Hope is as important to your life as air and water. you need Hope to live,

Dr Bernee Siegel could have predicted which cancer patients. would be cured by asking the question “Would you like to live to be a hundred years old? People with a deep purpose in life answer yes they are the ones who are more likely to be cured , Hope comes from having a purpose.

If you feel hopeless stop and think about it When you start living with purpose amazing changes will start to appear in your life God says, Only I know the thoughts I have for you which are thoughts of peace and thoughts of Fulfilling your expectations for the future is,not a plan to destroy you (Jeremiah 29:11)

“You may think you are in an impossible situation, but the Bible says, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worked in us (Ephesians 3). :21)”,

It explains what you should and shouldn’t do and it will be your goal to evaluate which tasks are important and which are Important and which are not. You simply ask yourself, “Work Will this help me accomplish one of God’s purposes for my life if I don’t have a clear purpose and a clear decision on the Foundation.

Basically you make decisions you will not have time to spend and use your resources if this is the case you will make decisions based on circumstances,pressures and emotions you are in at the time People try to do too many things without knowing their purpose That is depression, it causes them weakness and resistance.

You can’t do everything people want you to do.You only have enough time to do God’s will. If you can’t do that, you are trying to do more than God wants you to do (or because you don’t need much of your time you are using it) It will lead you to a simpler life and an organized schedule.

The Bible is like this. He says,”There is a man who pretends to be rich,and yet he is rich (Proverbs 1:3:7) And he gives you peace of mind :He who trusts in you with all his heart, you will keep him in perfect peace, because he trusts in you (Isaiah 26:3). )”

It makes you use your efforts and energy for what is important. You will be more effective in the choices you make.

Man is naturally disturbed by little things We wander in search of useless things Henry David Thoroh,People get tired of useless things’that was why I said,but now you wander aimlessly which is very expressive, many people are like engines without getting out of place leave it to go around.

If you don’t have a clear purpose you will always change the direction of your life,Relationships and churches. You hope that all these changes will fix the left-handedness or feeling of emptiness you feel.

You think this may make a difference for you, but that doesn’t fix your biggest problem. The Bible says, “Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:17).

The force of reflection is reflected in light Scattered light has little energy,but you can concentrate its energy by reflection,By reflection The arrows of light can collect and burn the mud or paper In this case If collected in excess,the bright arrows can cut even the hardest metals. There is nothing as powerful as a purpose-driven life that is gathered in one place.

The biggest differences are the people who focus (collected) their lives For example, the apostle Paul ,single-mindedly spread Christianity in the Roman province. His secret is to have a focused life He said,”Brethren, I do not consider myself as having laid hold on it. However,I do one thing:I forget the things behind and stretch forward to the things ahead (Philippians 3:13)

If you want it to make a difference in your life ,get it together Stop wandering around like that stop trying to do everything and do a few things.Reduce even the most helpful tasks and focus on the few most important ones .Don’t let working and success seem the same.being a coward without purpose Will you can,but what is the result? Paul says,

“Let us therefore, as many as are spiritually mature, be of one mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will also reveal this to you(Philippians 3:15),”

Purpose always enables you to Work hard. There is nothing more invigorating than a Clear purpose Your other side will leave you, Even getting out of bed Will be a difficult task for you. You will Complain about doing meaningless work ,and you will Stop being happy.

George. Bernard Shaw wrote,This is the true joy of life:Don’t always be selfish and say let everyone take care of Me like a child. May the place you have for yourself be great because you are led by purpose”,

Many people on this earth spend their lives trying to do something tangible that will last forever They want to be remembered after they pass away The most important thing is not what people say about your life but what God says.
what people understand.

Weak discoveries are forgotten by being replaced by new discoveries that records are broken from time to time, fame declines and memories As forgotten When he was a College student, Lems Dobson’s goal was to become the school’s tennis champion,When the trophy awards he won were proudly placed in the college’s trophy pool.

He felt honored ,When the School Building was renovated his cup was found thrown in the dirty dumpster,James said after taking the discarded cup.After a certain time your cup will be found in someone else’s dumpster”

Living to do the practical things that remain in this world is a short goal But using your time wisely is building eternal wealth,You were not put on this earth to be remembered ,You were put to prepare yourself for the eternal time.

One day you will stand before God, before you enter eternal life He will make a calculation of your life. He will test you in the final test, the Bible says
“We shall all stand before the judgment seat..so that every one of us shall give account of himself to God “Interestingly,God wants us to pass that test, so He gave us those questions in advance . . . .

We can see from the Bible that God asks us two very important questions: The first is “What did you do with my son Jesus Christ? God doesn’t ask you which denomination you belonged to and your doctrinal ideas.

The only thing that matters is whether you accepted the work Jesus did for you and learned to love and trust Him Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6)

The second,” What have you done with what I have given you? That is, with Your life, with the gifts you have, with the special abilities.opportunities, what have you done with the power of Relationships and resources that God has given you?You matter
Did you use it for yourself or did you use it to accomplish the purpose for which God created you?

The goal of this book is to prepare for both of these questions The first question determines where you will spend your eternal time The second question determines what you will do in eternity When you finish reading this book you will be ready to answer both questions.

Point to think about:living with purpose is the path to peace. Memorable verse “You will keep him in perfect peace, because he trusts in you” Isaiah 26:

Focus question:what do my family and friends say governs my life? What do I want him to be? He also made the fearful man Gideon a famous hero, and He can do amazing things for the rest of your life. It is God’s characteristic to give people a new beginning.

The Bible says on this subject,”Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven ,and whose sin is covered (Psalm 32:1)”, They.hold on to what has happened to them instead of letting go Forgiveness by doing.not removing their hurt from themselves and repeatedly Remembering it in their minds.

Some people who hold grudges keep their anger to themselves in silence.Others take out their anger on others.Both of these responses do not give this peace and are unhelpful.

Revenge hurts you more than the person who hurt you The person who hurt you may have forgotten his guilt and moved on with his life but you are hurt by thinking about the past.

Listen to me :Unless you are hurt by the past in the form of revenge,people who have hurt you in the past cannot continue to hurt you now.Your past is past! Nothing can change it You are only hurting yourself with your bitterness ,Learn from it for yourself,and leave it the Bible says “Anger kills the fool and jealousy kills the ignorant (Job 5:2)

Their fears may have come from past stress.Their unrealistic expectations may have come from growing up in a home where control is as strict as Male’s or from racial inheritance from their parents Whatever the reason, people are afraid driven things fear driven things therapeutic.

They deprive themselves of great opportunities for fear of catching what they are afraid of Instead of courageously overcoming their fears,they want to live peacefully in their circumstances.Fear is the prison you have imprisoned yourself in so that you are not what God wants you to be.

You must resist fear with faith and love the bible says about this.”there is no fear in love.perfect love casts out fear because fear is bound by punishment and he who fears is not perfected in love(1 John 4: 18)”

Their desire to get things becomes the whole goal of their life Their constant desire to get the best is the wave of understanding that ‘If I have the best, I will be happy.

I get more need and protection’ but all three of these ideas are wrong Wealth only gives temporary happiness Because things don’t change,we slowly hate them and start looking for something new, bigger and better.

There is another unrealistic phrase if I have more.more is required.The value we give ourselves is not the same as our true value.Your value is not determined by your precious possessions God gets the Most Things in life says the strong are not things!

One of the biggest mistakes of a regarding money is that having a lot makes me feel more protected.that is not the case.for many Uncontrollable reasons wealth can be lost in a short time. True protection is found Where that cannot be taken away from you it is your relationship with God.

The things that their family or their Spouse or their children or their teachers or friends expect from them allow them to control their lives Driven by friendship,always what people follow in the group always get lost in the group.

I don’t know all the keys to success,but the key to failure is one of all people it is trying to please and being led by human thought is the way you deprive yourself of God’s purpose for your life Jesus says,

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24)”;

There are other forces that can lead your life but in the end they will not all lead to the Good they can be unused abilities, unnecessary stress and an unfulfilling Life.

This forty day journey will show you how you can live a purpose Led life.that is, a purposeful life led, controlled and Guided by God.There is nothing more important to you than understanding God’s purposes for your life, not knowing them is the place for you There is no descent.

success,wealth,wealth And happiness cannot replace that for you if you have no purpose Life, meaningless activity, no direct work and no cause events have no direct work and no cause events we have a smile. Without purpose, life becomes uncomfortable. fruitless and meaningless.


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