Protect Your Life To Achieved A Good New Life.
The world you share with an estimated eight Billion people is a bubble. The path you are walking is not even. There is as much happiness as there is below. There is something to make you laugh and something to make you cry is on your way. The sun lights the earth for you and stays a little longer and pushes you into the darkness.
And if you push it, it won’t stay there and it will come back in the morning. There is darkness as there is light, there is hunger as there is satisfaction, there is evil as there is goodness, there is humility as there is uplift, there is love as there is hatred. As long as you are human and you can breathe in this world, you cannot escape all of them.
You are expected to prepare yourself for all of these in your life. You have to accommodate everything that comes to you as it comes. Remember that whatever situation you are in now has its opposite and the opposite may happen to you tomorrow. Keep your life all the days of your life.
Life is a great gift from the Creator that needs to be taken care of. Did you see it? You are the one who takes responsibility for your life, moves it, and controls it. If you hand it over to others, you will lose your life. When you let others control the luxury of your life, it will end for you.
Make it a habit to travel independently from your own path. If you are not yourself, you are wasting your precious life. So, I advise you to be yourself. There will be people around you who love you as long as you live. Both have their own benefits. Those who love you are your courage. Those who hate you will show you how to improve your shortcomings.
Love them both because they both benefit you. Just as you respond to love with love, respond to hate with love. People hate you for one of three things. First, by nature people in the world cannot love you if they are dark inside. People with low emotional maturity live in darkness.
If your inner world is dark, you can never see the light. Such people cannot see the light you are shining in the world and focus on your little darkness. Look at your only fault for those who are not qualified to see your ninety-nine goodness. Keeping an eye on her. Secondly, some people who are tired of trying to reach their destination feel that when you reach them, you have robbed them of their goal. They don’t feel good when they succeed in dreams they can’t achieve. They choose to be your enemies.
Because of this, they throw stones at you with all their might to bring you down from the heights you are on. They have nothing to do with getting you from their dream place without trying to risk your life. They go every way they can to break your courage and limit your movement. But I say don’t go out with people like that.
When you go down and start playing with them, you lose. Third, some people are jealous by nature and hate you. They hate you but they have no reason to hate you. Jealousy is poison. It burns inside. It is like a cancer that slowly spreads and causes death.
A person who is filled with jealousy never has rest and is sick. Such people will always fear and hate your success from the bottom of their hearts. Many of the people who hate you don’t express their hatred as much as they can. One day they will get up and when you make a small mistake they will pick up their stones and come to hit you.
They never say thank you when you do something good but when they see your appointment they quickly defame you. Such people are dangerous. They lie to you with their teeth. Their hearts are burning with jealousy and they deceive you with their bright faces.
Some of the people who hate you are impatient to wait for your appointment. Like a rabid dog trying to bite you. The sea of hatred and jealousy that fills them will be overwhelming. So stop hurting them and respond to them with even more work. Note that no one bites a dog again. So are you, too. you are expected to ignore it.
They are going to run and bury their teeth in their noses when they see that you despise them. Don’t worry about them. Difficult people chasing you every day will make you learn patience. There must be people who test your patience as you learn patience. So don’t hate them.
Know that this world is not full for you. If one is full for you, one is divided. Dividing too much will pressure you to make the wrong choice. Many impatient people deny their citizens in search of crossroads. But you, tired of hardship, never deny your citizens.
It is lucky to suffer with your citizens instead of betraying them and living a luxurious life. Don’t sell your people to satisfy your stomach. The biggest truth I can tell you is what do you think? The satisfaction of shame is better than the house of hunger. I’ll tell you again. It is better for you to be hungry in the field of glory than to be satisfied in the field of shame. Don’t sell your mind and fill your stomach. Be patient and don’t give in to problems.
Don’t forget that tomorrow’s done isn’t like today. Things will not continue as they are now. Yes, only God does not change. Don’t write the wrong notes in your historical mind for the sake of the changing circumstances and the passing of the day.
But I advise you to know that tomorrow is going to be different from today. The current situation is going to be different tomorrow. You will see him jumping when he is tired today and unable to hold his thirst and tomorrow he will be sacrificed in the fold of distress. You will see him drinking his tears today without anything he needs and tomorrow he will be on the mountain of success.

If you are, you will not remain in your current situation and place. The people around you now will disappear from you tomorrow. Those you don’t think about are going to be your friends. Nothing stands under this sun. If you lose hope from Sunday, remember that Tuesday is another day. If Tuesday isn’t right for you, think about Wednesday.
So no matter what, don’t give up on tomorrow. Don’t worry about people leaving you considering the circumstances. Do not look at the road with the windmill with the windmill observers. Whether they live around you or leave you, they are no different.
The real people are the ones who base yourself on your appointment and share your problems with you. Yes, they are the ones who will seek solutions for you with all their strength and skills. You are lucky to have a few people like that with you. It is better to have two true friends than to be surrounded by thousands of viewers.
A person is a person who is found to be a person when a person is sick.
When people fail to be human when they slip from the edge of humanity when they live for the heart instead of names then I advise you to be human. Don’t you feel it? Do you not hear the cries of the world we live in and the sound of the earth from us which she cries for something?
The world’s greatest cry is humanitarian. Like a man who has not drunk water for days and his throat is dry and foggy and like an earth that has lost rain for a long time and is scattered, the last thirst of this world is the thirst of humanity. Yes, the world is screaming for human beings.
The main question of birth is human. In such a situation, there is really nothing more expensive than being human. I advise you to quench the thirst of people by being human to others even if you cannot be human to yourself. Yes, be human.
Be a man who is afraid of circumstances and does not despair of humanity, who cannot bear temporary hardships, who does not betray his citizens, who puts his identity first from his heart, who sleeps for the generation, who lights the darkness of the world with little light.
Life limits mean the amount of sigahuu. One of the most important life skills is knowing how to reach out. It is just talking as much as you can, eating just as much as you can, working just as much as you can, meeting people just as much as you can and living just as much as you can.
The limit you should not forget is that if you do not keep the limits of your life, you will pay unnecessary prices. If you underestimate your limits and go beyond your limits, you will never succeed. Many people appear to be hurt in many ways because of not understanding this truth.
When he understands your limitations, you will also identify your strengths and weaknesses. That helps you with two things. First, you understand your strengths and work to succeed even more. Second, you identify your weaknesses and try to improve them. the greatest pain in life is ignorance of one’s own weakness points.
If he thinks he can do what he can’t do, he’s just trying what he can’t do. Don’t think the danger is easy. Do you have a point of strength? Yes, you do. When your Creator created you, He put many strengths in you and created you with Him.
You can not do everything because you are human But you have what you can do better than anything else. Your strengths require you to work on them daily and strengthen them. Because they need to market and grow further.
That’s why you’re born and you have to give yourself to the view from your own potential. you have to give all your time, energy, and knowledge to work on it every day. Why is it? Because if he has any skills, you can add him to what you have. No one has the full potential in man. People we think are specially talented in a particular job still lack something.
If they can get worse, they can work on themselves and improve it as badly as possible. The same is true for you. You can still enhance the performance you are so talented at. You have to be better today than you were yesterday and better than today’s tomorrow.
If your today is not better than yesterday and your tomorrow is not better than today, then your life is not growing properly. So you are expected to try your best to go further every day. Do you have any weak points? Yes, you do have it. why is it? Because you are human, you will have weaknesses as well as strengths.
This is the process of Nature. You may have exceptional musical talent that doesn’t mean you will be a great athlete. We all have our own nature given to Him. Wasting time on things you don’t need in your life is a failure. You have to try your best to improve the things you need that you are not good at.
But I will advise you. What is the most important thing in your life that you can’t? I have good news for you. You can improve that a lot. How’s it going? By giving your time and energy to that. Once you have fully understood your weaknesses, take all the steps you need to take to improve each one.
Don’t think you’re perfect like some stupid people. No one is perfect. The main thing is to work on improving yourself. Did you see it? Human development has no end. If you grow up, you won’t finish growing up. It grows and grows and continues to grow. Your life is like someone building a big hut.
I start small and continue to work on it and then finish it with the time and energy it takes. And you will be building your life. To successfully complete your life building project, you need to do things every day. The level of construction should increase day by day. So with each passing day, what did Olee add today? you have to ask yourself. If you probably add something today, you’ve wasted the day.
Just as you shouldn’t waste your time and energy on things you don’t need, don’t worry about things you can’t do in your life. There are always things beyond your control. Human life is full of difficult things. Stressing yourself about anything you can’t do only results in developing stress-related illnesses.
That’s why I advised you to know your limits. Before you do any of your work, Can I do and finish this work? ask yourself the question. If he convinces himself that he cannot, leave him alone and do what you can. Then he will live a successful life. Notice that I told you to beware of two things in my advice. Things you don’t need and things beyond your control.
Neither of these will do you any good but a waste of your time and energy. Anything that wastes your time and energy is the enemy of your success. But I advise you to finish whatever you start. Many people are greedy to start something. But there are very few things they finish.

When they get excited, they start something without a plan. Start something you can’t finish with a brief emotional encouragement. But I say Don’t start without finishing. And don’t interrupt what you started before you finished. I want you to stand here and look at yourself. Look at things in your life before you start and finish.
What is your reason for cutting these things off? Why did you start? And why did you leave it on the road? One of the habits you should avoid is to leave what you started behind. Don’t start so easily and if you start, don’t go back. If you have this problem, you will be cured.
Otherwise, it will be sick because it is a habit or a habit. You try but you don’t succeed. This is a huge failure. So, avoid the habit of starting things and interrupting them. I don’t agree with our proverb that character and hills don’t migrate. Hills don’t really migrate. Behavior, however, will change with your efforts.
With determination and discipline, there is no behavior you cannot change. Unless you convince yourself that you can’t. Why do people interrupt what they started? Let’s look at some of the many reasons.
1, Discontinue driven by their emotions. Our emotions are a great gift from our Creator but if we don’t control and use them as they should, they can put our lives in danger.
Human emotions are like fire. If we use it properly, it helps us for many things. But if we use the waves, they can destroy us. Therefore, it must be controlled as it is.
Any choices and decisions you make in your daily life should be made in a way that is free from the pressure of your emotions. An emotionally driven life doesn’t go far.
It may be going fast but it will soon fall. Human life must be governed by cause and effect. Many people start something when they feel good.
When the feeling leaves them, they stop what they started. They don’t care about the time and energy they put into it. Such people are wasteful.
They start many tasks simultaneously and none of them are accomplished. So if you want to have a successful life, beware of the pressure of your emotions.
2, Impatience and interruption. People looking for instant happiness. Waiting for success at the crossroads. If something they start doesn’t end quickly, leave it alone.
Interrupt and move on to something else. One of the most important truths you need to understand is that success does not come by cross roads. And if it comes, it’s a sick success.
Much of what is happening now and then is not healthy. True success takes time. If you don’t persevere, you won’t succeed. Growth comes with a crossroads of risk. A good life is in the little experiences you gain every day. The more experience you gain, the more mature you become.
The more mature you become, the more responsible you become. The more responsibility you take, the more successful you will be. There is something called waiting. In the deserts of the Arabian people know that when they plant , they will not eat the fruit themselves.
The reason, It takes more than 70 years for a date palm to grow and bear fruit. Father tree knows that a planter cannot live on this earth today.
But it stops for the next generation. He will take care of it as long as he lives. When he dies, he leaves his children behind. You have a lot to expect in life too.
To wait, you have to have Patience, doing your best on your part, and waiting patiently.
Do your part and trust God’s part. It is your duty to dig the ground and sow the seeds. It is God’s duty to open the heavens and rain snow on you. God will not till your land and sow seed for you. And you can’t make it rain on your land.
You and your creator have your own role. The most important thing expected of you is to fulfill your role. It is to wait patiently throughout the process.
3, Starting without a plan and stopping.It requires you to plan before you start something. Work initiated by emotion and work initiated by planning are different. He starts feeling and goes and stops for a while.
The one that starts planning, however, holds continuity. If you plan, you look at all the power you have from there. He understands your limitations. When you believe in your strength, you continue.
So don’t start anything without making sure you start with a plan, not an emotion. One of the things I think our nature should have is the need for planning. We must understand that a life without a plan is a meaningless life.
If the value we don’t have for the plan is not reviewed and corrected, the problem will continue. Any work, small or large, must start with a plan. If you haven’t started the job with your energy and time in the plan, go one and sit down.
You get hurt and you cut it off. What’s better? Don’t have a plan in your life but a job. Let your plan be your leader. Don’t welcome any job that comes your way outside of your plan. Success requires you to be driven by planning.
4, Many people are afraid of criticism and discontinue. When you start something big, do people start to finish this reality? they will not disappear around you encouraging you.
In fact, there are very few people who give you courage and encourage you to start and finish. Think of people’s discouragement as a tool to help you improve yourself, not as a deterrent.
The most important thing in your life is not what people say to you but the response you give to what people say to you. If you choose to use it, people’s words will help you. If he chooses to break it, it is a strong tool to break you. In other words, it is immaturity to worry about what people say to you. The pressure you should be afraid of is not external pressure but internal pressure.
Because external pressure will hurt you as much as you allow it. If you don’t allow it, it won’t hurt you. But pressure from within can easily hurt you and backfire. I would advise you not to start anything without thorough thought and planning.
Don’t rest before you finish what you started. Remember One of the biggest skills life asks of you is to know your limits. Focus on what you can and don’t waste your energy and time on things that aren’t necessary and won’t help you.
No one is born with two souls. This is impossible at all. If they were born with more life, human life would be multiplied. Because when she is created together, she will bring in the extra one. But it doesn’t happen. I feel sorry for you because you are alone.
I have taken the time to convey this message to you because I feel sorry for you. This message is a guide to life under the sun. Do not turn to the left or to the right. Don’t deviate from it.
Life in this world is a long journey. It is a journey of seventy or eighty years, at most ninety. None of the people who have lived on earth have lived for thousands of years.
No matter where you are born Where you grow up Where you live No matter what you do No matter how much wealth you have, human life is short and decisive. The rich man does not increase his life by his wealth.
And the poor man will not be shortened in life because he has lost his hand. Black and white, educated and uneducated, men and women live together and say goodbye to this world.
The greatest thing that mankind has fought and failed is death. Death is not conquered. The Bible tells us that Methuselah lived to be nine hundred and sixty-nine years old and died. We have lost many great people who changed the world.
If death were conquered, people who have done great things for this world would not be buried. Would Abraham have buried stayed there if he hadn’t lost the power to overcome death?
He fought so hard for the freedom of black America and lived a bitter life for the oppressed. He who cried with the oppressed, worked with the slaves as a slave to remove them from the view of blacks would not have died. He whose loyalty is known to the young and the old who lived for the truth, did the truth, supported the truth and respected the truth would not have died.
If death could be conquered, Mazer Teresa, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi would have conquered it and they too would have died and been buried. Heroes remembered for their goodness and righteousness to man kind. People who set a great example for the next generation. People the world cannot forget.
People who make the world so comfortable. How many people can I tell you who stopped pretending and fought for justice, were oppressed for justice, persecuted for justice, and paid the price for justice?
I cannot name them all. They died and left the world but their works have a mouth that speaks, they have legs that walk, they have a soul that moves.
You will die like them one day. Death is inevitable. One day something happens and throws this flesh living in the lake somewhere. Your heartbeat will stop one day.
Your lungs will take over the work of breathing and stop breathing. Your mind stops thinking.Your blood circulates several times a day and stops moving to reach your body.
The world will entertain you with grass when you are born and lead you with mull when you die. The earth will welcome you with laughter and joy and say goodbye to boa sadness.
The important thing is not to live and die. They have been on earth for many years and have become angry, grow old, stumble, and die in a satisfied age.
It is to fulfill their mission. How many people in this world live for a mission? I believe in it. God did not create anyone on earth but a messenger. God forbid, no one creates anything without a purpose. Everything was created to do a job.
The truth is that until they naturally reach out to do it, the inside of itself screams constantly. The question of how many years he lived is unacceptable. Don’t worry about it.
Focus on what he did as long as he lived. Keep your eyes on your goal. Make history if you can, write history if you can’t. But if you can’t work or write, you’re still dead in the stands while you’re breathing.
Don’t take it for granted. As a human being, you die, but you have the opportunity to do immortal work. Treasure every day that comes and goes.
It brings you twenty-four hours of watches that you can use. If you work for a purpose, these hours will pity you more than any of your possessions. But if you are a purposeless person, each of them will stay away from you for up to a year because they hate you.
Your time is in your hands. The only place you have no control over your time is in prison. If you are free, you can work on it as you like. How you use your time determines who you are. Time is an unruly horse that you cannot control. It is impossible to stop and run at any time. Once you pass, you will never come back. You can’t slowly get through an event of yesterday unless it becomes a memory that will remain in your mind.
Valuing your time means valuing your life. Your time is the transportation you use to travel the road of life. You will finish your journey as you count the days as you add the days to the months as you count the months as you make the years.
If you don’t know how to handle it, time will burn you in the fire. The regret you think of violating it burns you more than the regret of fire. Instead of worrying about each of the years you spent in the dull tomorrow, use it in time today. Remember the words of the white parents.
There is no greater crime than wasting time. Please don’t die without being born to be human. After you die, let the picture of your feet appear on the edge of history. A weak, direction less weak who does not know his cause but his achievement.
Don’t be a wanderer without a vision for the generation but for yourself, a wanderer without a purpose, called to all who call him and sent to all who sent him.
Understand the age and don’t miss another age. Don’t follow someone who goes before you and don’t be a leaf from the sea that is driven to everything that the wind blows. Have a good reason for each job you do.

Don’t live as you see it. Remember the advice of the fathers who spoke to her in times of trouble. I live for this purpose. And if necessary, I am ready to die for this cause.
If you don’t have a purpose for living your life until death, your life has no meaning. It adds to the fact that if a person has no purpose in dying, he does not deserve to live on earth.
Be human, be someone who is not a burden to the world. That he should not leave this earth without eating her bread, drinking her water, wearing her clothes, marrying one of her virgins, having children, using her wealth, and bringing her out of nothingness.
If the accounts come down on the last day, thirst for the price so that you don’t have to pay for it. please tell me? what do you pay for her price? What is the prize you’re going to give her? is it a burden or a benefit? you know it.
Think about it, think about it more. working on it. don’t take my message lightly. Don’t say what’s coming today so you don’t regret it tomorrow.
But I advise you to be a man of heart and mind. The biggest problem with the world is that it is filled with great people and intellectuals who have minds but no hearts.
What does it mean? I’ll explain to you. Our world has many people who use their brains to do great research. There are countless scientists who have made great discoveries.
However, as much as we marvel at the relatives of the innate mind, our world is now more filled with anxiety and fear than ever before.
The fear of the world is not to produce military force from time to time to intimidate each other. This is not the incurable disease that is killing humanity in the world.
But I tell you, the greatest fear of this world is that man kind is enriching its mind and its heart is empty.
You see, the human mind is developed by education, training, and experience and his heart is like a famine-stricken land waiting for the coming of water.
What greater problem could there be if we copy insights and skills from various sources and become brave and selfish towards each other. Eventually, the greatest regret of mankind is that he forgot the development of his heart while running for the development of his mind.
The more we run to develop our minds, the more our hearts find rest. Jealousy, evil, and cruelty have become ours. Eventually the greatest regret of mankind is that he forgot the development of his heart while running for the development of his mind.
The more we run to develop our minds, the more our hearts become the resting place of jealousy, malice , cruelty. If they tell the truth, God loves them and if we say we tell the truth, it is the things we have destroyed that have caused the worst problems in this world because we have a mind and we have no heart from what we have made.
If education, accumulated knowledge and skills do not make you have love and kindness, compassion and mercy for humanity, then the benefits outweigh the harms.
I feel that humanity has thrown away something very important at some point and needs to wake up from its sleep to find what it has thrown away.
We have downloaded science but we have rejected love somewhere. He has absorbed many wonderful philosophers. Thinking of each other and sharing what we have, however, we don’t seem to know where to give up.
We have reached another peak of technology but we have stopped reaching out to people who lack what they need. We have thousands of air friends from social media.
On the ground, however, we have lost track of our friends and family. They are famous for analyzing the inventions and discoveries made by whites. But he has confused the culture, traditions and knowledge of the old country.
I feel that mankind should come and seek him who has abandoned his heart. The only solution to rebuild the world that has been destroyed by darkness is to tear down the love that has buried it from the grave and put it on the throne and develop it.
But I tell you to focus on the development of your heart. Don’t forget the poor mother who cried all day long for losing a piece of bread from her food for her children while you were running after knowledge while you were blowing papers while you were worrying about the things of this world.
Don’t forget the children who sit in the middle of the darkness and shed tears because they have lost their mothers and fathers. Don’t let the screams of the world scream at you and keep you from hearing the voice of the father in terrible trouble and the sun that is next door.
If you listen carefully, you will hear many lost voices around you. If you go out into the wilderness with your heart hard, you will be able to reach out to the people around you who are desperate for their lives and wish for death and revive their broken hopes.
The definition of humanity is this and nothing else. When you wake up in the morning When you talk to your Creator, the prayer you pray to Him is not to be forgotten.
Today is the opportunity for me to see someone I can help and help me to fulfill my duty to brighten a dark face, to sustain a broken hope, to starve a hungry heart, to cheer up a sad soul it should be a gift. If he forgets anything, do not forget this prayer.
Understand that the best chance in this world is to light a face darkened by worry and sorrow. One of the greatest things you can do today is to turn a desperate soul back from giving it hope and make life feel sorry for her.
There will never be a better job. But I tell you to live for people, not just for yourself. Don’t hesitate to shine the light of love in this dark world occupied by hatred.
Reach out as much as you can to those who need your hand without discriminating against the human race by any criteria.
Grieve with those who grieve, weep with those who weep, bear the burdens of others. Share their pain. It is good to share people’s happiness. It is even better to share people’s grief.
Why did I say that? She has many people to share her happiness with, but few to share her sorrow with. When you invite them to rejoice with you, many will accept your invitation. But in times of sorrow and trouble, there are very few feet to turn to you.
Many of the people who warm you up when you are happy are no where to be found when you are sad.
I would advise you to be someone who warms people’s happiness and hides from their loved ones when they are sad, not someone who trusts you to reach out to them when they are sad. Here is my biggest message, do your part to cultivate your heart.