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Stand strong, don’t complain, be a whole person in life



He reminded you that life in the world is a process. I will tell you now what kind of process it is. The process is not a convenient one without obstacles. It’s not a process that expands as it wants.

You don’t start the process happily and end it slowly. Instead, it is a process with many ups and downs. It is a huge mountain walk with a leg.

It is a breathtaking process. It is a process that is sometimes happy and sometimes sad. You’ll like it and laugh. Tomorrow there will be an event that will make you cry.

Today you will succeed and show the world by raising the banner of victory. Tomorrow you will compete and fall and be ashamed like cool grass. One day life will be easier for you. The next day it will be piled up like Mount Everest. You push and push and you can’t move. Once everyone gives you courage and holds you up. It’ll surprise you.

Once everyone turns a black face to you, it darkens your life. Sometimes things don’t go the way you want them to. Other times, things happen to you that you don’t expect. Suffering calls for suffering.

Live in any situation. no matter what loads happen to you no matter how much suffering your life is in, I will give you a great guideline that you should save from work when you like it and when you don’t like it.

It is a great life guide to always remember and do in your life even the blink of an eye that you should not forget. It is that you should always thank your creator. I know this is very difficult.

It is easy to thank God when it is convenient, when good things happen, when people remember you, when you work and succeed, when the world stands for human rights, when you have perfect health.

But the days when circumstances disappear and refuse to suit you, the days when unexpected things happen, the days when everyone hates you, when you are tired, you refuse to succeed, when the world is waving, when you are sick, thanking you out of your mouth is like but it is difficult.

Yet you be grateful. As long as you can breathe, As long as your mind can think of new things, be thankful you may have lost what your heart thirsts for. Your childhood dream that beat in your little heart may not have come true. You may not have reached your destination.

What you hoped for may not happen to you. You may be in for big questions. You may be breathing heavily alone in search of a true friend who holds your secrets for you. Even so, be grateful.

How many people in the world are lying crying without a circumcision. If you lose a shoe, thank your Creator for giving you a foot to put on a shoe instead of fighting about poverty.

How many people have no legs. If you are hungry and cannot bear the feeling of hunger, do not blame your god.
Why did you create me on earth if you didn’t give me something to eat? Why shouldn’t I be born? don’t say it.

Thank Him for giving you the ability to go hungry with a healthy body. How many people are suffering from not having something to eat. If you lose money, don’t blame your Creator for not having money, but thank your Creator for having something that money cannot buy.

Remember what we saw yesterday. Imagine lying in a car with someone sick wrapped in their own clothes. A photo of the man and an article describing the man’s illness are posted. Someone sits in the car and shouts over the loudspeaker and begs for money.

Can the rich buy a good bed. But he can’t buy sleep with his money. A rich person can buy different books but money cannot buy knowledge. Money can buy good food but money cannot buy a healthy stomach. What is the reason you don’t thank your Creator for the things that money can’t buy?

Even if you don’t have a beautiful bed, what prevents you from thanking your creator after a good night’s sleep on the same one you have? What is there that you do not thank your Creator for containing the message that is right for you even though you are completely deprived of sources of knowledge?

Even if you don’t have good food, there is something you deserve that you don’t thank your creator for eating what you have and sending you a message. Many people die every day in this world.

Well, you’re not one of the people who died and was buried yesterday. You slept peacefully and woke up peacefully and here you are again going on with your life but some are left behind. So what is there that you do not thank your Creator for? You didn’t die in an accident.

The car you were driving didn’t turn over and kill you. The food you ate didn’t poison you, you didn’t die of crushing, you didn’t die of electric shock, you are still alive. Isn’t that more than enough reason to be thankful. Many people from this world cannot read or write.

How many people lost their educational opportunities and were left with only wishes. And you are not one of these people. He understands the message the world is sending to each other. Don’t you wish I had learned. Isn’t that grateful?”

How many people in the world are homeless and out on the streets suffering from rain and sun. But you are not one of them and you have something to sleep in, even a rented house. You don’t stay outside.

You are not suffering from rain and snow. Why doesn’t he thank God for that? Don’t worry about just losing what you wished for in your life. Focus on what you have and thank the Lord. Stop complaining about what you lack and be thankful for what you have.

There was a little girl in the ninth grade who finished her exams in the first semester of her studies and got her marks and she came in and told her father that she got fifth out of sixty students. yes, he said.

The girl said in a beautiful voice to my father, I came fifth out of sixty students and I have fifty-five eyes behind me and only four children in front of me. He was shocked and silent.

In fact, while there are many things to be grateful for, we run into little things to complain about and collide with our Creator. What does the great Bible teach us? Remember the story of the man Job when he suffered for no reason and lost his wealth, health and children.

Remember what he said to his wife when she told him to curse God and die. Would you be as stupid as the women? May we receive bad things from him as we receive good things from him.

Just as you are grateful for the good things that happen to you, be grateful when the bad things happen to you. Don’t grumble or complain. Don’t blame God and grieve him. You breathe at least twenty-two thousand times in twenty-four hours.

Thank your Creator whenever the air takes you up. Don’t do it and don’t say wacky. Don’t tell your creator about the deficiency.
At every opportunity, at every time, in every situation, to every person, speak only of the good things your Creator has done for you.

Often, no matter how bad things are, there are good things in them. Take the rabbit, for example. So when something bad happens to you, don’t just focus on the badness of it and turn your mind around but look at what is in it to thank your creator with understanding.

A woman said that. My son passed away at the age of sixteen and it is sad, In this incident she said something that made me thank my creator for the good things I have spent together in sixteen years but today I have spent many happy days in these years despite losing my son she said she thanked her creator for the existence.

Seek praise in your troubles and give it to your Creator. If you search and lose, I’ll give you a great reason, At least you’re still alive today. This breath is at least gratifying. Remember how many people you lost in your short life? You have not lived strong, wise, rich or anything special to this day.

You Must Be Yourself
Like a foreigner, the song twists the neck. This is one of the most dangerous problems that many people face in the course of life. If you are not born to be him, you will have to become someone else. The sad thing is that you can’t be the person you’re trying to be either. If it’s too much, you can just pretend.

The Danger of Losing Yourself
You only have two choices be yourself or lose yourself many people lose themselves in order to be someone else. Not being yourself or someone else, being confused in the middle.

When your Creator created you in this world, He wanted you to be yourself. Be yourself and fulfill the purpose of life He has given you. No one wants to be a pretender or a pretender. Why? I want you alone.

If you leave your place and try to stand in someone else’s place, your place will be empty. Leaving the space given to you empty is a curse to your creator. Your Creator should not lose you when He created you.

You have to become the person he wants you to be. Losing yourself in life is a big danger. Understand that I am talking about yourself. There is nothing in this world that you need more than yourself as long as you live.

You may lose money. That’s nothing. You can get it done tomorrow. You can lose a friend. That’s nothing. He may fix things and find a friend again. But self-denial is more than all that.

Why is it? There is nothing more dangerous than being born to be yourself and losing yourself. You can only fulfill your life mission if you are yourself.

Once you lose yourself and are robbed of yourself, you cannot become a successful person for the purpose for which you were born, but you will stay in this world counting the days.

This is the natural process. Many people on this earth are feeling a deficiency in their lives that they are not satisfied with, that they are not happy because the main reason is that they have lost themselves.

That is the reality of life. Try to be someone else and you will not be able to fulfill your purpose in life. You are losing yourself because you are trying to be someone else and your goals and the goals of the person you are trying to be are different and you cannot fulfill either your goals or the person’s.

What about the end result? It means you become someone who has just been off the ground and counted the days and lived a meaningless life. History loses its way of remembering you. Because when you lose yourself, you lose history.

Why is it important to be yourself?
1, It gives meaning to your life.
Is there a meaningless life? The question may arise here. The answer to this question would be fulfilled.

In fact, everyone’s life is given to have meaning. However, it is our role to make our lives meaningful or not. In short, your Creator gave you a meaningful life. Whether you accept the meaning of your life or not is up to you.

As long as you live, there are guidelines you must follow to make your life meaningful. One of them is to be yourself first. It is a very crucial guideline.
I’ll ask you a question.

Are you satisfied with the life you are living now? Does your new life seem to have meaning? Has your inner self convinced you that you were created to sit? Or do you always feel meaningless and confused? Congratulations, can you get out of the sense of meaninglessness and start living a meaningful life now.

How’s it going? Stripping yourself of who you are trying to be and putting on your true identity, It is always right to do so. No matter what age you are, no matter what job you do, no matter where you live, you can return your father’s false identity and start living it to accept your creator-given identity.

2, It makes you understand what you need
People who do not know the purpose of their lives, those who are lost in themselves, do not know what purpose they are living in this world to accomplish. Did you see it? The biggest pain in life is not knowing what you need.

There are many things you need to accomplish your life mission. When you become yourself, understand your purpose. It then identifies the things you need to accomplish that goal.

For example, one of the things you need most is people. The people around you are your greatest asset. The truth is, you don’t need everyone to accomplish your goals.
To decide whom to approach, you first need to know your goals.

A goal that one person may be able to help you with and another may not be able to. Therefore, it is important to know the purpose of your life even more before you choose the people you can approach and help you with.

And while you are losing yourself, there is no way you can know your mission and purpose in life. Being yourself precedes knowing your needs. Once you understand yourself and your needs, you will make the most of them. Such a life is called a life of meaning and purpose.

3, It frees you from competing with other people.
Another benefit of being yourself is that it keeps you from competing with others. The most important truth you need to understand is that there is no one who qualifies to compete for other people’s lives unless you are given a life to live. Competition is between similar things.

Similar things don’t compete. This truth applies to you. Because there is no one like you in this world, no one qualifies to compete with you. When you have a life free of competition, that means you are on the path to success. Whether anyone succeeds or falls if they want to, that’s not your business.

Helping It is your responsibility to help people wherever you deserve it, but people’s successes and failures should not put pressure on you. In short, don’t live to compete with people on earth. Of the nearly eight billion people in the world, you are the only one you have to compete with.

Who is he? Compete yourself to be a better person today than yesterday, and today than tomorrow. Work on yourself so that you today will be better than you yesterday, and you will be you yesterday tomorrow. Know that the only right person to compete is yourself.

4, It makes you value your life.
The most expensive of things in the modern world is antimatter. A gram alone costs US$62.5 trillion. It is not a naturally occurring substance but is made in the laboratory and is very expensive.

Let us return to the value of human life. How much is a person worth? How much does a person’s life cost? The answer to this question is that there is no value that can be given to human life.

The amount of money money can buy is mountainous. The saddest thing then is that humanity is not worthy of it in this world. That is why it is so painful to see our brothers and sisters in different cities struggling with street life.

There is never anything more painful than seeing something more precious than anything else lying on the street as if it were worthless. To value one’s life, one must first be able to be oneself.

A person who has lost himself cannot bear the cost of his life. A person who does not know the value of life is forced to live a simple life. What does this mean? Great care is taken for something of great value. Only when you understand the value of your life will you take adequate care of your life.

A person who lives without himself cannot give life the value it deserves because he lives a life of conflict that does not belong to him. So, being yourself means it helps you understand the value of your life and give it the care it deserves.

5, Being yourself makes you successful.
Just as you cannot win a race wearing a helmet that is not for you, you cannot succeed in a life that is not yours. One of the common traits we have as human beings is our desire for success.

Definitions of success people have different gifts but I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t want success.
Despite their desire to succeed, people appear to persevere in various ways. Not everyone who wants to succeed will succeed.

It is necessary to know the righteousness to be followed for success and many people live with only their desire for success without succeeding. Your journey to success begins when you become yourself.

Self-discipline is the first step on the journey to success. What did you say? He who loses himself will not succeed and he who is himself will not fall. Maybe you have a thirst for success.

You may have put your energy and time into it and tried hard to succeed. but we may not have succeeded as he intended. Even more difficult is that you may not know why you failed. Did you see it? It is said that the disease has been found to be a common solution.

You tried and fell and you forgot why you fell and you forgot your pain as if you were sick. Your disease is unknown, which means you cannot be treated. What does he know? Your pain may still be this point. If the reason for your failure is your loss of self? Are you looking for your success in other people’s fields? It asks you to stop and think about it.

Here is the main message of this section. Being yourself comes first to success, Yes, first you become yourself and then you will succeed. The opposite is also true. First you lose yourself and then you fall.

Being yourself is the basis of success and losing yourself is the basis of human failure. So make sure you are yourself first in your attempts to succeed. Why people lose themselves There are reasons why people don’t live as themselves. Let’s look at some of the main ones below.

1, Under pressure beyond their control
People can often experience pressure beyond their control to not be themselves. Such pressures can come from near or far. For example, families can pressure their children to become what the family wants them to be rather than what they want them to be.

My son will be a Doctor for me. There are many families who say that my daughter will be a pilot for me. Forcing their son or daughter to do what their family wants instead of what they want to be is a big mistake a family can make.

It’s not just the family. Even the government sometimes exerts such pressure. For example, students who graduate from secondary schools and pass the university entrance examination are forced to learn what they are given rather than deciding for themselves what kind of education they should study.

However, few are lucky enough to get their first choice. It means that people lose themselves in love, not because they are destined to study an education they don’t want outside of their choice.

Should we give our children the right to be what they are inside, free from family and environmental pressures. As a family, we should not force our wishes on them, but understand their wishes and nurture them. Only then can our children be themselves and succeed in life.

2, The pressure of a partner losing themselves
Tell me your friend and I’ll tell you who you are. Peer pressure is powerful. The worst person approaches make a big impact.

They have a big impact on our lives because we spend dangerous times with our friends. We hear the things they tell us. We can learn from our good friends.
The biggest danger, however, is when you make bad friends. Friends with bad habits easily pass on those habits to us.

We learn from bad behavior and become like them. Therefore, families should be vigilant about who their children associate with. Peer pressure can make us feel like we are not ourselves. We can be silent about what is inside us and accept the opinion of a friend and enter a life that is not ours.

So we should avoid the influence of bad friends as much as possible. We should also advise, help and control our children not to approach begging friends.

3, Losing yourself for fear of what to say
Society’s attitude toward things sometimes makes us lose ourselves. There are times when we choose a life that is not ours just to please the society in which we live.

For example, in some places the community does not have a positive attitude towards football. So the family forces its children not to play or watch football. Children who spend their time playing ball are not well regarded by the community. Naturally, the kids who want to play ball are naturally the most vulnerable in such a society.

Their chances are either to stick to their dreams at the expense of society or to bury their dreams to respect society’s views. The choice is the father’s. Or he fights for his dreams and pays the price to achieve his vision. Or what does society say to me? It means that he must leave what is inside him and become something that is well regarded by the community.

Both paths have their own consequences. One leads to success and the other to failure. Fight For Your Dreams.
Your dreams are yours alone. Your Creator gave it to you.

For fighting, Don’t bury the precious dreams your creator gave you under the influence of nature. Live for your vision at all costs. Work tirelessly to become what your Creator wants you to be, not what nature wants you to be.

Understand, no one will benefit from your selflessness. There is no way to help yourself, your family, your friends and your country when you are tired of yourself. The only way to be a productive person is to be yourself. Don’t let Dad see it and kill your dreams. Your dreams need a lot of care. Take care, follow, follow, and you will eventually find yourself where you deserve to be.


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