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Sharing life experience to the other people shows the kindness

A person who believes in the Son of God has this truth in him.
For the word of the Lord has gone forth from you, and your faith in God has become known in all places, and we have no need to say anything about it.

God has given you a message of life that you can share with others.
When you are faithful, you have received a message from God. God wants to speak to the world through you.

Paul says, we speak with sincerity in the sight of God through Christ. You may think that I should not share something with others, but that is an attempt by Satan to silence you.

You have experiences that God uses to bring others into His family.

The Bible says, He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; Your life message has four parts.

1, your testimony of how you started a relationship with Jesus.

2, Brannoles have taught you great lessons in your life.

3, Jealousy made your good spirit to focus on the affairs of God.

4, The good news of the message of salvation.
Your testimony is a story of how Christ has made a difference in your life.

Peter says that we are called by God but you are a chosen race.

They are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession.

God called you out of darkness into his marvelous light so that you might proclaim his glorious works.

This is in the nature of testimony, simply sharing your personal experience about the Lord with others.

It is the duty of judges not to force a witness in court to argue the case, prove the facts, or influence the verdict.

A person who believes in the Son of God has this truth in him.
For the word of the Lord has gone forth from you, and your faith in God has become known in all places, and we have no need to say anything about it.

God has given you a message of life that you can share with others.
When you are faithful, you have received a message from God. God wants to speak to the world through you.

Paul says, we speak with sincerity in the sight of God through Christ. You may think that I should not share something with others, but that is an attempt by Satan to silence you.

You have experiences that God uses to bring others into His family.

The Bible says, He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar, Your life message has four parts.

1, your testimony of how you started a relationship with Jesus.

2, Brannoles has taught you great lessons.

3, Jealousy made your good spirit focus on the affairs of God.

4, The good news of the message of salvation.
Your testimony is a story of how Christ has made a difference in your life.

Peter says that we are called by God but you are a chosen race.

They are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession.

God called you out of darkness into His marvelous light so that you might proclaim His glorious works.

This is in the nature of testimony, simply sharing your personal experience about the Lord with others.

It is the duty of judges not to force a witness in court to argue the case, prove the facts, or influence the verdict.

The second part of your life message is the truths God has taught you in your practice with Him.

These are the lessons and views you have learned about God, trials, relationships, problems and other things. David prayed like this. Way

Teach me, O God, a deliverance from thy law: for it is profitable: and I will keep it unto the end.
Sadly, we do not learn from many of our experiences.

Concerning the Israelites the bible says, He saved them many times, but they rebelled against His mercy and did not turn from their iniquity. Perhaps you have met such people.

Learning from one’s own experience is wisdom, and learning from the experience of others is wiser.

There is no time to learn everything from life by trial. We need to learn from our lives.

The Bible says of this, the light of a wise man that shineth in him that heareth it, is as an earring of gold, and as an ornament of fine gold.

Write down the biggest lessons of your life, so you can share them with others.

We should be thankful that Solomon did this, that his people made available the book of proverbs and sermons to parents filled with life experiences.

Imagine how many unnecessary injuries would be eliminated if we all learned life lessons from each other.

Mature people tend to take lessons from their daily experiences. I encourage you to list the lessons of your life.

You can’t remember them unless you write them down. Here are a few questions to help you get started.

1, what did God teach me from the fall?

2, What did God teach me about not having money?

3, What has God taught me about distress or sorrow or anxiety?

4, What did God teach me in it?

5, What did God teach me in sickness?

6, What did God teach me in anger?

7, What have I learned from my family, my church, my relationships, my small group, and my abuser? Some biblical examples of these.

God is a god of deep feelings. He loves some things with deep feelings and hates others.

When you draw close to Him, He gives you a deep sense of what He is focusing on, so you become His spokesman in the world.

It can be a deep feeling about a problem, a purpose, a direction, or a group of people.

Whatever it is, you need to talk about it and do everything you can to make a difference.

You can’t help but talk about something you care about so much. Jesus said, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Two examples are David who said, I hate jealousy for your house and the reproach with which you were reviled fell upon me and Jeremiah who said, Your words are in my bones, burning like a fire in my heart, and I will try to quench them they can be. he said, ‘It is.

God gives some people a special spiritual zeal to do special work.

This is from the personal struggles these people go through such as bullying, addiction, depression, grief or illnesses that resemble problems.

Sometimes God gives people the will to speak for people who cannot speak for themselves.

It makes them fight for the unborn, the oppressed, the poor, those in prison, the injured, the disadvantaged, and those who have lost justice.

The Bible is full of commandments to help the weak. God uses the jealousy of people to expand His kingdom.

He can put righteous zeal in you to establish new churches, strengthen families, fund Bible translations, and train Christian leaders.

You may be zealous to share the gospel with groups of people such as businessmen, young immigrant students, elderly mothers, or people with hobbies.

If you ask God, He or she will make you feel that you are out for a certain nation that is in desperate need of a gospel testimony.

God gives all of us different zeals so that everything He wants to do in the world will be done.

You don’t have to expect someone else to have the four jealousy in you.

In this part we all need to listen to and value each other’s life lessons, because no one else can explain that.

Do not underestimate any jealousy that God has put in man.

The Bible says, But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you.

What is that good news? The righteousness of God does not stop by faith nor does it lead to faith.

This means that God reconciled the world to Himself through Christ, instead of counting the sins of men against Him. He gave us this message of His mercy.

That good news is that when we trust in God’s grace to save us through the work of Jesus, our sins are forgiven, we find purpose in life and are promised a home in heaven in the future.

There are hundreds of books that can help you share the good news with others. I can tell you books that helped me.

But until you take in yourself the eight convictions we have looked at in the past, the training you are given in this world cannot motivate you to be a witness for Christ.

Most importantly, love lost people as God loves them.God did not create people who do not love.

He cares about everyone. When Jesus was crucified with His hand outstretched, He was saying, I love you so much.

The Bible says, For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:

Whenever you don’t feel burdened by your earthly mission, take time to think about what Jesus did for you on the cross.

Because God cares for you, we should care deeply for unbelievers.

Love is not by choice. the bible says, there is no fear in love, perfect love casts out fear.

The family rushes to the burning building to save their child, because their love for their child outweighs their fear.

If you are afraid to share the good news with those around you, pray that God will fill you with their love.

The Bible says, He is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

As long as you know someone who does not know Christ, you should pray for them, serve them in love, and share the good news with them.

As long as there is someone in the community who is not a member of God’s family, the church should try to reach out.

The church that does not want to grow is saying to the world that you can go to the underworld.

What are you thinking of doing on your part to help people you know inherit the kingdom of God?

Do you invite them to church? Do you share your story with them? Would you give them this book?

Do you feed them food? Do you pray for them daily until they are healed?

The Messiah you fulfill in your mission is around you. Don’t pass up the opportunities God is giving you.

The Bible says on this subject, practice wisely living with people outside the church, working on it without wasting the time given to them.

Will anyone enter the kingdom of God because of you?

In the kingdom of God, people want to praise you. Is there anyone who will tell you that I am here because you care about me and share good news with me?

Think of the joy you will feel in greeting those you have helped to enter the kingdom of God.

Bringing eternal salvation to a soul is the greatest benefit you will ever receive in your life.

Only humans live forever. In this book you have learned the five purposes God has for you on earth.

He created you to be a member of His family, to be like Him, to glorify Him, to serve Him graciously, and to share the good news with others.

Of these five objectives, the fifth is done on the ground alone. The other four will continue to work in eternal life.

It is important to spread the good news, so you have little time to share your life’s message with others and to fulfill your mission on earth.

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