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What pleasure and in what way God happy to us?

May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and behold your beard with a bright face, and teach me Your statutes! The brightness of God’s face is the goal of Your life, to please God.it is your first purpose in life and your most important task is to know how to do that.

The Bible says when it comes to this issue, prove what pleases the Lord and the good news is that the Bible gives us a clear example of a life that pleases God, a man named Noah.

In the days of Noah, the people all over the world were morally corrupt, All the people could not find anyone who wanted to please God, not for the pleasure of God.

and God was sorry that he had made man, and he was sorry that he had destroyed him from off the face of the earth. There was one in the Bible, but Noah was considered a favorable praise in the sight of God.

God said to him, This man is making me happy He has made my face shine, I will continue to have a relationship with his family,”Noah brought joy to God so you and I will live today and learn from his life five acts of worship that please God.

Nahu loved God more than anything else in the world, even though there is no other nsm who does. The Bible says of his life, He walked in the ways of God and lived with God.

This is what God wants most from you, a relationship! It is a wonderful truth that our Creator wants to have a relationship with us in this universe. God created you to love you and He wants you to love Him. He says, “I want love.

But I desire the knowledge of God, and not of burnt offerings. Can you understand the goodness of God to you in this verse? He loves you deeply, and he wants you to love him in return.

He wants you to know Him and spend time with Him to love God and them. Learning to be loved is the greatest purpose of your life and there is nothing more useful than this, Jesus called this the greatest commandment.

He said,Then Jesus answered,You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’ a “This is the first and great commandment.

The second reason Noah pleased God was that he trusted God with all his heart even when he didn’t feel it.The Bible says.”By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his world; made, and by his faith he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

Imagine this incident One day God went to Noah and said to him “I am sorry for mankind, There is no one in the whole earth who cares about me except you.

But Noah when I look at you my face starts to shine, I am happy with your life so I destroyed the world with a flood.

I will continue my work with your family. I want you to build a big ark to save you and the animals.” There were three problems that made Noah doubt. First, Noah had never seen rain because before the flood.

The second God brought water from the earth to water the earth, Noah was miles away from the nearest sea. Even if he knew how to build an ark, how could he take it to the sea?

The third, gathered all the animals into the ark.and it would be difficult to take care of them, but Noah did not grumble, nor did he find excuses to quit the job, He trusted God completely. That pleased God. To trust God completely means to have faith that God knows what is best for your life.

You keep his covenant. You expect him to help you in times of trouble,and to do what you cannot do in times of need on which the bible says.

But those who feared God and hoped for His goodness would be pleased with Him. It took Noah 120 years to build the ark. I think he had many days of despair.

Year after year because of the lack of signs of rain, people made fun of him for believing that “God speaks to me like he’s crazy but Noah continued to trust in God.

In what area of ​​your life do you want to trust God completely? Trust is an act of worship Just as their families rejoice when their children trust in their love and Wisdom, so your faith will please God The Bible says “Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Saving the animals from the flood that would destroy the whole world required a lot of attention to deep information. Everything had to be done as God commanded. God did not say to Noah, “Make an old ark as you wish.

He gave him instructions on all the materials to make the ark and the number of animals he was to carry. Noah’s response The Bible tells us, Noah did according to all that God commanded him.

Notice, Noah obeyed God completely (no commandments were broken), And he did as he was commanded (the way God wanted him to be done and when he was told), Such is wholehearted obedience, so it is no wonder God was pleased with Noah,

If God asked you to build a big boat,do you think the few questions you would ask would not raise objections and resistance? But Noah did not do that He obeyed God with all his heart.That means refraining from doing what God asks you to do and doing it without hesitation.

God does not give you explanations or reasons for everything He asks you to do. Understanding may take time, obedience may teach you more than a lifetime of Bible study.

Indeed, you may not understand some of the commandments until you first obey Obedience opens the door to understanding. We often want to obey God partially. We choose the commandments we want to obey.

We list the commandments we distort and ignore, and reject (don’t accept) those we think are unreasonable, strong, sweet, or unknown I go to church but I don’t pay my thousand I read my Bible but I don’t forgive anyone who hurts me partial obedience is disobedience.

Wholehearted obedience is joyful and compassionate, and the Bible says, “Obey him with joy. This was David’s attitude,”Teach me, O God, the path of thy law. I will keep it unto the end for it is profitable.

James,speaking to the Christians said, “You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith alone. The Bible declares that you cannot earn your salvation by your own efforts.

It is given to you by grace alone, not by your efforts. But as a child of God you can bring joy to your Heavenly Father by obeying Him any act of obedience is an act of worship Why does obedience please God?

Because He proves to Him that you really love Him,Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. There are very few things more satisfying than praise and admiration from others, and God loves that so much He when we he is pleased when we express our admiration and praise for him.

Noah’s life pleased God because he had a proud and gslate heart. Out of the ark The first thing Noah did was to offer sacrifices to Him and thank God the Bible says “Noah built an altar to God and offered sacrifices on the altar.

Because Jesus is the sacrifice,we do not offer animal sacrifices to God like Noah In this portion we are commanded to “praise And “offer sacrifices of thanksgiving to Him. We praise God for who He is,and thank Him for the works God has done.

David said,” I will praise the name of God with a song and thanksgiving will tell me of His greatness this is more pleasing to God than an offering of a ram or a young goat.

When we praise and thank God, wonderful things happen when we please God. Our hearts are filled with joy! My mother loved to cook for me, Even after I married Cain, when we went to visit my family.

My mother used to make wonderful food for us, one of the greatest joys of her life is seeing us children enjoy the food she prepared. The more we enjoy the food, the more she enjoys it.

But by telling her that we enjoy her food very much, we make our mother happy. It works both ways. When I eat strong food, I thank my mother for telling her that the food is very good.

Not only do I want to enjoy the food, but I also want to make my mother happy. Worship works both ways. We rejoice in what God has done for us, and when we express that joy to God, He gives Him joy but He also increases our joy!

The Book of Psalms says of this:”But the righteous shall rejoice: they shall rejoice before the LORD, and shall rejoice in his good pleasure.

After the flood God gave Noah a simple command “And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth…And let every living thing that moveth be food for you; and he gave them all to idin.

He said to God “Now it is time for you to continue your own life, Do the work I created for people to do Love your mother have children have a family sow and eat Food, Be human! That is what I created you to be.

Maybe you think god is only pleased with spiritual activities like reading the bible, going to church, praying and sharing your faith and you think god doesn’t care about the other parts of your life and indeed, god is life your all in depth if you will relax if you are and if you are eating wants to see of all the things you do there is nothing left unseen.

The Bible tells us, “The spirit of a man who jsbes God is from him and his heart is pleasing to the Lord. All human works can be done for the glory of God if done with a praiseworthy attitude without sin.

You can also wash food items for the glory of God, repair broken utensils, sell products, write computer programs, grow edible plants ,and raise a family. Just as your family is proud of you, God is very pleased when he sees you working with the unique talents and abilities he has given you.

God intentionally gave us all different abilities for His own pleasure and created some of them as free athletes and others as Strong in the work of the mind.

You may have special talents in Mechanics ,or mathematics or music Or you may have thousands of other abilities, All these talents can make the face of God shine, look at this hisee the Bible says He is full of heart he knoweth the makers of men, and all their works.

You cannot bring glory or joy to God by hiding your talents or trying to imitate someone else. You can please Him by being yourself alone.

God says”Woe to the man who mocks his Creator as the dust of his mouth ” What are you doing? Can I say that? What he hit was, “Can I tell him you’re not a good hand?

In the movie Chanots of Fire, Olympic runner Eric Liddell says ” I believe God created me for a purpose and He made me fast so when I run , I feel the joy of God.

He later says “It is to be ashamed of the race to be discouraged” If we do not understand the wave, there are no non-spiritual abilities,Expect to use your abilities for the joy of God.

When you enjoy what he has created God is happy too,he gave you eyes to see beauty to hear sounds ears to enjoy different tastes, lips and taste cells to enjoy touch ,and nerves under your skin to enjoy touch All happiness is when you are something ‘ee thank God for him says.

Those who are now rich in this world should not set themselves up for great things,nor put their hope in uncertain riches.note Let them put their hope in God who gives us all things richly for our enjoyment. for the purpose.

Even when you sleep, God watches over you and rejoices! I remember how much joy it gave me when my children were little to watch them sleep. Some days they bother me and disobey, but watching them sleep happily, protectively, and peacefully reminds me of how much I love them.

My children didn’t have to do anything for me to enjoy them. Because I loved them so much, I enjoyed seeing them breathe. When I watch their little hearts go up and down my face lights up.

Sometimes tears of joy fill my eyes when you sleep, God looks at you with love because you are His thought As if there is no one else in this world but you he loves you as long as you live.

They don’t expect children to be perfect or mature to be happy with their children’s families, They enjoy them even at ksmir stage of development Similarly, God doesn’t wait for you until you are mature before He starts loving you He loves you at any stage of your spiritual life , I’m glad you did.

When you were growing up you may have had teachers or family that didn’t make you happy and don’t think God cares about you that way, He knows you can’t be perfect or sinless the Bible says, That we weren’t made He will he knows, and remembers that we are dust.

It is your attitude toward God:is it your deepest desire to please Him? This was the goal of Paul’s life”Therefore we are zealous, whether at home in the body or away from it, to be acceptable to the Lord.

When you begin to live in the light of eternity your attitude is “How much joy am I getting from my life” from the one that says how much joy is God getting from my life. In the sense that.

In this changing 21st Century God is looking for people like Noah who are willing to please Him when the Bible says. it says”God went down from heaven, to see if there were any wise men who sought God there is nothing that God cannot do for him.


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