Rebuilding and restoring the broken unity of the people.
All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the work of reconciliation. Relationships need to be renewed constantly. Because life is about learning to love it, God tells us to give space to Relationships and rebuild them instead of destroying them when problems, hurts and conflicts arise.
Indeed, you read in the Bible that God has given us the ministry of Rebuilding Relationships. For this reason So much of the New Testament focuses on teaching us how to live together Paul wrote about this”Therefore we have been given the counsel of Christ, the encouragement of one another in His love, the unity of the Holy Spirit, and compassion.
Now you who are of the same mind, having the same love, being of one accord, being of one accord, of one mind, fulfill My joy, Paul our ability to live with others is a sign of maturity it teaches that it is our spirit.
His family Christ wants us to be known by our love for one another. A broken unity is a shameful testimony to unbelievers. That is why Paul strongly Complained to the Corinthian believers about their great fighting and bringing each other to judgment that he wrote to them and wrote this to your shame,there is not a wise man among you who can judge between brothers there are.
He was very sorry that no mature man among them was bothered to resolve the conflict peacefully, In the Message He says, My brethren, that you all agree in what you say, but that you be ready to do the same things with one mind and one mind,among yourselves I advise you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that there should be no separation.
If you want God’s blessings in your life and you want to be known as a child of God, you must learn how to be peacemakers, Jesus said, Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
Notice Jesus,did not say peace lovers,because everyone loves peace And he did not say peaceful,those who are not disturbed at all,Jesus,peacemakers,said these are those who can resolve conflicts quickly.
That is, it is, Peacemaking is a difficult task and few people are peacemakers, Knowing that you were created to be a member of God’s family and the second purpose of your life on earth is to learn how to love and approach others so peacemaking is your ability to develop is the most important thing you can do, but sadly many of us have not learned how to make peace.
Peacemaking is not about destroying is about running away from trouble,pretending it doesn’t exist, or being afraid to talk about it, the Prince of peace He who is Jesus did not fear conflict for the benefit of everyone as has sometimes led to conflict.
Sometimes we have to destroy conflict,sometimes we have to create it,sometimes we have to resolve it, we should always pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us so, Making peace is not doing what he wants for someone who has a problem with us Jesus, as not that you will allow people to walk on you and hurt You as they please He did not remain silent on many issues.but if He stood firm in the face of those who opposed them.
As believers this is all from God who reconciled us to Him self through Christ and we are called to pass on this work of reconciliation to others,given below are the seven steps to take to restore relationships that the Bible tells us.
Discuss the problem with God If you pray to God about the problem instead of always worsening,God will either change the bami’s mind or you will see him change the person without your help If you talk about them, all your relationships will be comfortable,
As David explained in his Psalms, Use Prayer to cool the above words Tell God your problems, Cry out to Him He is sorrow hurt, fear And He doesn’t Surprise, nor worry about your other feelings, so tell Him the right feelings you have, together many downfalls arise from unmet needs.

Half of these needs can only be fulfilled by God, If you are waiting for your needs that only God can fulfill for you from other people.your spouse’s friend is responsible, or your family are angry and you are preparing yourself for bitterness and no one but god can fulfill all your needs.
The apostle James says that many of our conflicts stem from lack of prayer,and what is it that has caused fights and quarrels among you? but you cannot have what you desire, You quarrel, you fight, and thus you do not have, because you stop asking God and you cannot have what you want
Instead of looking to God’s heart, we look to people to please us and complain, and when they fail to do that, we get angry with them, and God asks us first why they didn’t come to Me. Whether you are the one who hurt him.this hurt is okay,God wants you to make the first move.
Don’t wait for another group, Go to them first,Jesus said that it should be given priority over group worship because it is necessary to restore broken relationships leave your presence there before the altar, and go your way. first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
When a relationship weakens or breaks down, immediately make a plan to make peace, Don’t drag it to the ground,and don’t look for reasons, Don’t say I’ll do it when it’s convenient for me, Schedule as many face-to-face meetings as possible.
Pulling to the ground deepens the vengeance and makes things worse In conflict, when there is nothing to heal, it makes the injury worse. Doing this quickly will even prevent your Spiritual harm as the Bible says that dropping, including unresolved conflicts.
Breaks our unity with God and even hurts us, making our prayers unanswered.
Job’s friends reminded him of the words, Anger kills the fool and jealousy kills the ignorant and O Job, you who cut off your head in your anger, shall the earth bow down because of you Or shall the rock be removed from its place?
The success of a peacemaking program always depends on choosing the right time and place,Don’t meet when one of you is tired, or in a hurry and when he interferes too much,The most convenient time is when you are both comfortable is. Use your ears rather than your mouth and listen to people’s feelings before trying to resolve any conflict.
Paul advises, “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. The phrase let him look is taken from the Greek word scoppos, from which English words such as telescope and microscope come, which means to give one’s whole heart to look. Not on the facts, but on the heart.
Start with gentleness, don’t try to talk to people based on their initial feelings listen and wait until they express their feelings even if you don’t agree with them signal with your own movements that you understand them, feelings are always true and reasonable Indeed, the hatred within us makes us act and think in the wrong ways.
When life was bitter to me and when my heart was beating, I was a fool, I could not understand anything, I was like a cattle grazing before you. We all do the unexpected when we are hurt, In contrast, the Bible says, It is a glory to be slow to anger, and to forgive.
Patience comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from listening to other people’s opinions, listening says, I give space to your opinion I care about our relationship you care about me, If you know people care about them, they don’t care what we know, This is how to renew relationships we must do, It is not pleasant for each of us to build a life of unity for the good of the other.
Patience in listening to people’s anger is worth it, especially if the anger is unfounded. But remember, this is what Jesus did for you, who endured unfounded and heavy anger to save you and Christ whom the Scriptures insult you with it was done to him that it fell upon me, but he did not please himself.
If you are serious about restoring that broken relationship you must first start Confessing your own Mistakes or sins, this is the way to look at things clearly Jesus said, You hypocrite, first look at the pillar of your own eye and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
Since we all have a part that we cannot see properly, it is best to ask a third person to evaluate your work before you meet the man you have a fight with ask, I am the cause of the problem I am not right, am I emotionally depressed, or am I too emotionally overwhelmed.
The Bible says, If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Confessing our mistakes is the greatest tool for reconciliation,Even the way we handle the conflict can hurt us more than the conflict that already arose.
Compassion comes from Confessing your mistakes because they may try to tell you not to accept your mistakes, don’t look for excuses,or blame the problem on someone else,accept the conflict,honestly you have a role in it, Take responsibility for your mistakes and apologize.
If you hold on to others you cannot solve the problem You must choose one of the two The Bible says, A soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger ,A soft answer is preferable to a strong answer.
In resolving conflict.the way you speak is as useful as what you say, If you speak in a hurtful manner it will not be accepted God tells us those who are wise are called understanding. Sweet talk increases knowledge Arguing doesn’t work here, if you say something unnecessary, you can’t convince at all.

Some weapons were so harmful that it was agreed that not all groups would use them, Today chemical and biological weapons are still banned, and nuclear weapons stockpiles were being depleted and disposed of and dropped,you gave the weapons to use to harden, you must stop despising, comparing, slander, insulting, arrogant and inadvertently hurting.
Paul sums it up, Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers it always requires a price Sometimes it requires giving up our pride and our selfishness.
For the sake of relationships, you need to be as open to people’s opinions as you can and show interest in their needs, One of your Sermons on the Mount when summed up simply says How people can help each other instead of competing or fighting ‘an if you show them you are blessed.
That is a time when you realize who you are and what place you have in God’s family. It is not right to expect everyone to agree on something, Reconciliation focuses on Relationships, and solutions focus on problems.
When we focus on Reconciliation,the problems get easier, Even when we cannot resolve the differences between us we will renew our relationships we can often have legitimate conflicts and differences of opinion among Christians.
But we can hold our differences without arguing, the same Diamond looks like different things when you look at it from different directions,God doesn’t want us to be alike,but to be united So let’s stop digging into all the issues,hold hands we can go. This does not mean, however, that we should not seek solutions to problems.
You can discuss and argue the issue but you hope to do that in a spirit of unity, Reconciliation is burying the hurt but not burying the issue, As a result of reading this chapter.
Who is the person you should meet Who do you want to renew your relationship with seconds Another don’t pass it on Now stop reading this Tell God about that person Take your phone and start the process.
These steps won’t bother you for weeks But it’s not easy,Restoring broken relationships takes a lot of effort so Peter says, Let him turn to evil and do good,seek peace and pursue it, But when you work for peace, you are doing God’s work God That is why he calls the peacemakers his children.