Understand How You Shaped, Thank Your Creator In The Life
Inside my humanity you created in my mother’s womb you made me and only you can be you.
There are no similarities in the world because God created us all unique.
No one has the things that make you together, which means that no one else can accomplish the purpose that God created you to accomplish on this earth.
If you do not contribute your unique contribution to the body of Christ, it will remain, the Bible says,
Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
There are different missions,but the same Lord for the sent, There are different works, God is the work
They put everything in the human mind separately but the same.
In the previous chapter things
We have considered the first two of these, Your spiritual gifts and
Your heart, Now we will look at the rest of your KGNM to serve God.
Your abilities are special abilities you are born with,
Some people have a natural ability to speak.
They seem to come out of the womb talking Some are naturally athletic, Still others are quite good at math or music or mechanics.
When God wanted to make all the necessary things for the Temple and the utensils of worship,the artists and builders were skilled in skill, understanding, and knowledge of making things beautiful.
He gave what they had, and today God gives countless gifts like this and similar gifts, so people can serve Him.
Even the abilities to sin are God-given, conditional
Unless we use it incorrectly, the Bible says, We have different gifts according to the grace given to us.
Because your abilities are given to you by God, they are as important and spiritual as your spiritual gifts, the only difference is that you accept them naturally.
The reason people often give for not serving is that they have no Skills to work with, which is Wrong.
You have many Gifts hidden in you that you do not know and do not use.
Many studies have shown that the average person has 500 to 700 different skills and abilities, which is more than you realize.
For example, your head can store more than 100 trillion facts of information, your brain makes 15,000 decisions in just one second
It can make it happen.
Inside your body
This happens when your digestive system is working, Your lips inhale and separate 10,000 different leaves
She reached for what her yabbinni inched
You can tell 1/25,000th of it apart and your tongue tastes like you are in a very small pill of 2 millionths of a handful of water
It can distinguish.
You are a work of art
God who has so many amazing abilities in you
is one of the responsibilities of the church is to make you aware of your Gifts and use them to serve God.
Paul says, Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
The Bible is a source of examples
The various abilities of God
It is perfectly used for His glory.
The following are Skills
They are just a few of the ones mentioned in the Bible, Artistic skills are the skills of building, administration, cooking,
Building boats, making candy, debating, drafting, keeping corpses dry with medicine,
Decorating clothes, various shapes
Making, farming,fishing, gardening,helping, making weapons, knitting, painting pencils, planting plants, philosophy, factories, innovation ,woodworking, sailing,trading, being a soldier, textiles
Weaving, teaching, writing systems and poetry.
The Bible says There are various works,God he
He thinks of All works separately
But there is only one thing that puts it in people.
God has a place in His church where your uniqueness can be reflected and you can make a difference, and it is your duty to seek and find that place.
God gives some people the ability to make a lot of money, Moses said to the Israelites, But this is what the Lord your God has done today, to fulfill the covenant he promised your fathers
To remember Him.
People with such skills are strong at raising money, doing sales, and making a profit.
If you have this ability, you should use it for the glory of God. How?
1, Know that your ability is given to you by God, and give it space.
2, Don’t use your money to satisfy the needs of others and to share your faith with unbelievers.
3, Give back at least a tenth (10 percent) of your profits to God as an act of worship. In reality, make it your goal to be a kingdom builder, rather than a real estate builder.
From this world to your ability
Only you can use it. No one can play your part, because they don’t have the unique shape (KGDNM) God gave you ,the Bible says God needs things to accomplish His will.
He says He wants to give you everything
Carefully examine what you can and cannot do well to understand God’s plan for your life.
If God has not given you the right voice to sing, He does not expect you to be a lyrical singer.
God does not ask you to be diligent in a job that you do not have the ability to do,on the other hand, the abilities you have clearly define what God wants you to do in your life, they are the face by which you learn God’s will for your life.
If you are serious about drafting, you can imagine that God’s desire for you includes these things. God does not waste talents, He matches our callings and abilities.
Your talents were not given to you just to live by,God gave them to you for your service, Peter says.
As good stewards of the manifold grace of God, let each man use his own gift of grace, that he may minister it to others.
As this book is being written, there are about 7,000 ministers in the Saddleback Church who are using their skills in the ministry and they are providing many services you can imagine.

Repair donated vehicles for the poor and facilitate church purchases.
Place Special Files, draft art, programs and construction, provide health care and prepare meals.
They compose hymns, teach music, write proposals, lead groups, do studies for preachers or translate, and do hundreds of other things.
We tell our new members that whatever you can do well, you should do for your church.
We don’t really understand how unique each of us is, The molecules of what you are made of (DNA) combined in countless ways are 10 powers of 2,400,000,000(10 2400,000,000).
This number shows that it is unthinkable to see someone like you
If you want to write in one detail, 37,0000 miles of paper
You need a length.
To make this clear, some scientists have estimated that if the smallest objects in the universe were counted, it would be less than the number 10 followed by 76 zeroes, which is much smaller than your DNA.
Your uniqueness is a scientifically proven fact that after God created you, He broke the material He used to shape you
It wasn’t before and it won’t be.
God loves differences of course and you can find this one by just looking around Each of us
He created us with a unique identity that is our own.
He created the weak and the brave, People of something different
He also created people who loved it and enjoyed what existed before.
Some people are discerning, while others benefit when they work in groups, and the Bible says this on the subject.
There are different works of God who puts All works in the human mind separately but there is only one God in the Bible in All personality types
He makes sure he uses it.
Give us many gifts. Peter was courageous. When you look at Paul’s human anger among the Lord’s disciples, you will understand why conflict arose among them from time to time.
There is no human nature that is right or wrong for service
The Christian church is balanced and happy.
If we were all the same, the world would be boring or disgusting, but the good thing is,people have come in over thirty different identities.
Your personality will determine where and when you should use your spiritual gifts and abilities, for example, if two people have the same evangelistic gifts, one is bold and their expressions are different.
Carpenters will find that cutting while maintaining its natural lines is easier than cutting over the opposite.
Similarly, when you are forced to serve in a way that is outside of your Humanity, it causes you distress that you do not like and requires extra effort and strength, but the benefits you get are small.
Impersonating someone else’s service
That’s why it’s impossible
You don’t have their Humanity and I added.
God created you to be yourself
You can learn from the example of others but through
KGDNM You should be able to filter what you have learned.
Today there are many books that will help you to understand your personality better so that you can decide how to use it for God.
Just as the face is painted with different colors, our different personalities reflect the light of God in different colors and ways. This deeply and diversely blesses the family of God.
He blesses us personally and doing what God wants you to do makes you feel good.
When you go with your God-given human nature, you will be accomplished, satisfied, and effective when you serve.
Your life will be shaped by your experiences, and many of them are beyond your control, God caused these experiences to happen in your life in order to mold you for His purpose.
To understand your shape to serve God (KGDM),at least six experiences from your past
You have to test it.
↪️What do you learn from your family experience growing up in your family?
↪️his school experience What are your favorite subjects?
↪️professional experience What are the jobs you enjoy and get the most out of when you do them?
↪️ What are the most meaningful spiritual experiences you have had with God?
↪️How have you served God in your past ministry experience?
↪️difficult experiences, Problems with thorn injuries as well
What challenges have you learned from?
God uses the ultimate experience of this experience of suffering above all else to prepare you for ministry
God does not waste injury.
Indeed, your service is everything
The greater comes out of your greater disadvantages Who can serve people with mental illness, rather than people who have a mentally ill child at home.
He fought and won the devil’s battle that way before he gave it to anyone
More, who can help people in alcohol addiction than a woman who has gone through such hardships before and who can comfort a woman whose husband has left her.
Experiences that God intended for you to use to serve others
Use your problems.
The Bible says who comforts us in all our affliction, that we may be able to comfort those in any affliction, through the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
If you really want God to care about you, drink
You need to understand a big one.
The experiences in your life that you have regretted and regretted that you want to hide and forget are the experiences that God wants you to use to help others, they are your ministry.
For God to use your experiences of suffering, you must share them with others, not hide them, and honestly reveal your mistakes, failures, and fears.
Doing so can be your fruitful ministry People are always more encouraged when you tell them how God’s grace has helped you in your weaknesses.
Paul understood this truth, so he speaks of his struggle with depression.
He says of this,My brethren, the tribulation which happened to us in the province of Asia is not known to us
We would have you know that it was, that the trouble was beyond our ability to bear
It was immeasurably heavy and we were desperate to stay alive.
It seemed to us that the death sentence had come upon us, so that we might not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead.
Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us;
If Paul had hidden the secrets of his doubts and fears, millions of people would not have used them, and only shared experiences could help others.
Aldous, Huxley says, Experience is not what happens to you.
It is what you do with what happened to you, what you are doing through what you are doing don’t waste your injury use it to help others.
When we look at these five ways God made you for ministry, I think you will be amazed at how God has worked you for His power and purpose for your ministry.
Using your KGDNM is the secret to productivity and perfection,
You can order a section 301 cassette for additional help, and this interpretation of your shape for your service will include things to help you identify your shape.
You will be fruitful if you apply your spiritual gifts and abilities around the will of your heart, in a way that expresses your personality and experience
The more you apply this, the more you will succeed.