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When God seems to be far away man faith decreases

I will wait for God, who hides his face from the house of Jacob, and I will wait for him. No matter what you feel, God’s existence is real. It is also easier to worship God when things in your life are right for you that is, when He gives you food, friends, a peaceful family, and happy circumstances.

But circumstances are not always pleasant, So how do you worship God? What do you do when God is millions of miles away from you? The deepest level of worship is to praise.

God while suffering, to praise God in trouble, to trust Him in times of trial, to surrender to Him in trouble and to love Him when He seems far away.

Friendship is always tested by isolation and silence, whether you are physically separated or unable to talk to each other, in your friendship with God, you don’t always feel His presence near you, Author Philip Yance.

He who wisely understood it said, There is a time of closeness and distance in any relationship, and in a relationship with God, no matter how close we are,closeness and distance take turns, Philip Yancey Reaching for the Invisible God.

To ripen your friendship, God tests you with times when it seems like you are separated It means times when you feel like he has left you or forgotten you It feels like God is millions of miles away from you.

The man John of the cross calls these days of dryness of doubt and mira far away the darkness of the soul,and Henei Nowen calls them “Stay away from service” And A W. Toozer calls these days “Night service” and Others call them “summer of the heart.

Apart from Jesus, perhaps the person who had the closest friendship with God more than anyone else was probably David God, he is a man like my heart. But David repeatedly complained of God’s silence, In God have I put my trust: how can ye flee like beasts to your hills! Can you say me?

“Kings shall rejoice in thy strength, O God; how great shall they be in thy salvation! O God, in whom I take refuge? Why hast thou forsaken me? Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of mine enemies?”

God did not forsake David, nor will He forsake you,He repeatedly swore to you,”I will never forsake you.I will never forsake you, But God did not give you “Always feel My presence” once one says that he will hide his face from us.

There will be times in your life when He stops working. A man named Floyd McClung says of this, “One morning when you wake up you lose your spiritual feelings, You pray but nothing happens.

You resist Satan, but that doesn’t change anything for you, You do some spiritual works, you have friends pray for you, you confess all your sins you remember, you seek forgiveness from all the people you say you have wronged, you fast and still nothing happens.

You begin to wonder how long this spiritual drought will last. How many days will it end? In how many weeks? In how many months? Isn’t it Endless? Your prayers seem to touch the roof of the House and come down,In a voice of despair.

What is my problem? You scream.Philois McClung, finding friendship with God, His truth, that’s not the trouble that came your way. This is how your friendship with God is tested and grows, as all Christians do at least once, or in life. In them they are often tested in this way.

Although this situation is difficult and frustrating, it is of great benefit to your faith growth. Knowing this made Job hopeful even when he did not feel God’s presence. He said, “Behold, I am going to the east if I go, he is not there.

If I go to the east, I shall not find him,he turn to the left, and I shall not see him: he turn to the right, and I shall not see him yet he knoweth my ways when tests me, I will come out like gold.

When God is away from you, you may think that He is angry with you or punishing you for your sins. It is true that sin breaks our friendship with God. We grieve the Spirit of God, by disobedience, by fighting others ,by not having time to befriend the world, and by committing the sins of others we grieve the Spirit of God,and we break our friendship with Him.

But often this feeling of abandonment or rejection ,has nothing to do with sin It is a test of faith that we all refer to being tested Loving God even if you don’t feel His presence or have no concrete evidence that He is working in your life Will you continue to trust, obey and worship him?

The biggest mistake Christians make in worship today,is that they seek experience instead of seeking.

God It,they seek feelings, if they feel those feelings they think they are worshiping more, this is wrong, Indeed, so that we do not depend on them God. It destroys our emotions.

Even if it is a feeling of being close to Christ,seeking a feeling is not worship. When you were a young Christian, God gave you many feelings of assurance of His existence, and you know that He exists because He answered your immature prayers that focused on yourself.

As you grow in faith But, it separates you from these things you rely on.God’s omnipresence and manifestation of His presence are different issues, one is real and the other is a feeling, Even when you don’t know him if so, there is a god.

His presence is something great that cannot be felt. Yes,he wants you to believe his presence rather than feel it. It is faith not feelings that pleases God.

The circumstances that enhance your faith the most are the times when your life is tormented and the presence of God is hidden. This happened to Job.

He lost everything in one day his Family,his wealth, his Health and everything he had and when you don’t understand the most disappointing thing that happens and when God is silent from you, how do you thank him? How can you stay without communicating with him in your time of suffering?

How can you keep your eyes on Christ when he is filled with tears? You will do the same thing that Job did at this Job got up from the ground and tore his clothes in grief. He shaved his head and bowed to the ground. Back in prostration.

And he said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away blessed be the name of the LORD. Pour out your soul into the presence of God Put all your feelings on Him Job was doing when he said this.

But I will not hold My tongue because of my spirit. I speak to the afflicted and I confess because life is bitter to me. When he thought God was far from him, he cried out to him, “In all my days when the protection of God was upon my threshold.

God can give you solutions to all your doubts, anger, fears, sorrows, submissiveness and questions. Did you know that confessing your hopelessness to God can be a matter of faith? Trusting in God but feeling their distress, David wrote.

“If, I have grown up and suffered’ even though he said.I have kept My faith me. this seems to contradict God I believe in God but I am very troubled. He says David’s openness shows the depth of his faith

First ,he trusted God, Second, he believed that God would hear his prayers, and third, he believed that God would allow him to express what he felt and after he expressed his feelings he believed that He would love him.

You should focus on God’s unchanging character, not on your circumstances and feelings. Remind yourself of the things about God that are eternally true. He is good, He loves me, He is with me, He knows what I am going through, He cares for me and has a good purpose for my life.

Man V Raymond Edman said, don’t doubt in the dark what God has said to you in the light His life was quiet,Job still found reasons to blame God:
1, He is questionable and loving and all-powerful
2, I know everything about my life in depth.
3, that he is controlling things.
4, my life has a purpose.
5, He heals me.

When you are in spiritual dryness you should not rely on the feelings you feel, but patiently rely on the covenant God has made for you, and understand that God is leading you to the deepest level of maturity friendship based on feelings is not deep, so don’t be tormented suffering Circumstances they cannot change the character of God.

God’s grace is still on your side Job believed God’s Word in unfavorable circumstances and said, I have not departed from the obedience of his mouth, nor have I kept his words in my heart. This trust in God’s Word made Job trustworthy even when things did not make him feel good.

His faith in suffering was great Even if God kills me, I will trust Him and plead my truth before Him, even though you think God has forsaken you When you trust Him, no matter what your feelings are, you are worshiping Him in a deep way.

Even if God doesn’t do anything else for you, you should continue to thank Him for the rest of your life because of what Jesus did for you on the cross.

The Son of God died for you! This is the greatest reason for Worship, but the sad thing is that we have forgotten the great sacrifices that made something our share.

Habituation to something makes one take it so lightly. Even before His crucifixion, the Son of God was stripped naked, beaten until His serpent became unconscious, beaten, humiliated.

He was mocked, a crown of thorns was placed on His head.He was also despised in a disgusting manner, He was oppressed by cruel and cold people and He was not even given the respect due to animals.

When he was nearly unconscious from the shedding of his blood ,he was forced to climb a mountain carrying a Heavy cross unsuitable for bearing , he was nailed to the cross,and with great suffering he slowly died the most heavy cross he was made to die,While his blood was flowing in him.

The scoffers stood beside Him and insulted Him, mocked His suffering, and tormented Him for claiming to be God.

Jesus cried out in agony, Father, why have you forsaken me? Jesus could have saved Himself, otherwise you would not have been saved, The darkness of the time words they can’t explain.

Why did God allow so much suffering to frighten you? Why is it? He allowed you not to spend your eternal time in the underworld, but to share in His glory forever. The Bible says, “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him.

Jesus gave up everything so that you could have everything and died so that you could live forever. That alone is enough to constantly thank and praise Him. You should not forget why you should thank God again.


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