We must planned joy of the God in life.
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy will they were, and were created.
You were planned for God’s happiness. When you were born on this earth, God was like an invisible witness, God was happy, He wanted you to live and He was very happy that you were born.
God didn’t have to create you,but He chose to create you for His own pleasure,You live for His results, His glory, His purpose, and His pleasure, thanking God,living for His pleasure is your first purpose in life.
If you fully realize this truth, you will no longer be plagued by feelings of unimportance, Value will assure you that you have it. since you are that important to god since he values you so much and wants to keep you with him forever.
What more important thing could you want to have? You are a child of God, a creation that He created. You can please God more than anyone else.
In this regard, the Bible says that God has foreordained us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.
One of the greatest gifts God has given you is the ability to be happy. He has given you five sense organs so you can enjoy them. He does not want you to suffer in life, but He wants you to be happy because God created you in His image.
We often forget that God Himself has feelings. The Bible shows us that just as God is Happy, He also has feelings of sadness, jealousy, anger and compassion,God loves, rejoices, and even laughs. The Bible says that he is pleased with those who fear the Lord and hope in His goodness.
All the work you do that pleases God is worship, just as there are many types of worship, if we mention all the things that help us understand worship there may be many books but we only look at the parts of worship of the authorities, anthropologists , worship securely tied to all.
It shows us the pressures in everyone with those of God. They will understand that it is. Worship is a natural act like eating and breathing.When we fail to worship God, we look for reasons and always find the reason to be ourselves.
God created us with this desire because God created us with this desire because He wants worshipers, Jesus said, “The Father seeks those who worship Him. you may need to him.
You may think that the services in the Christian church are singing, praying, listening to sermons, or you may think that healing the sick, doing miracles, and other experiences can include all of these things.

But much more than these statements,worship is a way of life For many people, worship is the same as music they In our church we worshiped first, and then learned “this is a big misunderstanding.
Any service in the church is an act of worship praying, reading the bible, singing, speaking. Listening to sermons in silence, keeping notes,giving gifts, receiving the Lord’s Supper in baptism, signing contribution cards, and reading to other worshipers are also worship.
Indeed, music precedes worship. In the Garden of Eden, Adam worshiped God. Music, however, was not mentioned until the birth of the jubilee. If worship were music, all acts that did not involve music could not be worship.
Worship is much more than music. Even worse,worship is often misused to describe a type of music such as “we first sing a hymn” or “I love quick praise songs, if the hymn is quick and sung out loud.
It is also called “praise” if various instruments are added, But if it is slow, sung with sympathy in a low voice on the guitar it is called “worship”, this is the wave of understanding about Worship.
Worship has nothing to do with the style, the magnitude of the sound of the song, God loves all kinds of Songs, because He created them all the fast and the slow, the high and the low, the old and the new . . . .
You may not love them all equally, but God does! If it is offered to God in truth and spirit, it is all worship. Christians often debate which types of Psalms are the right worship, seeing their own favorites as biblical or even more glorifying to God.
But it is not just in the style of the biblical Psalms! The notes, are not in the music of the Bible and we do not have the material music they used in the time of the Bible today.
In fact, the type of music you like is more about you, your background and your identity than about God. The music of one nation may be a nuisance to another, but God loves and enjoys the difference.
There is no such thing as “Christian “music There is hymn (words and rhyme,) Christian, One hymn Holy. and it is not His words that make it There are no Spiritual musical programs If I played you a piece of music without words,There is no way you would know the song.
As a pastor I have received many comments like “I loved today’s worship, I benefited so much from it”this is another misconception about worship It is not for our benefit! we worship Him for the sake of God When we worship our goal is to bring Joy to God and not to ourselves.
If you ever said, “I have gained nothing from today’s worship.” the reason you worship is wrong. It is not worship for you. It is for God.
Worship is not for you It is for God indeed.many “worship “services are learning the rules of relationships and preaching the gospel but ourselves are not worship to please ourselves our motivation is to give glory and joy to our Creator.

In Isaiah 29 God condemns incomplete and arrogant worship The people were offering God unholy prayers, unheartfelt praise, empty words, rituals they did not even know the meaning of.
Without our love and devotion to Him, worship culture alone will not find God’s heart, the Bible says, “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me according to the commandments of men .they are afraid of me.
Worship is not just about church services. We must worship continuously. In the Bible, people worshiped God while they were working, in their homes, on the battlefield. In prison, and in their beds! Gratitude is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning and rub your eyes.
In the evening, when you look at each other to sleep, it should be your last job. David says, “I will bless the name of the Lord at all times, and His praise shall not come out of my mouth. When you work for the praise, glory, and joy of the Lord, all your works can be turned into worship.
The Bible says about this, Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Martin Luther said, “Even a milkmaid can do her work for the glory of God.
How is it possible to do all things for the glory of God? By doing everything as a Servant for Jesus and talking to Him constantly as you do it. The Bible says, “Whatever you do, work at it whole-souled as to the Lord and not to men.
The secret of this worship life is to do all your work as if you were doing it for Jesus The message sums up, “And every day in your life you do work, sleep, eat, go to work.
Bring all your ups and downs in life and offer them as a sacrifice to God, and when you offer them to God and work in His presence, it becomes an act of worship
The first time I fell in love with my wife,without interruption :When I had breakfast, the car. When I drove to school, when I went to class, when I waited in the market, when I filled up the gasoline, I couldn’t stop thinking about her.
I always talk to my pfii about her and the things I like about her. We are studying in a different college hundreds of miles apart.
Yet this situation helped me feel like I was close to her because I was constantly thinking about her and I was living in her love and that is what true worship is like, loving Jesus.