Study Hard and Become a Professional Hard Worker Man.
I urge you to live as a wise son, not as a foolish son. You need to know what you should and should not do in your daily life.
This world is at peace and unable to move in its balance because it is full of appointments of people who get into what they don’t get into and run away from what they get into. Yes, this is the greatest disease of the new world. Illness without medicine.
But I advise you not to get involved in what doesn’t interest you and never run away from what concerns you and never forget that this is the righteousness of a great life.
There is one important point that you need to understand. Focus on your own affairs, not on people’s affairs.
Many times the problem of human beings is that they focus on the affairs of others and forget their own more important affairs.
This is one of the characteristics of fools, so be careful not to let it work on you. I want you to remember that your life is short. When compared to eternity, we can say that the age you have to live and pass away is as long as the blink of an eye.
You cannot focus on other people’s affairs in this short time if you are given time to focus on your own affairs.
Know that the more you focus on your own issues, the more pressure you can create.
If you want to make a big impact in the community, the first thing you need to do is take the risk with you. You see, many people are afraid of themselves, they don’t want to spend time with themselves because they are so afraid of themselves.
So they hide in the crowd. They spend their lives running away from themselves and hiding from themselves.
That’s why so many people in the world pass it on without pressure.
In summary, the greatest path to human success is to listen to yourself and spend time with yourself, but very few people take advantage of this great opportunity that God has given them. This is the great wisdom I want to remind you of. Taking time with yourself is the first step to victory.
If you have to reconcile with someone or make peace with someone in my lifetime, I can tell you that person. Who is he? Your own poison You must reconcile yourself. If you are not at peace with yourself, if you are fighting yourself, if you do not take time every day to listen to your inner world, then you are in a great loss of life.
I am saddened by people who fight themselves, drive themselves away, run away, hide themselves and try to help others. It cannot make sense to try to help others if they are not at peace themselves when the most important person they should be helping is suffering.
Many people in the world have reasons to run away. Many of them have their inner world angry with them because of their serious sins. If a thief plunders public property through the waves and finishes her plunder and tries to sit alone in the evening and listen to herself, her inner world says, welcome to the thief.
The international court accuses her of filing charges against her. The prosecutor lists the type of crime the thief committed. And the thief doesn’t like to hear that.
It means running away from yourself as much as you can to escape the true judgment of the inner world.
That is why so many people live in various addictions to alcohol and others to marijuana. That is why they flee their inner world and hide in the world of greed. It tries to kill them inside and that is why they flee their inner world and hide themselves in the world of greed. Killing their insides.
That is why the outside world surrounds them inside. Such people are, in short, the danger and burden of the generation. But I say to you, my son, be at peace with your inner self. Don’t be afraid to listen to your inner world.
Because the root of your success and accomplishment starts at this point. The wise man is at peace with his inner world, listens, analyzes and eventually wins. I will give you a truth as precious as gold. Believe me, this truth is greater than the secrets of his greatest success to date. How does he know this? I saw it in my own life.
If I were asked to publish only one sentence from the whole of this book, I will assure you that this is the most expensive sentence to publish. This is the main formula for success.
If you want to succeed, you must spend more time with yourself than with others. This world is a screaming world. The whirlwind of information has made us unsettled by how many directions we have been screaming. If there is any greatest asset the world has robbed us of, it is ourselves. A person who robs himself can never fulfill his purpose in life.

We Are self Independent Family However So How You Are Give The Value For Us?
If you look at the new generation, you think it is a lucky generation because the conditions are favorable and many generations have made their lives easier for the technology available.
Yes, from the outside, this seems true. On the surface, however, there is no generation as sad as the new generation. Because it was robbed.
History proves that our ancestors of yesterday were robbed of a lot by political pressures. If you work for a purpose, these hours will pity you more than any of your possessions.
But if you are a purposeless person, each of them will stay away from you for up to a year because they hate you.
Your time is in your hands. The only place where you have no control over your time is in prison. If you are free, you can work on it as you like.
How you use your time determines who you are. Time is a rhetorical farce that you cannot control. It is impossible to stop at any time and run at any time.
Once you pass, you will never come back. You can’t slowly get through an event of yesterday unless it becomes a memory that will remain in your mind.
Valuing your time means valuing your life.
Your time is the transportation you use to travel the road of life. You will finish your journey as you count the days, add the days, add the months, count the months, make the years.
Many of their properties were looted. Let’s expand the issue a little bit if we say that as an African continent in the era when European countries divided the continent like a swan division.
Africa has been robbed of so much. From manpower to the precious minerals in its land. Speaking of which, the injuries from Africa at the time have not yet healed.
The plunder our ancestors plundered yesterday was not so much compared to the plunder of the new generation. Because there is no greater robbery than being robbed yourself.
The new generation is a generation of technology slaves who live on the air for many hours a day and have no fingers on themselves. Yesterday the minerals of our land were plundered but today our identity is plundered by them.
We became like we lost time with ourselves. The biggest failure in life is not having time for yourself. When you lose yourself, you lose everything. Look, I’ll tell you again that it’s when you lose yourself that everything in your life.
An expert is one who escapes the worries of external information and takes the risk of listening to himself with his inner world. It is a solution for the generation to hear the cries of the outside world without any success.
A wise man is one who has downloaded everything and not lost himself but has divided himself into many things. To me, a professional is not someone who is running away from his inner world but his inner enemy but someone who takes the risk of standing up for himself, criticizing himself, correcting himself and working on it with himself.
A professional is not one who lives in the sea of technology swallowed up in the aerial world but one who closes the door and shuts off the noise of the outside world and works tirelessly to solve the problems of the new generation.
In short, for me, a professional is one who focuses only on his own affairs for people. Yes to me the professional is not the one who goes around looking for every opportunity he can get to report his brother and sister’s deficiencies but the one who identifies why his brother or sister is in the appointment and works hard to lift him/her out of that failure.

For me, a professional is not someone who is part of the problem but someone who is part of people’s solutions. I am writing this message to you so that you will not live as a foolish child but as a wise child.
What do the authorities say in their proverbs? They say you have no little advice and curses.
So take this short advice seriously since you have it in you that can change your life. Don’t just read it and put it down.
I wrote it on a piece of paper and you write what I wrote on a piece of paper in your heart. I want you to be a hero who negotiates with them and gives himself more time than anyone else, not a criminal who swears and runs away from the fear of his inner world.
Understand that there is no one in this world better than you.You can escape identity. The person you run away from and you can’t separate is yourself. Your only option is to be at peace with someone you cannot separate from.
So forgive yourself. Be at peace with yourself. Have your inner world at risk. Decrease your ties to the outside world and increase your ties to your inner world. The path to growth is his success.
I advise you to live for the truth all your life. He is not unaware that this world is not a suitable place for those who stick to the truth. I know that this world is based on false truth and built by us on falsehood and leaning on the pillars of falsehood.
I understand that living for the truth in this world that is tied together by ribbons of lies from mountain to cave will cost you a heavy price. But there is something about living a fake life. it is better to die a true death than a false life. what I mean is you think the one who died the real death has a story rather than the one who lives a false life.
Condemn lies at every opportunity. and identify false friends around you. Don’t think it’s an easy task to distinguish true friends from fake ones. for there is nothing in the creation of God that can lie and pretend like mankind.
There are countless people who wear real bulldogs on the inside of lies and pretend to be real people. You cannot see the inside of people but the outside. because you are not God but only man. A false friend is one of the hidden thorns.
You don’t see the evil in his heart but the goodness he shows you to pretend. He will dig a hole and throw you into it, calling you my brother. Fear the false friends that surround you more than the real enemies around you.
The arrow that will wound you the most is not your enemy’s but your false friend’s. When you wake up in the morning, O God, I know my enemy, protect me from my false friend.
You know that your enemy will never think good of you and you will avoid him as much as you can. The enemy you cannot avoid is your enemy who pretends to be a friend.
But I will tell you again, live for the truth. Live only for the truth, When you live for the truth you will be hurt in many ways. one in a thousand will not find a true friend, so if you choose the truth, you will be lonely.
Truth doesn’t have many friends. Only a few people travel from the path of truth The path of truth is narrow There are many ups and downs There are many hunger and thirst It has hunger and thirst, it is not sweet and it is bitter.
But I say walk alone in the path of truth rather than walk in the path of falsehood with a thousand. When you cut it off and drink it, you pay the price.
But the price you pay to stand for the truth is not the price of losing the earth. it is a value that is beneficial to the generation. let your stance on truth be constant in your life. Don’t sell the truth based on the current situation and people.
Don’t be afraid to pay the price for the truth, even if it costs your life. you are not sure that you will die today or tomorrow. If you don’t stay too long, you won’t die like anyone else.
This is the fate of nature, Do not deny the truth for fear of death one day. Don’t connect the truth to human reality, a lie is not true because someone you love from the bottom of your heart said it. The opposite is also true.
If someone you hate with all your heart tells the truth, that won’t be a lie. What do you think this means? a lie told by someone you love will never be true and a truth told by someone you hate can never be a lie The number of supporters should not affect this.
A lie is not true because it is spoken by ninety-nine people, and a truth is not a lie because it is spoken by only one person. Look, my son, in any situation, when and where the truth is true and and lies are lies So I advise you to break your relationship with lies and arm yourself with the truth.
Another sad sun don’t believe anyone but god created you. Love everyone but don’t believe everyone, Man is a hidden creature that never appears. It’s a book you can’t finish reading.
No matter how much you love him, no matter how close you are to him, no matter how much you throw yourself at him, there is always a part of his life that hides you. Someone likewise has nine Hearts and eight hidden and I will talk to you with one. So the choice is yours. To trust everyone is to deprive your will of the joy of your life.
Looking back on the path I have taken over your life, the biggest mistake I have made is believing everyone. If I were given the opportunity to improve again, I would pray to Him if there was one point in my life of yesterday that I would change.
He was someone they stopped believing. Believing everyone cost me so much in my life. source of sales when his migration did not disappear from me. It made me cry unnecessarily.
It wounded my heart unnecessarily. I don’t want obstacles to hit me in my path and hit you. I don’t want you to fall where I fell. that is why I am giving you important advice.
look , I told you , do not believe anyone Love someone, be close to someone, eat and drink with them, work with them, and do all this else and not trust someone.
Be ware of man, my son, for there is no dark-hearted beast with an unknown inner self like man. do your part to be a good person to people in your life. Don’t expect people to be good to you.
Just as they can help you, think about how they can hurt you. If this is the case, it won’t be new to you if someone you expect from kindness hurts you.
But I advise you not to abandon yourself to humanity. lremember to be very careful in your journey with the human race.
The friends around you today are at least to some extent your enemies tomorrow.
Don’t look at today’s relationship and make people dodge your whole neighborhood. Don’t share your weaknesses with people, and if you do, only share them with people like your heart.
Believe me, many of the people you told your happiness to rejoice over your own standards will rejoice in your success. If you don’t know who to share it with, when to share it with and how to share it, you will share your life with what you care about people and your test tomorrow.
In short, beware of humans in your life. It is imperative to beware of the invisible poison of yeast in the complex nature of man who is the source of all suffering and the seed of your future challenges. why? Because you can’t read the inside of it except for the face and teeth he’s making out with.

I don’t think there is anyone in nature who will betray you for a small gain. Such a person will buy you a little benefit and give you to death. When he betrays you for a little thing, he doesn’t seem to have spent much of yesterday with you, he sells you with cruelty.
It will help you one day to understand that you are a creature who has been in love with you for many years and has spent so many things with you and made unforgettable memories with you and then finally betrayed you for his heart.
Choose to starve in the field of truth rather than being satisfied by eating from a false table. Is a don’t pretend to be anything other than what you are. Don’t believe in someone who gets worse. Put your identity first, not your heart.
If education, accumulated knowledge and skills do not make you have love and kindness, compassion and mercy for humanity, then the benefits outweigh the harms.
I feel that humanity has thrown away something very important at some point and needs to wake up from its sleep to find what it has thrown away.We have downloaded science but we have abandoned love instead.
He has absorbed many wonderful philosophers. But we don’t seem to know where to leave thinking and sharing what we have.We have reached another peak of technology but we have stopped reaching out to people who lack what they need. We have thousands of air friends from social media.
I start small and continue to work on it and then finish it with the time and energy it takes. And you will be building your life.
To successfully complete your life building project, you need to do things every day. The level of construction should increase day by day.
So in each day that comes and goes, what did Olee add today? you have to ask yourself. If you probably add something today, you’ve wasted the day.
Just as you shouldn’t waste your time and energy on things you don’t need, don’t worry about things you can’t do in your life. There are always things beyond your control.
Human life is full of difficult things. Stressing yourself over anything you can’t do only results in developing stress-related illnesses.
That is why I advise you to know your limits. Before you do any of your work, Can I do and finish this work? ask yourself the question. If he convinces himself that he cannot, leave him alone and do what you can.
On the ground, however, we have lost track of our friends and family. Colony and the discoveries made by the whites
are famous for their analysis.
The culture, morality, traditions and knowledge of the ancient region however, is poetic.I feel that humanity should leave its heart and come and seek it.
The only solution to rebuild the world that has been destroyed by darkness is to tear down the love that has buried it from the grave and put it on the throne and develop it.
But I tell you to focus on the development of your heart. Don’t forget the poor mother who cried all day long for losing a piece of bread from her table for her children while you were running after knowledge while you were blowing up paper while you were worrying about the things of this world.
Don’t forget the children who sit in the middle of the darkness and shed tears because they have lost their mothers and fathers. Don’t let the screams of the world keep you from hearing the screams of the father in terrible trouble and the sun that is next door.