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You have responsible give value to your body life.



One day as usual a family was having coffee. They were a rural family. They have a meeting from our district administration office today ,”Good idea. Let him take you. Have something to buy for me right away,” she said.

After drinking coffee, they took each other and started walking to the city. After driving 25 kilometers, they entered the city.
“I’ll run our car by 10:00 and buy your mother whatever she wants.

Come and pick me up at 10:30!”he ordered.The servant agreed and left went to a place of entertainment Smoking alcohol there were many things.
While he was there, the hour of his appointment with his father passed.

His father waited tiredly and went to the garage.When he got there the car was made and stopped rumbling.But his son was not there Father had nothing to do and went back to the district administration office

At 11:30 the boy remembered his father’s appointment and ran to the garage.He took his car and went to his father’s place and it was 12:00.His father was sitting very sad with his head down. Like he saw his son,”My son, why are you doing this? Why are you waiting for me until 12:00.? What time was our appointment? Is what you did right?”

The boy was shocked to see his father’s face darkened by sadness and he could not answer his father’s questions.
Finally he decided to lie”Dad”he said,”I was delayed by the garage family .They couldn’t finish the car soon and I was waiting for them till now.they didn’t do it”he replied.He didn’t know that his father went to the garage and lost him there

His father was even more sorry for his son’s lie The boy’s lie made him even more sorry for the boy’s lie than before he destroyed it and then his action teaches us a great lesson”If my son,I went to the garage shortly after our appointment time. the car was done and parked.

But you’re not there I’m tired of waiting for you and I’m back here See?You added a second mistake.First.you couldn’t be on time for the appointment.Secondly here you lied to me.
I didn’t raise you like this. I tried to raise you as real as I could.

Sadly, you .didn’t succeed in that.You became a lying son under me!And it’s not you who are to blame for being like this;it’s me. I raised a liar’s son. Since it’s my fault, I have to be punished. You drive behind me. I’ll walk ahead of you. walk. This is my punishment.” began.

His son was so sad and shocked that he fell at his father’s feet to change his mind. But he did not succeed.
No matter how much he begged him, his father could not change his mind. He continued walking.

They walked 25 kilometers in the heavy snow and reached home. The boy cried all night lied and made a promise to himself.A true and faithful man.The above story teaches us a great lesson about taking responsibility.This story is the story of a father and son.Of them the son runs away from responsibile.The father took responsibility for the fault.of his son

Responsibility is a Sign of Human Maturity”I did it!”It takes maturity to take responsibility for your own mistakes.One of the greatest measures of human maturity is responsibility.We have seen this fact in the true story above.He did not want to take responsibility for all the wrongs he committed.

He also appoints for surviving the world of unnecessary greed and for spending time with his father. He pointed the finger of responsibility at others for spending time with his father. “It wasn’t me! He refused to finish the garage for me on time!”

This is the greatest danger of our generation today. We have many criminals; but he was not lucky enough to find people who would take responsibility for their crimes.

The game “It’s not me!” This has exposed us to great harm. That is why the major crimes have gone unnoticed and it is dangerous to hear so many horrific crimes and the lack of responsibility.

Where there is no responsibility, there is no justice Every plant grows on a plant because its roots have water and necessary minerals from the soil.

Justice and responsibility are likewise responsibility that grows from the soil of the plant of justice which means that where there is no responsibility there is no justice.

Any body working to ensure justice should focus on serving responsibility.Sometimes we run away from responsibility and preach justice especially this is widely seen in the media of this country Small and big preaching about justice.

I don’t want the issue of responsibility to be raised but this doesn’t go together at all As individuals and as a nation we have to take responsibility for any of our actions.

Having a mind ready to take responsibility helps us to avoid committing crimes in advance”Not me We need to move from saying “I did it wrong! So I am responsible!” I believe now is the right time for this important transition.

Acts done without a sense of responsibility are harmful to the generation and the country and the greatest disasters in human history were caused by such feelings. as human beings, let us be determined to take responsibility for our actions, whether they are small or large

Forgiveness Is Not The Enemy Of Responsibility
It should be clear that it is necessary to forgive wrongs committed at the individual and national levels.This is not a matter for discussion. Forgiveness does not mean abstention from responsibility.

Forgiveness is not an arrow to stab and kill responsibility Or a cover to cover and hide responsibility.Nelsen Mandela was released after 27 years in prison and was appointed president of South Africa after a certain period of time.

After coming to power, his decision to pardon all those who had tortured and tortured black citizens as enemies was a surprise to the whole world.

“Should the people who advocated and led the apartheid regime who committed indescribable atrocities against black citizens escape responsibility under the guise of”amnesty” or should they be held accountable for their horrific acts against humanity?

If no one takes responsibility, then the amnesty has.” been used for the wrong purpose.I believe that justice should have been respected and served it is the whites who have achieved the greatest economic supremacy slavery.

Let’s get back to our subject.Dear reader you too must be able to take responsibility for your life .You must get out of the game,Not me and prepare yourself to take responsibility for some of the decisions and actions you have made in your life it is called.

You Are Responsible

I got to where I left home to get to and parked my car.
Before he could get inside he heard some noise through the window and looked in. It was a young man.He was dressed in dirty clothes and his eyes were blackened with hemp.He had some documents in his hands.

“My brother!’ He said to me,Please help me I have lost some money for transportation,I am going to apply for a job” But I don’t think I am going to apply for a job “What job is he applying for? with a good score!”he held out his document to me I picked it up and looked at it and realized what he was saying was true But I got a wave.

“Why are you like this when you are educated? I mean, why are you in this situation? Do you look like an addict?” I asked. “Her mother’s eyes! Life made me like this.I looked for a job and lost it.

Here I am in my second year looking for a job.I got greedy because of the anger of unemployment!”he told me And he left me even more, “It’s one thing to lose your job. It’s another thing to ruin your life with unnecessary greed, it’s life that made me like this!’ I didn’t get what you said,”I replied,The answer didn’t get me”Have you ever lost a job?”he asked us.

He didn’t answer, so I got out of the car, locked it, and drove him to a nearby hot drink, where we chatted in detail.
The young man’s life made me sad.Finally I told him”It is not your unemployment_that is responsible for ruining your life, it is you yourself!

That the attempt to change yourself starts from this point and that responsibility for your own life starts from this point I told him that if he didn’t take responsibility for his own life he would live like this for the rest of his life ,I helped him as much as I could and we separated.

Immature people have many factors that make them responsible for where they are now ,the life they are living now ,the failures they have hosted,their current level of life in general and the reasons cannot be listed. It is amazing to see and hear so many people saying, “I didn’t make me what I am today!”

The truth is that we ourselves have played all the roles in making us what we are today. We must know that our lives today are the result of the choices we made yesterday and the decisions we made. This is a harsh reality that we have no choice but to accept.

Of course, there are things in your life that you cannot change as long as you live on earth. For example,you cannot change where you were born,father and mother,siblings,community.

These are duties given to you by your Creator, not things you have chosen for yourself. As it is, things you shouldn’t change in life You can change yourself in any situation you are born into. Let us count as examples people who were born in difficult places and circumstances and achieved remarkable success by transforming themselves. lay we can’t finish it.

Value Your Reasons

“Ninety-nine percent of failures are caused by people who have the tendency to create reasons!”George Washington.Carver Some people are known for creating reasons who is responsible for what happened.”

People create reasons for all the events in their lives. And those who point fingers at third parties for responsibility are failures.
“There is no need for a reason for failure!”as I wrote in my post years ago, and today my position is the same If we fall the important thing. Is not to pick up reasons for that failure, but to take responsibility and pay the price.

Who made it what we are today? Who is responsible for the failure you are in today? Who and what prevented you from reaching your goal? Who and what prevented you from climbing to the peak of success?

Who and what limited your growth? You can list many reasons for these questions. Your family, your friends, your teachers, where you were born, your family is economically disadvantaged, the society you grew up in, the climate you grew up in…you can pick up many reasons.

The truth is that you cannot change yourself until you stop picking up reasons for your personal life and take full responsibility. So you have two big and crucial choices before you either take full responsibility for your failure and change your life or list reasons for the rest of your life.

That’s the good thing but you have the full right to choose which of the two you want. Swallow this bitter truth and then say ,”what can I do next? Think about it and take action. it is taking action to change you.

Human nature is afraid of taking responsibility. As a result, one of the most important truths that many people are afraid to accept is this:
I am the only one responsible for your life! It starts when you accept this truth and then I have enough of your attempts to change your life!

When you take full responsibility for your life, you will say, “I have enough!” You mean that just as you took responsibility for your past life, you will take responsibility for your future life is responsible for my failures and successes.”

Do you want to change yourself and get out of your current situation?
So instead of doing something that you don’t deserve to live the way you are living now, make things happen, Change your Actions of yesterday If you are living the same life yesterday and yesterday, you are doing the same Actions.

Know that if you don’t distort the results you are getting now in your life, you can get new results by changing your daily actions so start taking new steps that can bring you new results and don’t be afraid of that.

You Have To Do Something!
His name is Walter His childhood dream was to become an airline pilot, He tried his best to make that dream come true Even though he did everything they tried but he didn’t succeed.

He applied to the local airlines but they didn’t accept him Because his job is short so,he didn’t meet the requirements But he didn’t give up. One day he filled large boxes with air and tied them together.

He tied a seat to it and arranged a seat,Then heaven. He let himself fly in,The cockroaches started flying as far up in the sky as he thought ,but sadly he hadn’t devised a strategy to land,

After hours in the air, the air force helped him down with a jet .He was also fined for entering an unauthorized airport. As soon as he landed, a journalist asked him, “Mr. Walter,why did you do this?” “If you have a dream, you don’t have to sit quietly to make that dream come true.

You have to do something about it!’
Yes, you have to do something to make your dreams come true. You have to take the action you are expected to take with a sense of responsibility.

A successful life requires maturity and the greatest sign of maturity is responsibility. If you take full responsibility for your life,and relate some of your actions to your life purpose, success is yours.

Take care of your body
If there is a problem, the oxygen mask will fall from top to bottom of your head. The mask is larger than the lips and mouth. If you are traveling with a child, first wear your own mask and then mount your child.” People who have traveled by plane are not new to the above warning.

When passengers board the plane and take their seats, one of the flight attendants stands in front of the passengers and tells them one by one the things they need to know.

Explain how long the journey will take, when they should wear their handles, when to turn off and use their electronic devices, and what to do in the event of an accident. The above is one of the words she says.
Arm yourself first.

One of the most important and crucial principles of life is to arm yourself first. Imagine a mother flying with a little baby who has been raped. Suppose the flight is scheduled late and the plane crashes.

As a result of the accident, passengers lose enough air and start to suffocate. That needs an immediate solution. Why if oxygen flow to the head is interrupted it causes a difficult condition called Hypoxia.

It means a lack of oxygen going to the head. If that happens, it takes only three minutes for the person to lose consciousness. The oxygen cover falls from the top of their heads down.

The mother may first tie the mask to her baby’s mouth and lips and then try to tie it to herself. But that is very dangerous. Because she can confuse herself until she ties the baby up for her.

If this is the case, she cannot help herself or her child. It means both are hurt together. What should she do? As fast as she can, she should first tie the mask to herself and then to her child.

Do you now understand how important it is to put righteousness first? Putting yourself first does not mean selfishness or generosity. That’s how many of us understand it. That, however, is a misunderstanding.

You can only be for anyone if you are alive in the beginning.
If you forget yourself to be for people, you will be exposed to harm. If you die because of your lack of self-care, you cannot help anyone except your age.

Your survival comes first. When you die, your life journey stops. From that moment on, you will be remembered as history. You cannot physically move and do any work. So, you need to take care of your body before you think about any baby.
Your body comes first.

The results of your body from the hair of your head to the beard of your feet are a free gift from your Creator. It is the reward you received from your Creator and came into this world with. Each with their own purpose.they are all worth it.

To put it another way, each of the results of your body are the tools you use to accomplish your life purpose. They are valuable tools that are skillfully designed to suit your purpose.

Their value cannot be estimated in money. Yes, how much does an eye cost? How much does a person buy one liver? A person’s ear cannot be estimated for any amount of money.

Yes, how much does an eye cost? How much does a person buy a liver? How bad is a person’s ear? Guess what? Each of them is more than money can buy. So it is your responsibility to take care of these precious products of your precious body.

If you give them things that hurt them and hurt them unnecessarily, you will shorten your life. You expose yourself to illness and other problems.
If you take good care of them, the results will eventually be yours.

The most important truth to understand is that you are solely responsible for each and every outcome of your body. No one is more responsible for your body than you are. Many people have time to do their day jobs. It’s going to be hard for him.

But they don’t remember to take care of their bodies, and they don’t care. This is a mistake for many people. Taking self-care for granted costs us dearly. So we need to pay more attention to our body care.

How do you take care of your body?
This topic covers many issues, so how can we take care of our bodies? What should we do about it? And what should we expect from it?

1, Exercise
This is a point that many people know and agree on. We know that continuous physical activity is very important for our body. What about our problem? It is the inability to apply what we know. One of the plans many of us make at the beginning of the year is to start doing physical activity in the new year.

Sadly, this plan remains on paper at the written level for many of us. We forget this very important step while we are making appointments for today and tomorrow. Even though many of us didn’t pay attention to it, the human body created movement.

Many experts agree that the social problem of the 21st century is the lack of physical activity.
Studies also show that at least 1.9 million people die each year from lack of physical activity alone.

Data from the aerobic center longitudinal study(2009) suggests that the main reasons are as follows. 16 percent with less cardiorespiratory exercise.
2-3 percent overweight or overweight.
8-10 percent of smoking and other substances.
Cholesterol is usually 2-4 percent.
Diabetes mellitus 2-4 percent.
Blood pressure is 8-16 percent.

As can be seen from the above information, one of the main causes of human death is lack of physical activity.
Sometimes things we take for granted cost us dearly. The main reason people don’t do physical activity is laziness.

Many people choose death over planned resurrection. If you are one of these people, you need to stop and look at yourself. You should understand the cost of choosing sleep and not exercising tomorrow. Regardless of your age, physical activity is a must.

So stop making excuses. What is important here is not to list a hundred reasons why you are not doing strength training but to decide where you are to start. Yes, the most important thing at this point is decision.

What kind of decision? Plan tomorrow morning and get up and exercise. I encourage you to go to the gym and work if it is convenient in your area.
There are sports bars for people in the city that run for a moderate fee.

They also coach various sports. So if you have such an opportunity, I remind you to take advantage of it. If you live where there is no such opportunity, you can get up early in the morning and start running and doing various activities on your own. Convince yourself that you must move anywhere.

2, Be careful what you eat
Humanity needs to live to eat.
This is a natural duty. And our Indians have lived to eat so far. However, we need to take necessary precautions regarding our daily diet. The food we eat should contain as many essential nutrients as possible. We call these a balanced diet.

If we use this, we will have enough energy to live our lives. When this issue is discussed, many people ask the question, Where do we get it? The price will be expensive. Our country is one of the most expensive countries in the world.

Compared to Western countries, the price of food in our country is above the power of many millions. However, this does not mean that we have to eat expensive foods to get the nutrients we need for our health.

We can benefit from eating the same things that are readily available around us.
It is very important to identify and avoid those that can harm us in your daily diet.

We must beware of sugar, salt, and fat, known as the three white enemies of mankind. It is important to reduce these in our daily diet. Poor nutrition puts our body at risk in the process.

Doing that is like giving our car fuel. We may not see all that much damage yet. But as time goes on, our bodies suffer. Another very important point is that we need to know when you are eating. Experts say it is important to eat a good breakfast in the morning. In the evening, it is preferable to eat only light meals if possible.

We have often made it a habit to eat at 2pm and go to bed. That means giving the digestive system a heavy workload all night. It hurts us in the process. Therefore, we should avoid eating heavy food at night.

We all know how important it is to drink enough water. Experts recommend that a person drink 2-4 liters of water per day. But we often don’t care.
Many people drink water only when they feel thirsty. If they are not thirsty, they will not drink.

The truth is that when we feel thirsty, our body fluids are very low. We need to drink enough water before we reach that stage. Water is the basis of life for human beings. Our body is more than 70 percent water and needs a lot of water.

Other factory-produced alcoholic beverages should also be reduced. Other experts advise that drinks containing various chemicals are not so important for our health. So let water be your first choice.

This may be difficult to explain in detail because various beverage factories are not viewed favorably by other products. What I can boldly say, however, is that water is more important to our bodies than any other drink.

3, Keep your body clean
It is hard to tell someone who is going through a lesson to keep yourself clean. However, it must be mentioned in the content of this lesson. One of the ways to take care of your body is to keep it clean. If physical hygiene is not maintained, the human body is exposed to various dangers.

For example, data from the CDC suggest that washing your hands with soap and water can prevent 50 percent of deaths from diarrhea. Studies show that if many people wash their hands with soap and water, one million deaths can be reduced annually.

We are in contact with an average of 840,000 germs every thirty minutes. Therefore, we should wash our hands thoroughly 6 to 10 times a day to reduce the problems caused by these germs. The body should be cleaned daily.

It is important to wash our whole body from time to time. We should also take good care of our hair and shorten it when necessary.
It is recommended to brush our teeth at least twice a day.

We all know that it is important to wash our hands with soap before and after meals as well as after using the toilet. Sometimes, however, we fail to implement it due to laziness despite knowing its importance. We don’t have to worry about our lives.

Cooks should pay close attention to hand hygiene. Studies have shown that 70 percent of food borne illnesses occur during food processing. Therefore, the hands and utensils of the cooks should be clean before starting to cook.

Otherwise, it may be dangerous. Finally, the other point I think I should make is about our clothes. Our daily clothes need attention because they are removed from our bodies. It must be kept clean.

The same is true of the shoes we wear. Regularly cleaning our clothes and shoes helps us to gain self-confidence, not just our physical health. In summary, it is the responsibility of all of us to take care of our bodies which are the most important gifts given to us by nature. We can live longer by taking proper care of our body. That is my message. Let us do all we can to take care of our bodies.


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