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Saving results of the work hard for our future life.

Saving means holding something forward. one of the reasons people save is for the future.

For example, many people save to buy or build a house or buy a car. this requires a lot of money with big equipment.

If you start saving money today, one day it will be enough to achieve your dreams. You should also save for emergencies. these are things you never expect to happen in life.

For example, you may find it unexpected, and you will need money to get treatment and care.

You need to cultivate the habit of saving and avoid buying expensive items.

For example, it is good to celebrate a wedding. However it is not good to spend all the savings on a formal wedding.

Some people who borrow large sums of money to arrange their wedding ceremony will find it difficult to repay what they owe. this is not good.

Because they are forced to give up many things in order to repay the loan.

Another extreme practice is spending exorbitant amounts of money on funerals.

As with the wedding, some people borrow money to pay for a very large funeral.

this may not be good because they may face problems when they have to repay the money.

Planning and Savings
Making a plan means working out what you need to do step by step to reach a goal.

We all have to think about what we want to be in the future. when you know what you want to be or what you want to do in the future, you have a goal.

when you think about what you need to do to achieve your goals, you are planning.

Planning will help you make the most of your resources.
Planning your own family is important.

Family planning means limiting the number of children we want to have so that we can take good care of them.

This means that when planning a family, you will be able to use your resources to meet the needs of the family.

If the children are young the funds available may be sufficient to meet the needs and wants of the children.

However, if there are too many children, the money will not be enough to take care of all the children.

As mentioned earlier, planning helps you optimize your resources, so you get the most out of them.

this also applies to things we need to do at home, at school and at the office. this saves a lot of money and time.

The purpose of learning to plan and save is to develop the habit of living within your income limits.

by matching your style of life with what you earn you avoid wasting your resources and that of your family.

Here are some effective ways to save:
1, Create a budget
Start by tracking your income and expenses to hunt down where your money is going.

Define a budget, income, expenses and goals that create savings. This will help you identify areas where you can cut back and save more.

2, Set savings goals
Define specific short- and long-term savings goals such as building an emergency fund, saving for vacation or saving for retirement.

Having clear goals will help you save consistently.

3, Paying for yourself first
Treat your own savings as normal expenses, setting aside a portion of your income as soon as you get paid.

4, Reduce costs
You should be able to find ways to reduce your expenses by cutting down on unnecessary expenses.

5, Track your expenses
You need to track your spending to identify where you can save money.

Use an app or spreadsheet to track your expenses and identify ways or areas where you can cut back.

6, Avoid emergency purchases.
Before making a purchase, especially a big-ticket item, take the time to consider whether it fits with your financial goals and priorities.

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