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Truth of humanity being redeemed on the earth.



In Christianity, redemption, or the plan of redemption, is a central theme. Before we can look at the truth of redemption, we must look at the truth of nature.

Natural fact:- As we have already tried to see, it is the Triune God who participated in the creation of creation. Because Jesus was involved in creation, God’s Word tells us that he knew equally about it and that he created the earth.

The truth of this creation has not changed since it was created and restored. God knew that this truth would change or that these people would stop or die, so in the beginning God had prepared a way to redeem this creation.

You have learned in previous chapters that God created the earth. God knew that the earth would fall as soon as he created their son and returned, so He had planned who would redeem it.

The redemption of mankind and this creation is God’s plan before creation, not God’s plan two thousand years ago when Jesus came to earth.

Redemption is not an accidental event but a pre-creation plan. God prepared before creation for mankind to fall and for Him to be their redeemed Son.

Then God passed on to creation.The three principles of nature! The three principles of nature consist of three main elements.

I have made the earth, and created man upon it my hands have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded. (Isa 45:12) Here we find three things when we look at the three principles of nature.

They are. The heavens of Heaven
These heavenly bodies were created to serve the earth. Others were created to tell of God’s heroism. (Gen 1:14-18) God did not create the vast heavens of God without a plan.

These were created by God’s wisdom to provide light, control the movements of the elements, provide rain, and control the air or atmospheres.

Earth:- The second of the natural guidelines is the earth. According to God’s Word, God created the earth for humans to live on. He created her gravity so that a person could live on it.

Why did God create the earth
God did not create the earth without a plan. Of all that God has created, He has not created anything out of plan. The short answer to why God created the earth is to be inhabited. (Isa 45:18)

Man :- God created man to worship Him, to live for Him. It was to bring His kingdom to this earth, and to reflect His glory. These three natural principles were created by God.

They were created to glorify him. However, all three fell into a place where they needed to be redeemed. The murderer, the father of lies, the thief deceived God’s creation and made them need redemption.

Redemption for Sin:-Redemption means to redeem one’s livestock and property with one’s own property. When man sinned, he entered the boundaries of Satan and became in need of redemption. And sin brought something great to mankind. And this great thing is death.

How many deaths are there? According to the Bible, death is divided into four main parts. However, if we divide it into smaller parts, it is divided into 7 major parts. For now, when we divide death into 4 main categories.

1) Spiritual Death:-In short, spiritual death is the separation of man from God because of sin. Adam and others first died spiritually. In the previous lesson, we saw that when a person dies spiritually, he is separated from God and has no guarantee of survival for the flesh. (Gen 2:16-17, Matt 8:22, 1 Tim 5:6)

2) Physical Death:-Physical death is when the inner and outer identity of a person is separated. This was revealed in the beginning of creation. It appeared after people died spiritually. For the first time, a brother killed his brother and showed this to the world. However, even if Cain had not killed Abel, Abel would have died in his old age.

3) Eternal death:-Eternal death is irreversible. For example, a spiritually dead person can be born again through Christ and become a new creation. And he who dies forever will neither return to the place of dwelling. This refers to the place of sinners before they pass to eternal death. (Luke 16:19-21)

What distinguishes this death from the second death is that here man dies with his soul. His flesh is dead on the ground. The soil has been added to the soil.

The spirit in him is dead because he does not belong to God. Or if he believed before, the spirit has returned to God. It means that the soul of such a person remains in the place of burning.

4) The second death (The final death)
This event will take place after Christ’s 1,000-year reign on earth as set forth in the Bible.

It is a time when everyone, including their flesh, will be resurrected and appear before the white judgment seat to eternal death. (Rev 20:5-6) We have seen that redemption means coming out of trouble in another body.

Events after sin
After man sinned, there was much chaos on earth. All three natural principles got into something else. The whole principle of nature came under crisis.

He also came under another administration. God placed man as ruler and shepherd over these three principles of creation, but after sin all this changed. Let’s see what they are.

Man:-People left the purpose for which they were created and went into the dark forest. The world was cursed because of them, they were hidden from God, they were many things.
Their identity
Their power
Their property
Their righteousness
Their whole childhood was in trouble and in need of solutions. Everything was completely lost

2) The Heavens of Heaven
God created the heavens to serve the earth. God created the heavens and the things under them to be ruled by man and to serve man and the earth.

However, after the fall of man, this place became the place where Satan conducted his rule. The wicked heavenly places became the dwelling places of evil spirits.

God did not create this place to be a dwelling place for evil spirits. When man sinned, all natural principles were handed over to Satan.

This is because all three of these natural Principles were originally conducted by man. When man fell from his place, Satan completely took over this place.

The heavenly bodies are placed to provide benefits to the change of seasons, rain, light, earthquakes, and the like.

You know that God divided the waters. When He gathers one in the heart of the earth, He gathers the other in the heavens. What are the heavens.

A) The Station of unclean spirits
The heavens of God, which were created to serve man on earth, became a place where evil spirits manifested their activities.

When you look at Ephesians 6:12-13, it is said that the camp of these spirits is there. They occupied this place and caused various problems in the world.

Severe winds that shake the earth (Tsunami)
The suns are comforting
Without their order, the change of the seasons, the movements of the planets and the solar system, etc. In general, they camp in the sky and deny and interfere with the earth’s benefits from nature and the creator.

B) They became rainy places
Do you know when it rained for the first time in the Bible? The rain is called “Gems” in Hebrew. The Bible tells us that this rain never fell in the garden of Eden. Rain first appears in the Bible in Genesis 7:4

The heavens of God were not created to be places for the rain of destruction. However, after sin they became a place of destruction and caused the destruction of the part of serving this world.

This suggests that they are in trouble too. It means that they have changed their original relationship with the earth. In the beginning God created them to continue the laws of nature together.

But now they began to change and become enemies.This means that the language you understand is a natural confusion or a transformation of heaven and earth.

This is because of sin. When man sinned, not only man fell but all the principles of nature were displaced.The solar system changed, the unknown appeared on the seasons, wind and rain, and many other things that nature did not know appeared on the earth.

Because the evil one extended his victory in the heavens, the morning symbol and the purpose of his creation were lost in the heavens. Behold, the heavens are not restored to their place to this day.

From time to time troubles appeared under the sky; and yet here they are appearing. Sometimes the snow is overly covering the ground, and sometimes the heat is overly compressing our earth due to Ozone depletion.

God did not create such a heaven. God created the heavens and the earth together so that they might glorify God and serve man.

Many Bible commentators attribute the rain to the sin of mankind as it fell on the earth. Because God has placed them so that He will not send rain until man is punished for his excessive sin.

They say that rain is mostly associated with punishment. The Bible says that the plants in the garden of Eden were originally watered by an earthly spring. In general, rain represents two things.

1) That there is a shortage on the ground
2) That punishment is happening
All this is a reminder of what the heavens are through the suffering of sin.

Note:- There will be sorrow not only in the heavens but also in heaven because of the fall of man. Do you know why? The Bible tells us that the Angels of Heaven rejoice when a soul is saved. Did they not grieve when someone was lost? In Revelation, sorrow in heaven is recorded.

3) The Earth
After sin, the earth became many things. In the beginning, the earth fell with man. God did not create the earth for humans. God created man after himself above the earth.

This man is the next creation of God. God has created many things on this earth. Although many of these things are created on earth, they are placed so that they can be controlled by humans.

Many things are therefore human themselves. When their heads were hit, they were hit together. A few things that hit the ground.

1) Animals
When sin appeared and man fell, the animal kingdom fell immediately. When their father, their guardian, their shepherd fell, many animals were subjected to a terrible fall.

Of course, God created animals with the sense of pain and the ability to feel something. God created these animals and man to eat only plants.

Plants have no sense of pain and no mind. So they don’t hurt when they are cut or eaten. Animals, however, have the same sense of pain as humans. Before sin, animals:-
They were brothers
They have no king
They don’t eat each other
They are not eaten by humans

There is no blessed and cursed animal
Let this be eaten, that is not eaten
They were the beauties of this earth
They were created to serve humans (In a way that does not harm the animals)
They don’t chase each other, they don’t run away from each other.

They have no hostility to man.
This is what animal life was like before the fall. Immediately after the fall of mankind, the animals were transformed from one end of the earth to the other.

Brotherhood remained and enmity was clothed in them. One as a king, one as a slave, the other. What happened to humans began to happen to these animals.

Just as man fell into various falls, so did the animal kingdom. They became this because of man because of the serpent. Two things you need to know.

Just as Adam fell the whole human race
The serpent put all the animal races in trouble. The first Adam is responsible for the sins of mankind, and the first serpent is responsible for the sins of all animals.

However, what should be known is that it was not the serpent that overthrew the beasts but Adam who killed them too. Because the serpent was not a natural controller and head. For Toh ha a, the natural head was Adam.

It should be noted that no animal has eaten meat or slaughtered animals since man sinned. It is said that immediately after sin was committed, animals began to eat each other and that God made clothes for them out of skins. Before him, however, there were no garments made of leather, no animals killed and slaughtered.

The plants on this earth have also suffered because of sin. What needs to be known is that three factors have been involved in the failure of natural principles on earth.

That tree of destruction in the garden
Among the animals is the Snake
Eve in the man
The meeting of these three brought great trouble to the creation on earth.

As soon as they returned from the meeting, all three overthrew the human kingdom, the animal kingdom, and the plant kingdom.

Animals eat each other and others are eaten by humans the ground began to grow weeds for the first time
Some kill each other for the first time.

These two principles of nature (Heaven and Earth) were in a state of shock. The heavens of the earth and the heavens collide to rain and destroy each other, to cause hail to heat each other.

Those in the guidance of this world also got into trouble. The animals on the earth and the plants on the earth began to show terrible enmity to each other.

Thus the creation was in terrible trouble and began to seek a savior. The first mention of animals being in trouble and dying on earth is in Gen 3:21 when God made coats of skins for Adam and Eve.

The first thorns to grow on this earth is in Gen 3:18 when God passes judgment because of the sin of Adam and others. In summary, the three principles of nature, man, earth, and heaven, were in dire need of redemption.

All creation, eagerly awaits the revelation of the children of God (Roma 8:19) What we understand from this verse is that all creation is awaiting a solution or Redemption for redemption.

What needs to be solved is not one or two bodies but the whole of creation. The Word of God testifies that those who wait for Jesus Christ are not one or two bodies but all creation. Just as the whole universe is in trouble, so the succession of creation is necessary.

The first time he needs to be redeemed…
1) The human spirit
In the beginning, man’s fall and death is spiritual death. When a person’s spirit dies or is separated from God, his soul and body are separated from God.

Soul :-If the spirit is fallen and dead, then the human soul or the thoughts of the human heart, as well as the human mind are under fall. A person who has fallen spiritually has no life in body or soul.

Since a person’s soul is insecure as soon as his spirit dies for the first time, his soul can be redeemed only if his spirit is redeemed in the first place.

The Redemption of Our flesh
Now I think you know that our flesh is not redeemed today. Our flesh is redeemed when we are transformed from this mortal body into the blink of an eye and receive an immortal body.

The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are heavenly: as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.

And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, and this is the mystery which I tell you. For in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and we shall be changed. for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall he say, Death is swallowed up in victory.

And where is thy sting, O death? the scripture is fulfilled. The sting of death is sin; and the power of sin is the law. (1 Cor 15:47-56)

The Word of God tells us that our body, soul and spirit must be complete on the day of our Lord’s coming.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. ( 1 Thessalonians 5:23 )

The redemption of all creation
All three natural guidelines are in trouble. All of this is now said to be their custom on the day of their redemption.

Creation has been made useless; he himself did not want to be so, but he who created him made him so; however, he was hopeful that it would. The creation itself also will be set free from its bondage to corruption; the liberty of the glorious children of God.

For we know that the whole creation travail eth in pain together until now. That creation alone is not a culture; And we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for adoption as sons, the redemption of our body. (Roma 8:20-23)

There is a cultural creation, and we groan until the redemption of our body. So this creation does not remain as a custom. The Bible sets out that one day he will be redeemed.

Many people have visions, but lack the power to achieve them. The power to reach the goal is impossible unless God gives it.

The poor if he has nothing is the dead poor who cannot rise from the earth is a man without vision, vision is the source and hope of life the silent gift of all that God has given to human beings as a gift and not a tangible gift but a gift of vision. at ati.

Vision is the greatest gift God has given to mankind, the greatest poverty in the world if mankind cannot get out of it with such Poverty this is the poverty of vision. Many people don’t have money but they have a vision.

Many people have wealth but they don’t have a vision Many people say they won’t grow but the vision of their growth doesn’t come. Many people have money, but no vision, Many people have relatives, but no vision, and many people have knowledge but no vision.

The vision in this world is that you are equal to the superhuman now deliver your vision to your superhuman scale your vision is now you believe in, not now that no one measures you.

Seeing is the work of the eyes but it is the work of the heart that many people do when they build a house when they buy a car, when they see different things, and stay in their hearts and see what they see until you understand how to live it.

There are few eyes to see, but nothing great or memorable is visible in the World that is on it but you are not done.

The things they carry and wear today are the biggest cities in the world today where you see social media and it is a great discovery that various things were invented before in the mind of the man who invented them.

There is nothing greater than the power of the so-called amazing source of vision. If you can see for yourself that someone is seeing something tangible in you, first know the vision of that thing and have it in you.

The research of this thing is born and developed through a leader with a powerful vision of the historical images of the ability to create something God anointed people with the discovery and development of socio economic construction health, science and politics that are naturally born in vision.

Your vision will be born one day
before the vision of pregnancy now what will happen is one now man lives in two things from this world man has to have two visions one is the spiritual vision of Christ Jesus if he comes and says he will enter his kingdom with him this is the vision.

The second is that we must have a physical vision to live from this world, if a person has a vision he grows very much and if he does not have signs he will eat and not know what to eat and work and not know what to do
Set a goal.


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