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Your responsibility in church is keeps unity of the people

It is your job to maintain the unity of the church.
Because unity is so important in the church, the New Testament focuses on it rather than the kingdom of God and the underworld.

He strives to keep the unity of the Holy Spirit in the bond of peace. And above all these things have the love of God perfected in all things.

God deeply wants us to be in unity and in harmony with one another. Unity is the soul of relationships.

If you destroy it, you are destroying something great in the church, which is the body of Christ. The unity of the church is vital to God’s plan for us to live together.

It is the Trinity of God that concerns us most for unity. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are in perfect unity.

God Himself is our supreme example of sacrificial love, unselfish compassion, and perfect unity.

Like all families, our heavenly Father rejoices to see his children together. Shortly before His arrest, Jesus prayed for our unity.

Our unity was the focus of his attention during the great tribulation. That shows us how important this issue is.

There is nothing more precious to God in this world than His church. He paid a high price for it, so He wants His church to be protected, especially from the difficult harm that comes from division, conflict, and disunity.

If you are a member of God’s family, you have a responsibility to maintain the unity of the church.

You have received a mission from Jesus Christ to maintain unity and strengthen fellowship among your church family and all believers.
The bible says this.

Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. How can we accomplish this? The Bible gives us the following advice.

Paul tells us, therefore, let us not pursue the things which make for peace, but the things which make for peace.

As believers we share one Lord, one body, one purpose, one Father, one Spirit, one hope, one faith, one baptism and one love.

We share the same life salvation and future, and these differences far outweigh any of the things we call ourselves.

We should focus on these issues, not on personal differences.

We must remember that God gave us different backgrounds, races and desires, so we should be happy with our differences.

God wants unity, not similarity. But we must not let our differences separate us for the sake of unity.

We need to focus on what we need most, which is to love one another as Christ loved us and to fulfill the five purposes God has given to each of us and to the Christian church.

Conflict always shows that we are focusing on the little things that the Bible gives little importance to.

When we focus on identity, choices, meanings, styles of work, or strategies, differences arise.

But if we focus on loving each other and accomplishing God’s purpose, we will be united.

Paul said, Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you;

If he understands what true unity is about seeking God, you may easily become discouraged when you see the distance between what is in your church and what is seeking God.

Even if it is bitter, we should love the church. Thinking about what should have happened and blaming what is happening now is a sign of lack of maturity.

On the other hand, it is also wrong to take the deficiency as it is and not think about bringing about what should be.
Maturity is living between what is and what should be.

Other believers may upset and humiliate you, but that should not make you have the unity you have with them.

They are your family and you cannot live without them even when they refuse to be like family to you.

In this passage God tells us to live together with all humility and kindness, with patience and love.

People have a buying attitude towards the Christian church for some practical reasons.

The list of reasons could be long. wa loss, injury, law enforcement, and other sins.

Instead of being disturbed and surprised by them, we should remember that the Christian church is made up of a group of sinners, including us.

Because we are sinners, we hurt each other, knowingly or unknowingly. But it is better to stay and find a solution than to run away from the church.

It is not an escape, but a reconciliation that leads to stronger character and deeper unity. Leaving your church the first time you feel sad or waved away shows that you are not mature.

God must want to teach you and others. Furthermore, there is no imperfect church from which you can escape.

All churches have their own weaknesses and problems. Again, you will be hurt immediately. Girucho Marx is known for repeatedly saying that he should not be called a group.

If the church must be perfect without appointment to please you, this requirement of perfection will exclude you from membership because you are not perfect either.

The German shepherd who was martyred for his resistance to the Nazis, Detrichbonhofer, wrote a very good book on unity called Coexistence.

In this book he explains that it is good to have things left in our church, because it makes us not expect the church to be whole.

We must stop thinking that we must be perfect to love our church, and stop imitating it, and believe that we all have flaws and need God’s grace.

This is the foundation of true unity.
Every church should have a sign that says people without disabilities do not need full membership.

This is a place for people who want to grow because they are sinners and need grace.

Bonhofer said that the dream of unity rather than Christian unity is itself secondly the fault of Christian unity if we do not thank it daily when there is no great experience, no riches but many weaknesses, little faith and difficult things, on the other hand, if we are always complaining that everything doesn’t matter, then we are limiting it from promoting our unity.

Instead of getting involved and helping them, it is easier to stand away from everyone who serves and throw arrows at them.

God has repeatedly warned us not to be harsh, discriminatory, and judgmental.

Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant, who art a judge of another, who hast believed in him from the heart?

He stands or falls to his Lord, however, he will stand because his Lord can make him stand When Paul tells us not to judge each other or despise believers whose views are different from ours, but why dost thou judge thy brother?

We are all going to stand before the judgment seat of God. When I judge another believer I immediately lose the fourfold nature of my union with God, I expose my pride and fear, I present myself to God to judge me, and I damage the unity of the church.

The Bible calls Satan the accuser of brothers. It is the work of Satan to accuse, blame, and harm members of God’s family.

Whenever we do this, we are working for Satan by getting involved in his work. Remember, other Christians are not your enemies, no matter how much you fight with them.

The Bible says, therefore, let us not pursue the things which make for peace, but the things which make for peace.

The amount of information is passed on to someone who is not part of the problem or the solution to the problem.

Not only do you know that spreading hatred is wrong, but you must not listen to him if he wants to protect your church.

Listening to evil is like taking stolen property, it makes you feel guilty.

When someone starts accusing you, be brave and say, please stop. I don’t want to talk about this tomorrow. Did you tell the man in advance?

People who accuse you elsewhere are not trusted. If he listens to Hami, God will call you a troublemaker.

He that doeth evil hearkeneth unto the wicked: and he that speaketh lies receiveth the words of the wicked. These coming will cause divisions, and they do not subject themselves to the mind of the flesh, they do not have the Spirit in them.

It is said that the greatest wound in the flock of God is caused by sheep, not wolves.

Paul warned about Christians who live according to the mind of the flesh who are divided and who destroy unity.

The Bible says that these people who cause such problems should be eliminated.

Anyone who labels here and there is a bad person who doesn’t reveal secrets, stay away from a talkative person.

The quickest way to resolve a conflict within the church or between a small group is to approach the people who resolve the mountain, the people who are discouraging the mountain and strongly warn them to stop this work.

Solomon explains it this way, if there is no thorn, the fire will go out, and if there is no courage, there will be no criticism.

Jesus gave the church a simple three-step strategy, if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault privately, and if he hears you, you have restored your brother.

But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church.

In a conflict, you may be tempted to tell a third party about the problem instead of going directly to the offender and telling him the truth in love.

This makes the situation even worse. You should go directly to the client for this part.

Talking to him personally should always be the first step. You should do that as soon as possible.

If you can’t finish the case between the two, taking two witnesses to see the problem and build the unity is the second step.

What if the man continues to suffer? Jesus says that you should take it as a church.

If he still refuses to listen to the church, let him be treated as an unbeliever. There are no perfect leaders, but God has given leaders the responsibility and authority to strengthen the unity of the church.

Conflict between people is a thankless task. Shepherds always spend an unpleasant time making people quarrel, hurt, and immature.

And they try to do impossible things to please everyone, which even Jesus could not do.

The Bible is clear about how we should approach those who serve us.

For they watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with grief.

But if they work sadly, it is not good for you.The shepherds will one day stand before God and answer how they thirsted for you.

Your leaders are conscious of your souls as parents who are going to tell you what they are doing, so obey them and give them a way.

Let them do this with joy and not with sorrow. But if they work in sorrow, it is not good for you.

But you are also responsible for how well you have been following your leaders and you are going to answer to God.

The Bible gives pastors certain commands about how they should treat those who cause divisions in the unity of the church.

Not arguing with unnecessary prayer is teaching the opposition group to change them, warning people who argue unnecessarily, praying for unity and harmony, rebuking those who despise leadership and rebuking those who cause divisions from the church if they do not turn away from them twice.

If we honor those who lead us, we will maintain our unity. Our pastors and leaders seek our prayers, encouragement, admiration and love.

Now we exhort you, brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;

Because of their work, I hold them very high in love.
And be at peace among yourselves.

I encourage you to take on the responsibility given to you to maintain and promote the unity of your church. Put all your energy into it and God will be pleased with this.

Isn’t this always easy. Sometimes it works for the good of the body of Christ by putting the other person’s interests ahead of your own.

That is one of the reasons God placed us in the church family. Learning to distance yourself from being selfish.

In unity we learn to share me means us and share mine means ours. Let man seek the pleasure of others, not his own.

God blesses the churches that are united. At Saddleback Church, all members sign an agreement that includes maintaining the unity of our church.

As a result, there was no division of the church. Because of the love and unity, many people want to become members of the church. In the past seven years, the church has baptized 9,100 new believers.

If God wants to raise children believers, He wants the church to take good care of them.

What are you personally doing to make your church family more warm and loving?

There are many people in your unity who need love and a place to be.

The truth is, everyone wants to be loved. Therefore, if people find a church whose members love and care for each other, it will lead to a falling door that cannot serve because of their numbers.

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