You have reason for being created on the earths
What does you want?
Why do you live?
“It’s not enough to just live.
Having one because we live.we have!
Living a meaningful life. It starts not when you are born, but when you understand the reason for your life!
The second important question you should ask yourself is “Why am I here on earth?” you need to understand the reason for your life. What do we mean by the reason for life? Purpose is your reason for living Your purpose How? When He created you, your Creator had His own reason.
He would not have created you if He had not had enough reason to create you.
Purpose is the foundation of all creation Every creation in this world has a purpose for creation nothing is created by chance that tree in front of you was created for a reason that little book that is smelling has a purpose for creation that bird flying in the air is created she has her own reasons for doing so.
The slave in rags sitting by the side of the road who lives on the street has a Purpose for which he was born. God forbid everyone works because there is a Purpose and every invention of human hands has its own reason.
There is one reason why human inheritance invented things.It is the reason why the two Wright sons invented the airplane.What is that reason?It is the need for human beings to meet across many distances from which humanity can meet.
The scientist who made the first visit had a reason. Keeping humanity from suffering from disease When Thomas A. Edison took so much time to invent the light bulb, it was not without a purpose.
I didn’t do it because I thought it would waste time if I missed it.
He had a purpose of his own And his purpose was to illuminate a world engulfed in darkness once and for all.
Today the number of people in the world is approaching 8 billion The earth .this holds more people than ever before in history No matter where they are born, what their skin color is, whether they are educated or not, whether they are rich or poor. everyone has a Purpose for which they were created.
No one is born without a Purpose.
It is your duty to live for the purpose for which you were born sans otherwise you have a duration not a life.lsa you were born to be and become someone else and live in this world for 100 years Life and duration are different Here is my question Are you living or staying in this world?
Do you have life or duration? What made me write this contain is that the purpose of this book is to make your stay come to life.
Duration Means a waste of life. Life is a precious gift not to be wasted, but to be lived.
It is your responsibility to choose between living and staying.If you want to, you will live;otherwise you will stay.
As I say again and again. There is nothing in this world as sad as a wasted life! Why?There is nothing more precious than human life.
Think about it!No animal can buy the life that the creator gave you.In fact.your life alone is beyond the financial power of the whole world As far as I can put it in my words ‘u nothing is more tragic.
My brother!My sister!You must know that your life is given to you to live.You are given a be lived. If you don’t know the reason for life, you pass on as someone else. And as long as you are someone else, you cannot be satisfied and enjoy your life. True happiness lies in being yourself.
People have nothing to do with not trying to be happy The rich do many places of entertainment to please themselves and others get into unnecessary greed to find happiness.
Human beings are naturally happiness seeking creatures When you start living for yourself, you will find true happiness from the heart. Why Understand Your Purpose?
It is a crucial question.
people have advised you before that you should understand your purpose and live for it.or I believe you have read from various books While we are talking about what is the importance?I will explain a few points as below.
1,understanding your purpose gives meaning to your life. You don’t start living a meaningful life when you are born into this world. It is when you understand why you were born.
The feeling of meaninglessness of life is tormenting many people Anyone who has not found the reason for their life. are victims of this disease and the most dangerous feeling you can feel is this feeling it is heard.
The life you live.when you lose a reason to live your insides are so depressed There is nothing more depressing than knowing that you have no real life without stay.

People make various attempts to escape this dangerous feeling Many of them hide from alcohol inside Too much alcohol Knowing that drinking is harmful to their health they drink too much just to hide in the feeling of meaninglessness of the situation and put themselves in other dangers while others deceive themselves with fake life.
They try to appear to be nothing to escape the feeling of meaninglessness they feel instead, you will benefit from the confrontational reality. A life with purpose is a life with meaning In other words.a life without purpose is meaningless.
And a life without meaning does not qualify to be called life As I explained above you is a duration This world belongs to people who understand the purpose of their life and live for that.
If you have not found your life purpose yet.sadly .this world is not as suitable for you.therefore.a meaningful life is a life.can be counted as a criteria for a life called life fill in the blanks. To have a victorious life, first understand why you were born and write down your purpose in life clearly.
2,Understanding your purpose will save you from waste. A man without purpose is like a ship without radar!” Thomas Carlyle
We have said that there is no one as precious in all creation as man.
There is no price in heaven that can buy your life Knowing the purpose of life will help you not to waste your precious life yours is a guard that keeps you from falling out of the web of life. It keeps you focused and living a meaningful life.
If you don’t have one purpose to live for, you will end your life trying to live for many purposes that shouldn’t exist. Today you try to be one person;tomorrow you exhaust yourself to be another. This is the secret of many people from our world being woeful,and a few doing great work.
I know many people who try to be so many things During the Olympics the athletes who win are awarded.they watch from their Tv tent and get encouraged. They get up in the morning and start practicing running to be like them interrupt in the.
When they hear a successful method, they are not born to be singers but their attempts fail.If they read a book they love, they dare to become writers more than anything else.They start writing books right now.They finish one chapter but write a second chapter Why?
Because they were not born to be writers.When they see a successful businessman, they dream of becoming businessmen Such a life is called a wasted life You can’t be many people. At once if you don’t know that one purpose you will think you have many purposes and jump from one.
To another and end your life.
There is nothing more tragic in life You are responsible for living or wasting your Life Life is a precious gift freely given to you by your Creator and you are the only owner of your life Your personal gift in your hands You can do whatever you want Whether you throw it away ‘e use it to care for or deny value .you can_love it or hate it The choice is yours
3, Understanding your purpose Makes you useful When you understand the reason for your life, you become a matter-of-fact person. Generations will benefit from the work you do to achieve your goals In this world you will not only be a beneficiary.
you will be a person who benefits people
Our world is full of consumers.No small number of people live only to enjoy the benefits of the world To eat, drink, dress, Get married have children to make a name, to save money.
People who live in this world only to benefit don’t bother to benefit people. If you get what you want yourself life is just that Even if you use it but if you don’t benefit people your heart will not be happy.
Under this point, my question to you is: Do you live in this world for the benefit of others? Your answer to this question is crucial. The purpose of your life is a blessing to the generation you live in. why?
The generation will benefit from the fulfillment of your purpose so Like me, the author you publish is not yours but the generation’s it stems from within you so the only person who should not buy your book and read it is you which means that the work you did to achieve your life purpose is not yours but the generation you live in.
If you sing a song the song is yours after you sing it no, it belongs to people and if you open a restaurant and start a business you are not the one who eats the food prepared in the house.You are at most one loaf of bread You eat others but people eat them See? when you start living for your purpose, it is the generation that benefits.
A man who does not find the reason for his life. cannot find happiness in himself even if he keeps doing work that the generation can benefit from
4, Understanding your purpose will make you love your life
Until you know why you were created and exist, you will have no reason to love your life because some days will come and go and you will sleep only because it is late and you will only wake up because it is morning we are, you see it as a burden forced on you.
To put it another way the day you understand the purpose of your life. It gives you meaning in your life A meaningful life.and you have no reason to hate it You start to love your life That is the foundation of success.
I hope you don’t understand me Self love doesn’t mean being selfish or greedy Self-love doesn’t mean stealing from the table of generation and satisfying your own hungry generation Self-love doesn’t mean living only for yourself and destroying other people’s lives I mean a great price giving.

Do you love your life?I know you may be left with this question and you might ask me “Does anyone hate their life?” My answer is its a big Yes! Many people don’t love their lives evidence?
The number of people who commit suicide every day is increasing dramatically from time to time Does a person who loves his life ruin his life? Does anyone who wants to live commit suicide?Surely this Earth is full of people who hate their existence They torture their lives because of their hatred for their lives.
They engage in many activities that harm their lives. A self-loved person does not get addicted to tobacco and burn his lungs A person who loves his life does not drink too much alcohol and damage his kidneys A self-loved person does not expose himself to various diseases by not exercising.
A man who values his life will not fall under the condemnation of his mind
The more you love your life, the more you value your life The more you value your life, the more you will take care of your life. The more you take care of your life, the more likely you are to accomplish your goal.
The Generation Has a Question for You
If you live for your purpose, your life is a blessing to the generation
The opposite is true if you leave your purpose and live for the wrong one, your life is a curse of birth There is no way you can be a blessing to the generation while living for the wrong purpose.
The generation has something from you! When your Creator sent you into this world, He gave you a gala for generations to come.
It is your duty to convey that message to the generation But the generation looks at your hand and says “convey to me what the Creator has sent me to you” the generation says What is the question of the generation in your hands?
What you have is not in your brother who is in peace The work you can do your younger sister cannot do your younger sister cannot do. If she could do that there would be no need for you two to be born.
The Creator does not create two people for the same work.
Your purpose in life is yours alone and no one else has it Understand! It is not passing on the message of the Creator to the next generation.What does that mean?eating trust! Anyone who does not live for his own purpose is a betrayer of trust, and betraying trust is dangerous.
In the end, if you are living for your purpose, I urge you to keep going. This world is yours. You were made to fit your success.therefore. with full courage.
Keep living for your purpose If you don’t know why you were born yet.
if you live for the wrong purpose, if you have no reason beyond dawn to get out of bed in the morning, then I want to remind you that you are one of the saddest people Get back to your purpose!I encourage you to understand why you were born and start living for that reason.
One of the questions many people ask me. “How can I find out why I was born? How can I find my purpose in life? I believe this is a very important question. But I have answered it on various occasions before and they asked me in detail here others if this is your question I invite you to read my book.
The Way of the Winners In that book I have explained the points that are crucial to help you find the Purpose of your life.
What Do You Want?
If people tell me what they want, I can advise them on how to get it. The problem is, many people don’t know what they want.
Many people don’t know what they want in their lives. If they don’t know what they want clearly, they can’t get it clearly. They fail to find it, not because they cannot find it, but because they do not know what they want.
To know what you need in your life, you need to know why it exists. Once you clearly know the purpose of your life, it means that you will identify the things you need to accomplish that purpose.
So before you can identify what you want, you need to know the purpose of your life. Knowing what you want doesn’t mean listing your wishes. A common saying in economics research is that human desire is unlimited. When he gets something, he wants more. If he gets more, he wants more of the next one.
You always think he would be happy if he added a little to what he already has. The limit is that you can have many attractions in your life. But not everything you desire is necessary.
Identifying what you need means identifying the things that will help you accomplish the purpose of life. If you have really identified the things you need, then you can work on all the power you have to get them.
You don’t scatter your energy and knowledge in different places. If your strength is divided into many parts, you will become weak. The arrows don’t catch us much when the light is scattered and we can go from 7:00 am in the summer when the sun is shining.
When we use technology to collect if arrows, we can create a huge radiant force to burn large objects. If your strength is also Having many desires and you are trying to get all of that, the strength and abilities you have will be scattered in many places.
And the more your power is scattered, the less you can influence. That will make you not have a countable life and you will become a creative person. I am writing this book to you because I want you to come out of such people and join the ranks of successful people.
What does he really want?
When you seek something with all your heart, this atmosphere works with you to find it. Think of something you may have never thought of before. Suppose you have seen your creator face to face, and today He tells you that He wants to give you what you want and ask Me what you want.
What would you answer him? If he asked you to tell him the five biggest things you want and promised to give them to you, what would you tell him? Or do you think I’ll discuss it and tell you back? Identifying what you want in your life has great benefits for you. Let’s look at a few of them as below.
1, Knowing what you need teaches you what you don’t need.
If you know exactly what you want, you will learn things you don’t need. So, you won’t spend your life running around getting the things in your life that aren’t important. On the other hand, speaking focuses only on the things you really need and you will succeed in achieving your goals.
Not all the things you desire can be yours. There is no one in this world who can fulfill all his desires. What you should want to get should be not all the things you desire but only the things you know you need.
It is dangerous if you do not know what he wants. If you don’t identify the things that teach you in advance, if you don’t write them down in your notes in a clear way, if you don’t limit your desires, everything will be wrong for you.
You get up with everyone who writes to you. That will waste your time and energy. Wasting your time and energy is wasting your precious life. We have said that a wasted life is a stay rather than a life.
Thus, while you are running with everything that is written to you, you will end up living a life without understanding anything and going to the inevitable death, not life but only a stay.
The time you have is short. She will just get you to accomplish your goals. She won’t allow you anything else. So let this issue be one of the things you pay the most attention to in your life.
2, Knowing what you need allows you to take control of your life.
To have a successful life, you must first take control of your life. And only you can do that. One of the greatest opportunities you have in this world is to be able to control your life.
Although controlling or not controlling is your choice, you have every opportunity to control your life. Do you know what your problem is? If you are not in control of your life, there are many things that will control your life.
If you don’t control your life, people will control it for you. You live not as you intend for yourself, but as people want you to live. If you don’t control your life, various addictions will control you. It controls alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana for you.
It means you become a slave to a force. If you learn to identify the things that are most important to your life, you will never become a slave to other things because you will focus only on getting them.
Your thoughts are entirely about what you need and you never think about practicing things that hurt your life. The more you know about your needs, the more energy and time you will give them. The more energy and time you give them, the more you will save your life from being wasted.
And the more you save your life from being wasted, the more successful you will be. One of the most important skills you need to develop while you are alive is to take control of your life. Why is it?
Many people with great natural abilities and gifts have fallen because they cannot control their lives.
Because they did not control their lives, they were left in the wrong place. There are many aspects to taking control of one’s life. One of them is controlling your emotions. There are many people who lose their lives because of their inability to control their emotions.
Countless people have decided to commit serious crimes because they cannot control their anger and have put their own lives in grave danger. No matter how much you have the ability to count on the natural gift of property education, if you cannot control your life, you are in grave danger.
So, then? You need to practice how to control your life in your daily life. Self-control is one of the most important things you need to succeed because you cannot succeed with an uncontrolled life.
3, Knowing what you need will make you ask the right questions.
You need to ask the right questions to get the support you need from people in your social life. If you have a stomach ache, you don’t go to the hospital and ask for medicine.
Nothing will take unless he asks. You cannot ask the right questions unless you know what you are looking for. He asks the wrong question and gets the wrong answer. The wrong answer leads to the wrong life. And the wrong life will lead you to failure.
4, Knowing what you need will shorten your path to getting it.
Knowing your needs clearly gives you the opportunity to work on how to get them. Because you have limited your desires and you are working to get a few things.
When you bring together your strength and knowledge, you ask people you need to ask, you take the necessary advice and you work hard to get what you want. What about after that? The world will not work with you to give you what you want with all your heart.
One of the characteristics of a lion that surprises me is its focus. When he goes out for hunter, he keeps his eyes on only one of the many animals. If he sees 20 donkeys in the distance, he decides to catch only one of them.
He runs with his eyes off her until he catches her. If he reaches the other parents first, he won’t turn to them. He just wants to keep his decision to find her.
When you limit your desires, it will be easier for you to find the things you want because you need fewer things instead of running with many things.
It is better to decide to catch a few things and find them than to chase a hundred things and not be able to catch any. So figure out what you are spreading in your life. Understand them very well. Learn how you can get it. Demonstrate what he has learned in action.
Let me get you back to my first question. What do you want for your life? What are the things you want to hold? Why do I want these things I want to hold? Are you sure that each of them will help you fulfill your life’s purpose?
You don’t need anything that doesn’t help you realize your dreams.
The main criterion for identifying your needs is this question. Will this thing help me make my dreams come true? If he is sure that he will help you, you will need that. Find it and make it your own.
If it doesn’t help you for that purpose, you don’t need it. Don’t run after him.
As I told you above, your age does not lead you to run after things you do not need. There is no time given to you to waste but to work on it.
To save your life from being wasted, the most important step is to identify your needs and learn how to obtain them. The first secret to getting what you want is knowing what it takes.