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Studying the Gospel to growth in faith in your life.



Before we look at sharing the gospel, we need to know what the Bible says about sharing the gospel. What is the purpose of the gospel message? How do we share the gospel with people? God told us to speak up why.

We connect it to God’s purpose and talk about why do we speak the gospel? All such questions can be answered by studying the Word of God.

Getting the gospel message to people is not the goal, the church is the way she fulfills her duty as an evangelist. The church l lates its mission in God’s purpose.

In this lesson, we will look at the role of evangelism in God’s work and how it relates to the gospel message. Communicating the gospel makes sense when we look at the gospel message of the church, the mission of the church, and the work of God.

The Apostle And The Christian Church
A. The great mission
(Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 24:47, Acts 1:8). In the passage quoted, we see that it goes, preaches ( witnesses), baptizes, teaches and makes disciples.

Therefore, we are expected to proclaim and teach the risen Christ and make repentant disciples of Christ.
Before the Lord ascended to the Father, He said, “As He sent Me into the world, so I send you into the world” (John 20:21).

This word is His mission and ours. God the Father sent Jesus to earth to seek and save mankind. We can do nothing of ourselves, but only Christ can save.

Just as Jesus Christ humbly came to earth and preached the gospel, the church must humbly preach the gospel of salvation. The Lord Jesus walked among the people preaching, teaching, healing the sick and showing His love and power, and His healing.

B. The Great Commandment. Love your neighbor as yourself. We can look at this commandment in two ways.

Going to people to preach, witness, teach, and make disciples. It tells us that we need to love our friends. If we love it, we will go and serve where He is The church should not only worship but also provide service.

Because of the disobedience of the nation of Israel, God chose the Christian church, which included Jews and Gentiles, to be a witness to the whole world Making disciples is the mission of the Christian church.

This work is led by missionaries, churches, and church organizations around the world. The mission of the church is necessary for two reasons: to convert the ungodly to God and to make disciples of those who believe.

Look for believers who are mature in the Word of God so that God can bring this world back to His kingdom. The work of reconciliation of the Old Testament priesthood of believers was replaced by the New Testament (1 Peter 2:9).

Therefore, the mission of the members of the Christian church is to do the work of God’s reconciliation. As ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5;20) New Testament believers bring believers out of Satan’s hands and into God with them it is to bring them back to know each other.

The goal of all believers is for people to become like Christ (Roma. 8:29, Phil. 3:11-14). This is accomplished through a church of believers that grows in the word of God and manifests itself in love and good works.

The fruit of discipleship is that believers who are mature in the Word of God shine as lights in this world, revealing the glory of God and the coming kingdom of God. Paul had counseled Timothy how people needed to pray for salvation (1 Tim. 2:1-4).

The church in Antioch understood the angel of God and participated in fulfilling the mission. Teachers and pastors have witnessed to the people that they have fulfilled the mission of the gospel by teaching the word of God to unbelievers.

The church prays, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). In the New Testament, everyone is a witness, but not everyone is an apostle of the gospel. They go out to the missionaries with a special calling in the area and try to spread the gospel.

The work of an evangelist is to go out into local and cultural areas to preach the gospel, plant churches, and spread the gospel. Leaders and believers must stand by the gospel with the help of the missionaries.

All believers must play an important role in fulfilling the mission of the gospel. In general, the reason for the gospel mission given to the nation of Israel has its own. That they were “called to be a light of the nations” (Isaiah 49:6).

According to David, you have made your name known in all the earth, even Japheth in (Proverb Ps. 67:2). God’s purpose is for people to see God’s blessings on Israel and believe in the God of Israel and be saved.

The purpose of Jonah was sent to the land of Nineveh so that they would know God’s love and repent and return to God. When King Solomon built the temple, it was not only used by the nation of Israel, but also by other nations to pray there (1 Kings 4:41-43, Isa. 56:6-7).

The power of the gospel missionary It is the Holy Spirit who empowers the gospel missionary (Acts 1:8). The father of the son sent the disciples. The apostles began their missionary ministry after Pentecost (Acts 2).

A, To preach the gospel and to understand (Acts 8:6-12). Christians are commanded to witness and make disciples. This can be done by the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we preach the gospel, we point out Christ’s life, ministry, death, and resurrection. We need to preach the gospel in a way that the audience can understand.

When we preach the gospel, we must be prepared to bring it to a decision in a way that the audience can understand. If the listeners hear the word and believe it, they have the hope of eternal life.

B, Missionary style The gospel is transmitted from within the church to the outside. In the Old Testament it is stated that after the descent of the Holy Spirit it was preached to Jews and Gentiles. We must spread the gospel in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and even to the ends of the earth.

C, The New Testament church and the mission of the gospel are those who believe in Christ and are converted
They were preaching the salvation and Lord Jesus Christ everywhere.

Those who were persecuted were also proclaiming the kingdom of God. We see that the Holy Spirit revealed to the church in Antioch that it would send missionaries outside the region.
1, It is God’s command to send out evangelists.
2, It is the church that sends the evangelists.
3, Evangelists can be called to serve if God and the church send them. The report will be given to the sending body.

William Carey puts the following about this year’s gospel message.
1, Preach the gospel voice
2, Explore their language and culture. This is a service abroad. The first book
translation into the language of those to whom they preach.

3,Build them a house of worship
4,Find an independent support association
5, Prepare and give lectures to leaders and believers at the church level.
6, Find and stop a medical service provider.

Making a disciple
The disciples become like their teachers. They follow the lifestyle and knowledge of the teacher, who taught the disciples and commanded them to go and teach others (Matthew 10:24-25).

What happens to the teacher happens to the disciple. ( John 15:18-20 ). This is when they begin to live the Christian life and witness to Christ ( Philippians 1:27-30, Johnson 16:33).

In summary:- all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to the resurrected Lord Jesus. His disciples are to work obediently for a great service (Commandment).

When we give ourselves to Him, He gives us the power of the Holy Spirit. Old Testament evangelist The Christian church was established in the Old Testament. It’s not new.

The fact that they gathered together and talked about God shows that there is a church. There is God’s strategy and purpose in everything. The church is a gathering of people who are redeemed to God, who know and love the eternal God.

Those who worship with those who love Him, those who sanctify themselves and fulfill God’s purpose are in union.
Throughout the ages God has sought men and women of faith. He made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

He has chosen His own people. He brought His people out of the land of slavery and brought them into the land of the covenant. He provides for his people. So he has provided a way to unite with his people. He blessed them.

He gave them laws. This is not only the Jews but also the nations fo different tribes and tongues that they are His children and He will be their father on the day He enters into a new covenant with them.

Through Jesus God the Father gave us the new covenant and the way of salvation. This way of salvation was found through the sacrifice of the Lamb of God.

God sent Him to earth to take the place of those who believed in Him and to pay the penalty for sin. In this way people received salvation and forgiveness of sins and became living children of God.

The New Testament law points to Christ, but does not apply to the children of God (Gal. 3:23-29). For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth (Roma. 10:4).

The New Testament Christian Church
When we look at what is written about the Christian church in the New Testament, I would like to mention some things that are difficult to understand.

It explains sin and fall and the lack of agreement between the fathers and the Christian church. As we look at what the Christian church is and should be, we will see many things related to this.

When we look at God’s relationship with believers and His purpose, we can often see how far we are from His purpose. In the book of Acts we will see how the Christian church was founded and how it grew. We see great work being done by the hands of those who are filled with the Holy Spirit.

They also stood in a terrifying situation that required them to make sacrifices to the point of death. We read of kings in those days acting in opposition to their work. In the books of the Epistles we will see how warnings and punishments are given to the Christian churches that are at war.

In addition, we see the Christian churches being praised for their faith. We learn what the relationship is like in his kingdom. In Revelation he looks at what the church will be like when the final dawn comes, and when Christ comes to take the bride.

The Angel of God

God’s role and purpose, God’s mission
The work of God or the mission of God Mission When we translate this Latin word again it is called the mission of God or the mission of God.

John York translated it as “the work of God” in his book. In this lesson, when we call it the work of God, it refers to God’s eternal purpose and in other words it is called the work of God.

His Word says that God has a purpose for Him to accomplish His work. God is not slow to accomplish His purpose from the beginning (Ephesians. 1:4, 10).

he who wants to interpret declares that he is a purposeful servant or an apostle. The God we worship is a God of works and purpose. The living God is an angelic god. We do not have a mission of our own, we are those who are doing missionary work with His heart.

We are God’s fellow workers (1 Cor. 3:9).
God is a god with a mission. Nothing but sharing the gospel has ever been missing from God’s mind. He is a god on a mission to accomplish this task in the course of history.

According to God’s Word, He was working to accomplish His purpose. He is a god who works according to his will.
God chose to reveal Himself to His creation, His purpose, His way.

Only God does the work of revealing Himself. It is not something that man can reach by his own efforts (Romans 1).
God has called people to Himself to know and worship Him in the way He has revealed Himself and has made them part of this work.

And those who call will let others know that He has revealed Himself. Since people on earth cannot know God unless He reveals Himself to them, since the work of revelation comes from God, He is always working on the work of revealing Himself.

The work is his. Most of the work is done by him. The role of God’s people is to bring God to self-revelation, not to reveal God.
Sometimes we have to ask ourselves why the mission of the gospel is necessary and how as Christians we can spread this gospel around the world.

Regarding the mission of the gospel, John Stotter gave us four things.
The Word of God has given us a duty.
The Word of God has given us a message.
The Word of God has given us a model of Him.

God’s Word has given us strength These four reasons are very important and are similar to our time. According to John Stotter, when he describes our duty
According to God’s creation:- For God’s creation Everyone he is responsible.

Godly character:- Godly characteristics must be found in us in the life we ​​live. He loves, He is warm for His creation, He does not want anyone to perish, but He wants everyone to come to Him in repentance.
God’s hope.

He wants everyone to have a relationship with Him and share in the blessings of His children. With this blessing, everyone will be blessed to become a descendant of Abraham and inherit eternal life.

The Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ:- The Lord Jesus Christ ascended with great authority, and today He occupies this authority with all who believe in Him because they are His ambassadors.

The Spirit of God:- The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, bears witness to the Lord Jesus Christ, and inspires the church to do the work of witness.

As the church of God:- The church represents Christ, gives priority to the mission of the gospel, and is obliged to do the mission of the gospel until Christ returns. All believers are taught by the Bible.

There is a great responsibility on the church and believers in Christ that cannot be escaped. God’s Purpose There are many things we need to understand in order to talk about God’s purpose.

The first is what God’s purpose for man was before the fall, and the second is how God’s purpose was fulfilled in relation to destruction and punishment after the fall.

He knows everything in advance so that we can understand the character of God. The Bible tells us that man who disobeyed fell under wrath and God redeemed man again. When we talk about God’s mission, we are based on reality.

His mission was not accidental. But God’s ancient purpose happened. The following white looks at what happened before and after the fall of man.

The Mission of the Gospel
Definition:- (gospel sharing and gospel mission of unity and cultural diversity). Often the mission of the gospel is to share the gospel in a culturally different place.

What is needed in the work of an evangelical missionary is a study of the local situation, a knowledge of the Bible, a knowledge of the local language, and a knowledge of the local culture.

The work of the gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ is to tell all people and to reconcile sinners to God. Sharing the gospel is telling everyone that Jesus Christ died for the sins of men and rose again on the third day, and now forgives the sins of all who believe in Him.

Preaching the gospel and the work of evangelism is to take people out of Satan’s kingdom and add them to the kingdom of God. Missionaries are to spread the gospel among different nations, tribes and languages.

It is important to investigate the local situation before spreading the gospel. The difference between evangelism and evangelism depends on how they preach and the context of the study.

The beginning of the gospel mission in the Old Testament. The Blessing of Abraham The central mission of the gospel is God’s revelation of Himself to mankind.

God has revealed Himself throughout the ages through creation, history, His voice and His Son Jesus Christ. He receives eternal life for those who believe in Him. In this passage we see God calling Abraham to the work of a gospel mission.

Genesis 12:1-3 God told him to be born in the land so that many people could be blessed through Abraham. He spoke to her about Leaving. God said to Abraham, “Be a blessing.”

This means that God was very pleased that Abraham left his father’s house and his people and brought the gospel message to people. I did not say share this blessing with your family, neighbors and people. He said, “In you all the nations of the earth will be blessed.”

It means that God wanted him to do His voice or missionary work outside His country in known and unknown ways.

Similarly, today we see that we have to go to places where we do not know the conditions, culture and language and preach the gospel. In the New Testament, God requires us to do this work. The sovereignty and rule of God is well known in Israel.

He showed His power and authority by bringing Israel out of Egypt. He is powerful, but not many people know him. As is well known, the mission of the gospel of God began.

His divine judgment restored fallen mankind and through Jesus Christ the bridge of reconciliation came down and brought those who were at odds with Him to be reconciled to Him. The Bible is the text of the gospel mission because God is at work.

God’s angel does everything according to His purpose and purpose. After the fall of man, God defeated the power of Satan and rebuilt all things new to accomplish His eternal purpose.

God called Abram and chose a nation to restore His purpose and save God’s people who had abandoned His way. Not only will Abraham and his descendants inherit eternal life, but all people will be blessed by obedience.


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