Teaching education to create an educated generation in the life.
Theories of Learning
Learning is an integral part of human behavior. the impact of learning can be clearly seen in the complex behavior.
Wich adults exhibit, his skills, thoughts and habits compared to the crude behavior in children.
A human is constantly interacting with his surroundings which changes his behavior which enables him to deal with it effectively.
The most important definition of learning is any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of practice and experience.
A, Learning brings about change in behavior, which could be for the better or worse.
B, It happens due to a change in practice or experience but does not include changes that occur due to growth or maturation.
C, This change must be permanent in nature and have a long-lasting impact.
Characteristics of Learning
A, Learning is considered to be unitary. this means the learner responds as a whole person, emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually at the same time.
B, Learning is social. it takes place while interacting with the elements of environment comprising of individuals and physical things.
C, Learning is self active which means a learner learns through their own activities. it includes listening, recalling, reasoning, visualizing, use of judgement and others.
D, Learning is purposive. it has an end objective or goal. it becomes more meaningful when the learner is interested in it.
E, Learning is creative. it not only comprises of previous experiences and knowledge but also includes creatively combining all the knowledge and experience of the learner.
F, Learning is transferable. this means that the learning in one context or situation can be applied to another context and situation as well.
Principles of Learning
The principles of learning are also known as laws of learning comprise of readiness , exercise, effect, primacy, recency, intensity, and freedom.
1, Readiness: it refers to the willingness or eagerness of an individual in acquiring new knowledge. the individuals have to be ready physically, emotionally, mentally, and physically to learn.
2, Exercise: this principle states that repetition helps in remembering things. meaningful practice and repetition help retain learning longer.
Practice has to be followed by positive feedback to improve learning. the human mind is forgetful. it is not capable of retaining and evaluating new concepts after a single exposure.
This is especially important for complex tasks. learning continues with every practice.
- Effect: the principle of effect states that learning is reinforced when it is accompanied by a satisfying feeling. on the other hand, learning is weakened when it is associated with an unpleasant feeling.
- Primacy: this refers to the state of being first. things that are learnt first, create a strong impression. this remains etched in the memory for long.
It is difficult to erase things that are learnt first. hence it is important for learner’s experience to be positive and functional as it lays the foundation for the subsequent process.
- Recency: according to this principle, things that are recently learned are best remembered. Lapse of time makes it more difficult to remember something.
Frequent review and summarizing the topics also helps in enhancing learning. - Intensity: the intensity of the material is proportional to how likely it is to be retained.

An interesting, sharp,clear and dramatic lesson will give the learners an exciting experience. On the other hand, routine or boring lessons will not be a good learning experience.
- Freedom: this principle states that things learned freely are learned best. Forcing to learn something does not have the desired effect.
Motivation is the and learners should be educated about the need to learn something rather than forcing them choose.