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Use what God given you in the time effectively.

So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and we are members one of another. Your identity is a gift from God.

What you do with your identity is a gift you give to God.
God deserves the best you have.

He made you for a purpose and wants the highest of what you have been given. He doesn’t want her to work for him with skills she doesn’t have.

He wants you to focus on the special abilities He has given you to use this section. It is like trying to create a way to serve outside.

Such practices are discouraged and yield few results. He wastes your time, your talents, and your energy. The highest benefit of your life is to serve God in your proper shape.

To do this you need to learn how to acknowledge, accept and enjoy your shape, and then grow it to the fullest extent possible.

The Bible says, so understand what the love of the Lord is and do not be foolish. Don’t waste your day.

Start to know and make clear what God intends for you to be and do. Take a long time and honestly look at your strengths and weaknesses.

But let each man think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. List the list.

Ask people for feedback. Tell them that you are looking for the truth, not pretending.

Spiritual gifts and natural abilities are always confirmed by the testimony of others.

and if you think you have the gift of teaching or singing and no one agrees with it, guess what.

If you think you have the gift to be a leader, look beyond yourself, and if no one is following you, you are not a leader.

Ask questions like, where in your life have I seen the fruit of people testifying. Where did he succeed?

Testing spiritual gifts and trying to reach abilities may be worthwhile, but the results are limited.

In the beginning, they have their own level, so they don’t care about your differences.

Secondly, there are no definitions of the gifts of the Spirit in the Bible, so all the definitions are given in the same way and are misinterpretations of various religious institutions.

Another problem is that the more mature you become, the more spiritual gifts you will develop.

You can serve, teach, and give kindly because of your maturity, not because of your spiritual gifts.

The best way to identify your gifts and abilities is to try to get involved in a variety of services.

When I was young, I tested my gifts and abilities more than a hundred times.

But I didn’t realize that I had the gift of teaching because I had never done that. I knew I had the gift of teaching after I took the opportunity to talk to people and saw the results, after hearing testimonies from others.

Then yesterday God gave me a special ability to do this. Many books delay the process of identification.

They say, identify your spiritual gifts, and then you will understand what you need to serve with. But the reality is the opposite.

Start serving by trying different services, and then you will identify your gifts. Until you serve and participate, you cannot know what you are serious about.

You have many abilities and gifts that you do not know you have because you have never served.

So I encourage you to start doing things you have never done before. I advise you not to stop trying no matter how old you are.

She didn’t know if she could run when they were seventy or eighty-seven. Don’t give up on your gifts before you serve your will somewhere.

Start serving.
By serving you can know what your gifts are. Start teaching or leading or composing or playing musical instruments or working with young people.

You can’t understand what you’re strong at until you try. When he refuses to work, take it as a test, not as a failure.

Gradually you will learn what you are strong at. Paul thus admonishes then he will see that no one else will praise him but his own empty thoughts.

Again, it is important to get answers or comments from parents who know you well. Ask yourself questions like, what do I enjoy most when I work?

When do I feel complete in my life? What am I doing when I don’t even know when time is gone?

Do I like these things that are already known or things that are new? Do I prefer to serve in a group or alone? Would I rather be with people or alone?

Do I use my brain or my senses for the most part? Am I better off bragging to people or helping them? Notice how examining your life is not created.

Moses said to the Israelites, Know now that I am speaking to you, not to your children who have not seen the chastening of the Lord your God, His greatness, His mighty hand, and His strong hand.

Forgotten experiences are useless, which is why it is important to have memories of spiritual experiences.

Paul was thinking that the Galatian believers should not forget what they were going through. He says, it has been in vain to enjoy so much.

About the empty extraction if for if.
We see God’s good purpose being fulfilled either in failure or in shame.

When Jesus washed Peter’s feet, He said to him, Jesus answered, What I am saying you do not know now, but you will understand later.

It is only later that we can understand how God uses our suffering for good. It takes time to figure out the lessons of your experience.

I strongly encourage you to take a week to look back at your life and see how God has worked in your life at different times and how you have used it to teach those who have risen.

There are things that can help you do this.
God knows what is best for you above all else, so you should accept the way He has made you with gratitude.

the bible says, creation has been made useless. Even he did not want to be like that in his own light, but the very one who created him made him like that.

However, so, it was hopeful. That the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

The way it was made was determined by God and that is for His purpose. So you don’t have to be sad or give up on who you are. Instead of trying to shape yourself into someone else, you should be happy with the identity God has given you.

But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Understanding your shortcomings is part of accepting who you are.

No man is strong enough to do all things, no one is strong enough to do all things, no one is called to be all things.

We all have our own roles.
You have noticed that Paul’s calling is not to perfect everything or please everything, but to focus on the specific ministry God has given him.

He said, but we will not boast without measure, and our boasting will not come out of the measure that God has given us for the work.

God has given each of us a certain limit of service. The way you are made determines your uniqueness.

We even experience mental distress when he tries to grow our ministry to the extent that God has given us.

Just as runners have their own runners in the race, we personally have a cloud of witnesses around us, so let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us we will run.

Don’t be jealous of the person running in the next line of yours and focus on how you finish your race. God wants you to enjoy the identity He has given you.

The Bible says, But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

Satan wants to rob you of the joy of service in many ways. It tests you to measure your service against that of others, and to align your service with what people expect of you.

Both are traps that keep you from serving God in the way He wants you to.

When you lose joy in your ministry, stop and see which of these two reasons you are experiencing.

The Bible warns us not to compare ourselves to others.

But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

There are two reasons why you should not compare your identity, your ministry, and the results of your ministry with someone else’s.

1, you can always find someone who works better than you so you get discouraged easily. Or you may be tempted to be proud when you see someone working below you.

Both of these attitudes will take you out of the ministry and rob you of the joy of your ministry.

Paul says that it is foolish to compare ourselves with others.

He said, We dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

The message summarizes that in all this competition, or ranking, or evaluation, they deviate from the necessary points.

You will find that people who do not understand how you are made for service will always despise you and do what they expect of you. Leave them alone.

Paul always resisted the false hatred that arose against his ministry. His answer was always the same, he stops competing, he resists being exalted, he seeks only God’s commandments.

One of the reasons God used Paul so much was that he was not hurt by the accusations against him or that he did not compare his ministry with that of others or that he did not get involved in other fruitless arguments.

John Bunyan said, if my life is fruitless, I don’t care if anyone praises me, if my life is fruitful, I don’t care if anyone criticizes me.

In Jesus’ parable of the people who were given money, explain that God wants us to get the most out of what we have been given.

Our gifts and abilities must strengthen the motivation of our hearts, our character and faithfulness and expand our experiences, then Paul tells the Philippians that I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in wisdom and discernment.

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