Why not be grateful that suffering finds a better person and hope in life.
Why not be grateful that suffering finds a better person and hope in life. “Until you learn to be grateful for what you have, you can’t get what you want!”John kraits is standing in the second floor of his house When will I fly around the country doing international business?
When will I be like those on that plane?” he thought to himself. The man’s neighbor stood in the middle of the house. He took the curtain off the window of his house and saw the man looking up at the sky through the window.
“When will I live in a house as beautiful as that man?” The man who had built a small house under the gate of the man’s yard looked through the gap and saw the man looking up through the window.
Now when will I build a house like this man? When will I leave this shack and start living in my own house like a human being?” The man who lives on the road and is lying on the road suddenly looks up and sees someone in the little hut.
“Now when will I build a hut like that? “said.
One of the passengers looked down the window and said, “When will I get off the air safely? I’m afraid I don’t know what’s going to happen to this plane. Will I land safely?” Said.
What does the above story teach us? Everyone has their own questions. Everyone who is said to have achieved great success and who is said to have reached great heights will have some questions in his life ,” no one didn’t say.
Everyone has something they want.
As we read above, everyone sits on their own stairs and thinks of the one above them. But they don’t see the one behind them.
Not looking back at those behind them and focusing only on those above them made them ungrateful. This truth applies to many of us.
we look at a few things that have stuck with us and never say “Thank you!” instead of saying, “Why did you deny me this?” I share what I think is our biggest failure. Thanksgiving is our multiplication of blame.
There is victory in gratitude!
A person who lives a grateful life finds victory.”There is victory in gratitude!” The concept of punishment is not new to all of us. We have heard it over and over again.
Why is it said? A person who lives a grateful life will win. A person who is ungrateful and complaining is likely to fail. Many people have confirmed this fact.
Without your son thanking you for any of the kindness you have done. What if he just picks up excuses and blames you? How would you feel if everywhere we went he told people that he didn’t have a good father and that he was unlucky to choose you?
The man you gave a million bucks for free turned away from you and said, “Do you think this man is human? You stole ten bucks from me!”While hugging you.
How would you feel if you heard his complaint? It’s hard, isn’t it? It’s the same with your Creator and grumbling about him he is not willing to help but someone who thanks you for the little you have done for him will encourage you to help him even more.
It will help you even more when you thank your Creator. This is a natural process. “There is victory in gratitude!” that is why many religious institutions teach.
He who appreciates this natural righteousness for a little will receive a great deal! This is a principle that humanity cannot bleed. Looking for a reason to be thankful?
You don’t need a reason to thank your Creator. Just being able to breathe is enough. Yes I must need a reason to thank God”and if you say it is your right you can’t even count the reasons why you thank God why? Because there are so Many.
According to various studies, up to 150,000 people die every day in the world, which means that more than 6,000 people die every hour, more than 100 people die every minute and around two people die every second.
Many people have not seen the sun you saw today. But you are not among the many people who died yesterday. You are still alive. It is the protection of your Creator that has kept you alive.
We know that no one in this world lives for the strong and does not die for the weak. Death is closer to us than we think.
It was God’s protection that kept us alive but so shouldn’t you thank the God who kept you alive in peace and added today to your life? No matter how much you lose, no matter how much you suffer, no matter how much you suffer, no matter how uncomfortable you are, by any account you are better than a dead person.
Why is it? A dead man has no future and you are better than a dead man. Why is it? A dead person has no future and you have a beautiful future. The dead have nothing to look forward to.
But you cannot understand me that you have hope for your tomorrow which can be a great reason for you to be grateful.
You can read and write and that is why you are reading this book According to a UNESCO report, 781 million adults worldwide are illiterate.
You are not one of so many people who have not had the opportunity to receive an education, so should you not thank your Creator who created you in such a way that you can receive an education?
According to the World Food program, more than 345 million people around the world do not know where to get their next meal. They will eat their dinner tonight, so they are not sure if they will eat you.
You are much better than these people if you can eat three times a day. Therefore. you have to be thankful.
Why Are You Crying, Dad?
Their age has gone. They were hospitalized with a serious illness and were given a bed for a few days and were treated in bed.
They could not breathe on their own, so an oxygen machine was put in their lips After a while they recovered. The device was unplugged. They were eventually given a total bill and allowed to leave the hospital.
But the money they had to pay was huge.
As soon as they received the bill, they began to cry. The doctor with them noticed their waves. He thought they were crying because they had no money to pay.
Why are you crying,father?”asked the old man who spoke heartbreaking words”O my son” they said, “It’s not that I don’t have money that makes me cry.
No, I have enough money. What do you think made me cry? I have never paid God for air in my 80 years of living in this world. He never asked me.
After having to pay so much money for a lip machine for a few days, I cry for not thanking God for making me breathe for 80 years. See how precious the air I have breathed all my life is? . How sad it is that I should not thank Him who gave me such a precious thing.
Isn’t that the biggest problem we humans have? We do not have time to be grateful for the precious things our Creator has freely given us. Our eyes are often focused on our shortcomings and we are unhappy.
And has life ever been thankful for its unhappiness? Is there a market for human brains? No. If so, how much would it cost? Beyond estimation. Have we ever carried such great wealth on our shoulders and thanked God for giving us such a wonderful mind.
Is it your duty to see people who don’t have it to marvel at what you have? Do you have to be blind to thank your Creator for your wonderful, healthy eyesight? Many of us, however, thank God for the healthy legs He has freely given us when we see someone without legs or walking on a crutch.
We do not have to wait for daily reminders to thank our Creator. In fact, the things we thank our Creator for are far more than the things we complain about, so we should always learn to be grateful.
Benefits of Gratitude
There are many benefits of being grateful in your life and let me explain some of them below.
1, It gives you true happiness
“People who focus on the good things in their lives rather than the bad things think positively about their lives!” When you look at what you have and thank God, your life will be filled with happiness.
When you count the things your Creator has given you instead of counting the deficiencies that make you feel sad, your inner world becomes happier.
Of course, thoughts from your mind control your emotions. this is because there is a great connection between your mind and your body. If you think positive thoughts you will feel good and happy and negative thoughts will make you feel sad.
When you focus on negative thoughts and think too much, it is called anxiety. worry is the enemy of the joy of your life.
There is nothing you can solve by worrying “Worry cannot take away your problems tomorrow but your happiness today ” the saying is true .You cannot solve your problems by worrying.
It will never rob you of your happiness today. so taking the worries out of your life and focusing on doing what you can is one of the ways to find your happiness.
If you focus only on the shortcomings of your life, you will not be grateful. If you worry you will grumble, if you grumble you will complain and you cannot be happy in this. So refuse to give thanks despite the shortcomings that may worry you.
Just say “Thank you!”without waiting for the right place and time Practice your tongue to always give thanks. Perhaps if you have had an ungrateful life before, teach yourself, practice And thank your Creator again and again.
The more grateful you become, the happier and more blessed you will be.Do you want to be happy? Be thankful!
2, It is good for your health
Research shows that living a life of gratitude is very important for physical health. It also increases the body’s immune system for mental health.
It reduces blood pressure. Gratitude prevents depression by giving you happiness. It will also help you to be free from frustration and anxiety.There is no doubt that those who are grateful are healthier than those who are complaining and grumbling.
Every morning before you go to work, it is good to take five to ten minutes to thank God for what you have and write it down. It will also give you a good experience of being grateful.
While we talk, thank not only your Creator but also the people who have been kind to you. Don’t forget to thank everyone, whether their presence is small or large. Don’t forget the kindness that someone has shown you. Don’t despise them and make it a habit to say “Thank you.
3, It will beautify your relationships with people One of the most important things in our lives is to take care of our relationships with others. As long as we are in this world, we must live and work with people and we must give great importance to our relationships with human beings.
In short, our success is determined by how we nurture our relationships with people. Part of this aspect is that you have very little chance of succeeding in any part of your life.
We must live peacefully with people. One of the ways to nurture our relationships with people is to cultivate a culture of gratitude. Thanking people for their kindness beautifies our relationship with them.
Learning to thank everyone who gives you even the slightest support, not age, gender, education or economic status, is the foundation of your success.
Gratitude also increases our relationships with our friends. it takes the friendly relationship between us and them to the next level. It will also make you have a more productive relationship so live a life of constant gratitude.
Be ware of blaming and cursing heaven, earth, and men. That’s not good for your life. without harm. 4, It makes you have a successful social life
As human beings, our lives are given to be lived socially. We have many things in common from this world. We cannot live alone.
People necessarily need us. One of the ways to have a successful social life is to live a life of gratitude. The more grateful you are, the more you will gain love and acceptance in the community around you.
It means you become someone people choose to work with. When you get close to people and show them love and respect and get from them, you will undoubtedly succeed.
Sometimes we run out of room for social life. While we are running to satisfy the endless needs of our lives, our participation in this area falls away. We go back to social media and forget about social life.
I think this is the biggest collective failure we have today. While we were together, we were apart. While we were close, we forgot each other. The disease needs to be cured immediately. one way to be saved is by living a life full of gratitude So let’s make gratitude a tradition.
5, It makes you have a straightforward attitude.
One can have two views. dark attitude (negative attitude) and bright attitude (positive attitude). People with a dark outlook are also dangerous people.
Such people have a dark outlook on things. He doesn’t see anything good for the future and get hurt in the fall. All they see is sickness and death, and the sad thing is that there are many such people in society.
When you become a grateful person. you will have a positive outlook on things. You will feel better about yourself. Your future will be bright because you will have a bright outlook.
If you have serious problems, you will have hope for the future. Even if you are in failure today, you think that tomorrow you will rise from where you are now and reach the peak of success. A person with a positive outlook will never give up on failure.
Don’t be a negative person. If you are such a person change yourself immediately and don’t always talk down Think about it whether it suits you or not.
Don’t imagine your life in the difficult situation you are in now. Believe that a great victory awaits you behind that mountain. To achieve that, keep walking forward through today’s darkness with a brighter outlook.
The light you see in tomorrow should be able to make you forget the darkness of your life today. Travel forward with a life filled with gratitude.
6, It gives you a good night’s sleep
Sleep is crucial for humans. It is known that getting a good quality sleep for a quarter of our day is very beneficial. Studies have shown that being grateful helps us sleep better.
Many people do not get enough sleep. Sleep doesn’t catch them as easily. If they sleep, they wake up for no apparent reason. Their sleep is not continuous. and that has its own disadvantages.
It is said that if such people develop the habit of gratitude, they can get out of the problem. so practice gratitude. make it a daily part of your life. Be grateful. You have so many reasons to complain and complain that you cannot even count them.
One should not be grateful for losing things to blame As we saw at the beginning of this chapter, everyone has their own problems. There is no one in this World who has no questions .no one who has fulfilled every aspect of his life.
It is not someone who is grateful for everything. Aside from all the reasons for blaming his Creator and others, he is grateful for the blessings he has received.
Instead of complaining about not having shoes, a person is happy to have two healthy feet that money cannot buy. “Why did I have no shoes?” he is grateful even though he can say.

Thank you for giving me two healthy ones!” A person who thanks his Creator is a grateful person. I urge you to start being grateful when you start reading this chapter Gratitude is the cure for many incurable diseases. Use it wisely.
Suffering Makes You Better.
One day the pencil maker said to his pencil. Before I send you into the world, there are five things you should always remember.
You should always remember these five points if you want to be an excellent pencil. Otherwise you will be a pencil in vain.” He then told him the five points the speller should always remember as follows
1, You can do great things, but you have to be willing to be held by someone. You are useless until human hands work for you again.
2, From time to time you are sharpened with a sharp object that hurts but the sharper you get the better the sharpener you become.
A, Remember that you are capable of correcting any mistakes you make.
B, The biggest burden is always what is inside you.
D, You must leave your signature wherever you are written. In any case,you should keep writing.
Let’s get back to our subject. From the example above we learn the straight points that can be our lives.
And let’s bring it to our own lives.
1.To do great work we must always be in the same hand.Whose hand? In the hands of God!
If our people don’t work, we don’t have the strength alone. we must always be sure that we are in his hands.
It means that it is our duty to have an unbroken relationship with Him. We must give Him full permission to use us according to His will.
Since He has given us the purpose of our lives, we must always ask Him to give us the strength and courage to accomplish that purpose.
We must always remember that just as a plant whose roots are uprooted from the soil cannot continue to live, man cannot continue to live in relationship with his Creator or work to fulfill the purpose of his life. If he wants to succeed in this world. We must work with God, the Father of our lives.
1, This point is my main point so it is directly related to what I want to convey in this chapter. From time to time, we are sharpened. When we are sharpened, we get sick. Sometimes I wonder, “Now am I going to miss this?” we get to the point of asking ourselves. The good news is that the more we are sharpened, the better people we become!
The trials and tribulations we face in our daily lives make us stronger Just as exercise builds and strengthens our bodies, the trials and tribulations we face build and strengthen our lives. When we are in difficult situations, this fact may not make us feel good.
What is it? That’s when we get into a big test. We think it will harm us, not benefit us. After he passes, we buy something from him and say, “Oh, yesterday it was for my good! So it is very important to understand that any trial we face makes us better people.
2, As long as we are alive, we have the opportunity to correct any mistakes we made yesterday. If we woke up peacefully this morning, we should understand and thank our Creator for giving us a great gift. It is a great reward to be given each new day.
Sometimes we think it’s easy to sleep in the evening and wake up in the morning. But it isn’t. No one can add one day to our life span. Except for our Creator! We must make the most of this great reward.
Wasting the day we have been given is the same as wasting the life we have been given. Therefore, we have an opportunity today to correct our mistakes of yesterday. Let’s work on it The story of scientist Alfred Nobel.
Who first harmed humanity by producing weapons that caused great terror in the world and later established the Nobel Prize. which I my book. Reading what I wrote on ‘I Don’t Sell My Dreams’ will help you a lot here.
3, Another point we should never forget is that the most important thing in our lives is what is inside us. The pen can write with the pen inside it, not the outside of its skin. Our lives are similar and what is inside us has great consequences.
Many people do not understand this point and live their lives at an unfair price. The minerals that can change the world while inside them.They look outside forgetting the precious things inside them. I believe that the greatest harm in life is not seeing what is inside us.
If we take the time to calm down and listen patiently to ourselves, we can see that there is great wealth inside us. Our biggest problem is that when it comes to listening to our inner selves , we don’t have the heart for it .
Because the world is shouting at us from all four directions. all our attention is outward Gathering our hearts and listening to our innermost being.
We are not in a position to think and analyze therefore. We leave the great things inside and marvel at the little things outside. But that is the truth. If you want to be the last(highest) you can be.
Focus on your inner self. Not only do you understand the great wealth within you. Decide to take it out and work with it for generations to come.
4, It is also a great righteousness of life that you should leave your mark wherever you do something. In any case, you have to keep doing your job. Remember Good or bad, the work you do today will be your story tomorrow.
Your actions today will be your story tomorrow so be careful of each of your actions. before doing anything you do.”is this likely to be part of my. story?” You have to ask yourself.
I advise you to only do what you believe is worthy of being part of your story. Under no circumstances should you stop doing your assignment.

The world is brown and yesterday is different today and tomorrow. They are not the same .All the days given to us have their own form. One day will bring us happiness.
We enjoy it with people who love us. Another day comes with heavy grief.We cry involving our loved ones. One day brings peace and another brings war. Our circumstances change every day.
An important point for you to understand:
Even if your circumstances change, your goal is constant. Know that you have no goal to change but a day to change.
Understanding this will help you not to give up on your work. Obviously. there is no permanent problem without a permanent goal!
The More You Are Tested, The Better You Are the man melts the silver. He puts an iron pot on the fire and melts it there. The fire burns with great force.
It did not last for a short time and the great fire force melted the silver for a long time. In the morning he saw him removing the silver and went away. His friend came back after a long time. The silver is still on fire.
“How long will you melt this silver ? And you have been burning it since morning till now? He asked. The silversmith’s answer was short,”Until I see the picture of my face right in it.
If it is properly removed and cleansed, when the man looks at himself in it, he will show his image clean. But if he is dirty, his image will not appear clean. You means.
This story teaches us a very important point. The fire of temptation that burns us makes us have a better identity!
Mistakes in our lives. One of the most common times we create is our fear of fire Tests of problems,illness, rejection by people and generally difficult situation