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Start with the ministry in mind in the life.

But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land into which he went; and his seed shall not possess it.Service starts in your mind.Being a minister requires a change of mind, a change of attitude.

God is always more interested in why we do things than in what we do. Attitudes are more valuable than the results we get.

King Amaziah did not find favor in the sight of the LORD, because he did not do what was right in the sight of the LORD, but not with a complete heart.

True ministers serve God with five attitudes. Ministers focus on others, not themselves. This is true humility.

Not thinking less of ourselves, but thinking less of ourselves. They forget themselves. Paul says, let each of you look out not only for his own interests but also for the interests of others.

When we stop focusing on our own needs, we understand the needs of those around us.

Jesus took the form of a slave, was not born in human form, and was not found to be a man in every way.

When was the last time you made yourself empty for someone else’s gain? You cannot be a minister if you are all about yourself.

It is empty when we forget ourselves. we can do memorable things. The disgusting thing is that our ministry is often self-serving.

It serves to make people love us and admire us, or to perfect ourselves.

That is pretence, not service. We always remember how good and wonderful we are about ourselves.

Some people view ministry as a tool to argue with God and say, God, if you do this for me, I will do this for you.

Ministers do not try to use God for their own purposes. Allowing God to use them for His own purposes is as rare as loyalty to self-forgetfulness.

Of all the people Paul set an example for everywhere, only Timothy could be cited for this.

It is difficult to think of it as a ministry. Because it touches on the biggest problem of my life. I am selfish right now.

I think mostly about myself. Humility is my daily struggle, so it is a lesson I must learn over and over again.

Whenever I am given the choice to meet my own needs or the needs of other parents, we are given opportunities to serve many times each day.

Self-denial is the essence of being a servant. Our heart of service is measured by the words we give when people entertain us as ministers.

What is your response when you lose people’s perspective, when people around you are your leaders, when you count yourself as an inferior?

The Bible says that if someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

Ministers know that everything belongs to God. In the bible, a person who marries a trust is a person who marries to manage property.

As a prisoner in Egypt, Joseph was such a servant. Potiphar believed Joseph in his house. The jailer believed Joseph in the prison.

Gradually, Pharaoh believed in Joseph throughout the Egyptian nation. Serving and marrying go hand in hand, and God wants us to be faithful in both.

The Bible says, and faithfulness is required of those who run the business.
How are you handling the resources that God has entrusted to you?

To be a true minister you have to fix money issues in your life.

Jesus says, a servant cannot serve two masters, neither can you serve God and mammon.

He didn’t say you shouldn’t work, he said you can’t work. That is impossible. Living for service and living for money are different goals.

Which one do you choose? If you are a servant of God, you cannot live for yourself.

All your time belongs to God. God does not require you to share loyalty but to be completely loyal to Him.

Money has the power to have God’s place in your life.

Many people stop serving not because they learn, but because of things. They say, once I have accomplished my financial goals, I will serve God.

That is a foolish decision, they will regret it forever. When Jesus is your Lord, money will work for you, but if money is your Lord, you will be His slave.

Wealth itself is not a sin, but failure to use it for the glory of God is a sin. God’s servants are always more concerned with service than money.

The Bible is very clear that God uses money to test your faithfulness as a servant.

That is why Jesus spoke more about money than about the kingdom of heaven and about the underworld.

He said,you have not trusted in the false riches of the world, but who has entrusted you with the true riches?

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The way you handle your money affects how God can bless your life. As we looked at two types of people earlier: government builders and real estate builders.

Both have great gifts for growing wealth, doing buying or selling matters, and making profits.

If the builders get enough wealth, they will use it to empty their own wealth, but the government builders change the rules of the game.

They try to make as much money as they can, but they do it to give gifts. He gives them to the church to use to accomplish its purpose.

In the Saddleback Church, we have a group of entrepreneurs who cooperate with the kingdom of God with their money as much as they can.

I encourage you to talk to your church pastor and establish a kingdom builders group in your church.

See the concluding remarks for help. They do not compete, criticize, or compare themselves with other employees or servants. They take pride in doing the work God has given them.

Competition among God’s servants is not right for many reasons, we are all in the same group, our goal is to show God’s beauty, not our own.

We are given different tasks and we are all made differently. Paul said, “Let us not become bitter, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another.”

Evil jealousy has no place among God’s servants. When you are busy in the ministry, you will not have time to criticize others.

All the time we take to criticize others is time given to us in the ministry. When Mary complained to Jesus about not helping her with her work, Martha lost the heart of the servant.

True ministers do not complain about things that are not right, they do not get involved in what is not expected of them, and they do not become angry with those who do not serve them.

They trust God and continue their ministry. It is not our job to evaluate other servants of the Lord. The bible says this. You do judge by, who are you?

Whether he stands or falls, his master knows, but he will stand because his Lord can make him stand.

It is not our job to ward off people’s bitterness. May your Lord look after you. Follow the example of muse who showed him true compassion in the face of his opponents.

Nehemiah simply replied to his accusers, I am busy with a great work, and I cannot go down.

If you serve like Jesus, you can expect persecution to rise up against you. The world, and many churches, do not understand what God values.

One of the most beautiful practices for Jesus has been intensified by Jesus’ disciples.

Mary laid down her most precious possession, the precious ointment, and poured it on Jesus’ feet. The disciples said this lovely experience was a waste, but Jesus said it was necessary.

Your service to Jesus is not wasted as others say. Because they remember that they are loved and accepted and accepted.

Ministers do not bother to prove their importance. They even take children who are below our level.

One of the greatest ministries from knowing one’s own identity is Jesus washing the feet of His disciples.

Foot rubbing is the equivalent of shoe shining work of the lowest order. But Jesus knew who He was, so His washing His feet did not affect His view of who He was.

The Bible says, Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;

If you want to be a minister, you must establish your identity in Christ. It can only serve those who fearlessly accept their identity.

People who are afraid of their identity are very concerned about how they appear in front of others. They are afraid to expose their weaknesses and hide them in pride and self-expression.

You are afraid of your identity right now, and you want people to serve you.

He needs just as much confirmation from them. Henry told us, to serve others we must die for them.

That means we should not judge our ideas and results by the standards of other parents. Then we are free to show needed kindness.

When you establish your potential and identity in your relationship with Christ, you will be free from the callings people expect of you, which will enable you to serve them better.

Ministers do not need to fill their homes with certificates and awards to demonstrate the importance of their work.

They do not want to be called by appointed names, nor do they fall into the trap of domination. They do not consider the signs of appointment important, nor do they evaluate their work for their importance.

Paul says that it may be acceptable to the one to whom the Lord speaks, but not to the one who speaks for himself.

It was James, the half-brother of Jesus, who could speak proudly of his identity and name throughout his life.

He could testify that he spoke with Jesus as his brother.

However, in the introduction to his message, when he speaks of himself, he says, a servant of God, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The closer you get to Jesus, the less you will make yourself known.

They enjoy helping others to meet their needs, as well as the ministry. They serve the Lord with joy.

Why do they serve with joy? Because they love the Lord, thank Him for His grace, know that service is the greatest fruit of their lives, and know that God has promised to reward them.

Jesus promised that if anyone wants to be sent to me, he must follow me, and where I am, there he will be.

If anyone is sent to me, the Father will honor him.
The writer of Hebrews says, God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

Imagine what would happen if only 10 percent of the Christians in the world fulfilled their role as ministers.

Think of the good things they can do. Do you want to be one of these people?

It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you start working and thinking as a minister, God will use you.

Albert chiwier said, people are truly happy with the luxury of those who learn to serve it


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