Use your mind to plan and direct your start
One of the most important things in your life is how you start your day. Why did you wake up in the morning? What time did you wake up this morning? And why did you get up? What woke you up from your sleep? Many people wake up just because it’s early.
Others wake up to be at work.
Your goal should be the reason you get up every morning. When you have a clear purpose in life, you get up in the morning to accomplish that purpose.
That means it is your purpose that calls you to wake you up. If the reason you wake up is not your goal, you will not have the courage. She doesn’t wake up happy. You start your day with anxiety. Why doesn’t life without purpose give you courage? Outside of your purpose, the life you live is not a life but a worry.
How do you start your day?
You have to fulfill your Creator’s reward 24 hours a day. This is a property you naturally have on an equal footing with everyone else in the world. No one can take it away from you. No thief can steal from you. If you love someone badly, you don’t give up your time. You don’t lend and you don’t borrow.
You are the only one who is fully responsible for your time. No one will use your time for you. One of the most precious assets you have is that making the most of your time is the foundation of your success. So some ways you start your day play a major role in your success.
If we study the lives of the greatest people in the world, one of the characteristics they share is that they wake up praying.
How many hours of sleep should I get a day?
There is no set number of how much sleep a person should get per day.It is often heard that a healthy person should habitually sleep eight hours a day. This doesn’t work for everyone, though.
One should not necessarily sleep so much during the day. One may need enough sleep at 6:00 a day, while others may need up to nine hours of sleep. Why does this difference occur? There are various reasons.
Just as our faces are different, some of the sheep in our lives are different. Therefore, the factors of human age and the physical activity we do determine our health status and how much sleep we need.
In general, the idea that everyone should sleep as much as they can is acceptable. One thing I agree on is that your brain needs enough sleep to function properly. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’re vulnerable to injury. On the other hand, even when sleep is more than necessary, the benefits outweigh the harms.
According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, nine or more long sleeps can lead to illness and accidents as well as death. What we learn from this is that sleep is harmful, whether it is less than necessary or too much.
All we need to do is get enough sleep. Let’s go back to the greats of the world who woke up in the morning. What do you wake up at 10:00 or 11:00 to do yourself? Doing various jobs. One of the saddest things about your time is that it is beyond your control.
Only the amount of 24:00 hours you have in a day will benefit you. It will disappear until you don’t use it. The only way to control your day is to plan and make the most of it.
Why do I have to get up in the morning?
There are many great benefits to waking up in the morning and starting your day.
Let me explain it to you as follows.
1, It allows you to take control of your day.
He prays in the morning and gets to control the start of your day. You will have enough time to decide what you need to do that day as well as plan.
It prepares the process for how to do the tasks that need to be done that day. If you wake up after the day, you lose control of the day. On the contrary, the day controls you.
You can’t win the day yourself unless you carry what the day puts in your way. That is a big obstacle to your success. From my experience, I know that many people who cannot get up after praying in the morning find it difficult to succeed when they sit and work long hours at night.
Because you are working all day, your body will be tired. It is difficult to do work efficiently when you need rest, including your mind. So it is wise to go to bed early in the evening and pray and get up in the morning to dominate your day.
Perhaps as you read this, the thought that comes to your mind is that you shouldn’t get up in the morning. I understand I was the same. Waking up in the morning felt like death. But later, when I learned the importance of it, I decided to change that habit.
I am sharing with you what I have seen the benefits of. Experts say that it is enough to repeat from 21 days to develop a new habit. Basically, if you wake up at 11 am for 21 consecutive days, then your mind will get used to it. It means learning from it. Then make it a habit to set it in the morning and you can get up in the morning without a fight.
2, He will have a dangerous time with yourself.
If you get up at 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning, it will be a dangerous time to spend with yourself. As a 21st century generation, our biggest problem is not having time with ourselves.
I believe it. Why is it? There are many things that make us not have time with ourselves. We live in a world that keeps us alone in various ways. We hear different sounds from waking up in the morning until we go back to sleep in the evening.
We cannot slow down and listen to ourselves. We are in an era where information is raining down on us like the May rain. Compared to the 15th century, we get the information that a person living in the 1400s received in a lifetime.
The information that is raining down on us in various ways has prevented us from having time to talk to ourselves. You spend a lot of time with your phone during the day.
It’s the same with people. If there is anyone you don’t have time for, it’s yourself. This is a huge failure. One of the most important secrets of success is to give yourself time to risk. You need to make it a habit to listen to your inner self.
Learn to live inside out rather than outside inside. The more you succeed in life for people and situations, the more you go. If you want to understand this truth properly, it is enough to read and study the biographies of great people.
The greats who changed the world gave your own people a time of danger. When he takes time alone and listens to you inside, he finds solutions for the generation. Seek to be a solution for your generation. Do you want to be someone who has lived a countless life?
Do you want to leave the 95 percent of the world’s people who are creative and change the order of the world’s giants to join the 5 percent? Do you want history to remember you after your death? Here’s a big secret. Give yourself a dangerous time. Planned waking up gives you the opportunity to have a dangerous time with yourself.
You think, you meditate, you plan about your day. You will identify which is the most important task. She prioritizes to get ahead of him and works on it. When you start your day this way, success is yours. Because you buy the day, not the day.
3, You use your most important time.
The most important hours of the 24 hours in a day are in the morning. Why is it? That is the time when your body is resting from yesterday’s exhaustion and your sleep is refreshing.
That is a time when you can think deeply and analyze. Your mind is more ready than ever to solve various problems. So taking advantage of those crucial hours is a great opportunity.
On the other hand, if you spend those hours sleeping without using them, you are wasting a huge resource in your life. Unfortunately, once this resource is wasted, you cannot recover it in any way.
The five-second rule
Mel Robbins shares her personal experiences in her book The 5 second Rule. She explains how her life was losing its way and how desperate she was before she started using this law.
She says it is very difficult for her to get up in the morning and take her children to school. One evening I was sitting watching TV during the jet sharing her experience when I saw a NASA program.
He was preparing a program to launch a new rocket into the sky and broadcasting it live. She followed the program to the end. He learned something from that nasa program.
When the program was completed and the rocket was about to be launched, fifty-one numbers were released. 5,4,3,2,1 was called. When he reached number one, the rocket exploded in the sky. It was only five seconds before those numbers were counted.
As soon as she heard the number, a new thought came to her. I have to use this number for my life. From today onwards, I will make it a rule to guide my life. She decided to.
Thus, she filled the appointment phone and went to sleep. As before, when the sound was heard, he pulled the sound off and turned it off so that she would not go back to sleep. He will call in the morning if it is time.
He heard the sound and as soon as he woke up he counted from five to one using the five second rule. When he said one, she jumped out of bed. From then on, she continued to use the law to do things she should have done but was unwilling to do. She completely changed her life.
Mel Robbins didn’t sit back and reserve this five-second rule that changed her life. She taught the people around her. Beyond that, she has traveled all over the world and trained millions of people.
Many of those who received her training testified that their lives were changed. Not only in training, but also in learning from people who saw her in person.
Use your brain.
The greatest asset you have is your mind. Learn from the science of colors? So far, color science has identified more than 10 million types of colors. It’s a game from the level for now but the number of colors in our world could be higher.
These so many colors are only available from 7 basic colors. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. It means the colors of the sabbath in the sky. These seven colors combined at various levels to represent more than 10 million colors. The situation is similar in human life.
There are many things that humanity can count as life. Often, however, the first thing that comes to mind when we think of wealth is money. The owner of this so-called property is a man with a lot of money. We think so.
However, there are many things that count as property. Advertising, power, natural gifts, time, friends are all human resources. Although there are many so-called resources, they are all derived from only three basic resources.

They are mind, person, and time. Why do we call these basic assets? They were naturally given to us freely. We don’t have to pay to get them, and we don’t have to pay to use them. They were given to us freely. We also use it freely.
One of the greatest advantages we have in this world is that we have the three basic resources equally with everyone. We have all three just by being born human. The only thing that makes us different in our lives is whether or not we know how to use our basic resources.
People who understand their basic resources well and learn how to use them will succeed. People who don’t know that live in failure. Understand your three assets It is very important to understand that there are only three basic assets you have as long as you live in this world.
All the so-called properties they raise are the result of the interaction of these three basic properties. Do you want to reach the top academically? Understand your three assets and work on them.
To learn, you first need a brain. You have to use your brain. Next, it will require you to give it your time. If you don’t waste your time, you can’t succeed in your studies.
In the end, people will teach you. Any subject is taught by someone who has learned it before you, so you need someone to learn it successfully. Did you see it? Successful learning is the result of the combination of mind, time and people around you.
Do you want to be rich? Dance, what you need to be rich is not chasing money. Many people work tirelessly all their lives to become rich. Sadly, they pass without fulfilling that dream. Why? They focus on the results instead of the basics.
They focus only on money all their lives. The truth is that to become rich you don’t have to chase money, you have to work on your basic assets. First, prepare your mind for business. What does this mean? You need to learn the principles of a successful business.
If you can, you must learn from school, if not from the experience of successful business people. It requires you to learn what kind of business you should do. After you learn that, you give your time to the business and work on it tirelessly. Eventually he understands the people you trade with.
You necessarily need someone to buy or sell,so you take care of the relationships you work with. Otherwise, no matter how hard you work, you cannot be a successful rich man.
It requires you to use these basic resources not only to work and compete but also to steal. You decide in your mind that you should steal and how to steal. You give your time to steal.
You steal what you steal from someone. But I hope you understand that I am not encouraging you to steal. Many people work hard and fail to succeed mainly because they focus on different outcomes instead of learning to understand and work on their basic assets.
Your mind is your greatest asset
When he was born, the greatest treasure you came into this world with was your mind. You were born with your time and your people, not with it.
When your Creator was born into this world, He knew one hundred percent that you could accomplish all the purposes He gave you. How’s it going? He has placed between your ears a great gift of being able to do whatever he wants.
With this great gift, He knows that there is nothing you cannot accomplish, and I have no doubt that if you face serious problems after birth, He will overcome them. The mind you were born with is not an easy tool.
In fact, nothing in space is as complex and deep as your mind. The most modern computer the world uses is your brain that has not yet been researched for human knowledge.
Psychologists say that the head you were born with thinks an average of 70 kilograms of different thoughts in just one day. This ability is not an easy one. Your greatest opportunity to become an adult is your ability to think.
Think About It
The biggest problem of people in our time is the lack of thinking. We are all born with amazing minds to think about, but few people think about it seriously. Bor proctor is a strong researcher and teacher.
For many years he researched issues related to human psychology and success and published many books and coached many people to change their lives. His research has revealed a fact that we find hard to believe.
One percent of the people in our world think, three percent don’t think they think, and ninety-six percent say it’s easier to die from thinking.
This idea does not seem true at all. The sad thing is that it is true. Is there anyone with a healthy mind who doesn’t think? The question may arise, and the answer is yes. We need to understand how to think first.

What is thinking? Does thinking mean waking up in the morning, getting dressed, washing your face, eating your breakfast and going to work? No. That’s a habit you do during the day. Other animals can do the same thing.
Thinking means using your mental faculties to analyze things deeply. It means thinking programmatically as you programmatically do different things. It is planning to think and thinking planned.
My question is, do you think your mind? Do you have a plan to think strategically? I walk through a large percentage of the up to 70,000 thoughts your mind generates a day.
You think about things yesterday and you think about things from yesterday and you think about things yesterday and you think about things today. If you think programmatically, it is not repeated ideas but new ideas that have the opportunity to be developed that have changed our world and brought it to the level it is at today.
I am advising you to be one of those one percent and play your own part in changing our world. One of the noble truths of life is that you can find what your mind thinks.
He says that the human mind can get everything it can think and believe. This fact is good news for all mankind. It works for you too. There is nothing to stop you from thinking and believing the things you think.
Understand your mind
Researchers divide the human brain into two parts. These parts are not visible to the naked eye, but are known only by their function, and it is useful to understand both.
1, Conscious brain:- This part of the brain is the conscious part and through which we think about our thoughts that are under our control. We think of all the things we think of as intelligent in this section.
Organizing the information we receive through our sensory organs can create new ideas. Our conscious mind is determined. It focuses on only one thing at a time.
For the driver of a book that we can’t afford. All his power is limited. This part of the brain believes in reason. Why? He asks the question. He can argue that he is not right because he is not right.
Being able to choose the thoughts your conscious mind thinks is one of the greatest opportunities you have in this world. The more you choose positive thoughts and think about them, the better you can change your life.
2, Hidden Brain:- It is the part of the brain that contains the most power. It believes in the thoughts we repeatedly take from our conscious minds alone. Our conscious mind is moved by reason, while our subconscious mind is moved by faith.
He does not identify and reason with the ideas that come to him. He believes everything he is told. It means that it is driven by emotion rather than reason.
That’s why you have to be careful about rethinking things in your life. The things you think back from your conscious mind enter your subconscious mind and become part of your beliefs and identity.
That has a huge impact on your life. Your subconscious mind turns what you believe into action. Because its powers are not as limited as the conscious mind, the researchers prove that it can implement anything you believe.
This part of the brain is not like the conscious mind that focuses on just one thing at a time but can control thousands of issues at once. For example, your heartbeat is not a deliberate bleeding.
Your blood is not flowing in his veins at your intentional command. You don’t have to think about each of the thousands of chemical interactions that take place in your body. He doesn’t intentionally sleep your eyes.
All these things happen outside the command of your conscious mind.
Even when you sleep, these things are all done perfectly except for mistakes. This means that all these issues are controlled by your subconscious mind. The things we have heard and thought about since childhood are recorded in this hidden part of our brain.
All the information we receive through our sense organs means that the things we have seen with our eyes, heard with our ears, tasted with our tongues, touched with our skin, breathed with our lips so far are all recorded in this section.
The combination of these things builds our identity. We are the sum of things hitherto accumulated in our subconscious minds.
Perhaps if you are not happy with the life you are living today and you believe that you need to change your whole life if you are not enjoying the benefits of our lives, then what you need to do is change this hidden program of your mind. Perhaps the things your subconscious mind still believes are what hurt you.
There may be many things you are told that can harm your life without your knowledge. The family you raised, the friends you grew up with, the community you grew up in, the churches you were and are in. The things they tell you that are stored in your hidden mind can hurt your life.
If we grew up in a righteous family, by the time we were 18, we were told 148,000 times that it wouldn’t happen or that we couldn’t do things. This is if we grow up in a positive family. If so, we have been told something we cannot do better than when it was said.
Our subconscious mind cannot argue with these things we are told. It means that he copies and uploads everything he believes in as it is because he accepts it as true.
This is a serious threat to our lives.
What is the solution? We need to reprogram the wrong things that our subconscious minds believe in and replace them with the right information. How’s it going? By telling them again and again.
First your subconscious mind identifies and lists things that are wrong to believe and that can harm your life and then you repeat the opposite to yourself.
Gradually, your mind will replace what you already believed with your new words.
That way the things you believe will change, and that will change your attitude. Eventually, your actions will change. Your actions have changed, and your mind has changed. The head you were born with is yours until you are buried. No one can use you.
You are the only one responsible. So make the most of it. Learn how to take care of it. Take care of your most precious possessions. Make it a blessing to the generation by doing everything you can with it. Make an unforgettable story by being one of those one percent of thinkers.
You were not created to be creative. He was born to think big and do big things and live a big life. Start working on making your life a life that counts now.