The heart of worship is captivated by love for faith in every way.
Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin; but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and present yourselves to God as instruments of righteousness.
The heart of worship is captivating.
The word captive is not very popular It is as hateful as the word submission It means to lose something and no one likes to lose it. Capture also signifies defeat on the battlefield by an inhuman being the word is always used to describe a negative thought, Arrested criminals are captured by the authorities.
In today’s competition filled culture we are taught to do and not give up and lose,so we don’t want to hear about capture If winning is everything, Capture is unthinkable , We are about humility.
We talk about victory, success and excellence rather than submission, obedience And captivity but captivity to God is the heart of worship. It is our natural response to the love and mercy of the Wonderful God. We give ourselves to Him out of love, not out of fear and works, because He first loved us.
After Paul wrote eleven chapters in his Epistle to the Romans describing God’s wonderful grace, he tells us to capture our lives for God through worship.
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
True worship is when you surrender yourself completely to pleasing God and give yourself to God. Notice that the beginning and the end of the verse are the same: sacrifice. Sacrificing yourself is the meaning of worship.
This personal commitment is said to be many things including sacrifice, making Jesus your Lord, carrying your cross, dying for yourself, submitting to the Spirit, what really matters to you is not what you call it, but what you do Ninety-five hands is not enough.
There are three things that can hinder us from fully surrendering to God fear of pride and confusion. We don’t understand how much God loves us. We want to control our own lives.
Faith is the most important part of captivity and you cannot be captive to God unless you trust Him, but you cannot trust Him until you know Him well, fear keeps us from captivity to Him but love in place will throw fear out of us.

The more you understand how much God loves you ,the easier it will be for you to be captive to God. How do you know that God loves you? He has given you many proofs that God loves you.
He will take care of everything in your life (Matthew 10:30) He has given you the ability to enjoy all kinds of happiness He has good plans for your life He will forgive your sins.
The main explanation of this is that is a sacrifice to God, but God shows how much He loves us by Christ dying for us while we were still sinners. If you want to know how important you are to God, look at Christ on the cross with His hand out stretched and saying How much I love you! I’d rather die than live without you.
God does not use force to put pressure on us beyond our power to make us captive to Him.He seeks us to Himself in love, not breaking our will, God is loving and liberating: surrendering to Him brings freedom, not slavery.
When we give ourselves completely to Jesus, what we understand is that Jesus is a savior, not a slave, a brother, not a tyrant, a friend, not an authority.
The second obstacle to total surrender to God is pride, We don’t want to accept that we can’t do Nature,That was the temptation long ago You will be like God, That desire to be able to control everything in our lives today is the cause of depression.
Life is a struggle, but what many people don’t realize is that our struggle is like Jacob’s, with God. We want to be God, so there is no way to win that struggle.
A man named A,W,Toozer said.’Many people are still suffering, still wanting, still unable to move forward significantly because they have not yet reached the end of their identity,We are still commandments by giving we are hindering the work of God in us,
We are not God, and we will not be. We are human beings. When we want to be God, our end will be like that of Satan, who desired such things. We must accept our humanity with our knowledge, not our feelings.
We struggle with our shortcomings We want to be the tallest(short), the smartest, the strongest, the most talented, the most beautiful, and the richest, We want to have and do all of this, when When he refuses to be for us, we get angry, and then when we see that God has given others qualities that we don’t have, we respond with jealousy and selfishness.
The Bible clearly describes how blessed you will be when you give your whole life to God. In the beginning you will have peace. Reconcile with God and live in peace. This will bring you good things. Next you will have freedom
Thanks be to God! For ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Third, you will see the power of God in your life. Difficult trials and great difficulties will be overcome by Christ when you surrender to Him.
As Joshua approaches the greatest battle of his life. He approached God,fell before Him in worship and gave Him His plans That devotion caused Jerk to be defeated There is a saying, Victory comes from devotion, And devotion does not weaken you; it will strengthen you,if you surrender to God, you will not have to be afraid or surrender to anything else.
William Buzz, founder of the “Salvation Army,” said,”The growth of human power is measured by devotion .God uses people who are devoted to Him, God chose Mary to be the Mother of Jesus because she is either rich or beautiful not for the event.
It was not because she was completely devoted to him but when the Angel told her of God’s wonderful plan,she humbly replied, “at this Mary I am the handmaid of the Lord,behold ,be it unto me according to thy word and the rrgami returned to his place of origin.
There is nothing in God’s hands that is enough to give Him life. Get yourself involved. Anyone commits to something in the stay if you don’t commit to God. you obey your thoughts or what other expect of you, money, hatred, your Fear or your selfishness your fleshly desires or your selfishness, you were created to worship God,if you cannot worship Him.and other things that you give your life to.
You are free to choose to obey the people for what you want,but you are not free to be subject to the consequences of Your choices, A man named E. Jones said ,” If you do not obey Christ you will obey the things that wave you in. Commitment is not the best way of life.

he is the only way of life, nothing else does All the other strategies lead them to sorrow and self-destruction ,The Bible, the king James, says your reasonable ministry Another translation it translates as, it is the greatest emotional way to serve God.
Giving is not a foolish act you do driven by your emotions, but a reasonable, thoughtful thing you do, something you do with great responsibility and high feelings in your life so Paul said, So the house of our body whether we are in it or away from it, we are anxious to be acceptable to the Lord.
It is the times you have cried out to God, and even if it takes years to realize this, slowly the things that hinder God’s blessings in your life are not other things, but your own desires, your unnecessary pride and your own personal thirst for plans you cannot accomplish God’s purposes for your life by focusing only on yourself.
If God is going to do His deep work in you, it starts here, so give everything to god your past regrets your present problems, your future thirsts, your fears, your future dreams your fears, Give Him all your dreams, your weaknesses, your characteristics, your hurts and your worries.
Stop leading your life yourself and give Jesus Christ all the authority to lead you Fear nothing nothing can be beyond His control, With the help of Christ you can do all things, And you will be like Paul”The Lord’s strength to give me I can do anything.
Paul’s commitment on the road to Damascus after a reflection of light shone upon him for others God draws our hearts in a simpler way anyway commitment is not a one-time act, Paul said, “We are all changed, but not all, and this is the secret I am about to tell.
There is also the practice of calling ourselves,it happens from time to time throughout our lives,The problem with a living sacrifice is that it can fall off the altar so you have to repeat it shantsma times a day,Jesus said,”No one.even If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me continually.
Let me give you a warning If you decide to have a life completely captured to the Lord that decision will be tested that means sometimes it will be uncomfortable things people don’t like,expensive things and seemingly impossible often the opposite of doing what you love to do.
One of the greatest Christian leaders to emerge in the twentieth century was Bill Bright, He is the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ through which works, the Four Spiritual Laws, and the Movie Jesus (viewed by over four billion people). over 150 million people have come to the heart of Jesus.
They will spend eternity in the kingdom of God. I once asked Billy, “Why did God use so much of your life and bless you? He said, “When I was young, I made a covenant with God, in writing below.
Signed my name,the agreement reads,From this day forward,I am a slave of Jesus Christ. Have you ever signed a contract with something? Or is it now your time to still surrender to God regarding God’s right to deal with you as He sees fit.